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对帕里西维拉海盆PV090102孔2.1 Ma以来沉积物中黏土矿物的含量、特征参数和形貌特征进行了分析,结果表明,黏土矿物以伊利石(48%)和蒙皂石(34%)为主,绿泥石(13%)和高岭石(6%)含量较低。伊利石结晶度平均为0.29°△2θ,表明其形成于气候寒冷且水解作用弱的陆地源区;伊利石化学指数平均为0.32,表明该孔伊利石为富Fe-Mg伊利石,且经历了较强的物理风化。黏土矿物的组合特征和形貌特征表明,蒙皂石主要来源于周围火山岛弧,伊利石、绿泥石和高岭石主要来源于亚洲大陆风尘。在中更新世气候转型期,伊利石通量、绿泥石通量和高岭石通量均呈增加趋势,这与该孔总的风尘通量和风尘石英通量的变化趋势一致,且与亚洲大陆干旱化一致,表明其响应了中更新世气候转型期亚洲内陆的干旱变化,因而可以作为亚洲内陆干湿变化的示踪指标。此外,第四纪以来PV090102孔蒙皂石通量的变化与该孔火山物质通量的变化趋势具有很好的一致性,因而可以作为火山物质输入西菲律宾海的替代指标。  相似文献   
This study takes cognizance of the fact that the TIOMIN (TIOMIN Resources Inc. of Canada) project has resulted in controversy over its handling of environmental issues and especially the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The authors address many of the protracted issues that have slowed the development of the mining project in Kwale. The main emphasis is on the impacts of the mining and mineral separation processes on the environment, including the governing legislation, the role of consultation and public participation, and socioeconomic issues. In their public documents TIOMIN has specified neither the type of minerals it wants to extract from the area nor their chemical composition. It is well known, however that the titanium minerals and zircon targeted have impurities of iron, thorium and uranium. In the absence of an Environmental Management Plan, the effects of stockpiling radioactive wastes and other impurities that could possibly lead to environmental degradation in both the terrestrial and marine environments have not been publically addressed. The measures proposed to mitigate ecological damage as a result of the establishment of a minerals processing plant in the area seem inadequate. Pollution resulting from accidental spillage or breakage could have significant impact on marine life and residents living near the mining site. Other issues that have not been addressed satisfactorily pertain to the use of surface and underground water. The area already faces a huge water deficit and the calculations presented on aquifer recharge and stream flow rates do not indicate the large quantities of water that would be required in the mineral processing plant. The project, if approved in its present state, risks violation of international conventions. Furthermore, it could cause a conflict between Kenya and Tanzania in the event of an oil spill at the proposed ship loading facility at Shimoni. The proposed mining area includes the district's most fertile land, is home to many fisherfolk and is a major tourist destination. An analysis of the effects of this project on other available opportunities must be thoroughly understood to ascertain the economic and environmental benefits and costs of the mining venture. The proposed compensation rate of $1,000 per acre, for resettlement for example, appears to be grossly inadequate. Compensation should take into account family size and structure family assets and the cost of relocation.  相似文献   
南海是西太平洋最大的边缘海,对东亚季风和全球气候变化具有敏感的响应,然而目前对南海沉积物的物源分析仍存在众多争议。对南海琼东南盆地SCS-02孔的沉积物样品进行了系统的磁学分析,旨在通过环境磁学参数追踪沉积物的来源。结果表明,SCS-02岩芯的磁性矿物主要为磁铁矿和赤铁矿。自16 kaBP以来,磁性矿物的粒径和成分发生了系统变化,指示了沉积物源-汇过程的改变。15.5~16 kaBP期间,磁化率较高,粒径较粗,矫顽力也较高。海平面比现今低100多米,莺歌海出露于海平面以上,古红河口距研究区较近,红河的物质可以较容易到达沉积区,因此该时期红河贡献较大,珠江和台湾贡献较小。7.5~15.5 kaBP期间,随着海平面的迅速上升,磁性矿物组成和粒度发生了变化,总的磁性矿物含量减少,磁铁矿的含量逐渐增加,粒度变细,表明随着海平面的升高,珠江和台湾的贡献有所增加。7.5 kaBP以来,现代的海陆格局基本形成,磁性矿物组成和粒度变化较稳定,沉积物主要来源于红河和珠江。因此,环境磁学参数可以指示南海西北部沉积物的源-汇变化,为海平面变化和气候演化研究提供有效参考。  相似文献   
Tiomin Resources Inc. (“Tiomin”), the proponent of the Kwale Mineral Sands Project in Kenya, presents a response to the article authored by J. O. Z. Abuodha and P. O. Hayombe, entitled “Protracted Environmental Issues on a Proposed Titanium Minerals Development in Kenya's South Coast”, published in Volume 24, Number 2, April–June 2006. This article contains a series of inaccuracies, some grossly misleading and many statements relate to outdated information. Tiomin is greatly concerned at the publication of such a misleading report and is obliged to state the facts correctly. This response seeks to identify the misrepresentation of statements and/or facts in the article and present a correct and accurate perspective on the environmental issues of the project.  相似文献   
一座营钼矿床位于吉林省梅河口市一座营镇北东方向3.5 km处,经详查提交钼资源储量(332+333)15 204 t。笔者根据区域地质背景及矿床特征总结了矿床的控矿条件,认为志留系桃山组、华力西期、印支期侵入岩、北西向构造为主要控矿条件,并建立了找矿标志。  相似文献   
卢燕  杨凯  修连存 《地质通报》2017,36(10):1884-1891
沉积岩中自生粘土矿物受成岩过程中物化条件控制,是成岩系统物化条件的指示。近红外反射光谱技术对粘土矿物反应灵敏,在金属矿产勘探中已经得到了日益广泛的应用。首次对油气勘探地质井的试验工作,验证了近红外光谱数据不仅可以第一时间从岩石样品中直接提取微量烃信息,还能解译详细的粘土矿物组合及其变化,从而获取对油气勘探有价值的成岩温度和热成熟度信息。对鄂尔多斯富县地区试验样品的数据分析表明,生油和储油层中的粘土矿物组合(包括铵伊利石、绿泥石、高岭石)变化直接反映了成岩和构造演化物化条件的变化,对于全面理解盆地的环境条件并且判断油气生成的有利区位具有实际应用意义。  相似文献   
基于详细的统计数据,从时间、空间、结构等多个纬度,对中国探矿权及地质勘查投资情况进行了时间序列、因素相关性等对比分析和综合研究,为政府管理部门制定政策和规划提供参考依据。通过研究,揭示了影响探矿权及地质勘查投资的主要因素、底层逻辑和发展规律,并认为受国内外宏观经济增速放缓、地缘政治等因素影响,特别是国内相关产业政策、生态和环境保护压力,“十三五”期间中国探矿权数、地质勘查投入和新发现矿产地持续大幅度减少。“十三五”期间,新立探矿权同比减少52.1%,注销探矿权数是“十二五”期间的3.7倍多。油气矿产的探矿权登记面积和地质勘查投资分别占全国的96%和77.6%;非油气矿产探矿权数占全国的90%以上,有近60%的非油气探矿权在西部地区;非油气地质勘查投资中,水工环及科技等投资额占居半壁江山。预计中国在能源矿产、战略性矿产等勘查领域将增加勘查投入,地质勘查投资将于2024年后逐渐走出低谷。  相似文献   
Tracing the sediment delivery from its source terrain to its ultimate sink envisage multiple factors that play a vital role in understanding present day erosional engine.To accomplish this,it is significant to distinguish the variable end-members contributing to the basin.The findings from the study of dryland coastal fluvial regime in Kachchh(Western India),which is one of the end members contributing to the Gulf of Kachchh coast(partial sink) and finally to the Arabian Sea(ultimate sink) have been presented here.Multi-proxy sediment provenance proxies such as grain-size,clay minerals,geochemistry and magnetic minerals have been employed to evaluate the provenance discriminating characteristics of the Kachchh dryland fluvial system and factors influencing them.The results of different proxies indicate that the provenance signatures of uplands are quite characteristic with magnetic susceptibility(χ) values of 20×10~(-7)m~3kg~(-1) and smectite(S)/kaolinite(K) ratio between 0.26 and 0.49.The middle reaches show marked increase in magnetic mineral concentration with χ values(140×10~(-7)m~3kg~(-1))and S/K ratio(4.92),while the estuarine tract shows χ values(80×10~(-7)m~3kg~(-1)),S/K ratio(1.90) and,characteristic heavy minerals(i.e.mica minerals),probably reflect the interplay between land and sea oscillations.Major sources of sediments within catchment scale were identified,viz.,upland sedimentary rocks(Juran and Bhuj Formation sandstone-shale) and middle reaches volcanic(Deccan Trap Formation basalt) rocks.The present study draw cautions in provenance of sediment discrimination in areas influenced by Deccan basalt that has the overwhelming sediment delivery and a comparatively subdued effects of other provenance signatures.The studied proxies of mineralogy of clays,magnetic minerals and geochemistry of heavy and major elements serve as the potential for fingerprint of sediment source regions and hence behold a strong position in source to sink studies globally.  相似文献   
刘磊  蒲小楠  洪俊  张辉善  YASIR Shaheen Khalil 《地质论评》2022,68(5):2022092008-2022092008
巴基斯坦查盖火山岩浆岩带属于特提斯成矿域的重要组成部分之一,是巴基斯坦境内最重要的斑岩型铜矿带,但目前其相关的遥感研究还较少,制约了对该成矿带的找矿潜力分析。本文以山达克矿床及其周边为研究区,对先进星载热辐射与反射辐射计(Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer, ASTER)数据进行RBD (Relative absorption band depth)比值假彩色合成、主成分分析、光谱角制图等处理,获得蚀变遥感异常信息分布特征,通过对蚀变特征和主要控矿要素进行遥感研究,建立了山达克矿床遥感找矿模型并开展成矿预测,为该成矿带矿产勘查提供借鉴。根据建立的遥感找矿模型,圈定了找矿预测靶区10处。对矿区东矿体和矿区北部的2个靶区进行野外验证,证实了提取结果与实际地质事实吻合较好,对矿区岩石样品进行光谱实测,表明样品实测光谱曲线与标准矿物光谱曲线的吸收特征位置高度相似,证实了研究区绢云母化、青磐岩化等蚀变较强且分布较广。结果表明本次研究提取的矿化蚀变结果可信度较高,可为后续找矿勘查工作提供参考。  相似文献   
Fault affecting silicoclastic sediments are commonly enriched in clay minerals. Clays are sensitive to fluid–rock interactions and deformation mechanisms; in this paper, they are used as proxy for fault activity and behavior. The present study focuses on clay mineral assemblages from the Point Vert normal fault zone located in the Annot sandstones, a Priabonian-Rupelian turbidite succession of the Alpine foredeep in SE France. In this area, the Annot sandstones were buried around 6–8 km below the front of Alpine nappes soon after their deposition and exhumed during the middle-late Miocene. The fault affects arkosic sandstone beds alternating with pelitic layers, and displays throw of about thirty meters. The fault core zone comprises intensely foliated sandstones bounding a corridor of gouge about 20 cm thick. The foliated sandstones display clay concentration along S–C structures characterized by dissolution of K-feldspar and their replacement by mica, associated with quartz pressure solution, intense microfracturation and quartz vein precipitation. The gouge is formed by a clayey matrix containing fragments of foliated sandstones and pelites. However, a detailed petrographical investigation suggests complex polyphase deformation processes. Optical and SEM observations show that the clay minerals fraction of all studied rocks (pelites and sandstones from the damage and core zones of the fault) is dominated by white micas and chlorite. These minerals have two different origins: detrital and newly-formed. Detrital micas are identified by their larger shape and their chemical composition with a lower Fe–Mg content than the newly-formed white micas. In the foliated sandstones, newly-formed white micas are concentrated along S–C structures or replace K-feldspar. Both types of newly formed micas display the same chemical composition confirmed microstructural observations suggesting that they formed in the same conditions. They have the following structural formulas: Na0.05 K0.86 (Al 1.77 Fe0.08 Mg0.15) (Si3.22 Al0.78) O10 (OH)2. They are enriched in Fe and Mg compared to the detrital micas. Newly-formed chlorites are associated with micas along the shear planes. According to microprobe analyses, they present the following structural formula: (Al1,48 Fe2,50 Mg1,84) (Si2,82 Al1,18) O10 (OH)8. All these data suggest that these clay minerals are synkinematic and registered the fault activity. In the gouge samples, illite and chlorite are the major clay minerals; smectite is locally present in some samples.In the foliated sandstones, Kubler Index (KI) ((001) XRD peak width at half height) data and thermodynamic calculations from synkinematic chlorite chemistry suggest that the main fault deformation occurred under temperatures around 220 °C (diagenesis to anchizone boundary). KI measured on pelites and sandstones from the hanging and footwall, display similar values coherent with the maximal burial temperature of the Annot sandstones in this area. The gouge samples have a higher KI index, which could be explained by a reactivation of the fault at lower temperatures during the exhumation of the Annot sandstones formation.  相似文献   
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