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研究了不同摄食水平(从饥饿至饱食)和温度(21℃、27℃和33℃)对军曹鱼幼鱼(平均初始体重约10g)生长和氮收支的影响,并建立了生长-摄食/温度关系和不同摄食水平和温度条件下的氮收支方程。结果表明,在实验的温度范围内,军曹鱼幼鱼特定生长率均随摄食水平的增加呈显著增长趋势,生长-摄食关系在33℃时表现为线性相关,在27℃和21℃时表现为减速增长趋势,采用对数函数定量描述;在实验的摄食范围内(饥饿组除外),军曹鱼特定生长率随温度增加呈增长或先升后降的变化趋势,两者间的关系均采用二次函数定量描述。在实验的温度范围内,随摄食水平增加,军曹鱼幼鱼食物转化效率在水温33℃和21℃时呈增长趋势,在水温27℃时呈先升后降的变化趋势;在实验的摄食范围内(饥饿组除外),军曹鱼幼鱼食物转化效率随温度增加呈增长或先升后降的变化趋势,饱食时虽然食物转化效率最大值出现在33℃时,但方差分析显示33℃和27℃之间无显著性差异,其他摄食水平组在27℃时有最大值。在实验的摄食水平和温度范围内,军曹鱼幼鱼的排泄氮随摄食水平和温度的增加均呈显著增长趋势。  相似文献   
Excess nitrogen inputs to estuaries have been linked to deteriorating water quality and habitat conditions which in turn have direct and indirect impacts on aquatic organisms. This paper describes the application of a previously verified watershed loading model to estimate total nitrogen loading rates and relative source contributions to 74 small-medium sized embayment-type estuaries in southern New England. The study estuaries exhibited a gradient in nitrogen inputs of a factor of over 7000. On an areal basis, the range represented a gradient of approximately a factor of 140. Therefore, all other factors being equal, the study design is sufficient to evaluate ecological effects conceptually tied to excess nitrogen along a nitrogen gradient. In addition to providing total loading inputs rates to the study estuaries, the model provides an estimate of the relative contribution of the nitrogen sources from each watershed to each associated estuary. Cumulative results of this analysis reveal the following source ranking (means): direct atmospheric deposition (37%), ≈wastewater (36%), >indirect atmospheric deposition (16%) > fertilizer (12%). However, for any particular estuary the relative magnitudes of these source types vary dramatically. Together with scientific evidence on symptoms of eutrophication, the results of this paper can be used to develop empirical pressure-state models to determine critical nitrogen loading limits for the protection of estuarine water quality.  相似文献   
蓝藻的暴发通常是藻类之间竞争的结果,了解环境中蓝藻与其它藻类的竞争特点和生存策略对揭示藻华暴发的机制及治理具有重要意义。本文以营养竞争为例,以铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)和小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)为受试对象,通过测定细胞密度、胞内C、N、P、S四种主要元素含量以及培养基中总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)的消耗,研究不同营养等级(超富营养、富营养、中营养、贫营养)以及单独N、P限制下两种藻在单独培养和共生培养条件下的生长特征和竞争行为。结果表明:(1)在超富营养、富营养、中营养、贫营养条件时,单独培养下的两种藻生物量与营养丰富程度呈正相关;(2)共培养条件下,在高营养水平时铜绿微囊藻在竞争中占优势,低营养水平时小球藻具有竞争优势;(3)胞内C、N、P、S的测定发现,随着营养水平的下降,两种藻胞内N、P的百分含量逐渐减少,而C、S并未呈现显著变化;(4)N限制时,铜绿微囊藻的半饱和常数Ks及最大比增长率μmax均大于小球藻;P限制条件下铜绿微囊藻的半饱和常数Ks小于小球藻,而最大比增长率μmax大于小球藻。综合分析,同一营养条件下,铜绿微囊藻竞争优势的先决因子是N,小球藻是P。因此,从营养竞争与生物适应力角度考虑,降低水体中富余的N或适当提高P的浓度可让小球藻获得竞争优势,对限制单一物种的形成具有平衡作用,可作为防治藻华的潜在方法。  相似文献   
A combined empirical and modelling study was conducted to further examine the potential importance of grazing by zooplankton in pelagic food webs in which Phaeocystis is a significant or dominant component. Laboratory experiments were designed to measure ingestion of Phaeocystis and other potential prey items which co-occur with Phaeocystis. Grazers included copepods and ciliates, and prey included Phaeocystis colonies and solitary cells, diatoms, ciliates, bacteria, and detritus. These data were expressed in the model currency of nitrogen units, and fit to hyperbolic tangent equations which included minimum prey thresholds. These equations and literature data were used to constrain a food web model whose purpose was to investigate trophic interactions rather than to mimic actual events. Nevertheless, the model output was similar to the general pattern and magnitude of development of Phaeocystis–diatom communities in some environments where they occur, e.g. north Norwegian waters. The model included three forms of nitrogen, three phytoplankton groups, bacteria, two zooplankton groups, and detritus, with detailed flows between compartments. An important component of the model was inclusion of variable prey preferences for zooplankton. The experiments and model simulations suggest several salient conclusions. Phaeocystis globosa colonies were eaten by a medium-sized copepod species, but ingestion appeared to be strongly dependent upon a proper size match between grazer and prey. If not, colonies were eaten little if at all. Phaeocystis solitary cells were ingested rapidly by ciliate microzooplankton, in agreement with prior literature observations. In contrast, detritus was eaten comparatively slowly by both ciliates and copepods. Both types of zooplankton exhibited apparent minimum prey thresholds below which grazing did not occur or was inconsequential. Model simulations implied that transitions between life cycle stages of Phaeocystis may potentially be important to phytoplankton–zooplankton interactions, and that relative rates of ingestion of Phaeocystis by various zooplankton may have significant impacts upon material fluxes through and out of Phaeocystis–diatom ecosystems. Indirect effects of trophic interactions appear to be equally significant as direct effects.  相似文献   
两淮采煤沉陷区水域水体富营养化及氮、磷限制模拟实验   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
选取两淮采煤沉陷区内3个不同营养水平的水域为研究站点,即淮北南湖站(HBNH)、淮南潘谢顾桥站(PXGQ)和潘谢谢桥站(PXXQ),首先分析了水体营养盐含量、比例结构和营养状态指数,3个站点TP浓度的年均值分别为0.056、0.064和0.092 mg/L,TN浓度年均值则为1.00、0.94和2.67 mg/L,3个站点水体呈现"中营养-轻度富营养"和"中度富营养"2种营养状态,总体上表现出P相对N缺乏的特征.设置对照组、加氮组、加磷组和加氮磷组开展秋季氮、磷限制模拟实验研究.结果表明:HBNH、PXXQ两个站点为P限制,而PXGQ站点则为N限制.尽管水体正磷酸盐浓度较低,但由于藻类具有利用有机磷或储备P库的能力,3个研究站点依然保持了较高的初级生产力,HBNH、PXGQ和PXXQ 3个站点的叶绿素a浓度年均值分别为13.07、26.95和46.25 mg/m3,与各水体的营养水平保持一致.两淮采煤沉陷区水体富营养化控制关键可能在于调控磷元素的水平.  相似文献   
化学生态调控对鳌山湾氮磷营养盐的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鳌山湾,是一个营养类型特殊的海湾,湾中基本无径流输入,呈“C”字形,封闭性较强,水较浅,湾内主要有筏式扇贝养殖和底播贝类养殖,沿岸有滩涂池塘养殖.根据1996年11月至1998年5月的调查结果得知,鳌山湾海域为贫营养海域[1,2].为探讨贫营养海域进行化学生态调控的可能性,利用鳌山湾的封闭性,根据其水交换规律[3],于1999年6月首次对鳌山湾进行了全湾规模较大的化学生态调控试验,旨在有效提高鳌山湾的营养水平,为今后在贫营养海域合理发展海水养殖业提供科学依据,获得了十分理想的效果.  相似文献   
The nitrogen relations of Enteromorpha spp. growing on intertidal mud flats have been examined over a twelve-month period. Nitrogen assimilation rates using 15N have been used to calculate the production of the alga and were between 0·046 and 0·217 mg NH4+N (g dry wt alga)?1 h?1 A considerable quantity of the alga was buried beneath the sediment over the growth season and was calculated to be equivalent to an input of up to 9·52 g N m?2 per month and 32 g N m?2 over one complete growth season. Based on carbon, this latter value represented an input of approximately 320 g C m?2 annually. Low rates of nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) were found to be associated with the Enteromorpha. The organisms responsible for the nitrogenase activity were probably heterotrophic bacteria but they did not contribute significant quantities of nitrogen to the alga.  相似文献   
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