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The aim of this study was to analyse the hydrogeologic role of siliciclastic deposits and marly‐clayey‐calcareous successions within the carbonate Apennine chain (southern Italy). The study was carried out along the northern part of the Matese carbonate massif through (1) the hydraulic characterization of siliciclastic rocks in a test site, by means of Lugeon tests, and (2) the identification of the groundwater flow system discharging at an important spring located within a marly‐clayey‐calcareous succession in a second test site, by means of isotopic investigations. The results showed that the investigated siliciclastic deposits and marly‐clayey‐calcareous successions may allow significant groundwater discharge from carbonate aquifers. Thus, they do not everywhere behave as aquitard, contrary to the previous model. Instead, groundwater flows through the upper part of these successions, where stress release fracturing enhanced rock permeability in the near‐surface bedrock. Thus, these successions may locally be a new groundwater source within the southern Apennine chain. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A recent island survey reveals that the Xuande Atoll and the Yongle Atoll in the Xisha Islands can be classified into one of two systems: the depleted atoll system and growth atoll system; the survey also indicates that the decreased area of several shoals is an unbearable burden for the Xisha Islands, of which the largest island area is 2.13 km2 and the minimum elevation is 1.4 m. According to a survey on the ecological characteristics of Halimeda in the Laolongtou breaker zone of Shidao Island in the Xisha Islands, the green and white living Halimeda are collected,the isotopic ages of 14 C contained in the Halimeda are shown to be 27 years and 55 years, respectively, and carbonate mainly occurs in five types, i.e., luster, segment, sand, sand grain, and marl in the formation. The Halimeda segments mainly provide the carbonate sediments of long-term biogenic deposits in the reef environment and the annual productivity per area is 60–100 g/m2; the characteristics of the microstructure of the Halimeda are analyzed, the aragonite raphide carbonate is deposited and enriched in the cortexes, medullas and cysts, and the Halimeda generally contain major elements such as C, O, Ca, Cl, Mg, K, Na, S and Al, and are rich in trace elements such as tellurium(Te), rhodium(Rh) and strontium. It is believed that the Halimeda grow slowly,including the biotic community of reef corals in the reef areas, thus they possess an environmental remediation capacity, but it takes much time to remedy the environment, and it is necessary to make the law to protect the diversity and vulnerability of the Xisha marine ecology, the ecology of the reef community and the island environment in a scientific way. As indicated in the survey, under the background of global warming and sea-level rise, the discovery of large amounts of Halimeda in the Laolongtou sea area is significant for the natural increase of the depleted atoll system of the Xuande Atoll, while the Halimeda segments represent the primary form of the fossil Halimeda, of which the species can be identified and preserved in great numbers under geological conditions. The Miocene was discovered in large amounts in the Xichen-1 well, therefore the study on the characteristics and mechanism of Halimeda carbonate sediments plays a pivotal role in the formation and construction of organic reefs in the South China Sea as well as oil and gas exploration.  相似文献   
Seepage of hydrocarbon-rich fluids out of the marine sedimentary column is characterized by temporal changes of flow intensity and resultant spatially variable redox conditions. Authigenic carbonates at marine hydrocarbon seeps provide excellent geological and geochemical archives that serve to explore seepage dynamics over time. In this study, we investigated the potential of Mössbuaer spectroscopy and Fe contents of seep-related authigenic carbonates from the Congo Fan, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Black Sea for reconstructing past redox conditions and fluid seepage activity at cold seeps. The Fe speciation observed by Mössbauer spectroscopy and Fe contents suggest that (1) the Congo Fan carbonates precipitated in a sulfidic environment, (2) the formation conditions of seep carbonates were variable at the Gulf of Mexico seep site, ranging from oxic to suboxic and anoxic and even spanning into the methanogenic zone, and (3) the stratified water column of the Black Sea or suboxic condition resulted in low Fe contents of Black Sea carbonates. The study reveals that Fe speciation can provide constraints on the wide range of redox conditions that imprinted seep carbonates during the life span of seepage. Similarly, Mössbauer spectroscopy – particularly when used in combination with the analysis of redox-sensitive elements – is a promising tool to trace variable redox conditions in marine paleoenvironments other than seeps.  相似文献   
Extracts of the viscera of Haliotis iris (Martyn, 1784) were shown to hydrolyse 2‐hydroxy‐5‐nitrophenyl sulphate at pH 5.5, and the p‐nitrophenyl derivatives of α‐ and β‐D‐galactose, α‐ and β‐D‐mannose, α‐L‐lucose, β‐D‐glucuronic acid, β‐N‐acetyl glucosamine and phosphate at pH 4.0 and 5.5: p‐nitrophenyl‐β‐L‐fucose was not hydrolysed.  相似文献   
通过露头、钻井岩芯沉积相观察及高频旋回识别,结合全岩碳氧同位素旋回、自然伽玛能谱测井ln(Th/K)值频谱分析及地震反射特征,研究了塔里木盆地塔中—巴楚地区分布的上奥陶统良里塔格组开阔台地及外缓坡相碳酸盐岩中发育的四~六级高频层序(旋回)特征及其叠置关系。认为其六级米级旋回、五级准层序及四级准层序组可能分别与20~40ka、100ka及400ka周期的Milankovitch日-地轨道气候旋回有关,并识别出该区良里塔格组由11~12个400ka周期的准层序组构成。提出海相碳酸盐岩全岩或生物壳碳同位素值可作为反映全球海平面相对变化的指标及识别形成三级层序的主控因素(全球海平面变化、地区性构造沉降-抬升运动)的方法——碳同位素-沉积旋回对比分析法。晚奥陶世良里塔格组沉积时期,塔中台地北缘总体表现为向上变浅的加积型沉积叠置型式,主要与塔中I号断裂活动控制形成的高陡型镶边台地边缘有关;巴楚台地西北缘则表现为向上变浅的加积-进积复合型沉积叠置型式,主要与其断裂活动弱、受沉积作用控制为主的缓坡台地边缘有关。塔中-巴楚台地良里塔格组表现为一个完整三级层序的形成与演化,主要受控于该台地的构造(沉降-抬升)运动而不是全球海平面变化,属于典型的地区性构造层序及不具有全球对比意义。  相似文献   
河北宽城地区中元古代高于庄组碳酸盐岩碳氧同位素特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
罗顺社  汪凯明 《地质学报》2010,84(4):492-499
对河北宽城地区中元古代高于庄组碳酸盐岩的碳氧同位素进行了测定和原始性验证,表明其原始组分保存良好。δ13C、δ18O值分布范围和平均值分别为-5.03‰~0.07‰、-9.92‰~-4.12‰和-0.90‰、-6.58‰,整体上稍低于前人测定的天津蓟县剖面和北京十三陵剖面数据。分析认为:研究区δ13C值主要受有机碳氧化与有机碳的埋藏速率因素影响,有机碳的埋藏速率与蓝绿藻等生物数量关系密切,藻类繁盛的时期一般都具有较高的δ13C值,藻类稀少的时期则具有较低的δ13C值。在浅水潮坪环境中,δ13C值与海平面的变化呈正相关关系;研究区δ18O值则主要受海平面变化影响,与之呈负相关关系;研究区古盐度Z值主要介于120~125之间,相关性分析表明Z值不仅反映氧同位素组成,也反映了碳同位素组成,δ18O和δ13C均与沉积介质的盐度有关,其变化趋势是盐度越大,其δ值越高。  相似文献   
辽东大连金石滩新元古代兴民村组上部灰岩段发育了一系列形态复杂多样的臼齿构造(Molar-tooth struc-ture,简称MT)。通过野外及室内综合研究鉴别出条带状、短直杆状、蠕虫状、细丝状、圆斑状(气泡状、瘤状)和碎屑状6种主要类型,其中以条带状最为发育。MT发育段主要由含砂屑或粉屑灰岩、泥晶灰岩、纹层状泥晶灰岩和含泥泥晶灰岩的韵律组成,系多个向上沉积动力减弱、水体变浅的潮下-潮间带沉积旋回序列。兴民村组MT发育的沉积环境具有一定水深和频繁波动的水动力特点,MT形态受宿主岩石性质的影响和控制。MT主要发育在浅潮下带-潮间带下部沉积微相。不同形态的MT及其组合分别宿主于不同的沉积岩相或沉积韵律,表现了MT形态的指相意义。  相似文献   
缝洞型油藏大尺度可视化水驱油物理模拟实验及机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
缝洞型碳酸盐岩油藏由于其缝洞组合关系的复杂性,使得储层流体的渗流规律有别于常规油藏。根据某油田奥陶系缝洞型碳酸盐岩的实际情况设计制作了大尺度可视化物理模型,并按照现场实际设计了二注三采的实验井网及注采方案,以应用物理模拟实验来研究缝洞型碳酸盐岩油藏的开发特征及油井生产规律。结合实验结果,利用J.Cruz-Hernández建立的数学模型对生产数据进行拟合,以研究缝洞型碳酸盐岩油藏中流体的渗流机理,J.Cruz-Hernández数学模型中的空间系数和流动速度对采收率影响较大,提出模型的改进应考虑重力分异作用、溶洞比例等影响因素。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地寒武系层序地层格架   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
通过露头、钻测井及地震层序地层特征综合分析,建立了塔里木盆地寒武系三级层序地层格架,将寒武系划分出6个可全盆地追踪与对比的三级层序。结合反映全球海平面相对变化的全岩碳同位素旋回与反映沉积古水深相对变化的沉积旋回的对比分析,可将塔里木盆地寒武系三级层序分为主要受全球海平面变化控制形成的全球海平面层序(层序CSQ2、CSQ4、CSQ5、CSQ6)及主要受地区性构造沉降作用控制形成的构造层序(层序CSQ1、CSQ3)2类。塔北轮南地区寒武系台地边缘总体呈现由早寒武世的缓坡向中—晚寒武世的镶边台地的演变以及由西向东的进积叠置型式,推测主要与寒武纪全球海平面总体微弱下降及塔里木盆地基底沉降速率总体稳定且较小有关。  相似文献   
根据碳酸盐岩建造基底的成因,将研究区石炭纪-二叠纪的碳酸盐台地划分为火山垫高型(HEP)、三角洲垫高型(DEP)、海岸沉没型(CSP)和陆架变浅型(SSP)4类.不同类型的碳酸盐台地具有不同的沉积模式,造就了地层形态及夹层岩性各异的沉积建造,形成不同的生储盖组合.火山垫高型碳酸盐岩建造,基底和建造内的火山岩或火山碎屑岩、建造石灰岩和砂砾岩夹层构成储集层,建造上覆或侧翼的浅海相暗色泥岩和建造石灰岩、暗色泥岩夹层为烃源岩,建造上覆的浅海相泥岩为盖层,形成较复杂的自生自储式岩性圈闭;三角洲垫高型碳酸盐岩建造,储层主要是基底的辫状三角洲(扇三角洲)砂砾岩和建造内的砂砾岩夹层,烃源岩为建造上覆或侧翼的浅海相暗色泥岩和建造内的暗色泥岩夹层,侧翼或上覆的暗色泥岩为盖层,构成较复杂的自生自储式岩性圈闭;海岸沉没型和陆架变浅型的碳酸盐岩建造,储层可能仅有石灰岩,烃源岩和盖层为浅海相暗色泥岩,形成相对简单的自生自储式岩性圈闭.  相似文献   
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