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雅浦岛弧基本由变质岩组成, 与西太平洋的其他岛弧具有显著区别。利用在雅浦岛弧获得的变质岩样品, 研究了角闪岩的变质温压条件, 并进一步探讨了雅浦岛弧变质岩的构造环境, 以及加罗林洋底高原及海山的俯冲侵蚀对雅浦岛弧的影响。雅浦岛弧变质岩的矿物组合结果显示, 其变质相为角闪岩相和绿片岩相; 对雅浦岛弧变质岩进行了电子探针微区分析, 采用角闪石单矿物温度压力计、斜长石-角闪石Na-Ca交换温度计和角闪石-斜长石Al-Si压力计来计算变质P-T条件。矿物温压计的估算结果表明, 雅浦岛弧角闪岩变质P-T条件为493.6~630℃/3.8~6kbar, 为中等P/T型变质相系。结合矿物组合及温压计估算结果, 认为雅浦变质岩可能经历了岛弧区域变质作用。雅浦变质岩代表的构造环境为雅浦岛弧基底。雅浦角闪岩的埋藏深度大约为15~20km, 雅浦岛弧变质岩的出露是俯冲侵蚀的结果。加罗林洋底高原及海山促进了雅浦岛弧俯冲侵蚀的发育, 使得雅浦岛弧的弧前地区甚至岛弧都遭受侵蚀, 导致变质岩基底出露于海底。  相似文献   
Modern foraminiferal assemblage zones can be used to reconstruct palaeo sea levels when applied to fossil foraminifera down a sediment core. Previous intertidal foraminiferal studies have predominantly focused on assemblages in surface sediments (0–1 cm), with the rationale that surface assemblages reflect the modern-day environment. Foraminifera live infaunally and therefore there is a need to document the infaunal vertical distribution of living foraminifera to fully capture the modern environment. Infaunal foraminiferal populations may compositionally differ from or be similar to those in the uppermost 1 cm of a core sample, but abundance is variable vertically, making it very complex to reconstruct and interpret past sea levels. This can have implications for the choice of assemblages to use as modern analogues for past sea-level reconstructions. This study documents the vertical infaunal distribution of living foraminifera, to allow for more informed interpretations of palaeo-reconstructions in mangrove environments. The down-core vertical distribution and abundance of living foraminifera, along with grain size and organic content, were documented using sediment cores along an elevational transect. Nine taxa were recorded as living at the time of collection, six of which were restricted to the top 4 cm. The majority of these were calcareous and found in the cores situated closer to the intertidal channel. Therefore, we argue that the diversity of living calcareous and agglutinated foraminifera could be restricted by grain size, with coarser grain sizes associated with lower species diversity. The findings suggest that foraminiferal species inhabiting the top 4 cm represent deeper living foraminiferal populations. Therefore, the top 4-cm interval can be used to establish a modern training set upon which reconstructions can be based. The findings from this study will provide guidance on the use of South African mangrove environments for future sea-level reconstructions.  相似文献   
对从南海东沙群岛近海陆坡(水深约500-3100m)采集到的二维地震剖面提取地形数据后进行统计学分析,结合地震相研究,发现研究区陆坡形态的变化与火成岩体,以及与火成岩体相关联的沉积过程存在着紧密地联系。共识别出了3种陆坡类型:(a)发育多个火成岩体的粗糙、陡的陆坡(类型1);(b)发育单个火成岩体的较为光滑、平缓的陆坡(类型2);(c)无火成岩体发育的光滑并且平缓的陆坡(类型3)。这些火成岩体形成于南海海底扩张之后,具有较为复杂的形态,在地震剖面上多表现为强振幅的杂乱反射。在类型1中,多个火成岩体将陆坡分为上部的两个或者多个次凹和下部的一个主凹,这些凹陷可以同时被沿坡流带来的沉积物充填。然而在类型2中,单个火成岩体将陆坡为一个上部的次凹和一个下部的主凹,只有当上部的次凹被沉积物填满后,沉积物才可以开始充填主凹。类型3为发育斜坡沉积的正常陆坡。研究区现今的陆坡形态是由于火成岩体的侵入和与火成岩体相关的沉积过程所共同导致的陆坡形态调整的结果。三种陆坡类型现今陆坡形态间的差异指示不同的沉积条件和陆坡形态调整。  相似文献   
2015—2018年, 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划“南海深海过程演变”的重点支持项目“南海东部马尼拉俯冲带深部结构探测与研究”以马尼拉俯冲带为研究重点, 从深部地球物理的角度探索南海形成演化史与运行规律。项目执行期间, 在国家基金委共享航次协助下, 先后开展和参与5次综合地球物理探测, 共投放海底地震仪(Ocean Bottom Seismometer, OBS)台站73台次, 海底电磁仪(Ocean Bottom ElectroMagnetometers, OBEM)仪器5台次, 累积放炮达13872炮, 成功获得了60台OBS数据和5台OBEM数据。同时, 取得了一系列创新性研究成果: (1)基于人工地震探测及天然地震层析成像结果, 确定南海东北部的地壳属性为受到张裂后期岩浆活动影响的减薄陆壳(12~15km), 划分了南海北部陆缘洋陆边界(Continent-Ocean Boundary, COB); (2)根据多道地震反射剖面, 划分了马尼拉俯冲带北部增生楔前缘的精细结构; (3)圈定了南海停止扩张时洋壳范围; (4)初步构建了南海与菲律宾海板块构造演化模型。本项目为重大研究计划“南海深海过程演变”核心科学问题(海底扩张的年代与过程)提供了实质性的证据, 同时为南海构造演化生命史的“骨架”提供了重要的基础数据, 具有深远的科学意义。  相似文献   
同位素已成为俯冲带岩浆作用研究中灵敏的地球化学示踪剂,是约束岩浆运移过程和时间尺度的有力工具。综述了近几十年来利用Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf同位素、Li和B同位素以及Be和短周期铀系同位素等方法,在俯冲带岩浆作用过程、时间尺度、岩浆源区物质特征、岩浆形成演化及控制机制等方面取得的进展和成果。最后指出将不同同位素研究应用于弧后盆地岩浆作用的研究中,必将为全球俯冲带岩浆作用研究带来突破性的进展和成果。  相似文献   
俯冲带系统是研究地球水圈-岩石圈相互作用的天然实验室。俯冲板片所携带的水进入俯冲带系统,显著影响俯冲板片上地幔蛇纹石化程度、岛弧岩浆活动以及俯冲带地震机制等构造动力学过程。沿着环太平洋俯冲带,由主动源地震探测得到的板片含水量结果可以很好地解释区域相关地震观测,同时由被动源地震探测到的上地幔低速异常区域都与俯冲板片断层发育区相一致。多道反射地震探测与数值模拟都揭示了俯冲板块正断层广泛存在,可穿透莫霍面,深度可达海底下至少20 km。俯冲板块正断层为流体进入地壳与上地幔提供了重要通道,导致上地幔蛇纹石化程度达到1.4%,甚至更高。在洋壳俯冲过程中,随着温压增加,在不同深度脱水形成不同性质流体与地幔反应。通过俯冲带流体包裹体和交代成因矿物等的研究发现水岩相互作用广泛存在。本文旨在回顾俯冲板片含水量探测及水岩相互作用研究,简述近年来取得的重要进展以及对将来相关研究的启示。  相似文献   
古南海的展布范围以及俯冲消亡过程等一直是地质学家们争论的焦点问题。这不仅与南海扩张诱因密切相关,而且对南海地球动力学研究有重大的指导意义。在研究前人文献的基础上,对南海南部造山运动以及古南海俯冲过程之间的关系进行详细的论述。结果表明,南海南部构造活动主要分为两期:第一期运动从早白垩纪到晚白垩纪,古太平洋的洋壳俯冲到婆罗洲岛下方,俯冲带位于现今卢帕尔线一带,引起了曾母-南沙地块不断向西南婆罗洲靠近,并于晚白垩纪引发了碰撞造山运动。由于婆罗洲自身是由众多地块拼合而成,所以在始新世期间发生了多期碰撞之后的地块变形重组事件。最终在晚始新世(37 Ma)完成最后一期变形(沙捞越运动)。第二阶段是晚始新世(35 Ma)到中中新世(15.5 Ma),位于西巴拉姆线以东至菲律宾卡加延一带的古南海从西巴拉姆线以东,向婆罗洲岛下方俯冲,随后扩散到沙巴以及巴拉望岛以南的地区,直至菲律宾的民都洛岛一带停止俯冲。由此产生的拖曳力是南海扩张的主要诱因。与古太平洋板块俯冲产生的效果相似,古南海的俯冲使得婆罗洲岛与南沙地块不断靠近。在中中新世(15.5 Ma),引起南沙地块与婆罗洲岛在沙巴地区的碰撞(沙巴造山)以及巴拉望北部陆壳与菲律宾岛弧的碰撞而停止。由此带来的不整合面在南海南部普遍可见,甚至到达了巴拉望岛一带。而现今南沙海槽与巴拉望海槽并非是俯冲带的前渊,前者是对沙巴新近纪增生楔重力驱动变形的响应,后者是巴拉望岛北侧伸展背景下产生的半地堑盆地,在后期增生楔的作用下发生强烈沉降所形成。真正的俯冲带则分别位于南沙海槽东南部以及巴拉望海槽东南部。据现有证据推测,最少在10 Ma之前古南海就在菲律宾民都洛一带停止俯冲,从而完成了整个古南海的封闭。  相似文献   
Eclogite facies metarodingites occur as deformed dykes in serpentinites of the Zermatt‐Saas ophiolite (Western Alps). They formed during the subduction of the Tethys oceanic lithosphere in the Early Tertiary. The metarodingites developed as a consequence of serpentinization of the oceanic mantle. Three major types of metarodingites (R1, R2 & R3) can be distinguished on the basis of their mineralogical composition. All metarodingites contain vesuvianite, chlorite and hydrogrossular in high modal amounts. In addition they contain: R1 – diopside, tremolite, clinozoisite, calcite; R2 – hydroandradite, diopside, epidote, calcite; and R3 – hydroandradite. Both garnets contain a small but persistent amount of hydrogarnet component. The different metarodingites reflect different original dyke rocks in the mantle. In each group of metarodingite, textural relations suggest that reactions adjusted the assemblages along the P–T path travelled by the ophiolite during subduction and exhumation. Reactions and phase relations derived from local textures in metarodingite can be modelled in the eight‐component system: SiO2‐Al2O3‐Fe2O3‐FeO‐MgO‐CaO‐CO2‐H2O. This permits the analysis of redox reactions in the presence of andradite garnet and epidote in many of the rocks. Within this system, the phase relations in eclogite facies metarodingites have been explored in terms of TXCO2, T–μ(SiO2), μ(Cal)–μ(SiO2) and P–T sections. It was found that rodingite assemblages are characterized by low μ(SiO2) and low XCO2 conditions. The low SiO2 potential is externally imposed onto the rodingites by the large volume of antigorite‐forsterite serpentinites enclosing them. Moreover, μ(SiO2) decreases consistently from metarodingite R1 to R3. The low μ(SiO2) enforced by the serpentinites favours the formation of hydrogarnet and vesuvianite. Rodingite formation is commonly associated with hydrothermal alteration of oceanic lithosphere at the ocean floor, in particular to ocean floor serpentinization. Our analysis, however, suggests that the metarodingite assemblages may have formed at high‐pressure conditions in the subduction zone as a result of serpentinization of oceanic mantle by subduction zone fluids.  相似文献   
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