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在吐哈盆地巴喀气田八道湾组砂岩储层特征及控制因素分析的基础上,以地史时间和埋藏深度为变量,以现今孔隙度为约束条件,紧密结合埋藏阶段分析和关键成岩阶段窗口分析,分阶段建立了巴喀气田八道湾组储层从埋藏初始直至现今的孔隙度演化定量模型,动态体现了整个孔隙度演化过程。定量模拟结果表明:研究区储层总孔隙度演化是一个七段式分段函数,各个阶段孔隙度演化或遵循减小模型或遵循减小与增大的叠加模型;机械压实阶段的孔隙度减小模型是以埋深为自变量的函数,压实和胶结综合作用阶段则是以埋深和埋藏时间为变量的函数;孔隙增大模型适用于Ro值范围为0.6~1.0的溶蚀作用窗口内;早期的纯机械压实作用使八道湾组储层已接近致密,溶蚀作用之前的压实和胶结综合作用导致储层致密化,而后期溶蚀作用仅在一定程度上提高了孔隙空间。  相似文献   
A study of the circulation in the northern South China Sea (SCS) is carried out with the aid of a three-dimensional, high-resolution regional ocean model. One control and two sensitivity experiments are performed to qualitatively investigate the effects of surface wind forcing, Kuroshio intrusion, and bottom topographic influence on the circulation in the northern SCS. The model results show that a branch of the Kuroshio in the upper layer can intrude into the SCS and have direct influence on the circulation over the continental shelf break in the northern SCS. There are strong southward pressure gradients along a zonal belt largely seaward of the continental slope. The pressure gradients are opposite in the southern and northern parts of the Luzon Strait, indicating inflow and outflow through the strait, respectively. The sensitivity experiments suggest that the Kuroshio intrusion is responsible for generating the imposed pressure head along the shelf break and has no obvious seasonal variations. The lateral forcing through the Luzon Strait and Taiwan Strait can induce the southwestward slope current and the northeastward SCS Warm Current in the northern SCS. Without the lateral forcing, there is the continental slope. The wind forcing mainly causes the The wind-induced water pile-up results in the southward no high-pressure-gradient zonal belt seaward of seasonal variation of the circulation in the SCS. high pressure gradient along the northwestern boundary of the basin. Without the blocking of the plateau around Dongsha Islands, the intruded Kuroshio tends to extend northwest and the SCS branch of the Kuroshio becomes wider and stronger. The analyses presented here are qualitative in nature but should lead to a better understanding of the oceanic responses in the northern SCS to these external influence factors.  相似文献   
柴达木盆地北缘鱼卡地区中侏罗统石门沟组含煤段中发育有油页岩、煤、碳质泥岩和泥岩等富有机质细粒沉积.为了研究其沉积有机相的类型及煤和油页岩形成的控制因素,本文通过岩心观察、工业分析结合有机地球化学测试分析等方法将含煤段细粒沉积物划分为了类型A(三角洲平原沉积环境)、B(三角洲前缘-浅湖沉积环境)、C1(湖沼非油页岩亚相)及C2(湖沼油页岩亚相)四种类型,其中类型C1沉积物中发育煤,类型C2中发育油页岩,且煤较油页岩具有更高的含油率、水分、挥发分以及发热量值.有机质类型特征方面,沉积有机相类型A、B及C1沉积物有机质类型均为Ⅱ2-Ⅲ型、有机质来源均以陆源和混合来源两种有机质来源为主,而类型C2中主要为Ⅱ2型,以混合有机质来源为主;类型A及C2其沉积物有机质均处于未成熟阶段,而类型B和C1中有机质均处于未成熟-低成熟阶段;有机质保存条件方面,类型A沉积物主要形成于缺氧的淡水环境,类型B主要形成于贫氧-缺氧的淡水-半咸水环境,类型C1形成于贫氧-缺氧的淡水-半咸水环境,而类型C2则主要形成于缺氧的淡水-半咸水环境.其中类型B较类型A,类型C2较类型C1,其沉积物均形成于更为还原且盐度更高的水体环境中.石门沟组含煤段是煤和油页岩的形成层位,稳定的沉积环境、丰富的湖泊有机质来源、良好的保存条件及较少的陆源碎屑的稀释共同促进了类型C2中油页岩的形成,而丰富的陆源植物供给及良好的保存条件则促进了类型C1中煤层的形成.  相似文献   
新生代印度板块与欧亚板块的持续碰撞挤压,造成南羌塘地块向南逆冲于拉萨地块之上,并在南羌塘地块内部形成了一系列的由北往南的逆冲推覆构造。然而,到目前为止,我们对这些逆冲推覆构造及夹持其间的褶皱变形的结构组成、构造样式、形成时代以及缩短量分布等问题仍存在很大的争议。本文在详细的野外调查基础上,对赛布错-扎加藏布断裂(SZT),多玛-其香错断裂(DQT),隆鄂尼褶断带(LF)及南羌塘与中央隆起带分界的肖查卡-双湖断裂(XST)进行了几何学、运动学分析,建立了精细的构造框架。我们认为这些断裂为始新世以来形成的同时期的叠瓦状逆冲推覆;并通过野外褶皱形态,结合层面、节理面、断层面滑动矢量的分析,识别出南羌塘盆地4期构造应力场:1) 代表中特提斯俯冲碰撞阶段的近S-N 向的挤压;2) 中特提斯碰撞后,随着班公湖-怒江缝合带的形成,南羌塘地区构造应力场转为S-N 向的伸展;3) 新生代印度板块向欧亚板块俯冲碰撞,青藏高原进入陆内变形阶段,南羌塘盆地内表现为NE-SW 向的挤压,形成本文提及的一系列逆冲推覆构造;4) 随着高原的持续隆升,约14 Ma南北向裂谷开始活动,应力场转为NWW-SEE 向伸展,形成双湖裂谷系。  相似文献   
根据2006~2007年南海北部海区4季的调查资料,分析该海区软骨鱼类的种类组成和资源密度的分布.结果表明,软骨鱼类有32种,分隶于9目17科,优势种为斑鳐、曾氏兔银鲛、褐黄扁缸、橙黄鲨;渔获率D断面最高(10.19kg/h),B断面最低(4.52kg/h);渔获率有明显的季节变动,夏季最高(12.16kg/h),秋季最低(3.71kg/h),平均渔获率为7.05kg/h;密集分布于180m和140m水深处;其年均资源密度为94.00kg/km^2.文中并讨论合理利用和保护该类群的措施.  相似文献   
内蒙古扎鲁特地区鲁D2井林西组烃源岩 有机地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
烃源岩生烃潜力的定量评价是研究盆地油气勘探潜力的重要手段.采用有机质丰度、类型、成熟度和沉积环境指标定量或定性评价了鲁D2井暗色泥岩的生烃潜力.有机碳定量评价表明,林西组泥岩为中等有机质丰度烃源岩.依据Pr/nC17、Ph/nC18散点图揭示林西组有机质类型以Ⅱ1型为主;伽玛蜡烷指数指示有机质形成于半咸水、还原环境,有利于有机质的保存.伊利石结晶度分析表明,烃源岩演化进入过成熟阶段.结果表明,扎鲁特盆地林西组泥岩为中等丰度、Ⅱ型干酪根、过成熟烃源岩,具有良好的页岩气勘探前景.  相似文献   
Pollen tetrads and monads of spiny pollen grains with close affinities to palms have been found in several localities from the Lower Cretaceous (Barremian-Albian) of the Austral Basin (Magallanes), Patagonia (Argentina). When found dispersed, spiny and zonasulcate pollen grains, are commonly referred to the fossil genus Spinizonocolpites Muller, with close affinities to the extant palm Nypa. The Patagonian specimens were compared with fossil and extant members of the Arecaceae, showing close similarities in shape and sculpture with the primitive members of the subfamily Calamoideae. Nypa produces tetragonal tetrads different from the tetrahedral tetrads of the Spinizonocolpites-type recovered from Patagonia. The specimens were studied with LM and SEM. The polarity, aperture orientation and tetrad type allow segregating the Patagonian grains from the Nypoideae and relating it to the Calamoideae subfamily. These records suggest an antique origin of monocots and a probably initial diversification of calamoid palms during the Early Cretaceous in high latitudes of Gondwana. The presence of palmae during the Early Cretaceous in southern South America suggests a warm and humid climate, similar to that found in present days at tropics.  相似文献   
刘杰  武震 《地震工程学报》2020,42(6):1723-1734
本研究以围绕着白龙江流域的甘肃省南部的宕昌县、舟曲县和武都区部分地区为研究区,根据全国滑坡编目中得到的272个历史滑坡数据以及选取的高程、坡度、坡向、平面曲率、剖面曲率、归一化植被指数(NDVI)、降雨、岩性、距道路距离和距河流距离10种影响因子,利用三种具有代表性的定量方法:信息量模型、以及基于频率比模型的逻辑回归模型和人工神经网络模型对研究区内滑坡灾害危险性进行评价。三种评价结果均显示研究区内滑坡灾害的极高和高危险区主要沿白龙江河谷地区呈带状分布。从危险性分区图可看出,人工神经网络模型得到的分区图较为合理,既表现出沿河谷地区集中分布的趋势,也呈现出对滑坡历史数据较为独立的特征,这一研究结果与前人研究结果一致。根据受试者工作特征曲线(ROC曲线)对三种模型的精度进行检验,检验得到的AUC值分别为0.818、0.829和0.837,说明三种评价结果均具有较高的可靠性,基于频率比模型的人工神经网络模型相比其他两个模型具有更好的评价精度,能更好地进行滑坡危险性的预测和评价,其中高程、降雨、岩性以及距道路距离对评价结果影响更大,这四种影响因子重要性值占比为52.1%。为该地区的城市扩建与灾害预防预测提供了参考。  相似文献   
An integrated geological-petrophysical analysis of the rudist-bearing sequence of the Cretaceous Sarvak Formation is given one giant oilfield, and provides an improved understanding of this main reservoir in the Abadan Plain, in the Zagros Basin, SW Iran. The main objective of this study is to evaluate reservoir potential of the Sarvak Formation, and then to utilize the calibrated well log signature to correlate reservoir potential in un-cored wells. Eight main facies are recognized and categori...  相似文献   
为了探讨车莫古隆起对内物源沉积体系及油气成藏的控制作用,从车莫古隆起形成与演化入手,利用岩心、地震、测井等资料,多种方法结合恢复其剥蚀量、古地貌,提出车莫古隆起从中侏罗世到早白垩世发育,侏罗世末是其鼎盛时期,并提供内物源,控制围绕车莫古隆起周缘沉积体系和砂体展布,从岩心、地震特征、重矿物稳定系数、古水流指向、砂岩厚度等方面给出存在依据,合理解释了古隆起控制范围内已发现油藏的砂体成因。车莫古隆起发育和潜伏埋藏期控制古油气藏的形成与分布,掀斜后内物源砂体展布、断裂体系和现今构造共同控制着油气调整、运移及次生油气藏的分布,围绕车莫古隆起发育的内物源砂体尖灭方向与现今构造高部位指向垂直和斜交区域是岩性地层油气藏有利区。围绕内物源勘探刚开始,在此认识指导下部署的沙门1、莫17、夏盐11、夏盐12等井已获得突破,腹部岩性地层油气藏勘探将进入一个油气发现新阶段。  相似文献   
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