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郭召杰 《地质通报》2012,31(7):1054-1060
地质图是区域地质和大地构造研究的重要基础资料,认真研读地质图是大地构造学研究的重要途径。以新疆北部几个重要构造带为例,展示了地质图的分析、研读在大地构造研究中的重要意义。基于地质图分析并结合最新的研究资料,认为东准噶尔卡拉麦里造山带的碰撞时限不晚于早石炭世(370~340Ma);西准噶尔达拉布特构造带形成于石炭纪晚期,该带不具有板块边界或者俯冲-缝合带的属性;以巴音沟蛇绿岩带为代表的北天山洋盆的缝合时限在晚石炭世(325~316Ma)。由此推断,新疆北部地区洋盆俯冲和地体拼贴碰撞造山过程应该在晚石炭世之前完成。  相似文献   
冀北地区金矿床He、Ar、Pb同位素组成及其成矿物质来源   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
成矿物质来源一直是成矿理论研究和找矿实践的焦点问题。选择了冀北地区3个幔枝构造金矿集中区11个金矿床黄铁矿及部分围岩进行了He、Ar同位素测定。研究表明,冀北地区主要金矿的3He/4He的值域为(0.93~7.30)×10-6,平均3.55×10-6;R/Ra=0.66~4.93,平均2.53;40Ar/36Ar=426~2073,40Ar平均为8.20×10-7cm3/g,4He/40Ar平均为2.17。矿区外围片麻岩和花岗岩的3He/4He值仅为(0.001~0.55)×10-6,反映来源上有明显差别。3He和4He在He同位素浓度图上落于地幔区附近。64个Pb同位素数据表现为矿质以幔源为主,确有部分壳源物质加入。研究认为,本区成矿物质应源于地球深部,随地幔柱多级演化,深部成矿流体由地球深部迁移到浅部,期间不可避免地存在壳幔流体的混合作用,故其值域往往界于地幔和地壳之间。  相似文献   
On the basis of apatite fission track (AFT) analyses,this article aims to provide a quantitative overview of Cenozoic morphotectonic evolution and sediment supply to the northern margin of the South China Sea (SCS).Seventeen granite samples were collected from the coast to the inland of the South China block.Plots of AFT age against sample location with respect to the coastline show a general trend of youngling age away from the coast,which implies more prolonged erosion and sediment contribution at the inland of the South China Sea during post break-up evolution.Two-stage fast erosion process,Early Tertiary and Middle Miocene,is deduced from simulated cooling histories.The first fast cooling and denudation during Early Tertiary are recorded by the samples along the coast (between 70 and 60 Ma) and the inland (between 50 and 30 Mu),respectively.This suggests initial local erosion and deposition in the northern margin of the SCS during Early Tertiary.Fast erosion along the coast ceased since ca.50 Ma,while it had lasted until ca.30 Ma inland,indicating that the erosion was transferred from the local coastal zone initially toward the continental interior with unified subsidence of the northern margin,which resulted in the formation of a south-dipping topography of the continental margin.The thermal stosis in the South China block since ca.30 Mu must det'me the time at which the northern margin became dynamically disconnected from the active rifting and stretching that was taking place to the south.The lower erosion rate is inconsistent with higher sedimentary rate in the Pearl River Mouth basin during Late Oligocene (ca.25 Ma).This indicates that the increased sedimentation in the basin is not due to the erosion of the granite belt of the South China block,but perhaps points to the westward propagation of the paleo-Pearl River drainage related to the uplift of the eastern margin of Tibet plateau and southward jumping of spreading axis of the South China Sea.The socond erosion acceleration rate of the Middle Miocene (ca.14 Ma) cooling could have been linked to the long-distance effect of uplift of the Tibet plateau or due to the enhanced East Asian monsoon.  相似文献   
The northern South China Sea margin has experienced a rifting stage and a post-rifting stage during the Cenozoic.In the rifting stage,the margin received lacustrine and shallow marine facies sediments.In the post-rifting thermal subsidence,the margin accumulated shallow marine facies and hemipelagic deposits,and the decpwater basins formed.Petroleum systems of deepwater setting have been imaged from seismic data and drill wells.Two kinds of source rocks including Paleogene lacustrine black shale and Oligocene-Early Miocene mudstone were developed in the deepwater basin of the South China Sea.The deepwater reservoirs are characterized by the deep sea channel fill,mass flow complexes and drowned reef carbonate platform.Profitable capping rocks on the top are mudstoues with huge thickness in the post-rifting stage.Meanwhile,the faults developed during the rifting stage provide a migration path favournble for the formation of reservoirs.The analysis of seismic and drilling data suggests that the joint structural and stratigraphic traps could form giant hydrocarbon fields and hydrocarbon reservoirs including syn-rifting graben subaqueous delta,decpwater submarine fan sandstone and reef carbonate reservoirs.  相似文献   
Southward thrusting occurred in Late Oligocene-Early Miocene in southern East Kunlun (昆仑) Mountains formed the South Kunlun thrust (SKT). Permian strata and Triassic rocks were thrusted over the Paleocene-Eocene red-beds of Fenghuoshan (风火山) Group and Oligocene brownish red conglomerate and sandstone of Yaxicuo (雅西错) Group along SKT faults, formed tectonic slices, low-angle thrust faults, multi-scaled outliers, and nappe structures in south of Middle Kunlun fault (MKF). In addition, SKT displacement or shortening is estimated to be ~(30-35) km across Dongdatan (东大滩) valley and East Wenquan (温泉) basin. 39Ar-40Ar dating of chlorite of ductile shear zone along front thrust fault indicates that SKT thrusting occurred at 26.5±2.7 Ma, and fission track dating of apatite from mylonitic granite in SKT gives the age 26±2 Ma, corresponding to initial time of rapid uplift of East Kunlun Mountains. Thrust faults and folds of SKT were covered unconformably by Late Miocene lacustrine strata, and major thrusting of SKT ended before 13.5-14.5 Ma according to regional chronological data in northern Tibetan plateau.  相似文献   
陕北煤炭资源可持续发展之开发思路   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:25  
论述了陕北煤炭资源主要特点及开发引起的环境问题,从生态环境保护角度探讨了矿区开发的可持续发展问题,认为应该坚持统一规划、合理布局、适度规模、分散开发、就近转化、保水采煤的开采总方针,坚决杜绝小煤窑的滥采乱挖,组建大型集团公司统一开发,作好煤炭液化、气化、水与煤关系的研究工作,确保矿区经济发展与生态环境相协调。  相似文献   
河北寿王坟铜矿碳-氧同位素地球化学特征及其意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
系统研究寿王坟矿区矽卡岩型矿石和斑岩型矿石中热液成因碳酸盐矿物的碳免同位素组成,结合矿区蚀变白云质围岩地层碳免同位素组成特征,提出:1)尽管矽卡岩矿床产在碳酸盐地层与中酸性侵入体的接触带上,是碳酸盐地层受热液交代作用的产物,但矽卡岩矿石中热液碳酸盐矿物的碳同位素组成却主要反映了深部岩浆(甚或地馒)来源碳的特征,基本可以排除沉积碳酸盐的碳大规模加入的可能性。2)寿王坟矿田对应着一个与高侵位岩浆岩有关的热液成矿系列,其浅部的下渗大气降水加热环流体系和深部上升的岩浆热液体系,均能在不同部位通过系统的碳免同位素地球化学研究加以揭示。作为矿山开采主体的矽卡岩型矿体和部分斑岩型矿体都是上升岩浆热液(甚或更深的馒源流体)的产物。  相似文献   
香毛山一带早-中寒武世基性火岩以碱性玄武岩系列为主,具富钠,低钾、镁特点;稀土总量较低,属轻稀土富集型,分布模式为右倾平滑曲线,略具正铕异常;微量元素含量接近洋中脊过渡性玄武岩与板内拉斑玄武岩的丰度,岩浆来自富集的地幔源区;该火山岩系形成于强烈拉张产生的有限微洋盆构造环境,当时洋盆的扩张速率为1~2cm/a,属初始发育阶段.  相似文献   
新疆北部石炭纪地层、岩相古地理与烃源岩   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
依据近几年新疆区域地质调查结果,结合新疆油田与吐哈油田最新勘探成果,通过区域构造背景和沉积充填演化特征推断石炭系沉积建造样式,理顺了新疆北疆地区石炭纪地层层序,目的是推断石炭纪烃源岩发育层段与主力生烃区范围。下石炭统有效烃源岩分布较广,主要发育于北疆西准噶尔达尔布特山前、博格达山前、准噶尔东部陆东—五彩湾地区早石炭世被动陆缘海相和海陆过渡相沉积盆地;上石炭统有效烃源岩分布相对局限,主要发育于东准噶尔克拉美丽山前石钱滩区、布尔津—吉木乃区及库普—三塘湖区海陆过渡相沉积盆地内。石炭系油气成藏严格遵循"源控论",有效生烃区决定其有效成藏范围,所伴随发育的火山岩体决定其富集程度。优选西准噶尔、东准噶尔、库普—三塘湖区、博格达山前区、布尔津—吉木乃区石炭系烃源岩发育区及其相邻构造带,作为今后石炭系油气勘探战略选区的重要领域和区带。  相似文献   
利用电子探针和激光探针剥蚀系统(LA-ICP-MS),对北羌塘新第三纪粗面玄武岩中的橄榄石主元素和微量、稀土元素进行了系统分析。结果表明,本区橄榄石Fo平均为88,属贵橄榄石种属。相对富集Ni、Co和重稀土,而强烈亏损轻稀土及Rb、Sr、Ba、Zr等大离子亲石元素。其稀土元素配分型配分型式与粗面玄武岩全岩稀土配分型式呈互补状态。  相似文献   
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