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黔北下寒武统黑色岩系古地温及其指示意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用显微光度计测定黔北下寒武统牛蹄塘组黑色岩系固体沥青反射率平均为5.89%,按相关经验公式折算出来的镜质体反射率平均为4.123%,在迈维尔图解、Karwell图解、Hood图解上投点,结合干酪根和孢粉颜色指数法,推断黑色岩系的古地温为60~250℃。结合黄铁矿热电系数法和包裹体均一法测温值,认为黑色岩系属中、低温沉积成岩成矿作用,以低温沉积成岩成矿作用为主。"热"的来源为海底火山喷溢,含矿热卤水提供了丰富的有用元素。黑色岩系有机碳含量高,属好烃源岩,有机质成熟度高,热演化程度高,属过成熟。黑色岩系古地温的研究,对阐明黑色岩系的沉积、成岩和成矿条件具有重要意义。  相似文献   
北天山晚古生代蛇绿岩带的巴音沟蛇绿岩是该带的重要组成部分和典型代表。传统意义的巴音沟蛇绿岩带在区内分南北两支,南支为贝勒克蛇绿岩带,北支为巴音沟蛇绿岩带,分别代表早泥盆世末和早石炭世末的两条不同古洋壳残片。  相似文献   
北秦岭榴辉岩Sm-Nd同位素年龄   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
采自陕豫交界秦岭群中的榴辉岩主要由石榴子石和绿辉石组成,同时还含有少量的角闪石和金红石。本工作由四个单矿物和全岩五个样,测得Sm-Nd等时年龄为400±16Ma,(r=0.997575),εNd=十3.6,说明在加里东期北秦岭造山带发生过高压变质事件。  相似文献   
在中亚造山带东段华北地台北缘,识别出一套原认为是燕山期的晚古生代哈达庙石英闪长岩,其LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为272.9±2.4Ma(MSWD=2.0)。哈达庙石英闪长岩及其相伴出露的哈达庙含金花岗斑岩,都具有高钾钙碱性I型花岗岩的性质,∑REE较低,LREE富集明显,具有中等到弱的铕负异常,与原始地幔相比,都具有大离子亲石元素(LILE)K、Rb、Th、Zr、Hf,轻稀土元素(LREE)La、Ce,相对高场强元素(HFSE)Nb、Ta、Ti、P富集的消减带组分(SZC)特性,并且具有陆缘弧火山岩的特征。从石英闪长岩到含Au花岗斑岩,具有板块碰撞前到同碰撞的岩石特征;通过Sr、Nd、Pb同位素分析,认为哈达庙金矿杂岩主要来源于壳、幔混源,具有新生下地壳(古岛弧带)的特征;石英闪长岩的先期熔出为贫硫化物斑岩型金矿成矿元素在花岗斑岩体内的富集创造了条件;哈达庙含金花岗斑岩异常富集易熔流体相元素(Rb、Ba、Th、U、K)可能是成矿岩体与非成矿岩体的鉴别标志。本文为在中亚造山带东段华北地台北缘寻找与古亚洲洋俯冲增生碰撞有关金矿提供了线索。  相似文献   
The Tianshan Carboniferous post-collisional rift volcanic rocks occur in northwestern China as a large igneous province. Based on petrogeochemical data, the Tianshan Carboniferous post-collisional rift basic lavas can be classified into two major magma types: (1) the low-Ti/Y type situated in the eastern-central Tianshan area, which exhibits low Ti/Y (<500), Ce/Yb (<15) and SiO2 (43-55%), and relatively high Fe2O3T (6.4-11.5%); (2) the high-Ti/Y type situated in the western Tianshan area, which has high Ti/Y (>500), Ce/Yb (>11) and SiO2 (49-55%), and relatively low Fe2O3T (5.8-7.8%). Elemental data suggest that chemical variations of the low-Ti/Y and high-Ti/Y lavas cannot be explained by fractional crystallization from a common parental magma. The Tianshan Carboniferous basic lavas originated most likely from an OIB-like asthenospheric mantle source (87Sr/86Sr(t) ≈ 0.703-0.705, εNd(t) ≈ +4 to +7). The crustal contamination and continental lithospheric mantle have also contributed significantly to the formation of the basic lavas of the Tianshan Carboniferous post-collisional rift. The silicic lavas were probably generated by partial melting of the crust. The data of this study show that spatial petrogeochemical variations exist in the Carboniferous post-collisional rift volcanics province in the Tianshan region. Occurrence of the thickest volcanics dominated by tholeiitic lavas may imply that the center of the mantle-melting anomaly (mantle plume) was in the eastern Tianshan area at that time. The basic volcanic magmas in the eastern Tianshan area were generated by a relatively high degree of partial melting of the mantle source around the spinel-garnet transition zone, whereas the alkaline basaltic lavas are of the dominant magma type in the western Tianshan area, which were generated by a low degree of partial melting of the mantle source within the stable garnet region, thus the basic lavas of the western Tianshan area might have resulted from relatively thick lithosphere and low geothermal gradient.  相似文献   
秦岭以南地区降水量变化及其灾害效应研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
近年来气候变化诱发的灾害效应损失严重。利用秦岭以南地区1951-2001年28个站逐月降水资料,计算了降水量的线性趋势值及降水距平变化,分析了降水量的时间和空间演变特征。受地形影响,秦岭南北与东西降水量变化差异较大,西部大于东部,南坡多于北坡,季节性降水过程差异也很明显;年平均最大降水量为1 254.6 mm,出现在镇巴,最少降水量为690.7 mm,出现在丹凤;50年来降水量变化呈减少趋势,平均递减率为56.5 mm/10 a。分析表明,降水突变是触发其它灾害的主要因素。由强降水及连阴雨诱发的干旱、洪涝及地质灾害效应损失严重,在降雨强度达200 mm/d以上的区域成为泥石流、滑坡灾害,水土流失的多发区,主要分布在秦岭以南多暴雨中心的米仓山、大巴山、佛坪、商南及洛南一带。降水诱发的灾害效应与人类活动也密切相关,这些研究为未来防灾减灾和环境治理提供了依据。  相似文献   
新疆北部幔源岩浆矿床的类型、时空分布及成矿谱系   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
新疆北部与幔源岩浆有关的矿床种类齐全,成矿环境复杂,时代和类型繁多,在中国乃至世界颇具特色。主要矿床类型包括铬铁矿矿床、钒钛磁铁矿矿床、铜镍硫化物矿床、铂族元素(PGE)矿床、铜镍-钒钛铁复合型矿床、含钴磁铁矿矿床、玄武岩自然铜矿床、热液型钴-多金属矿床,以及非金属矿床等。按照含矿地质体的类型,可分为6种类型:蛇绿岩型、层状杂岩型、小侵入体型、阿拉斯加型、浅成岩型和喷出岩型。这些幔源岩浆矿床可划分为3个成岩成矿系列:铜镍系列、钛铁系列和铬铁系列。钛铁系列以碱性层状岩体型钒钛磁铁矿、铁磷矿为代表,岩石具有明显的富Fe特征,属于碱性富铁质的高钛玄武岩系列;铜镍系列以小侵入体型铜镍矿、阿拉斯加型铜镍-PGE矿为代表,岩石属于铁质的拉斑玄武岩-钙碱性系列;铬铁系列主要为蛇绿岩型铬铁矿,岩石具富Mg贫Fe特征,属于镁质系列。3个系列的岩浆都具有亏损地幔源特征,可能都与地幔柱活动有关;岩浆源区富含相应的成矿元素,是形成3个系列矿床相应成矿地质体的主要条件。3个系列矿床的成矿机制可分为深部熔离/岩浆分异、就地分凝、矿浆贯入、岩浆热液等过程。根据各系列矿床之间存在的紧密联系,建立了与幔源岩浆作用有关的3个系列矿床综合模式: 亏损地幔部分熔融产生的幔源岩浆在上升过程中发生熔离/分异,分离为3个系列,由于外部物质加入在地壳深部发生分异和熔离,在不同深度富集形成铬铁矿、钒钛磁铁矿和铜镍硫化物矿床,临近地表时流体富集和分离成含矿流体,分别形成浅成岩型磁铁矿和喷出岩型自然铜矿。新疆北部各类幔源岩浆矿床从早到晚主要产于3期构造阶段/构造类型: 大陆裂解期、板块俯冲期、碰撞/后碰撞造山期(又分3个阶段: 碰撞后伸展阶段、幔柱叠加造山阶段、后碰撞结束阶段)。  相似文献   
The Beizhan large iron deposit located in the east part of the Awulale metallogenic belt in the western Tianshan Mountains is hosted in the Unit 2 of the Dahalajunshan Formation as lens, veinlets and stratoid, and both of the hanging wall and footwall are quartz-monzonite; the dip is to the north with thick and high-grade ore bodies downwards. Ore minerals are mainly magnetite with minor sulfides, such as pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite. Skarnization is widespread around the ore bodies, and garnet, diopside, wollastonite, actinolite, epidote, uralite, tourmaline sericite and calcite are ubiquitous as gangues. Radiating outwards from the center of the ore body the deposit can be classified into skarn, calcite, serpentinite and marble zones. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating of the rhyolite and dacite from the Dahalajunshan Formation indicates that they were formed at 301.3±0.8 Ma and 303.7±0.9 Ma, respectively, which might have been related to the continental arc magmatism during the late stage of subduction in the western Tianshan Mountains. Iron formation is genetically related with volcanic eruption during this interval. The Dahalajunshan Formation and the quartz-monzonite intrusion jointly control the distribution of ore bodies. Both ore textures and wall rock alteration indicate that the Beizhan iron deposit is probably skarn type.  相似文献   
米仓山基底铁矿有4种类型,但以高温热液~接触交代(矽卡岩)型铁矿为主,并以其优良的选冶性能著称。该类型按控矿型式,产出特征,蚀变情况可大致分上、中、下三带,从而进行深部预测。  相似文献   
新疆克拉麦里造山带下石炭统地层系统及其沉积构造背景   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
新疆克拉麦里造山带位于准噶尔与西伯利亚板块之间.下石炭统是该造山带的重要组成部分,前人将其作为一个地层层序,自下而上划分为黑山头组、姜巴斯套组和那林卡拉组.运用造山带地层学研究其下石炭统地层系统,识别出西伯利亚板块南缘岛弧盆地层序(黑山头组)、弧前大陆边缘盆地层序(卡姆斯特组)、洋盆层序(放射虫硅质岩和蛇绿混杂岩),以及准噶尔板块北缘岛弧盆地层序(塔木岗组和松喀尔苏组)和弧前大陆边缘盆地层序(东古鲁巴斯套组和姜巴斯套组).根据克拉麦里造山带两侧均存在岛弧盆地层序,推论克拉麦里洋盆曾在早石炭世向两侧发生俯冲.  相似文献   
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