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本文主要介绍了2013年海峡两岸土地学术交流会上提出的16个重要观点:大陆管理体制不衔接加剧了产城分离;通过设定地上权来提高国有土地利用效率;大陆农村土地承包经营权入股存在风险;大陆应以土地为核心进行不动产统一登记;大陆农村宅基地流转很有必要;大陆开征不动产税面临着许多实践难题;大陆征地制度改革面临的紧迫问题是纠纷解决渠道不畅、补偿对象不明和程序不规范;台湾应在土地征收程序中建立判断公共利益的机制;公共利益不是以获利人数的多少作为判断依据,而是有质的认定;台湾的土地征收已经到了严重侵害人权的程度;台湾的《土地征收条例》还需完善;台湾的土地征收补偿应向日本学习;大陆目前的保障性安居工程建设存在政府失灵、市场失灵和公民规划权利缺失等问题;台湾社会对住宅问题形成了错乱情结;搞好土地评估才能解决台湾的高房价问题;居民偏好居住于空间形态较为分散的地区.  相似文献   
KCP泥浆是以KHM、CMC、PHP为处理剂的用于地热钻探的抗高温泥浆。它具有较好的抗温、防卡、防塌作用,并利于成井、洗井、投产,在西安地区使用取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   
This work presents the main characteristics of 97 quarry wastes, collected in 23 gravel pits, from the Jarama river area, Madrid province, Spain. In this area, more than 2.5 × 106 ton of silty-clay waste are generated every year, and no applications have as yet been defined for them. This work is the first systematic study of the fine fractions generated from the Jarama river quaternary deposits, playing part in the comprehension of this complex terrace systems. Quartz, potassium feldspar, plagioclase, calcite, and complex mixtures of phyllosilicates, such as smectite, illite, kaolinite, chlorite and illite/smectite mixed layer, have been detected. Two sets of waste which are recognized according to the calcite content, have been directly related with the terrace level beneficed in the Jarama river, and the position along the valley. Calcite concentrates in the wastes produced in the lower course, where Henares and Tajuña tributaries promote an extensive change in the geochemistry of underground water, and locally, in the petrology of quarried conglomerates. This clear distinction by location between calcite-bearing and calcite-free wastes is essential for potential applications, such as soil conditioning, raw materials for brick or tiles, etc. The wastes studied can be considered as a potential source of industrial raw materials because of their uniformity and large volume. This suggestion is now being carried out, with an attempt at assessing the possibilities of using these mining wastes as ceramic raw materials.  相似文献   
Sediment-stabilizing and -destabilizing organisms, i.e. microphytobenthos (biofilms) and macrozoobenthos (bioturbators), affect the erodibility of muddy sediments, potentially altering large-scale estuarine morphology. Using a novel eco-morphodynamic model of an idealized estuary, we investigate eco-engineering effects of microphytobenthos and two macrozoobenthic bioturbators. Local mud erodibility is based on species pattern predicted through hydrodynamics, soil mud content, competition and grazing. Mud resuspension and export is enhanced under bioturbation and prevented under biostabilization through respective exposure and protection of the supra- and intertidal. Bioturbation decreases mud thickness and bed elevations, which increases net mud fluxes. Microphytobenthos reduces erosion, leading to a local mud increase of intertidal sediments. In multi-species scenarios, an effective mud-prone bioturbator strongly alters morphology, exceeding that of a more abundant sand-prone moderate species, showing that morphological change depends on species traits as opposed to abundance. Altering their habitat, the effective mud-prone bioturbator facilitates expansion of the sand-prone moderate bioturbator. Grazing and species competition favor species distributions of dominant bioturbators. Consequently, eco-engineering affects habitat conditions while species interactions determine species dominance. Our results show that eco-engineering species determine the mud content of the estuary, which suggests large effects on the morphology of estuaries with aggravating habitat degradation.  相似文献   
澳大利亚西北大陆架Bonaparte盆地Sahul区块Elang组成岩作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Elang组是Bonaparte盆地Sahul区块的主要含油气层,属于浅海相三角洲前缘沉积,钻探结果表明研究区该套储层的物性呈现出"南好北差"的特点。利用铸体薄片、扫描电镜和X光衍射等多种方法和手段重点研究了Elang组砂岩的成岩作用特征。研究表明该套砂岩在区块南北的物理和化学成岩作用均不同,北部地区处于中成岩阶段的A1期,主要发育胶结、溶蚀等成岩作用;南部储层处于中成岩阶段的A2期和B期,主要发育机械压实和胶结、交代等成岩作用。这种差异成岩作用是影响储层孔隙发育的主控因素之一,也是导致储层物性北好南差的主要原因。研究这种差异性对于寻找有利储层发育区具有重要的理论价值和实际意义。  相似文献   
In terms of environmental mineralogy, the environmental properties of metallic minerals, including chemical activation, adsorption, pore effect and nanometer effect, have been analyzed. On the basis of the analysis of environmental properties of metallic minerals, the applications of iron-bearing sultides, iron and manganese oxides in the purification of wastewaters containing heavy metal ions (Cr^6+ ,Hg^2+ , Pb^2+ , etc. ) have been summarized. Moreover, research on the application of metallic minerals in environmental protection has been anticipated. It should be a piece of dominating work for environmental mineralogie researchers in the future to lucubrate systematically the physical and chemical characteristics of the metallic mineral surfaces, further reveal the reciprocity process between metallic minerals and water surface, perfect the theory and model of the metallic minerals to remove contaminants, intensify study on the facilities and techniques of metallic minerals to remove contaminants, and entail well the extension and propagation of achievements.  相似文献   
This study presents comprehensive geotechnical data of the natural marine sediments cored from the hydrate occurrence regions during the Ulleung Basin Gas Hydrate Expedition 1 (UBGH1), East Sea, offshore Korea in 2007. Geotechnical soil index properties of the Ulleung Basin sediments, including grain size distribution, porosity, water content, Atterberg limits, specific gravity, and specific surface area, were experimentally determined. These soil index properties were correlated to geotechnical engineering parameters (e.g., shear strength and friction angle) by using well-known empirical relationships. By performing standard consolidation tests on both undisturbed specimens (as recovered from the original core liner after hydrate dissociation) and remolded specimens, stress-dependent mechanical and hydraulic properties (e.g., compressibility and hydraulic conductivity) were measured. The experimental results provide important engineering parameters, and demonstrate the effect of hydrate presence and consequential dissociation to index properties, engineering parameters, and innate sediment structures.  相似文献   
利用高压低温三轴仪对含水合物粉细砂进行剪切试验。分别用气饱和法与水饱和法制样,实现不同水合物饱和度和围压条件的三轴剪切,并分析含水合物砂的胶结作用对剪切特性的影响。试验结果表明:低饱和度时,气饱和与水饱和试样的偏应力差别不大;高饱和度时,制样方式对偏应力的影响较显著;水饱和试样的剪胀性大于气饱和试样,剪胀性随饱和度的升高和围压的降低而增大。峰值偏应力和稳态偏应力由黏聚力和摩擦力两部分组成,水合物的存在对稳态内摩擦角影响不大。  相似文献   
海岸滩涂围垦的适宜速度研究--以江苏淤泥质海岸为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
滩涂围垦是基础设施建设占用大量耕地情况下江苏省实现耕地总量动态平衡的主要途径之一,随着社会经济的发展和对土地需求量的不断增加,滩涂围垦与海岸带环境保护之间的矛盾日渐突出。但以实现耕地总量动态平衡为目的的滩涂围垦需要以滩涂总量动态平衡为前提才能保证滩涂资源的可持续利用。通过对江苏海岸的发育和围垦历史以及淤蚀动态的分析,提出以滩涂总量动态平衡为前提的滩涂围垦适宜速度,并对江苏海岸不同岸段的适宜围垦速度进行计算分析,提出围垦活动的强度应当同时综合考虑围垦后的经济和社会效益与拟围滩涂所在岸段的自然淤蚀状况(即滩涂的承载力),以实现同时满足围垦活动与滩涂资源保护的平衡。  相似文献   
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