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苏鲁造山带浅变质岩的成因及其大地构造意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苏鲁造山带超高压变质带内部及其北缘,出露仅经过绿片岩相变质作用的浅变质岩系。通过对该浅变质岩的区域分布、地质特征及地球化学的综合研究,表明这些浅变质岩系与大别-苏鲁造山带大陆板块俯冲存在密切的成因关系,为扬子板块俯冲过程中被刮削下来的构造残片,构成大陆板块俯冲过程中形成的构造加积杂岩。在此基础上,厘定了苏鲁造山带的构造成因模型,并对苏鲁造山带的东延问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   
在新疆北部东准噶尔的扎河坝蛇绿混杂岩中发现的富铌玄武(安山)岩,其SiO2含量介于46.71%~57.65%,TiO2含量为1.00%~1.76%,与太古代绿岩带内富铌玄武(安山)岩相似,Na2O含量为3.86%~6.64%,P2O5为0.34%~0.82%,明显高于太古代绿岩带富铌玄武(安山)岩。扎河坝富铌玄武岩铌含量介于7.22×10-6~21.91×10-6之间,大于7×10-6,与典型的富铌玄武岩相同。该岩石轻重稀土元素分馏较明显,其分布模式为无明显铕至弱负铕异常的右倾曲线。尽管铌的绝对含量较高,但由于钍和轻稀土元素更加富集,在微量元素蛛网图中扎河坝富铌玄武(安山)岩仍表现为铌的明显亏损,同时高场强元素Zr、Hf及Ti也表现出一定程度的亏损。微量元素地球化学特征显示,扎河坝蛇绿混杂岩内富铌玄武(安山)岩形成于古亚洲洋的洋内弧,它是被埃达克质岩浆交代的地幔楔橄榄岩部分熔融的产物,同时大洋沉积物及俯冲板块释放的流体对成岩作用也有一定的贡献。富铌玄武(安山)岩作为弧前增生楔定位在扎河坝蛇绿混杂岩体内,与早前报道的超高压变质岩共存表明,该蛇绿混杂岩体至少记录了两次性质不同的古亚洲洋洋壳俯冲,这更进一步证实新疆北部晚古生代新增陆壳是古亚洲洋多次俯冲作用的产物。  相似文献   
中国结艺术历史悠久,始于上古,兴于唐宋,盛于明清,贯穿于人类文明始终,漫长的文化积淀使得中国结渗透着中华民族特有的、纯粹的文化精髓,蕴涵着丰富的文化内容。除对中国结的定义进行了必要的阐述外,还对中国结文化进行了论述。通过研究中国结的现代造型、色彩、寓意与神韵,将其应用于现代首饰设计中,把中国结融入时尚和新的视觉语言,必将焕发其新的艺术生命力。  相似文献   
张晓虹  孙涛 《地理科学》2011,31(10):1181-1188
城市地区景观的演变反映了人类活动对自然生态格局演替的人为干扰过程。由于人类活动的强度、频度及方式的差异,从半自然的农业生态景观演化为以人工建筑为主的城市生态景观的过程,可能呈现多样化的面貌。利用GIS技术将20世纪上半叶上海江湾五角场地区的土地利用状况逐年复原,发现其景观演变过程表现为由以农业生态景观为主转变为城乡景观杂错分布,并且这一进程因为各种政治事件的影响而呈现出明显的阶段性及空间差异性。揆诸史实,可知上海江湾五角场地区的城市化与城市空间的生产不仅是上海都市政治的产物,更是近代中国城市化的典型。  相似文献   
安徽北淮阳构造变形带特征与应力状态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析安徽北淮阳构造变形带变形特征和活断层作用的基础上,利用该区现代中小地震资料,采用近震直达P波、S波垂直向最大振幅比方法、震源机制的系统聚类和统计分析法,反演部分地震震源机制,并分析现代中小地震活动特征及应力场状态。结果表明,北淮阳构造变形带上主要断层现今处于活动状态;现代中小地震震源总体较浅,在2次6级地震震中附近形成小震密集区,可能反映了震源区介质相对破碎。震源机制的系统聚类和统计分析结果显示,该区断层以走滑或斜滑型破裂为主,但存在倾滑的逆断层;区内应力作用方向以水平为主,也存在部分垂向力作用;主压应力P轴的优势分布为近EW向,其中既有华北应力场,也有华南应力场作用;有少量近NS向应力场作用存在。反映该区处于应力场过渡区,因此将其作为华北、南华地块区的边界是合理的。  相似文献   

The Pelona–Orocopia–Rand and related schists of southern California are an archetypal example of an exhumed shallow subduction complex. ‘The schist’ comprises mainly trench materials underthust beneath continental arc rocks during Late Cretaceous–early Cenozoic collision of one or more oceanic plateaux with southern California. The arc-on-trench relationship, without intervening mantle or lowermost crust, implies that significant subduction erosion accompanied shallow subduction. Upsection increases in metamorphic grade (~150 ± 100°C/km) and spatial variations in age and peak temperature provide an ~50 million year long record of tectonic underplating within a cooling system. Evidence for palaeoseismic events in earliest formed and hottest (locally transitional granulite grade) schists provides a possible field-based record of episodic tremor and slow slip events such as detected in several modern shallow subduction zones. Structural ascent of the schist was achieved in distinct Late Cretaceous–early Eocene and late Oligocene–early Miocene extensional pulses, the first during collapse of gravitationally unstable upper plate assemblages and accompanied by trench-directed (top-NE) lower plate extrusion and the second corresponding temporally, spatially, and in character with core complex formation in the SW United States. The line between schist and core complex belts is blurred by the recent discovery of schist within 40 km of the nearest core complex and containing synkinematic Miocene intrusions, a hallmark of SW U.S. core complexes. The history of schist assembly, metamorphism, and exhumation provides the most complete field-based record of thermo-mechanical processes, subduction erosion and tectonic underplating in particular, that operated during a shallow subduction event. Future cross-disciplinary investigations of, and comparisons between, the schist and other possible ancient (e.g. Swakane gneiss, Sanbagawa belt, Qiangtang terrane) and modern (e.g. Cascadia, SW Japan, central Mexico, Chile) shallow subduction zones will yield new insights into the tectonic and petrologic processes that operate within such systems.  相似文献   
Tidal marsh sediments from south‐central Chile provide evidence for multiple great earthquakes. Diatom transfer functions, statistical models of the relationship between species preserved in the sediment and elevation, provide quantitative estimates of coseismic vertical land‐level change associated with individual earthquakes. However, in south‐central Chile, our ability to quantify land‐level change is currently limited by a lack of understanding of the environmental variables controlling the distribution of diatoms, an essential prerequisite for converting variations in fossil diatom assemblages into quantitative estimates of past elevation changes. We present a new modern diatom dataset for the region and explore the implications of the scale of the dataset used in transfer function models on the reconstructions of land‐level change. Modern training sets containing samples from a regional scale are superior to sub‐regional and local‐scale training sets, providing closer estimates for known deformation during the great 1960 Chilean earthquake, a higher proportion of good modern analogues and uncertainty terms up to 42% smaller than previously published reconstructions. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Journal of Quaternary Science Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
张春 《地质与勘探》2017,53(3):599-608
随着勘探开发的深入,对四川盆地磨溪龙王庙组气藏流体分布的认识发生变化,由早期的无水气藏或无边底水气藏转变为存在边底水、局部封存水,表现出复杂的气水关系,这制约了气藏的高效开发。为此,本次研究综合现有录井、岩心、测井、地震、测试及生产资料,识别出溶蚀孔洞发育区,在此基础上,采用印模法恢复研究区龙王庙组古地貌格局,结合现今构造特征,综合分析认为:(1)油气分布既受现今构造圈闭控制,又受有利岩相控制,也受古地貌影响;(2)古地貌控制了早期油气聚集,在地势较高的缓坡区聚集油气,在局部洼陷区滞留地层水,在地势变陡的低部位形成富水区;(3)在现今构造圈闭范围内,由于物性、闭合度和海拔高差存在差异,导致东、西部井区含气性不同,西区富气程度优于东区;(4)结合古今构造格局,在古地貌地势低部位(地势低于-300m)、现今构造低部位(海拔低于-4385m)广泛分布边水;(5)当古地貌地势低于-300m时,在现今构造和古地貌相对凸起部位存在局部油气聚集。  相似文献   
In the late Silurian, the Lachlan Orogen of southeastern Australia had a varied paleogeography with deep-marine, shallow-marine, subaerial environments and widespread igneous activity reflecting an extensional backarc setting. This changed to a compressional–extensional regime in the Devonian associated with episodic compressional events, including the Bindian, Tabberabberan and Kanimblan orogenies. The Early Devonian Bindian Orogeny was associated with SSE transport of the Wagga–Omeo Zone that was synchronous with thick sedimentation in the Cobar and Darling basins in central and western New South Wales. Shortening has been controlled by the margins of the Wagga–Omeo Zone with partitioning along strike-slip faults, such as along the Gilmore Fault, and inversion of pre-existing extensional basins including the Limestone Creek Graben and the Canbelego–Mineral Hill Volcanic Belt. Shortening was more widespread in the late Early Devonian to Middle Devonian Tabberabberan Orogeny, with major deformation in the Melbourne Zone, Cobar Basin and eastern Lachlan Orogen. In the eastern Melbourne Zone, structural trends have been controlled by the pre-existing structural grain in the adjacent Tabberabbera Zone. Elsewhere Tabberabberan deformation involved inversion of pre-existing rifts resulting in a variation in structural trends. In the Early Carboniferous, the Lachlan Orogen was in a compressional backarc setting west of the New England continental margin arc with Kanimblan deformation most evident in Upper Devonian units in the eastern Lachlan Orogen. Kanimblan structures include major thrusts and associated fault-propagation folds indicated by footwall synclines with a steeply dipping to overturned limb adjacent to the fault. Ongoing deformation and sedimentation have been documented in the Mt Howitt Province of eastern Victoria. Overall, structural trends reflect a combination of controls provided by reactivation of pre-existing contractional and extensional structures in dominantly E–W shortening operating intermittently from the earliest Devonian to Early Carboniferous.  相似文献   
新元古代以来,扬子地块和华夏地块拼贴形成钦-杭结合带。粤西贵子混杂岩为揭示钦-杭结合带南段地质演化提供了一个重要的窗口。贵子混杂岩构造岩块为强烈变形-变质的变基性岩、深海硅质岩,基质为石英岩、云母片岩以及具鲍马序列富锰质硅泥质岩等。对混杂岩中变基性岩年代学和元素地球化学分析显示,锆石U-Pb年龄为948±11Ma,除少部分属低钾(拉斑)外,其余均为钙碱性系列,CIPW标准矿物成分属石英拉斑玄武岩-橄榄拉斑玄武岩组合。变基性岩具有高TiO_2(平均1.85%)、P_2O_5(平均0.21%)的特点;无Eu异常或轻微负异常,配分曲线右倾(球粒陨石标准化(La/Yb)N=2.65~3.89),大离子亲石元素(Rb、Ba、Th、U)富集,高场强元素(Nb、Zr、Hf)轻微亏损,表现为洋壳消减作用下岛弧岩浆岩特征。高的Nb(7.56×10~(-6)~16.11×10~(-6),均大于7×10~(-6))、Nb/U(18.39~25.65)、(Nb/La)N(0.76~0.94,原始地幔标准化)显示为岛弧环境富Nb玄武岩。本研究认为,云开地块出露的这套构造混杂岩,是新元古代古华南洋俯冲在钦-杭结合带南段的记录,可为该带的南东边界提供线索。  相似文献   
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