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塔里木盆地北部油气运移二维二相数值模拟分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
范土芝  刘鹏生 《地球科学》1995,20(3):322-327
油气运移和聚集过程实际上是油(气)水饱和度知疏导层的变化过程,盆地中油(气)二相流动问题的研究就是对这一过程的定量描述,本项研究是在前人工作基础上,考察压实作用造成骨架变形来推导新的二维二相流动方程,它容描述异常压力演化与二相流动于一式,在模拟方法上采用有限分析的数值方法,这应用于新疆塔里木盆地北部地区,展示了该区异常压力、含水饱和度弥散状扩散效应以及流速场在地质历史时期动态模拟演化特征;指出了该  相似文献   
二维视电阻率断面的快速最小二乘反演   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
快速最小二乘反演是以平滑限定的最小二乘方法为基础,是对二维视电阻率断面进行反演的一种方法。反演过程不需要提供初始模型,在首次迭代时使用一均匀介质地下模型作为初始模型,该模型的视电阻率偏导数值可以用解析法得到。在后面的迭代中,使用了拟牛顿法去修改每一次迭代的偏导数矩阵,避免了偏导数矩阵的直接计算,从而减少了计算时间和存储空间。同时运用牛顿矩阵校正技术解最小二乘方程组也减少了大量的计算时间。总之,该方  相似文献   
A hybrid indirect boundary element – discrete wavenumber method is presented and applied to model the ground motion on stratified alluvial valleys under incident plane SH waves from an elastic half-space. The method is based on the single-layer integral representation for diffracted waves. Refracted waves in the horizontally stratified region can be expressed as a linear superposition of solutions for a set of discrete wavenumbers. These solutions are obtained in terms of the Thomson–Haskell propagators formalism. Boundary conditions of continuity of displacements and tractions along the common boundary between the half-space and the stratified region lead to a system of equations for the sources strengths and the coefficients of the plane wave expansion. Although the regions share the boundary, the discretization schemes are different for both sides: for the exterior region, it is based on the numerical and analytical integration of exact Green's functions for displacements and tractions whereas for the layered part, a collocation approach is used. In order to validate this approach results are compared for well-known cases studied in the literature. A homogeneous trapezoidal valley and a parabolic stratified valley were studied and excellent agreement with previous computations was found. An example is given for a stratified inclusion model of an alluvial deposit with an irregular interface with the half-space. Results are displayed in both frequency and time domains. These results show the significant influence of lateral heterogeneity and the emergence of locally generated surface waves in the seismic response of alluvial valleys.  相似文献   
The Normalized Full Gradient (NFG) method which was put forward about 50 years ago has been used for downward continuation of gravity potential data, especially in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. This method nullifies perturbations due to the passage of mass depth during downward continuation. The method depends on the downwards analytical continuation of normalized full gradient values of gravity data. Analytical continuation discriminates certain structural anomalies which cannot be distinguished in the observed gravity field. This method has been used in various petroleum and tectonic studies. The Trapeze method was used for the determination of Fourier coefficients during the application of this method. No other techniques for calculating these coefficients have been used. However, the Filon method was used for the determination of Fourier coefficients during the application of the NFG method in this work. This method, rather than the Trapeze method, should be preferred for indicating abnormal mass resources at the lower harmonics. In this study, the NFG method using the Filon method has been applied the first time to theoretical models of gravity profiles as example field at the Hasankale-Horasan petroleum exploration province where successful results were achieved. Hydrocarbon presence was shown on the NFG sections by the application of NFG downward continuation operations on theoretical models. Important signs of hydrocarbon structure on the NFG section for field and model data at low harmonics are obtained more effectively using this method.  相似文献   
We present an alternative scheme for implementing the unconventional geometric two-qubit phase gate and preparing multiqubit entanglement by using a frequency-modulated laser field to simultaneously illuminate all ions. Selecting the index of modulation yields selective mechanisms for coupling and decoupling between the internal and the external states of the ions. By the selective mechanisms, we obtain the unconventional geometric two-qubit phase gate, multiparticle Greenberger--Horne--Zeilinger states and highly entangled cluster states. Our scheme is insensitive to the thermal motion of the ions.  相似文献   
Natural disasters like floods, tornadoes, tropicalcyclones, heat and cold wavewreak havoc and cause tremendous loss ofproperty all over the world. Most ofthe natural disasters are either dueto weather or are triggered due toweather related processes.Extreme weather events claimed thousands oflives and caused damage on vastscale. Recent super cyclone which affectedOrissa in 1999, Bangladesh cyclone of1970 and Hurricane Andrew in 1992 areexamples of some of the more damagingtropical cyclones which affected developingas well as the developed world. Heatand cold waves are also extreme events,which cause enormous losses in terms oflives lost and human discomfort and ailmentsarising out of them. The heat waveof 1995 and 1998 are still fresh in the mindof the Indian public. The estimated lossof human lives due to heat wave in 1998 was morethan 15,000. Economic losses asa result of these disasters and in particular inassociation with tropical cyclones haveincreased enormously over the last three decades.During 1961–1991, total loss oflives from drought alone was 1,333,728 overthe whole world. In terms of economiclosses, there is 8–10 fold increase from thebase figure of 1960. The socio-economicimpact of natural disaster is complex dependingupon the vulnerability of the placeand mitigation strategies that are put in place.Meteorology plays a crucial role in forewarningpeople about the severe/extremeweather systems and a constant endeavour by themeteorological services worldover has gone a long way towards minimizing thelosses caused by natural disasters.The paper summarises the natural disasterstatistics over south Asia and the possibleprediction strategies for combating theirsocio-economic impacts.  相似文献   
A monitoring mission to study the shape and estimate initial dilution of the S. Jacinto outfall plume using an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) was performed on July 30, 2002. In order to reduce the uncertainty about plume location and to concentrate the vehicle mission only in the hydrodynamic mixing zone, outputs of a near-field prediction model, based on effective real-time in situ measurements of current speed and direction and density stratification, were opportunistically used to specify in real time the mission transects. The surface characteristics of the outfall plume were found to be influenced strongly by the relatively weak stratification and low current velocities. Dilution was estimated using a temperature–salinity (TS-) diagram with initial mixing lines between wastewater and ambient waters. Effluent dilutions were at least 30:1 in this study. In order to efficiently map the plume dispersion we applied the least-squares collocation method technique. Our results demonstrate that AUVs can provide high-quality measurements of physical properties of effluent plumes in a quite effective manner and valuable considerations about the initial mixing processes under real oceanic conditions can be further investigated.  相似文献   
分析嘉山地震台自2007年运行以来的大地电场观测资料,并对数据的变化特征进行研究,总结分析部分干扰引起的电场变化的曲线特征,给出不同影响因素导致的曲线异常变化情况,为大地电场干扰排除提供依据.  相似文献   
In this paper we develop analytic solutions for the electric potential, current density and Fréchet derivatives at any interior point within a 3-D transversely isotropic medium having a tilted axis of symmetry. The current electrode is assumed to be on the surface of the Earth and the plane of stratification given arbitrary strike and dip. Profiles can be computed for any azimuth. The equipotentials exhibit an elliptical pattern and are not orthogonal to the current density vectors, which are strongly angle dependent. Current density reaches its maximum value in a direction parallel to the longitudinal conductivity direction. Illustrative examples of the Fréchet derivatives are given for the 2.5-D problem, in which the profile is taken perpendicular to strike. All three derivatives of the Green’s function with respect to longitudinal conductivity, transverse resistivity and dip angle of the symmetry axis (dG/l, dG/t, dG/0) show a strongly asymmetric pattern compared to the isotropic case. The patterns are aligned in the direction of the tilt angle. Such sensitivity patterns are useful in real-time experimental design as well as in the fast inversion of resistivity data collected over an anisotropic earth.  相似文献   
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