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Relatively large quantities (1 mg) of formic acid have been collected from the atmosphere and subjected to carbon-isotopic analysis, as a means of source discrimination. Ambient formic acid was captured on Ca(OH)2-treated filters using a high-volume sampler. The collection method was not only efficient (>96%), but also appears to have low artifact production.Most of the samples (36 out of 52) were collected over a two-year period at the summit of Mount Lemmon, Arizona, where a strong seasonality in HCOOH mixing ratio was observed (0.2 ppb during winter months to 1.5 ppb in the summer). Other collection sites included the Oregon coast, Colorado Rockies, urban Tucson, and the North Dakota prairie. The carbon-13 content of atmospheric HCOOH was found to be have little variation (–18 to –25), regardless of location or season. This is consistent with a single dominant source of formic acid. The carbon-14 measurements of 6 Mount Lemmon samples showed high levels of modern carbon (93–113% modern).The emissions from formicine ants and automobile combustion were selected as two other potential sources for isotopic analysis. The HCOOH collected from auto exhaust was much more depleted in13C than the atmospheric samples, with a 13C of –28.0 and –48.6 from a leaded and unleaded automobile, respectively. Formicine ants, on the other hand, ranged from –17.2 to –20.6.  相似文献   
宁娟  李超伦  孙松 《海洋与湖沼》2013,44(3):734-740
采用荧光染色法对黄、东海春、秋季中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)个体核酸含量进行了研究,初步探讨了RNA∶DNA比对中华哲水蚤生长状况的指示作用。结果表明,中华哲水蚤在饥饿培养24h后RNA∶DNA比值显著降低;雄性个体RNA含量和RNA∶DNA比值显著低于雌体和C5期幼体;春、秋季(2009年5月和2010年11月)个体RNA含量和RNA∶DNA比值存在显著的空间变化,两者最高值均出现在近岸;两个月份DNA含量相对稳定,在2.5—3.5μg/ind之间;个体RNA含量和RNA:DNA比值与叶绿素之间显著正相关,说明饵料是中华哲水蚤的生长过程中重要的影响因素。  相似文献   
石煤钒矿资源的勘探、研究和利用均需对其成分进行准确的分析测试,其中钒、铁、铝、磷等主要成分的测定尚未建立标准方法,当前所用的分析测试方法各有不足。采用碱熔电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-OES)测定石煤钒矿样品时,高浓度的可溶性盐会导致高背景,干扰测定。酸溶法可避免上述问题,但由于常规的氢氟酸-盐酸-硝酸-高氯酸四酸体系不能消除碳和有机质对样品的吸附和包裹,待测成分无法完全释放,需先将样品高温灼烧除碳,过程繁琐。本文采用少量硫酸加四酸的五酸体系处理样品,电热板加热,盐酸浸提,利用硫酸的强氧化性将样品中大量的碳氧化成二氧化碳,免却了灼烧除碳流程,消除了含碳物质对样品的吸附和包裹,显著增强了消解效果。由此建立了ICP-OES测定石煤钒中钒、铁、铝、磷的分析方法,在称样量为0.1g、浓硫酸加入量为0.30mL时,样品消解率达到99%以上。方法检出限为17~51mg/kg,相对标准偏差(RSD, n=11)在1.7%~5.1%之间;相对误差为-4.6%~2.7%。该方法背景低、测定结果准确,可满足石煤钒矿石样品的检测要求。  相似文献   
The Cambridge 2-D Eulerian model has been used to study the potential atmospheric distributions and lifetimes of a number of CFC replacement compounds and their degradation products. The study has focused on HFC 134a and HCFCs 123, 141b and 142b and the major products formed by their atmospheric degradation. The loss of these compounds and their products by hydroxyl radical attack, photolysis and in-cloud hydrolysis have been investigated. The study has shown that HCFCs 141b and 142b have sufficiently long lifetimes to enter the stratosphere in significant quantities, where degradation leads to an increase in the total stratospheric chlorine concentration. The study has also highlighted areas where further experimental work would be valuable, in particular characterisation of the product channels for the degradation reactions and determination of the removal rates of the products in the aqueous phase.  相似文献   
We have discussed the behavior of a non-conserved scalar in the stationary, horizontally homogeneous, neutral surface-flux layer and, on the basis of conventional second-order closure, derived analytic expressions for flux and for mean concentration of a gas, subjected to a first-order removal process. The analytic flux solution showed a clear deviation from the constant flux, characterizing a conserved scalar in the surface-flux layer. It decreases with height and is reduced by an order of magnitude of the surface flux at a height equal to about the typical mean distance a molecule can travel before destruction. The predicted mean concentration profile, however, shows only a small deviation from the logarithmic behavior of a conserved scalar. The solution is consistent with assuming a flux-gradient relationship with a turbulent diffusivity corrected by the Damköhler ratio, the ratio of a characteristic turbulent time scale and the scalar mean lifetime. We show that if we use only first-order closure and neglect the effect of the Damköhler ratio on the turbulent diffusivity we obtain another analytic solution for the profiles of the flux and the mean concentration which, from an experimental point of view, is indistinguishable from the first analytic solution. We have discussed two cases where the model should apply, namely NO which, by night, is irreversibly destroyed by interaction with mainly O3 and the radioactive 220Rn. Only in the last case was it possible to find data to shed light on the validity of our predictions. The agreement seemed such that a falsification of our model was impossible. It is shown how the model can be used to predict the surface flux of 220Rn from measured concentration profiles.  相似文献   
利用气相色谱质谱联用仪在中国西北地区晚第四纪沉积地层中检测出一类特殊的类脂物分子--一元正脂肪酸酰胺.根据其碳数分布特征及前人的研究成果,认为一元正脂肪酸酰胺来源于各种生物体,产生于生物的某些生理活动过程,而不是来源于石油残余物及各种可能的污染.通过对比3个不同区域相近时期古湖相及黄土沉积地层中的脂肪酸酰胺分布特征,认为柴达木盆地可能不是黄土沉积的主要物源区,而额济纳盆地及邻近区域对黄土堆积有着重要的贡献或具有相同的物源.典型黄土沉积地层中UFAA值(不饱和与饱和脂肪酸酰胺相对含量的比值)与粒度、磁化率等指标具有很好的可对比性,特别是在相对暖湿阶段UFAA值呈现了明显的低值.这一现象表明脂肪酸酰胺在沉积地层中的变化受控于气候变化所导致的成岩作用强度的变化,从而记录了气候变化信息.通过研究,认为生物生理活动过程中所产生的一元正脂肪酸酰胺与构成细胞膜的类脂物分子一样,可记录古气候变化.  相似文献   
采用共沉淀法和离子交换法实现了谷氨酸与Zn/Al水滑石的插层组装,并采用X射线粉末衍射、差热分析、红外光谱表征了谷氨酸插层水滑石的结构,并在模拟胃液和肠液中测试了复合材料中谷氨酸的缓释性能。结果表明,合成的水滑石前躯体(LDHs-NO3)结构规整、晶相单一,层间距为0.879 nm;2种方法合成的谷氨酸插层水滑石,其层间距分别增加到1.251 nm和1.334 nm,可以推测谷氨酸以垂直方式分布于水滑石层间。插层后水滑石样品在1588 cm-1和1346 cm-1处出现了谷氨酸中羧酸根的不对称伸缩振动和对称伸缩振动峰,也佐证了氨基酸插层成功。谷氨酸插层水滑石后,其热稳定性大大提高,热分解温度由230℃升高至397~434℃。与物理混合法相比,谷氨酸与水滑石复合后增加了谷氨酸的耐酸性,使其具有较好的缓释性能。谷氨酸释放曲线符合Bhaskar方程,表明微粒间的扩散作用是谷氨酸分子释放的限速步骤。LDHs-Glu经海藻酸钠包裹后,在模拟肠液中缓慢释放而在模拟胃液中不释放,起到了肠液定向释放的效果。  相似文献   
李端生 《吉林地质》1995,14(4):63-68
长春市北西或北北西向扭性断裂或断裂带是客观存在,它对长春市深部地下水循环与循存起控制作用,是深部基岩裂隙水的主要导水通道,且大都为富水带。原北东向压扭性断裂或断裂带起阻水作用,二者相得益彰。笔者于长春北郊贫水区,利用这一新理论,在水文地质调查基础上,结合多种水文物探手段布孔凿井,打出一口水量丰富的优质矿泉水井,进而验证了北西向富水说,了箕市深部地下水赋存规律的新认识,此说不但对长春市供水有实际意义  相似文献   
原子荧光测定食品中总砷方法的改进与探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对国标《GB 5009.11—2003食品中总砷及无机砷的测定》中的原子荧光-湿法消解测定总砷的方法中存在的难于控制完全消解样品、测定结果不稳定,试剂用量大的问题,对原方法进行了3点改进。一是利用浓硫酸沸点高,能脱水碳化破坏有机物的特性,通过高温浓缩硫酸对样品进行两次脱水碳化消解,使样品消解的更完全,且节省试剂;二是针对样品中砷形态的多样性,加强温度控制,低温消解、降低易挥发砷化合物的损失,高温加速样品消解,缩短操作时间;三是加盖小漏斗制造回流,减少易挥发砷化合物的损失,使方法易操作、节省试剂。用改进的方法测定菠菜粉(GBW10015)、海带粉(GBW08517)和虾粉(CNAS T0442)中的总砷,不少于6个平行样的测定结果均位于参考值范围的中间部分,且RSD值均小于7%,表明改进的方法准确、稳定。结果还表明,200℃的硫酸、高氯酸的混合酸和高温浓硫酸均能有效消解样品中砷甜菜碱和砷糖类化合物。  相似文献   
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