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北京地区中元古界雾迷山组主要由燧石条带白云岩、燧石结核白云岩、叠层石白云岩和少量含陆源粉砂质碎屑的白云岩组成,广泛出露于北京山区,厚度2000~3500 m。以雾迷山组为代表的大量中元古代硅质沉积物的物源和形成原因,一般教科书均认为层状燧石为生物成因,结核状燧石为成岩交代成因。笔者等在北京西山等地多次野外考察发现,二维剖面上的硅质条带或硅质结核在三维实体上实际上是透镜状或席状(下一般称燧石席或硅胶席)。 燧石席内部常包裹或胶结有下伏白云岩的砾石并且因混有有机质等,表现为各种暗色或杂色。硅胶席在上覆白云质沉积物堆积之前与其周围的白云质灰泥和粒屑几乎同时形成,燧石透镜体与白云质沉积物之间存在着相互穿插、包裹的关系,但彼此之间边界清晰,无论是白云石粒屑还是燧石席都没有任何被交代痕迹。因此,笔者等认为:燧石“结核”是硅胶聚集成席,再经压实、固化的结果,其浑圆状边缘是水下硅胶与沉积介质的相变面。硅胶固化作用是北京西山中元古界雾迷山组中原生燧石的唯一成因。在成岩重力压实过程中,连续分布的原生硅质沉积物会形成布丁或“结核”构造。白云质灰泥和粒屑的胶结速度明显快于硅胶的固化速度,遇地震等外力作用,软的硅胶席会沿着弱固结的白云岩裂隙向上侵入或向下挤入,形成硅质脉。遇有后期的岩浆侵入或热变质作用的改造,硅质条带和硅质结核的成分和颜色会发生相应的变化,质地变纯,颜色由深变浅,但是仍然保留原生的层理或纹理,容易被误认为是成岩期或成岩后硅质交代碳酸盐矿物而成。  相似文献   
王昊  冉祥滨  臧家业  刘军  曹磊  刘森  马永星 《湖泊科学》2018,30(5):1246-1259
根据长江与黄河各一个完整水文年的调查数据,并结合历史资料分析了我国这两条大型河流活性硅((RSi,RSi=溶解硅(DSi)+生物硅(BSi))的入海通量及长时间序列的变化规律与影响因素.结果表明,长江与黄河RSi的组成存在显著的差异,二者水体中BSi/RSi的平均比值分别为0.22和0.49;黄河DSi的年平均浓度为长江的74%,而BSi年平均浓度却是长江的3倍.黄河水体中相对较高的BSi浓度反映了黄河流域水体浑浊度与土壤侵蚀程度较高,源自黄土高原高的泥沙输送量是导致黄河水体中BSi浓度较长江高的主要原因.长江与黄河下游RSi通量在丰水期、平水期与枯水期的比值分别为5.3∶3.1∶1.6与3.8∶3.4∶2.8,长江半数以上的RSi入海通量是在丰水期输出的,而黄河在3个时期的差异不明显.相比于径流的变化,1958-2014年间长江DSi通量变化主要是由DSi浓度的变化引起的,流域气候变化(如温度变化)是其浓度及其通量年代际变化的重要原因;而黄河1985-2001年间DSi通量下降是由于径流量与DSi浓度降低的双重原因引起的.气候变化,特别是温度的变化会对流域硅的风化速率与硅的产出产生重要影响,但其具体的影响有待进一步揭示.  相似文献   
热液体系中Si的络合作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在不同温度、PH和硅浓度条件下,实验标定了Au-SiO以及Sn-SiO2之间的络合反应:Au^++H3SiO4^-之间的络合反应:Au^++H4SiO=AuH3SiO4 lgK=-1.65436+9611.21/T;Sn^4++4H3SiO4^-=Sn(H3SiO4)4;lgK200c=42.73。通过与Au-Cl、Au-HS以及Sn-OH络合物迁移能力的比较,表明在具地质意义的P睡EH条件下,A  相似文献   
Late-stage hydrous fluids, which evolved during the cooling of the Cadillac Mountain granite, Maine, USA, produced narrow veins that transect the pluton. The vein margins contain microstructures transitional between granite and the vein centre. They preserve the vestige shapes of original Na-rich alkali feldspar crystals that have been pseudomorphed by cordierite+quartz+K-rich alkali feldspar. Closer to the centres of the veins, the minerals change from an outer zone with cordierite, hercynitic–galaxite spinel, minor corundum, K-feldspar and plagioclase to an inner zone with remnant cordierite, hercynitic gahnite, strongly zoned almandine–spessartine garnet, chlorite and quartz. Three allochemical reactions are inferred to have occurred with the influx of hydrous fluids during the replacement process. Reaction (1) is Na-rich alkali feldspar+iron ions in solution=Fe-cordierite+quartz+K-feldspar+sodium ions in solution. Reactions (2) and (3) occurred during desilication. Reaction (2) is Fe-cordierite=hercynite+silica in solution, and reaction (3) is Fe-cordierite+water=corundum+iron hydroxide in solution+silicic acid in solution. Two independent techniques, experimental silica-solubility data and spinel–cordierite thermobarometry, constrain the conditions of vein formation to c.   1.0  kbar and both methods indicate that the progressive mineral reactions occurred during cooling of the hydrous fluids from c. 775° to 400–340  °C. This cooling trend is consistent with the petrographic evidence, which demonstrates that reactions occurred before desilication, during desilication, and then diminished with a final phase of resilication. Although the veins are minor features of the Cadillac Mountain granite, they provide insight into the conditions that prevailed during cooling of the pluton, and similar features may be important for constraining the cooling history of shallow-level plutonic complexes elsewhere.  相似文献   
A convenient and effective procedure was developed for the conversion of alcohol to olefin by tosylation and subsequent β-elimination promoted by silica gel in this study. Treatment of the alcohols with p-toluenesulfonyl chloride in pyridine at 0℃ affords tosylates which undergo β-elimination with silica gel in dichloromethane or chloroform at room temperature, yielding olefinswith high productivity.  相似文献   
南极普里兹湾海域颗粒有机碳的变化特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对我国近两年490批次、23个进口国的进口铁矿中SiO2含量进行了总体统计分析,在数据统计分布特征研究基础上,使用内核密度估计对进口铁矿SiO2含量进行数据多态性分析,使用自举法对原始数据样本值重复取样以获得稳健的SiO2含量代表值估计及标准偏差,并证明以自举法重新取样样本分布的均值与标准偏差作为有限单次样本代表值是合理、有效的。  相似文献   
Total organic carbon and organic carbon stable isotope, biogenic silica, chlorin were measured from a high resolution sediment core to indicate the variation in paleoproductivity and the environmental implications over the past decades (1942 to 1997) in the Changjiang Estuary. Based on these biomarkers, the shift in the phytoplankton community structure in the past decades was discussed in response to the long-term variations in nutrient concentrations and nutrient ratios. The results showed that the δ 13 C values varied from –26.15‰ to –19.5‰, suggesting the combined organic carbon sources of riverine and marine organisms. Based on the biogenic proxies, paleoproductivity changes were categorized into three stages: low production before 1950; an increase in production with the dominance of diatoms during 1950 to 1980, consistent with increasing of nutrient concentrations; a decrease in production after 1980 when the diatom production decreased while the production of non-silicious phytoplankton increased due to high nutrient inputs, and high N/P and P/Si ratios in the Changjiang Estuary. The sedimentation records also indicated that the riverine organic carbon increased since 1980.  相似文献   
The species of Epithemia ocellata (Ehr.) Kuetz. from Northeastern China were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The studies on silica valve formation in different stages were made. At the early stage, a Y-shaped raphe sternum was found. Areolae were made from virgae and vimines. In immature valves, the canal formation before the raphe fissure is visible. The raphe system, virgae and vimines (areolae) might be the early siliceous elements of the valve during morphogenesis. The formations of virgae and vimines are similar to that of Gephyria media W. Arnott. Rows of silica papillae formed gradually on the face of the valve. After the areolae were covered with silica and form rows of papillae, the outer valve surface could become mature. Details of the internal costae were observed in mature valves.  相似文献   
基于中国第32次南极科学考察在罗斯海外陆坡扇区获取的ANT32-RA05C岩芯,开展常量元素地球化学研究,探讨地球化学特征及其古环境意义。结果表明,ANT32-RA05C岩芯以分选差的混合冰海沉积物为主,含有大量的冰筏碎屑(平均29.76%),并含有一定量生物硅(平均4.81%)。化学元素定量测试表明,沉积物常量元素配分模式为SiO2>Al2O3>Fe2O3>Na2O>K2O>MgO>CaO>TiO2>P2O5>MnO,其中含量最高的常量元素为Si,主要来源于陆源碎屑(石英)和硅质生物沉积(生物硅)。对比XRF元素连续扫描与定量测试结果发现,Si、Ca等相关性较高,可用作高分辨率环境研究。结合环境指标研究发现,晚更新世MIS 7末期以来,常量元素含量变化与南极气候具有良好的对应关系,主要反映了气候对物源和环境的控制,气候转暖通常对应于冰山和初级生产力输入增强,气候转冷对应于冰山和初级生产力输入受限。该岩芯对重建罗斯海古气候演变,深化对罗斯海古环境认识有重要意义。  相似文献   
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