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桩承式路堤土拱效应发挥过程研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
费康  陈毅  王军军 《岩土力学》2013,34(5):1367-1374
通过三维模型试验对桩承式路堤中土拱效应发挥过程进行了研究,重点分析了不同桩顶盖板尺寸、不同加筋方式下应力折减系数与差异沉降之间的关系。结果表明,土拱效应随变形的增加而发挥;加筋材料的设置减小了差异沉降,削弱了填土中的土拱效应,荷载向桩顶的传递是土拱效应和拉膜效应共同作用的结果。采用有限元法对桩间距、填土高度等未能在模型试验中考虑的关键因素进行了参数敏感性分析,总结了土拱效应发挥过程的相关规律。根据有限元计算结果、试验数据和文献中收集到的实测资料,提出用土拱效应发挥系数和归一化位移来描述土拱效应的发挥过程,建议二者之间采用双曲线方程模拟,从而在设计中体现土拱效应随位移的发展,并满足路堤填土、加筋材料和地基之间的变形协调要求。  相似文献   
带构造柱和圈梁的约束砌体结构在四川灾区乡镇房屋重建中被广泛采用,其抗震性能是人们所关心的.基于绵竹市土门镇当地重建房屋常用建筑材料的实验数据以及通用有限元软件ANSYS中Solid 65单元的性质和特点,用有限元模型模拟了粘土砖砌体在不同压应力状态(σ-/fm)下沿通缝截面抗剪强度试验,给出了相关单元在模拟砖砌体开裂中闭合及开口剪力传递系数的建议值;利用这些结果,分别建立了带约束(构造柱、圈梁等)和不带约束砌体墙的有限元模型,进而分析了他们在单调荷载以及低周往复荷载作用下的抗震性能.结果表明,与不带约束的墙体相比,带约束墙体在单调水平荷载作用下的初裂性能、极值荷载和延性都有很大的提高,在低周往复荷载作用下其耗能能力得到了改善.所得结果可供相应结构抗震设计的参考.  相似文献   
张坤勇  殷宗泽 《岩土力学》2007,28(Z1):149-154
由于加荷方式不同,土体在复杂应力状态下在各主应力方向上应力-应变关系表现出显著应力各向异性,在常规三轴试验基础上,采用经典弹塑性理论各向同性土体模型对此不能合理描述。通过真三轴试验,总结应力各向异性柔度矩阵规律,结合试验规律进行相应理论研究,用非线性各向异性弹性矩阵代替弹塑性模型的弹性矩阵,用具有各向异性屈服准则的弹塑性模型描述塑性部分,建立非线性各向异性弹性-塑性模型,可以改善柔度矩阵矩阵形态,反映复杂应力状态下土体应力各向异性特征。  相似文献   
刘毓氚  陈志福 《岩土力学》2014,35(6):1585-1592
以高液限土为填料的加筋挡墙广泛在南方地区应用,加筋挡墙土体吸力经常随气候变化而发生变化,直接影响筋土界面强度特性,考虑吸力变化的非饱和高液限黏土-土工织物界面强度特性亟待深入研究。利用ZFY-1A型非饱和土应变控制式直剪仪对非饱和高液限黏土-土工织物界面进行控制吸力的剪切试验,探讨吸力循环变化(干湿循环)对筋-土界面剪切特性的影响。研究表明,高液限黏土-土工织物界面的抗剪强度随着净法向应力的增加而增大;随着循环次数的增加,界面强度呈现先升高而后衰减的变化规律。经历3次干湿循环的界面强度低于未经历干湿循环的强度。随着循环次数的增加,界面强度总体上呈降低趋势。吸力增加的速率 随吸力循环次数的增加先增大后减小,有效界面摩擦角 、界面有效黏聚力 、界面综合摩擦系数 、综合摩擦系数比K与此类似。 含水率变化量的最大值随着净法向应力、循环次数的增加而增大。最大剪胀量 随循环次数的增加先增大后减小,随净法向应力的增大而减小。最后通过对数拟合,得出经历若干次基质吸力循环后的界面强度计算公式。  相似文献   
在有限元分析中,由于求解区域或边界的不规则,有限单元的划分会产生畸变单元。本文通过数值试验分析了有限单元畸变对动力有限元计算精度的影响,结果表明:长宽比畸变对动力有限元计算精度没有影响;当斜交角不小于30°时,斜交角对动力有限元计算精度的影响可忽略;锥度对动力有限元计算精度有影响,锥度越大,锥度对动力有限元计算精度的影响越大。  相似文献   
常德张家界高速公路某大桥桥基砂土液化评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合常德张家界高速公路某大桥桥基工程,在DSD160型电磁式振动三轴试验仪上,通过往返加荷三轴试验,对饱和砂土进行了液化试验研究,探讨了基于动三轴液化试验结果判断饱和砂土液化的方法。并尝试了这种室内研究反应分析的液化可能性估计方法与地震剪应力时程相结合的综合判断方法。在该高速公路大桥桥基的饱和砂土液化评价中,采用这种综合判断方法,对大桥桥基砂土液化进行了判断。在判断场地是否液化后,对其液化危害程度进行了等级划分,给出了该工程场地在未来遭受到不同超越概率下的地震作用时发生液化的危害程度,得到了一些有工程实用意义的结果。  相似文献   
一种用于中国年最高(低)气温区划的新的聚类方法   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
采用聚类分析和旋转主分量分析相结合的方案,对我国年最高(低)气温的年际变化型态进行地理区划。这种两者相结合的分区方案可以互相补充,使区划更具客观性。结果表明,中国年最高气温和最低气温年际变化分别可划为12和11个不同类型的区域。对前者(高温)来说,各区域的年际差异比较大,气温变化的阶段性特征有所不同;对后者(低温)来说,各区域具有较强的增温一致性,但增温的特点和幅度存在明显区域差异。最高(低)气温和平均温度的关系在各区域是不同的。总体来说,年代际变化的一致性要好于年际变化的一致性。  相似文献   
This paper comprehensively analyzes the characteristics and cause of the inshore intensification of super typhoon "Hato", the 13 th super typhoon in 2017. The aspects of typhoon structure, evolution of large-scale circulation and physical quantity field are analyzed using observation data from the Guangdong Automatic Station, Shenzhen Doppler Radar data, NCEP 1°×1° reanalysis data, NCEP 0.25°×0.25° sea surface temperature(SST) data, etc.Additionally, in order to investigate the influence of SST change on the intensity of "Hato", the WRF model and ECMWF 0.125°×0.125° reanalysis data are combined to conduct 3 sensitivity tests on"Hato". The results show that the favorable conditions for inshore intensification of "Hato"included the strengthening and westward extension of the subtropical high, continuous increase of low level moisture transport, an anomalous warm SST area north of 20°N in the South China Sea, an extreme divergence value in the northern South China Sea exceeding 6 ×10-5 s-1, and vertical environmental wind shear between 1.1 m/s-4.8 m/s. The intensity of"Hato"was very sensitive to changes in SST. When the SST rose or dropped by 2℃, the minimum central pressure of the typhoon changed by about 13 hPa or 11 hPa,respectively. SST indirectly influenced the intensity of the typhoon through affecting latent heat transport and sensible heat transport.  相似文献   
High energy dynamic compaction (HEDC) is adopted in a coastal reclamation area because the grain size of backfilled soil mostly ranges between 20 cm and 100 cm. The in situ tests for evaluating the effectiveness of HEDC were performed on the backfilled soil ground. The crater depth per drop and the whole test zone elevations before and after HEDC were measured and analyzed. Dynamic penetration tests and spectral analysis of surface wave (SASW) tests were used for investigating the improvement depth. Furthermore, the allowable bearing capacity of HEDC treated ground was determined based on the results of plate-load tests. It was found that HEDC did not cause the ground surface heave during construction, and was more effective than low energy dynamic compaction (LEDC) in terms of applied energy utilization. Based on the test results, the improvement depth of HEDC at this site was not less than 14 m, and there was no obvious weak layer within the range of improvement depth. The allowable bearing capacities were larger than 160 kPa. The investigation results indicate that the HEDC technique is an effective way for improving backfilled coarse-grained soil in coastal reclamation areas. This technique helps to achieve both greater improvement depths and higher ground bearing capacities as compared with LEDC.  相似文献   

The construction of a 100-km road network is planned on a land reclamation area in the Oujiang Estuary in China. The embankment had a height of 4 m and a base width of 60 m. The reclamation area is newly filled by a 3-m dredger fill on a 48-m thick layer of marine clay. Estimation of the settlement of the future road network is difficult. To guide the construction of the road network, a 1/100-scale centrifuge model test was performed with a marine clay sample from the construction site to simulate the layered settlements and evaluate the drainage effect of prefabricated vertical drains in the dredger fill in the following 10 years. The results of the centrifuge modeling test are verified by 10-month in situ monitoring, which shows agreement between the centrifuge modeling test results and the in situ results. The test results indicate that additional time is needed to reinforce the newly added dredger fill by the surcharge preloading method to uplift the elevation of the reclamation area with dredger fill.  相似文献   
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