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Large-eddy simulation and Lagrangian stochastic dispersion models were used to study heavy particle dispersion in the convective boundary layer (CBL). The effects of various geostrophic winds, particle diameters, and subgrid-scale (SGS) turbulence were investigated. Results showed an obvious depression in the vertical dispersion of heavy particles in the CBL and major vertical stratification in the distribution of particle concentrations, relative to the passive dispersion. Stronger geostrophic winds tended to increase the dispersion of heavy particles in the lower CBL. The SGS turbulence, particularly near the surface, markedly influenced the dispersion of heavy particles in the CBL. For reference, simulations using passive particles were also conducted; these simulation results agreed well with results from previous convective tank experiments and numerical simulations.  相似文献   
Feedbacks in the Land-Surface and Mixed-Layer Energy Budgets   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
A mixed-layer model of the surface energy budget and the planetary boundary layer (PBL) is developed, based on the prognostic equations for soil temperature, mixed layer potential temperature and specific humidity and the growth and abrupt collapse of the PBL. Detailed parameterizations of the longwave radiative fluxes are included. The feedbacks in the uncoupled (i.e. surface energy budget with non-responding PBL) and coupled land surface and atmospheric mixed-layer energy budgets are examined. A simplified, time continuous, version of the model, in which the specific humidity budget is the balance of evapotranspiration and dry-air entrainment, and the PBL height is given by the lifted condensation level, is shown to be in good agreement with the complete model. By forcing the simplified model with daily mean rather than periodic solar radiation, an equilibrium model state is achieved where the fluxes are in close agreement with the daily mean fluxes corresponding to the periodic forcing. The model also agrees favorably with measurements from the FIFE field experiment. Feedbacks are examined using the equilibrium model state. The uncoupled and coupled model sensitivities with respect to the minimal stomatal resistance and the atmospheric specific humidity not only differ in magnitude, but in sign as well. This results puts into question the extent to which uncoupled land-surface models that are forced with atmospheric variables may be used in sensitivity studies.  相似文献   
南疆沙漠腹地大气边界层气象要素廓线分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用塔中80m观测塔梯度系统采集的2006年8月、10月和2007年1月、4月的风、温度、湿度资料,结合气象站的同步气象资料,对南疆沙漠腹地近地层四季的晴天平均风速、温度、湿度廓线分布特征进行分析。结果表明,晴天平均风速白天随高度升高增加缓慢,夜间较快,低层风速白天比夜间大,高层则白天比夜间小,春夏季风速较大;四季平均温度廓线表现为夜间辐射型、早上过渡型、白天日射型和傍晚过渡型等四种类型,早、晚过渡时间四季各有不同,日最低、最高温度出现时间四季则相差不大;冬季夜间比湿随高度升高而增大,整个80m近地层表现为逆湿状态,其他季节逆湿一般出现在0.5—1m、1~2m、32—47m、63—80m等4个层次上,各逆湿层出现的时间各季节有所差异。  相似文献   
Radiative Processes in the Stable Boundary Layer: Part I. Radiative Aspects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The structure of the radiatively dominated stable boundary layer is analysed using idealized calculations at high vertical and spectral resolution. The temperature profile of a nocturnal radiative boundary layer, developing after the evening transition, is found to be well described in terms of radiative cooling to the surface, although radiative exchanges within the atmosphere become increasingly important with time. The treatment of non-black surfaces is discussed in some detail and it is shown that the effect of reducing the surface emissivity is to decrease rather than to increase the radiative cooling rate in the surface layer. It is also argued that an accurate assessment of the impact of non-black surfaces requires careful attention to the spectral and directional characteristics of the surface emissivity. A polar nocturnal boundary layer, developing above snow-covered ground, is simulated and found to reach a slowly evolving state characterized by a strong radiative divergence near the surface that is comparable to observed values. Radiative boundary layers are characterized by large temperature gradients near the surface. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
为研究三肇凹陷和尚2井区块扶杨油层油气成藏规律,采用断裂密集带与油气分布叠合的方法,分析断裂密集带在油气成藏分布中的作用.结果表明:三肇凹陷扶杨油层发育35条断裂密集带,尚2井区块扶杨油层发育9条断裂密集带;油主要分布在断裂密集带两侧,少量分布在断裂密集带内部.断裂密集带对油运移的控制作用表现在2方面:(1)断裂密集带边界断裂为油输导断裂;(2)断裂密集带不利于油横穿其侧向运移,但可沿其侧向运移.断裂密集带对油聚集的控制作用表现在2方面:(1)断裂密集带两侧的地垒和断阶构造是油聚集的有利部位;(2)断裂密集带内部的背形构造也是油聚集的有利部位.  相似文献   
在频率-波数域中采用解析法,解出多层条件下海底实测的多分量地震数据分解成上行和下行P波和S波的算法,导出海底各层地震反射系数随入射角变化(简称RVA)的递推计算公式,为海底多波多分量AVO弹性参数的反演及流体因子预测提供基础数据.合成数据的计算结果表明,本文给出的算法能较可靠地从海底多波多分量记录中提取RVA信息.  相似文献   
We present a high‐resolution record of lacustrine sedimentation spanning ca. 30 000 to 9000 cal. a BP from Onepoto maar, northern North Island, New Zealand. The multi‐proxy record of environmental change is constrained by tephrochronology and accelerator mass spectrometric 14C ages and provides evidence for episodes of rapid environmental change during the Last Glacial Coldest Period (LGCP) and Last Glacial–Interglacial Transition (LGIT) from northern New Zealand. The multi‐proxy palaeoenvironmental record from Onepoto indicates that the LGCP was cold, dry and windy in the Auckland region, with vegetation dominated by herb and grass in a beech forest mosaic between ca. 28 500 and 18 000 cal. a BP. The LGCP was accompanied by more frequent fires and influx of clastic sediment indicating increased erosion during the LGCP, with a mid‐LGCP interstadial identified between ca. 25 000 and 23 000 cal. a BP. Rapid climate amelioration at ca. 18 000 cal. a BP was accompanied by increased terrestrial biomass exemplified by the expansion of lowland podocarp forest, especially Dacrydium cupressinum. Increasing biomass production is reversed briefly by LGIT perturbations which are apparent in many of the proxies that span ca. 14 000–10 500 cal. a BP, suggesting generally increased wetness and higher in situ aquatic plant productivity with reduced terrestrial organic matter and terrigenous detrital influx. Furthermore, conditions at that time were probably warmer and frosts rare based on the increasing importance of Ascarina. The subsequent early Holocene is characterised by podocarp conifer forest and moist mild conditions. Postglacial sea‐level rise breached the crater rim and deposited 36 m of estuarine mud after ca. 9000 cal. a BP. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
为更加深入地了解村镇尺度城镇建设用地发展适宜性情况,提高土地利用综合效益,本文以常州市金坛区遥感影像数据和土地利用现状数据为基础,采用层次分析法和GIS空间分析技术,选择自然、区位、生态和土地转换适宜度四大类10个指标,建立了适用于平原地区的具有区域代表性的城镇建设用地发展适宜性评价指标体系,分析了金坛区城镇发展适宜区分布与空间自相关特征。研究结果能为城市规划、土地规划等提供依据,尤其在城镇建设用地发展布局上具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
遥感数据融合的进展与前瞻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张良培  沈焕锋 《遥感学报》2016,20(5):1050-1061
数据融合是提升遥感影像应用能力的重要手段,一直是遥感信息处理与应用领域的研究热点。本文系统综述了遥感数据融合的进展与前瞻:首先对数据融合的层次与分类进行了总结和归纳,将遥感数据融合划分为同质遥感数据融合、异质遥感数据融合、遥感—站点数据融合、遥感—非观测数据融合4大类;在此基础上,重点针对时—空—谱光学遥感数据的融合,从多视超分辨率融合、多尺度融合、空—谱融合、时—空融合、时—空—谱一体化融合等方面进行了详细阐述;最后总结了遥感数据融合的前瞻研究方向,包括时—空—谱一体化融合的拓展、空天地观测数据的跨尺度融合、传感网环境下的在线融合、面向应用的融合方法等。  相似文献   
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