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增强型地热系统(EGS)用于通过人工形成地热储层的方法从深部低渗透性岩体中开采地热能;国际上常采用水力压裂辅以化学刺激的方法改造EGS 储层以提高其渗透率。本文以采自青海共和盆地的花岗闪长岩样品为对象,选用3种不同化学刺激剂(氢氧化钠、盐酸和土酸),在3组不同注入流速条件下开展了系统化学刺激实验。结果表明:注入盐酸和土酸后样品渗透率均有提高,且采用土酸时渗透率提高幅度明显大于盐酸;但注入氢氧化钠后,样品渗透率反而降低。在3类化学刺激剂中,土酸对长石类矿物的溶蚀能力最强,而氢氧化钠溶液对石英的溶蚀能力最强,但氢氧化钠溶液在溶解岩石样品裂隙表面矿物后极易形成非定形态二氧化硅或非定形态铝硅酸盐蚀变矿物并阻塞裂隙,反而对化学刺激效果造成负面影响。总体来看,土酸是青海共和盆地干热岩体的最佳化学刺激剂。在中等注入速度(3 mL·min-1)条件下,土酸对岩石样品的溶蚀程度就可达到最高;在此基础上进一步降低流速,则可能使溶解组分更易从液相中沉淀而充填于样品裂隙,导致样品渗透率有所下降。  相似文献   
介绍了所研制的DF-1型泡沫剂组分及性能;对泡沫泥浆钻进的配方进行了研究,得出的最优配方应用于现场,取得了较好的效果,并对泡沫泥浆的护壁机理进行了研究。  相似文献   
目前琼东南盆地北礁凹陷中中新统梅山组顶部丘形反射引起广泛关注,但对其成因有不同认识。本文通过高精度二维、三维地震、钻井资料,研究丘形反射的特征。研究表明北礁地区梅山组顶部发育近东西向展布的长条形丘体,丘间为水道,丘内为中-弱振幅的地震反射,与西南部强振幅水道砂岩形成鲜明的对比,波阻抗反演揭示丘内为低波阻抗,属泥岩范畴。梅山组塑性丘内地层发生重力扩展,在其上覆的脆性地层(强振幅砂岩和弱振幅泥岩)发育多边形断层,反推出梅山组形成于深水环境,丘为泥丘,沉积环境分析也认为北礁凹陷中中新世为半深海沉积,梅山组的丘-谷分别对应上覆地层的谷-丘,认为是底流剥蚀/沉积成因。本文的研究对南海北部丘形反射的认识有重要意义,并可降低油气探勘风险。  相似文献   
南黄海悬浮体浓度的平面分布特征及其输运规律   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
重点分析和探讨了南黄海悬浮体浓度的平面分布及其水平输运,结果显示悬浮体浓度具有显著的空间区域化分布特征,其与该海域环流场的布局和季节转换存在良好的对应关系,南黄海环流是该海域悬浮体运移的主要动力和控制因素;江苏近岸海域在一年四季均为悬浮体浓度的最高值区,其悬浮体主要来源于潮流和海浪所引起的沉积物再悬浮以及苏北沿岸水的携带和输送,而且夏季悬浮体在该海域的累积还可为冬半年在黄海西部沿岸流作用下将其输运至东南海域提供很好的物源保证;长江口东北部海域在春、夏、秋三季出现东北向扩展的高值区,体现了长江冲淡水的影响;石岛外海在冬、春、秋三季也存在悬浮体浓度高值区,并具有向南黄海中部泥质区扩展的态势,这是鲁北沿岸流将现代黄河物质输运至此的结果。发现调查海域中部表底层在春秋季均存在云团状高值区,而且该海域悬浮体浓度自春季至秋季出现"双峰现象",这与春秋季水华期间浮游植物繁殖所产生的有机碎屑有关,并使作为悬浮体组成的海洋浮游生物有机质向沉积物转移,据此进一步指出这一物源可能对南黄海冷涡泥质区的形成、发育也具有一定的作用,该观点深化了对南黄海中部冷涡泥质区受上层生物活动影响以及泥质区物源的认识。  相似文献   
High-resolution Chirp profiling and coring reveals an elongated(ca. 400 km) Holocene Zhujiang River(Pearl River)-derived mud area(maximum thickness 20 m) extending from the Zhujiang River Delta, southwestward off the Guangdong coast, to the Leizhou Peninsula. Two depo-centers, one proximal and one distal, are identified. On the continental shelf off the west Guangdong Province, the mud is deposited in water depth shallower than 50 m; while to the southeast of the Zhujiang River Estuary, the mud area can extend to the-120 m isobath. A combined analysis with the stratigraphic sequences of other muddy deposits in the Western Pacific marginal seas(mainly Changjiang(Yangtze) and Huanghe(Yellow) Rivers derived) indicates that the initiation of the Zhujiang River muddy deposit can be further divided into two stages: Stage 1 is before the mid-Holocene sea-level highstand(ca. 7.0 cal. ka BP), the proximal mud was mostly deposited after 9.0 cal. ka BP, when the sea-level rose slowly after the Meltwater Pulse-1C; Stage 2, after the mid-Holocene sealevel highstand, clinoform developed on the continental shelf off the west Guangdong Province, extending ca. 400 km from the Zhujiang River Estuary. The proximal clinoform thins offshore, from ca. 10 m thickness around 5–10 m water depth to less than 1–2 m around 20–30 m water depth. In addition, we also find a developed distal clinoform in the east of the Leizhou Peninsula.  相似文献   
A field experiment was carried out to test the effect of pore water salinity on the macrobenthic assemblages in an estuarine region of the Tagus estuary (Portugal) subjected to wide fluctuations in salinity. The conditions at the experimental site ranged from freshwater (minimum salinity 0.2) to mesohaline (maximum salinity 15.3). The experimental site was affected by an unexpected deposition of fluid mud during summer. Redundancy Analysis discriminated the experimental treatments along the first canonical ordination axis. The analysis also revealed an experimental gradient of increasing environmental stress, in which the minimal presence of organisms corresponded to treatments representing a high level of environmental stress. Sediment dynamics and saline fluctuations were the major factors that, together, determined the low macrofaunal abundance and species diversity at the experimental site. The most abundant macrofaunal species in this harsh environment were the polychaetes Hediste diversicolor and Streblospio shrubsolii.  相似文献   
Results are presented from a series of settling column experiments investigating temporal variations in the flocculation characteristics of purely cohesive (kaolin clay) sediment suspensions and cohesive (kaolin) and non-cohesive (fine sand) sediment fraction mixtures. Experimental runs were conducted under controlled hydrodynamic conditions generated by a rigid array of in-phase oscillating grids. The results indicated that rapid initial floc aggregation occurred under low turbulent shear rates, with peak maximal and root-mean-square (r.m.s.) floc sizes (∼ 400 μm and ∼ 200 μm, respectively) attained after relatively short time periods, before reducing with time. By contrast, lower aggregation rates and smaller floc sizes were observed under higher shear conditions, with flocs retaining suspended in the settling column for longer time scales due to the increased turbulence. The mud input concentration displayed some correlation with maximal and r.m.s. floc sizes at higher shear rates but no correlation was apparent at low shear rates. This observed floc behaviour may be attributed to the differences in concentration gradients at high and low shear rates that affect both floc settling rate and time required for flocs to attain equilibrium size. The addition of the fine sand fraction to the kaolin clay suspension reduced both the initial floc formation (i.e. aggregation) rate and the maximal and r.m.s. floc sizes attained throughout the experiments. The reduction in maximal floc sizes appeared to be enhanced by an increase in the ratio of fine sand to kaolin clay content within the mixture.  相似文献   
王588块钻井泥浆污染主要是固相入侵和滤液与地层水的不配伍性。通过实验,优选出了具有高效深穿透能力以及固相溶解量大的表面活性剂DS-101酸液复配体系。实验表明,该体系耐温性强,对油泥具有极强的分散和溶解作用,对泥浆污染有明显的解堵效果,岩心渗透率恢复率可达127%。  相似文献   
王秀通  侯保荣  李焰 《海洋科学》2006,30(12):62-64
根据阴极保护的特点,建立了用于数值计算的模型;采用边界元方法对海泥介质中的阴极保护系统进行了计算,获得了海泥中钢管表面以及海泥介质内部的电位分布。将计算的结果与测量的数据进行比较,两者具有较好的一致性。  相似文献   
Shallow gas in the Korea Strait shelf mud (KSSM) off SE Korea, revealed by high-resolution subbottom profiles, is associated with acoustic blanking, acoustic turbidity, seepages with plumes in the water column, and seafloor depressions. The acoustic blanking, characterized by strong, consistent top reflection and wipeout below, is most dominant. The seaward edge of the acoustic blanking zone generally coincides with the 100-m water-depth contour, suggesting that the water depth (the pressure) may control the distribution of shallow gas. The acoustic turbidity, characterized by diffuse top reflection, is a dark smear, partially blanking the data below. The seepages with plumes, characterized by vertical smearing and disturbed seafloor, are seen only along the shallowest, landward edge of the acoustic blanking zone. This may suggest that the decreased gas solubility at shallow water depths, caused by the lowered pressure, increases the volume of free gas in the sediments, facilitating the gas escape. The seafloor depressions, interpreted as pockmarks, are accompanied by cone-shaped acoustic masking, which is probably the reflection from a narrow vent of gas. The gas-related acoustic anomalies appear to occur mostly in the upper, recent mud of the KSSM. Neither permeable beds nor faults, which can act as vertical migration pathways for deep thermogenic gas, are evident in the recent mud. We interpret that the bacterial degradation of organic matter in situ is the main source for the gas in the KSSM. The upwelling off SE Korea may be an important source for the increased organic matter in the area.  相似文献   
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