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In the construction of Qinghai-Tibet railway,to avoid diseases caused by frost heave and thaw col-lapse of frozen ground,besides the normal bridges over the rivers,a lot of dry bridge structures have been built to replace subgrade in the regions of high tem-perature and high ice content frozen soil.So,the problems on forming mechanism of bearing capacity of pile foundation in cold regions already become one of hot spot problems in frozen soil engineering.Freezing force and frost heave force ar…  相似文献   
At times of strong solar wind forcing such as those that produce major magnetic storms, the region 1 current system dominates over the Chapman–Ferraro current system in mediating the transfer of force between the solar wind and the terrestrial system. The global force balance can be broken into two components, one involving the high-altitude part of the region 1 current system that is in contact with the solar wind (labeled here the HRS) and the other involving the low-altitude part of the region 1 current system that lies in the ionosphere (the LRS). Both communicate their J×B force to the geomagnetic dipole via a gradient in the magnetic field that they generate. In the HRS case the force acts to push the dipole away from the sun. This is the region 1 analog of the Chapman–Ferraro mechanism for transmitting the solar wind's force to the Earth. However, in the LRS case, the force (which is much stronger than in the HRS case) acts to push the dipole toward the sun, seemingly paradoxically. The LRS balances the ‘paradoxical’ sunward force on the dipole with an opposite force on the atmosphere. This paper uses MHD simulations to demonstrate the presence of both the normal force-transmitting gradient generated by the Chapman–Ferraro and the counter-Chapman–Ferraro gradient in the magnetic field generated by the region 1 current system.  相似文献   
本研究以非线性孕震系统在爆发前夕的外敏性为物理基础,对大气扰动下的岩体失稳突变问题进行了初步的探讨,给出了气─-地耦合的一般表示,并连续分析了云南近35年来大气压力场演化与场内近百次5级以上地震(内含19次6级,4次7级)的基本关系,系统地证明了绝大部分强震都是在其上覆大气涨落加剧及与邻区气压梯度增大时突然爆发的,这种自然共性的揭示,既是对理论的认证,也丰富了短临地震预报的科学依据。  相似文献   
剥片高岭土的有机改性   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
用醋酸钾进行插层形成高岭土—醋酸钾复合体。通过X射线检测,高岭土层间距明显增大。将此复合体通过水洗,除去醋酸钾,高岭土即被剥片。剥片后高岭土粒径变小,但保持了高岭土的基本层状结构。用偶联剂对剥片后高岭土进行有机改性,形成高岭土有机复合物。“有效活化指数”的测定实验表明,利用此种方法制备的剥片高岭土有机改性效果很好。  相似文献   
The Hikurangi Margin is a region of oblique subduction with northwest-dipping intermediate depth seismicity extending southwest from the Kermadec system to about 42°S. The current episode of subduction is at least 16–20 Ma old. The plate convergence rate varies along the margin from about 60 mm/a at the south end of the Kermadec Trench to about 45 mm/a at 42°S. The age of the Pacific lithosphere adjacent to the Hikurangi Trench is not known.The margin divides at about latitude 39°S into two quite dissimilar parts. The northern part has experienced andesitic volcanism for about 18 Ma, and back-arc extension in the last 4 Ma that has produced a back-arc basin onshore with high heaflow, thin crust and low upper-mantle seismic velocities. The extension appears to have arisen from a seawards migration of the Hikurangi Trench north of 39°S. Here the plate interface is thought to be currently uncoupled, as geodetic data indicate extension of the fore-arc basin, and historic earthquakes have not exceededM s=7.South of 39°S there is no volcanism and a back-arc basin has been produced by downward flexure of the lithosphere due to strong coupling with the subducting plate. Heatflow in the basin is normal. Evidence for strong coupling comes from historic earthquakes of up to aboutM s=8 and high rates of uplift on the southeast coast of the North Island.The reason for this division of the margin is not known but may be related to an inferred increase, from northeast to southwest, in the buoyancy of the Pacific lithosphere.  相似文献   
赵珍  李贵仁 《地下水》2014,(4):43-45
深基坑降水引起的地面沉降给工程和周边环境带来很大的危害,以天津地铁 XX站深基坑为例,通过使用有限差分模拟软件Processing Modflow建立三维地下水渗流场与地面沉降耦合模型,利用抽水试验数据反演识别场区的水文地质参数,对基坑降水对周边环境的影响进行预测。结合施工要求,本着在规定时间内用最少的抽水量完成降水要求,并对基坑周围造成的环境影响最小的原则,对基坑降水进行优化设计。  相似文献   
利用大连理工大学的土工静力-动力液压三轴-扭转动多能剪切仪对相对密度为30 %的钙质砂进行了扭转和竖向循环耦合试验,探讨了初始主应力方向角 对钙质砂动强度和残余应变发展的影响。试验结果表明: 对钙质砂的动强度、残余应变发展的影响非常明显,随着 的增大,钙质砂的动强度显著减小,而残余应变的发展速度则明显加快。  相似文献   
塔西南新生代前陆盆地东段盆山结构与冲断带变形特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
塔西南新生代前陆盆地受西昆仑山造山带南北向挤压和帕米尔弧形构造带向北突进的影响,导致盆山结构与盆地冲断带构造变形在平行造山带方向表现出明显差异。本文通过地震资料解释,系统研究了塔西南新生代前陆盆地东段盆山结构与冲断带的构造变形特征,认为塔西南新生代前陆盆地东段盆山结构表现为西昆仑造山带向北大规模冲断,盆地区挠曲沉降,前陆地区发育宽的褶皱冲断带,冲断带前锋已扩展至捷得背斜一线,褶皱冲断带与前渊坳陷存在大范围重叠。盆地东段的褶皱冲断带在纵向上可以分为基底卷入变形带、滑脱变形带。山前第一排变形带受多期构造叠加影响,产生横向变形的分异:西段柯东段早期为构造楔形体变形形成的背斜构造,后期被甫沙–克里阳右行走滑断裂改造,剖面呈现复杂的变形特征;东段克里阳段构造变形以早期的逆冲推覆为主。结合生长地层与磁性地层分析,冲断带的变形总体表现出前展式的构造变形特征,上新世阿图什组沉积期开始形成柯东构造带;随后变形向北传播,在上新世早中期形成柯克亚构造带;至早中更新世晚期,构造变形扩展至固满–合什塔格构造带。  相似文献   
This work investigates the occurrence of disturbances across a wide range of VLF and LF frequencies received prior to a seismic event (Mw = 4), that took place on May 12th 2012, the epicenter of which was very close (14 km) to the VLF/LF station. The signals analyzed were emitted from five VLF and five LF European transmitters. This seismic event produced precursory ionospheric disturbances, identified as spectral distortion, three days before its occurrence, providing a distinct pattern open to further investigation. Although the basis of the ionosphere interaction with seismic phenomena has been well documented in previous studies, the close proximity of the receiver to the seismic event provides a new perspective to this study. The monitored signals have undergone normalization and then they have been processed by means of the Hilbert-Huang Transform. Diagrams of the signals relevant to the phenomena are presented and the disturbances that are present in the raw data are accentuated through further processing.  相似文献   
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