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In recent years, Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) forests have rapidly expanded in Japan by replacing surrounding coniferous and/or broadleaved forests. To evaluate the change in water yield from forested areas because of this replacement, it is necessary to examine evapotranspiration for Moso bamboo forests. However, canopy interception loss, one of the major components of evapotranspiration in forested areas, has been observed in only two Moso bamboo forests in Japan with relatively high stem density (~7000 stems/ha). There are, in fact, many Moso bamboo forests with much lower stem density. Thus, we made precipitation (Pr), throughfall (Tf) and stemflow (Sf) observations for 1 year in a Moso bamboo forest with stem density of 3611 stems/ha and quantified canopy interception loss (Ic). Pr and Ic for the experimental period were 1636 and 166 mm, respectively, and Ic/Pr was 10%. The value was approximately the same as values for the other two Moso bamboo forests and lower than values for coniferous and broadleaved forests. On the other hand, Tf/Pr and Sf/Pr for our forest (86% and 4%, respectively) were approximately 10% of Pr larger and smaller than values for the other two Moso bamboo forests. These results suggest that the difference in stem density greatly affects precipitation partitioning (i.e. Tf/Pr and Sf/Pr) but does not greatly change Ic/Pr. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Desert pavements (DPs) are critical for maintaining ecological stability and promoting near-surface hydrological cycling in arid regions. However, few studies have focused on eco-hydrological processes of DPs in the ecological systems of fluvial fans. Although DP surfaces appear to be barren and flat, we found that the surfaces are characterized by surface mosaic patterns of desert pavement (mosaic DP) and bare ground (mosaic BG). We investigated the effects of mosaic DP on water infiltration and vegetation distribution at six sites in fluvial fans (one on a hillside and five within the sectors of fans) along a southwest belt transect in northern Linze County, in the central Hexi Corridor (China). We found significant differences in mosaic DP between the hillside and sector sites in terms of pavement thickness and vesicular horizon thickness (Av thickness), particle composition, and bulk density, although significant differences were absent for mass soil water content, gravel coverage, and surface gravel size. The mosaic DP inhibited water infiltration by the pavement layer, where the sorptivity (S), initial infiltration rate (iint), steady-state infiltration rate (isat) and infiltration time (T) averaged 1.19 cm/min-0.5, 0.64 cm/min, 0.13 cm/min and 12.76 min, respectively. Where the pavement layer was scalped, the S, iint, and isat increased by 0.27 cm/min-0.5, 0.52 cm/min, and 0.40 cm/min, respectively, and the T reduced by 7.42 min. Water infiltration was mainly controlled by the pavement layer thickness (+), Av thickness (−), surface gravel coverage (−), fine earth (+) and fine gravel (−) in the pavement layer. The DP surfaces only had a sparse covering of shrubs, but an abundance of herbs. Few shrubs were present on the mosaic DP, but a greater number of shrubs and herbs grew on the mosaic BG. It can be concluded that DPs can maintain vegetation stability for different surface mosaic patterns. This study deepens our understanding of the eco-hydrological cycle of DP landscapes in arid regions.  相似文献   
When formulating a hydrologic model, scientists rely on parameterizations of multiple processes based on field data, but literature review suggests that more frequently people select parameterizations that were included in pre-existing models rather than re-evaluating the underlying field experiments. Problems arise when limited field data exist, when “trusted” approaches do not get reevaluated, and when sensitivities fundamentally change in different environments. The physics and dynamics of snow interception by conifers is just such a case, and it is critical to simulation of the water budget and surface albedo. The most commonly used interception parameterization is based on data from four trees from one site, but results from this field study are not directly transferable to locations with relatively warmer winters, where the dominant processes differ dramatically. Here, we combine a literature review with model experiments to demonstrate needed improvements. Our results show that the choice of model form and parameters can vary the fraction of snow lost through interception by as much as 30%. In most simulations, the warming of mean winter temperatures from −7 to 0°C reduces the modelled fraction of snow under the canopy compared to the open, but the magnitude of simulated decrease varies from about 10% to 40%. The range of results is even larger when considering models that neglect the melting of in-canopy snow in higher-humidity environments where canopy sublimation plays less of a role. Thus, we recommend that all models represent canopy snowmelt and include representation of increased loading due to increased adhesion and cohesion when temperatures rise from −3 to 0°C. In addition to model improvements, field experiments across climates and forest types are needed to investigate how to best model the combination of dynamically changing forest cover and snow cover to better understand and predict changes to albedo and water supplies.  相似文献   

The vertical profiles of streamwise velocities are computed on flood plains vegetated with trees. The calculations were made based on a newly developed one-dimensional model, taking into account the relevant forces acting on the volumetric element surrounding the considered vegetation elements. A modified mixing length concept was used in the model. An important by-product of the model is the method for evaluating the friction velocities, and consequently bed shear stresses, in a vegetated channel. The model results were compared with the relevant experimental results obtained in a laboratory flume in which flood plains were covered by simulated vegetation.  相似文献   
Reducing or stabilizing the stream temperature of ChiChiaWan Creek is a crucial work for Formosan Landlocked Salmon because ChiChiaWan Creek is the only one habitat for this endangered species. Planting trees in the riparian zone would be one of the alternatives. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of several planting strategies on daily maximum stream temperature along the river. The results showed the effective vegetative shading angles should be more than 50° along ChiChiaWan Creek to reduce the direct solar radiation heating effectively. Upstream planting with 70° vegetative shading angle could be the most effective way among all the scenarios. However, this planting strategy could not improve the worst situations in summer because of the large solar elevation angles. The upstream planting in ChiChiaWan Creek was strongly recommended because the canopies could be easier to extend to totally cover the narrow width of river producing the most effective shades. Practicing the upstream planting with 90° vegetative shading angle can increase more than 1 km long suitable habitats for the endangered Salmon in summer. Alternatively, the west‐side planting scenario was the second effective way for temperature reduction. Our result provided a useful suggestion for the authorities in charge of saving the Formosan Landlocked Salmon, particularly under the stress of global warming. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
潜流驻留时间是反映潜流交换、溶质迁移转化、生物组成、生态过程的重要特征变量。应用双循环可控式河岸带模型,以NaCl为示踪剂,深入研究了河岸带蜿蜒性与植被密度对潜流驻留时间的复合效应;应用量纲分析和主成分分析法,探析了潜流驻留时间的关键影响因子及其作用程度和敏感性。结果表明:①河岸带植被密度对潜流驻留时间具有促进作用,但存在一定的阈值。②潜流驻留时间分布与河岸蜿蜒形态呈类镜像效应;潜流驻留时间在河岸带蜿蜒波不同位置差异明显,迎水面平均驻留时间约为背水面的1/2。③河岸带蜿蜒性与植被密度是影响潜流驻留时间的关键因子,总作用程度达91.07%。潜流驻留时间对蜿蜒性最敏感,对植被密度敏感性较弱,对复合因子的敏感性介于两者之间;迎水面内组合因子对潜流驻留时间具有共同促进效应,背水面内组合因子对潜流驻留时间具有抑制和促进双重效应。  相似文献   
Nitric oxide fluxes from soils in the Trachypogon savanna of the Orinoco basin were determined during the dry season using the static chamber method. The emission from dry soils fluctuated from 0.4 to 3 ng N m–2 s–1 and increased up to 25 ng N m–2 s–1 after moderate watering or light rain-falls (1 to 5 mm). The mean emission values are up to 6 times lower than one observed earlier at the Chaguaramas site, but up to 10 times higher than one recorded at the Guri site, indicating an important spatial variability in NO fluxes of the Venezuelan savanna region. The changes observed after the addition of nitrogen to the soil, in the form of ammonium and/or nitrate, indicate a high denitrification potential in this acidic soil. Burning of the surface vegetation produced an increase by a factor of 10 in the emission rate of NO, but the effect was relatively short in time, about 5 days. It was estimated for the savanna region that burning increases the total NO soil emission during the dry season by 15% compared to the unburnt case. Soils with termite nests emit 10 times more NO than soil without nests, but the contribution from this source is less than 2% of the total savanna soil flux.  相似文献   
地面植被的发育,在一定程度上,弱化、掩盖或屏蔽了岩石和土壤的光谱和空间信息.另一方面,植物的群落、分布和生长状态与下伏岩石土壤特性和构造之间常表现出具有一定的相关性,植被的毒化往往指示矿化的可能存在,植被空间分布和地貌影像特征揭示了构造的展布特征.构造分析和毒化植被的识别是植被发育区1∶ 5万多光谱遥感地质找矿预测的最佳模式.  相似文献   
Livestock grazing is the most common use of rangelands, and overgrazing by domestic livestock has stirred much debate concerning the continued use of public rangelands for livestock production. With the increase of wildlife-related enterprises on south Texas rangelands, there are little data available on the compatibility of livestock and wildlife management and in particular the effects of livestock grazing on plant communities in the semi-arid portions of the western South Texas Plains. The objective of this study was to compare forb diversity and density on rangelands subjected to various grazing under a high-intensity, low-frequency grazing system and nongrazed rangelands under controlled conditions. Four rangeland sites that were moderately grazed during the dormant season and 4 rangeland sites receiving long-term deferment from grazing were selected on the Chaparral Wildlife Management Area, Dimmit and La Salle Counties, Texas. Forb density was estimated with 20×50 cm2 quadrats during early spring 2000 and 2001. Forb diversity was greatest on grazed sites. Important annuals such as hooker plantain (Plantago hookeriana) and Rough buttonweed (Diodia teres) were more prevalent on grazed sites. Lazy daisy (Aphanostephus spp.) was more frequently encountered on nongrazed sites. Golden dalea (Dalea aurea), a beneficial perennial, was more common on grazed sites. Long-term deferment from livestock grazing appears detrimental to forb communities. A high-intensity, low-frequency grazing system utilizing moderate stocking rates employed during the dormant season is recommended for enhancing forb diversity and abundance.  相似文献   
Understanding the dynamics of organic matter in modern marine water columns greatly favors the geobiological evaluation of hydrocarbon source rocks. Biolipids could make great contribution to petroleum hydrocarbons due to their comparable chemical components and the slightly refractory characteristics of biolipids during the microbial/thermal degradation. A variety of environmental factors such as temperature, CO2 and salinity could affect the biochemical contents in microorganisms. As a result, microorganisms living in a changing environmental condition might have a different contribution to the petroleum formation. Organic carbon flux is shown to bear a positive correlation with the primary productivity only within a certain range of biomass volumes in a specific biohabitat. Furthermore, organic matter is degraded much quickly in a water column with oxic conditions. Therefore, the anoxic condition, along with the enhanced biological productivity, would be one of the significant factors in the formation of high-quality hydrocarbon source rocks. The formation of biofilms and microbial mats favors the preservation of sedimentary organic matter by decreasing the degradation rate of organic matter. Identification of biofilms and microbial mats in sedimentary rocks will thus greatly help to understand the depositional processes of organic matter finally preserved in hydrocarbon source rocks. __________ Translated from Earth Science—Journal of China University of Geosciences, 2007, 32(6): 748–754 [译自: 地球科学—中国地质大学学报  相似文献   
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