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以西北半干旱地区的内蒙古农牧交错地带锡林郭勒盟为研究区,以不同退化程度的草地为研究对象,通过叶面积指数计算各像元的动力传输粗糙度长度,以改进显热通量算法;并结合植被/土壤组分温度分别计算基于亚像元的植被/土壤的显热通量。由敏感性分析和模型验证表明,改进的显热通量算法能够提高区域尺度的能量平衡计算精度。  相似文献   
A portable wind tunnel was used to test the contribution of biological and physical elements to overall soil aggregation on a soil dominated by biological soil crusts in south-eastern Australia. After moderate disturbance and simulated wind erosion, 90% of surface aggregates on the loamy soil and 76% on the sandy soil were dominated by biological elements (cryptogams). Lower levels of biological bonding were observed on the severely disturbed treatment. Linear regression indicated a significant positive relationship (r2=0·72) between biological soil crust cover and dry aggregation levels greater than 0·85mm. To maintain sediment transport below an erosion control target of 5gm−1s−1 for a 65kmh−1 wind at 10m height, a crust cover of approximately 20% is required. When a multiple regression model which sequentially fitted biological crust cover and dry aggregation greater than 0·85mm was applied to the data, dry aggregation accounted for more of the variation in sediment transport rate than biological crust cover. These data were used to develop a conceptual model which integrates crust cover and dry aggregation, and provides a useful framework within which to predict the likely impacts of changes in soil crust cover and aggregation.  相似文献   
A new and simple method is developed to efficiently quantify erosion and deposition rates based on stock unearthing measurements. This is applicable to spatial scales ranging from plot to hillslopes, and to time scales ranging from single hydrologic events to centennial scales. The method is applied to a plot area on vineyard hillslopes in Burgundy (Monthélie, France), with measurement of 4328 vine plants. A sediment budget established at the plot scale shows a mean soil lowering of 3.44 ± 1 cm over 20 years, involving a minimal erosion rate of 1.7 ± 0.5 mm yr− 1. Locally, erosion rates can reach up to 8.2 ± 0.5 mm yr− 1.This approach allows the sediment redistribution to be mapped and analyzed at 1-m resolution. It provides novel insights into the characterization of erosion patterns on pluri-decennial scales and into the analysis of spatial distribution of erosion processes on cultivated hillslopes.  相似文献   
空间分辨率对总初级生产力模拟结果差异的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用模型分析气候变化对陆地生态系统功能的影响,是当前全球变化生态学的研究热点,然而模型模拟不确定性来源之一就是空间异质性的问题。空间异质性是尺度的函数,基于气象和遥感数据驱动的生态系统过程模型(BEPS模型),分别模拟2003-2005年中国生态系统通量观测与研究网络(ChinaFLUX)长白山站、千烟洲站、海北站及当雄站在1 km和8 km空间分辨率下的总初级生产力(GPP)的时间动态变化,并结合土地覆盖类型及叶面积指数(LAI)的差异,探讨两种空间分辨率输入数据对GPP模拟结果的影响。结果表明:① 差异性主要是由于8 km范围内混合像元导致LAI的不同,4个站点月均差异值分别为0.85、1.60、0.13及0.04;② 两种空间分辨率均能较好地反映各站点GPP的季节动态变化,与GPP观测值的相关性R2为0.79~0.97 (1 km)、0.69~0.97(8 km),月均差异值为11.46~29.65 gC/m2/month (1 km)、11.87~24.81 gC/m2/month (8 km);③ 4个通量站点在两种空间分辨率下的GPP月均差异值分别为14.43,12.05,4.79,3.22 gC/m2/month,不同空间分辨率的模拟结果在森林站的差异大于草地站,且生长季的差异大于非生长季。因此,模型在模拟大尺度、长时间序列GPP时,为了提高模型模拟效率,适度降低空间分辨率是可行的,但应尽量减小低空间分辨率对于森林生态系统以及生长季GPP模拟上的误差。  相似文献   
王宜强  赵媛 《干旱区地理》2015,38(1):163-172
从流量、流向以及流动通道三方面,探讨了内蒙古煤炭资源流动平衡现状,采用向量自回归模型解析了内蒙古煤炭资源流动与其宏观经济发展的相互作用关系,结果表明:(1)内蒙古已成长为中国最大的能源输出基地,煤炭交流活动主要集中在其周边地区,尤以华北和东北地区为主。(2)内蒙古铁路煤炭运能不足,缺乏独立、完善的运输网络。(3)内蒙古煤炭资源流动与区内经济发展水平的提高、重工业的发展、第三产业发展以及税收增长均存在着长期稳定的均衡关系,且对区内重工业发展和税收增长具有明显的单向推动作用,但对区内人均GDP和第三产业发展的促进作用相对比较微弱。(4)建立独立、完善的煤炭运输网络;重视发展煤炭运输及其相关服务业;转变能源输出战略,提高输出资源附加值,带动区内煤炭工业以及整体经济发展水平提高的政策建议。  相似文献   
Grasslands and agro-ecosystems occupy one-third of the global terrestrial area. However, great uncertainty still exists about their contributions to the global carbon cycle. This study used various com...  相似文献   
使用GRAPES_SDM沙尘暴数值模式,对2011年4月28-30日中国北方强沙尘暴天气进行分析,讨论高空急流在此次过程中对沙尘传输的影响,得出以下结论:(1)GRAPES_SDM沙尘暴模式较好地模拟了此次沙尘暴过程的范围和强沙尘暴中心,整体模拟效果较好;(2)沙尘天气发生时间及移动路径与200 hPa高空急流的加强、移动发展有很好的对应关系;(3)高空强纬向风速的加强能够促使中低层形成垂直环流圈,其下沉支流使高空动量有效下传到近地面,进而在地面形成大风及扬沙和沙尘暴天气,强沙尘暴中心位于此垂直环流圈的下沉支;(4)等熵位涡与高空急流及地面沙尘浓度分布演变有很好的对应关系,等熵位涡位于高空急流北侧,地面沙尘浓度中心位于高空急流出口区、等熵位涡中心西南侧、等值线密集带;高层高值位涡区向下延伸的路径与高空急流北侧纬向风速等值线密集带有非常好的对应关系。本文还通过对高空急流轴线动力、热力结构垂直剖面的分析,探讨了高空急流对大范围沙尘天气影响的可能机制。  相似文献   
Lower Palaeogene extrusive igneous rocks of the Faroe Islands Basalt Group (FIBG) dominate the Faroese continental margin, with flood basalts created at the time of breakup and separation from East Greenland extending eastwards into the Faroe‐Shetland Basin. This volcanic succession was emplaced in connection with the opening of the NE Atlantic; however, consensus on the age and duration of volcanism remains lacking. On the Faroe Islands, the FIBG comprises four main basaltic formations (the pre‐breakup Lopra and Beinisvørð formations, and the syn‐breakup Malinstindur and Enni formations) locally separated by thin intrabasaltic sedimentary and/or volcaniclastic units. Offshore, the distribution of these formations remains ambiguous. We examine the stratigraphic framework of these rocks on the Faroese continental margin combining onshore (published) outcrop information with offshore seismic‐reflection and well data. Our results indicate that on seismic‐reflection profiles, the FIBG can be informally divided into lower and upper seismic‐stratigraphic packages separated by the strongly reflective A‐horizon. The Lower FIBG comprises the Lopra and Beinisvørð formations; the upper FIBG includes the Malinstindur and Enni formations. The strongly reflecting A‐horizon is a consequence of the contrast in properties of the overlying Malinstindur and underlying Beinisvørð formations. Onshore, the A‐horizon is an erosional surface, locally cutting down into the Beinisvørð Formation; offshore, we have correlated the A‐horizon with the Flett unconformity, a highly incised, subaerial unconformity, within the juxtaposed and interbedded sedimentary fill of the Faroe‐Shetland Basin. We refer to this key regional boundary as the A‐horizon/Flett unconformity. The formation of this unconformity represents the transition from the pre‐breakup to the syn‐breakup phase of ocean margin development in the Faroe–Shetland region. We examine the wider implications of this correlation considering existing stratigraphic models for the FIBG, discussing potential sources of uncertainty in the correlation of the lower Palaeogene succession across the Faroe–Shetland region, and implications for the age and duration of the volcanism.  相似文献   
By means of the algorithm presented here, the temporal course H(t) and the daily mean H¯ of the sensible heat flux H can be estimated from measurements of the thermodynamic surface temperature (as a function of time) and from a one-time-of-day air temperature observation. In addition to these temperatures, one needs estimates for daily mean wind speed, for the roughness lengths of momentum and heat transfer, and for the displacement height. First, a quite general solution of the equation for heat conductance (equation for the vertical profile of potential temperature (z,t)) in the dynamic sublayer will be presented. The undetermined parameters in this solution will be defined with the aid of the above mentioned measurements. The influence of horizontal advection will be taken into account. After that, the sensible heat flux can be evaluated from the temperature difference between surface and air with the well known resistance formulae. In this paper the algorithm is derived for areas with homogeneous surfaces, i.e., with uniform surface temperatures. Finally, the method will be verified by measurements taken during the field campaigns HIBE 89 (Hildesheimer Börde in Germany) and EFEDA 91 (Spain). The root mean square errors (RMSE) for the comparison between measurement and model with regard to the temperature difference of surface and air amount to one or two degrees Kelvin, and the error of H¯ reaches 10 to 25 per cent. The method can be used to determine the sensible heat flux from measurements of surface temperatures by satellites (e.g., METEOSAT), but can also be applied to ground based measurements. For instance, horizontal temperature advection can be estimated from measurements at a single location, especially if more than one near-surface air temperature is available. The procedure can be generalized for larger areas, which consist of various surface types with different surface temperatures. This generalization of the algorithm is in progress and will be addressed in a subsequent paper. It will allow us to improve the estimates for H(t) by means of temperature measurements from, e.g., NOAA/AVHRR or LANDSAT/TM, taking into account the heterogeneity of the area that is contained in one METEOSAT pixel.  相似文献   
青藏高原及其邻近地区旬感热通量基本气候特征   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
利用1979~1995年美国NCEP再分析资料中逐旬感热通量,对高原及其邻近地区旬感热通量季节变化、年际变化特征及冬、夏季感热通量旬异常的年际变化和季节变化进行了分析。结果表明:青藏高原感热通量有明显的季节变化,可分为科季型(10月下旬~3月上旬)和夏季型(3月中旬~10月中旬),感热通量季节变化的明显区在高原北侧的荒原沙漠和南部珠峰一带,高原感热异常多发生在3~15旬和26~36旬。冬季感热通量  相似文献   
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