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为了研究木吉村斑岩型铜(钼)矿床蚀变过程中元素的迁移规律,拟推流体演化规律,笔者通过对赋矿闪长玢岩体的强硅化带、钾长石化带、石英绢云母化带、青磐岩化带中分别取样测试分析,利用Grant方程定量探讨了各蚀变带围岩中主量元素、稀土元素和微量元素的带入、带出特征,结果表明:岩浆初始热液流体富K而贫Na。相对原岩(蚀变弱的青磐岩化带),在各蚀变带中Fe_2O_3、MgO、P_2O_5和TiO_2从深部强硅化带到浅部石英绢云母化带总体上由带出变为带入,SiO_2、MnO则与上述大体相反,FeO在各蚀变带主体为带出元素。各稀土元素从深部向浅部石英绢云母化带带入特征明显,同时各蚀变带在稀土元素球粒陨石标准化曲线上表现出斜率一致的右倾型特征,说明轻重稀土分馏较明显,轻稀土富集,重稀土亏损。Cu和Mo在石英绢云母化带中富集尤为明显,其次在钾长石化带也明显富集,即海拔400~500 m为主要的Cu、Mo富集区。  相似文献   
By nature minerals are heterogeneous materials for many of their properties. These properties also vary according to composition and structure fluctuations, compared to definitions. Technical minerals are used in applications where their performances depend on intrinsic properties and processing conditions. It is possible to base rankings on simple criteria, allowing estimating the abilities of minerals for each utilisation. The research of the corresponding mechanisms concerns the molecular level. These questions are discussed for kaolins, raw materials for baked clays, talqueous materials and montmorillonites. To cite this article: J. Yvon et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 717–730.  相似文献   
本文搜集了2003年1月至2013年12月间经国际矿物学协会新矿物、矿物命名及分类委员会批准的31个新的铀矿物资料,梳理出这些铀矿物新种的重要矿物学特征,试对其晶体化学分类,并对这些新铀矿物的汉译名提出建议。在此基础上,对这些新矿物的发现与研究特点进行了初步分析,对我国铀矿物研究提出了建议。本文将对我国铀矿地质研究人员具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
下庄铀矿为一花岗岩型铀矿,矿田地处湿热气候条件下,沥青铀矿普遍产于破碎带中,这种特定的产出环境致使该区沥青铀矿经受了强烈的风化,形成种类繁多、数量丰富的铀酰矿物;而我国高放废物地质处置库拟建在花岗岩体中。因此,下庄铀矿田是开展核废料氧化的天然类比研究的理想地区,并对我国的高放废物地质处置库的安全性评价有重要的指导作用。下庄铀矿田的铀酰矿物组合为铀酰氢氧化物、铀酰硅酸盐和铀酰磷酸盐,包括柱铀矿、黄钙铀矿、calciouranoite、红铀矿、富硅铀酰相、硅钙铀矿、钙铀云母和盈江铀矿等。根据它们的空间分布特征可划分成两个风化系列,即硅酸盐风化系列和磷酸盐风化系列,其共生次序分别为:沥青铀矿→铀酰氢氧化物(氧化物)→富硅铀酰相→硅钙铀矿和沥青铀矿→铀酰氢氧化物(氧化物)→钙铀云母→盈江铀矿。在该矿田中,铀酰氢氧化物是亚稳定相矿物,常常被铀酰硅酸盐或磷酸盐取代,因此,铀酰氢氧化物仅出现在少数样品中,而铀酰硅酸盐和铀酰磷酸盐矿物则非常普遍。矿田中的铀酰矿物在化学成分上以富钙为其显著特征,由于核废料地质处置库近场地下水中的Ca^2+含量应该明显比下庄矿田地下水中的高,因此,我们预测含Ca的铀酰硅酸盐和铀酰磷酸盐矿物等热力学上的稳定物相很可能是地质处置系统中最主要的铀酰矿物,处置库内放射性核素的迁移主要是由这些矿物控制的。  相似文献   
The experimental study on the melting of potassic basalt and eclogite with about 2% waterat 800-1300℃ and 1.0-3.5 GPa shows that the solidi of both rocks are significantly lower thanthose obtained from the previous experiments of the same type of rocks under dry conditions,and the former which is enriched in potassium has a lower melting point than the latter. It is con-sistent with the previous study. The melting temperature of eclogite increases with pressure,whereas potassic basalt has similar properties only at 1.5—2.5 GPa and>3.0 GPa, and at 2.5—3.0 GPa the melting temperature decreases with pressure. This can be explained as follows: (1)eclogite only has one hydrous mineral amphibole and the dehydous temperature is lower than thewet solidus of the rock. (2) Amphibole exists in potassic basalt at the pressures lower than 2.5GPa and phlogopite exists at pressures higher than 2.5 GPa, and the special compositions of bothminerals determine that amphibole has a dehydration temperature higher than or close to that ofthe wet solidus of the rocks, while phlogopite has a dehydration temperature lower than that ofthe wet solidus. On the other hand the features of the continuous solidus in the experiment ofhydrous eclogite were produced by the fact that the dehydration temperature of its amphibolelower than or close to the melting temperature of the hydrous conditions. So the melting tempera-ture lowers at higher pressures. Therefore, the composition of the rocks in the lithosphere and thetypes of hydrous minerals and their stable P-T conditions are the important factors controllingthe solidi of rocks. It can quite well explain the partial melting of rocks and the origin of the lowvelocity zone in the deep lithosphere.  相似文献   
文章主要通过电子探针、扫描电镜、激光拉曼光谱、透射电镜等微区微分析技术研究GRV 022115球粒陨石的基础矿物学特征和冲击变质矿物学特征,探讨陨石冲击熔融脉的形成机制和界定其母体的冲击条件。陨石主岩主要由橄榄石、辉石、熔长石、铁镍金属和硫化物等矿物组成。根据主岩的硅酸盐矿物学特征,确定GRV 022115是风化程度较低(W1) 的L6型普通球粒陨石,与前期分类结果一致。根据熔融脉内含有大量林伍德石的现象,修正GRV 022115陨石的冲击级别为S6,比原定的S5高一个级别。GRV 022115球粒陨石中有多条冲击熔融脉,熔融脉由基质和主岩碎块包裹体两类岩相组组成。熔融脉基质的主要组成是微米级粒状镁铁榴石与纳米级的含铁方镁石,是在平衡冲击压力下结晶的产物。冲击熔融脉主岩碎块包裹体中的橄榄石、低钙辉石、长石碎块已部分或全部转为相对应的高压相。橄榄石相变为林伍德石;个别低钙辉石相变为钙钛矿结构布里奇曼石微晶的集合体;长石主要相变为熔长石与玲根石。几乎所有的主岩碎块都有高温熔融的圆滑边界。熔融脉内外同类矿物的主量和微量元素具有一定的差异性,该差异性可以反映高温高压下混溶作用和扩散作用的影响。结合陨石冲击熔融脉形成机制和结晶模型,根据熔脉基质中镁铁榴石+方镁石矿物组合及静态高温高压实验相图,界定该陨石经受的冲击压力为23~27 GPa。  相似文献   
何谷先 《黄金地质》1995,1(4):64-67
利用特定的动物、植物寻找黄金资源已取得比较明显的进展。对部分特定动物、植物的富金能力进行了简要介绍,初步认为,它已构成一种有效的找矿方法与指示标志。在具有类似条件的地区,可开展此项工作。  相似文献   
The K odzko Metamorphic Complex (KMC) consists of Upper Proterozoic metaigneous and metasedimentary rocks forming a stack pile thrusted over the Givetian and overlain by Frasnian–Fammenian sediments. Magnetomineralogical experiments show that the magnetic minerals are secondary. The paleomagnetic experiments identified three components of the Natural Remanent Magnetization; labeled A1, A2 and M. The mean pole positions calculated in situ correspond with the Baltica Upper Devonian (A1: PlatS=−18°, PlongE=317°), Permo-Carboniferous (A2: PlatS=−39°, PlongE=2°) and Triassic–Jurassic (M: PlatS=−60°C, PlongE=308°) segments of the Apparent Polar Wander Path (APWP) for Baltica. This indicates that the region studied was situated close to the Baltica plate at least since the Upper Devonian and was not folded after this period.  相似文献   
Both froth flotation and centrifugal concentration were used to pre-concentrate the oil sands froth treatment tailings prior to the recovery of heavy minerals (titanium and zirconium minerals). Over 90% of the heavy minerals were recovered into a bulk flotation concentrate that was about 50% of the feed mass at 85 °C without any reagents. The same recoveries were obtained at 50 °C with the addition of NaOH and/or sodium oleate. However, the flotation concentrate also recovered over 90% of the residual bitumen and much of the clays/slimes. Subsequent treatment of the flotation concentrate such as dewatering and bitumen removal would be difficult due to these residual bitumen and clays. On the other hand, a SB40 centrifugal concentrator recovered over 85% of the heavy minerals but less than 30% of the residual bitumen. With improved liberation the recovery of the residual bitumen into the concentrate could be further reduced. The particle sizes of the SB40 concentrates were also larger than the flotation concentrates, making subsequent processing much easier.  相似文献   
天然成因的硅铁合金,通常认为与地幔及陨击事件有关。通过应用新的衍射技术,得到了西藏罗布莎蛇绿岩块豆荚状铬铁矿床中硅铁合金的粉晶X射线衍射数据,确认了合金物相为FeSi_2和FeSi及少量自然硅,确定了物相组合关系。本区硅铁合金具有FeSi→FeSi_2→自然硅的晶出顺序,推测其形成环境中的还原程度依次增高。  相似文献   
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