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The Callovo-Oxfordian claystone (COx) is considered as a potential geological formation to host an industrial radioactive waste repository in France. A detailed understanding of the thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) behavior of the COx is a key issue for design of different repository structures and the safety calculations of the project. More particularly, numerical modeling of induced fracture networks around drifts excavated at the main level of the Andra’s Meuse/Haut-Marne Underground Research Laboratory (M/HM URL) and short and long term behavior of the COx around these drifts are of great interest. Several constitutive models have been developed/used in the framework of the R&D and simulation programs of Andra. A model benchmark exercise has been launched since 2012 to provide an overall view of the developed models regarding the in situ observations. In this view, two series of test cases, respectively at material point scale and at drift excavation scale are defined. Different kinds of constitutive models based on the elasto-visco-plasticity concept, continuum damage mechanics, the rigid block spring method and two-scale computational homogenized model (CHM) are used within this exercise. The obtained results show that accounting for material anisotropy and strain localization treatment techniques can improve the obtained results when elasto-visco-plastic models are used. Damage mechanics based approaches and methods accounting for discontinuities through discrete elements provide also interesting insights especially when fracturing processes must be modeled. However, more efforts are necessary to improve the robustness of these kinds of approaches in the complex context of COx response to excavation works.  相似文献   
A horizontal seepage well, consisting of an interconnected vertical well, galleries, chambers and small-diameter radiating bores, is used to acquire relatively clean water that has been filtered through natural alluvial deposits in a riverbed. It has wide application, especially in arid and semi-arid areas. The lack of calculation formulae or models for horizontal seepage wells, up until now, has resulted in several false applications. Based on the analysis of groundwater flow characteristics, it has been concluded that several flow regimes coexist and hydraulic head loss exists in the horizontal seepage well. To avoid the difficulty of confirming the flux or head distribution in such a complex system, the model boundary of the whole horizontal seepage well has been moved to that of just the vertical well, and the well-aquifer system was treated as a heterogeneous medium, where the horizontal seepage well itself is a highly permeability medium. A mathematical model has been developed, based on the coupled seepage-pipe flow, by the introduction of equivalent hydraulic conductivity according to different flow regimes. Then a three-dimensional finite difference numerical model, based on the mathematical model, was developed and applied to a horizontal seepage well in China. The numerical model verified the groundwater flow characteristics of the horizontal seepage well. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
地震岩石物理学是研究岩石岩性、流体和岩石弹性参数之间关系的学科,在运用地震资料开展储层和油气预测工作中,是测井岩石物理与地震资料进行储层预测和烃类检测的桥梁和纽带。针对叠后波阻抗属性无法识别渤海A油田明下段储层的流体性质问题,利用流体替换、正演模拟技术探索不同流体类型、含水饱和度、孔隙度变化对测井曲线响应及地震振幅响应特征的影响,指导后续的储层研究和烃类检测。地震岩石物理研究思路和方法在渤海同类型的储层预测和烃类检测中具有推广意义。  相似文献   
李跃  杨永生  毛权生  唐恺 《岩土力学》2013,34(Z1):533-539
目前所广泛采用的平面应变分析手段,针对排土场边坡稳定性评价时有时会出现某剖面安全系数高于设定允许值,实际中却遭破坏的现象,除了常被提及的力学参数、本构模型等因素,排土场凹形夹持效应和凸形发散作用突出以及滑体端部效应的影响,是分析结果不能准确反映实际的根本原因之一。鉴于此,从平面高程数据、地质剖面、钻孔资料等条件,配合插值效果较为稳定的Kriging法对空间数据进行插值,建立排土场三维地质整体模型。然后,采用自编FISH语言接口程序,将地质模型导入FLAC3D中离散化并计算,较为简单、有效地实现三维地质建模、模型可视化、岩土工程计算分析三位一体功能,有效地克服了平面分析无法解决的上述问题。以攀钢兰尖铁矿尖山第7排土场为实,对其整体稳定性进行应力、应变分析,采用三维强度折减法计算排土场三维整体安全系数,与现场调查及平面计算结果较为一致。基于该模型的计算结果可以有效避免排土场空间效应和滑体端部效应,得到的排土场全域应力-应变规律,对露天矿排土场的生产管理,具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
This study defines a chemical representation of the kerogen macromolecule based on data from physicochemical analyses. The model should permit: creation of various schematic drawings representing an average macromolecule; future integration of new analytical results (for instance on structures of biomarkers or biopolymers); and determination of the distribution of chemical bonds.The models developed in this study can be represented in a 3D space, using classical chemical symbols, in the form of cyclic groups linked to each other by aliphatic chains. One cyclic group is a connected set of aromatic, naphthenoaromatic or naphthenic rings. These cyclic groups are constructed using basic elements such as atoms and bonds defined by their length and direction.Modeling of kerogen is done in three successive steps. A library is first created to define atoms, bonds and cyclic groups. Secondly, starting from a set of equations describing the analytical results, cyclic and aliphatic groups are chosen in the appropriate stoechiometric amount to match the analytical data. Finally the construction is done: cyclic groups are placed randomly in a 3D space, connections are made by aliphatic chains, and functional groups are added.The molecular modeling software XmolTM can be operated on APOLLO stations. It allows the creation of libraries, the calculation of chemical bonds corresponding to the analyses and the construction of macromolecules. An example is given for a type III kerogen at the beginning of diagenesis.  相似文献   
目前国内外对水下地形三维建模一般采用Surfer软件,MATLAB在图像处理方面功能强大,在很多专业领域得到广泛应用。本文利用MATLAB进行水下地形三维建模,并与Surfer绘制效果进行比较,显示MATLAB三维建模较Surfer透彻,可展现Surfer建模成果,更可反映清晰的横断面效果,可为岸带调查研究提供技术支持。  相似文献   
以体积分方程法模拟三维电磁正演问题的原理为基础,利用数值滤波方法实现了时间域水平长导线源的瞬变电磁三维问题的模拟,对电阻率、极化率、时间常数和频率相关系数的变化分别进行了三维数值模拟。为了提高计算的精度,变换过程中采用双精度数值滤波方法。利用偶极源的解析解和数值解的对比来检验数值滤波方法的可靠性。数值模拟结果表明,此种数值滤波方法精度高,结果稳定。高精度数值滤波结果为瞬变电磁法在石油、矿产、地热以及其他方面的应用提供了理论指导。  相似文献   
多点地质统计学建模研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
从精细油藏描述中地质建模的意义和现状入手,介绍了多点地质统计学建模研究现状及其与传统地质建模方法的差 异。以辽河盆地西部凹陷某蒸汽驱试验区为例,分析了多点地质统计学建模中建模的基础、训练图像的建立、多点地质统计学 建模与传统地质建模相比所具有的优势等内容。指出多点地质统计学在井间预测方面具有明显优于其他传统建模方法的特 点。在文献调研基础上,结合自身工作实践,探讨了多点地质统计学建模目前存在的问题和未来的发展方向。指出未来多点 地质统计学建模的发展方向主要包括多信息综合地质成因分析基础上的训练图像获取、多点地质统计学算法进行改进和完善 和多点地质统计学建模方法应用领域的扩大等。  相似文献   
袁勇  王胜辉 《岩土力学》2008,29(1):240-244
为适应日益增长的经济和交通发展需求,修建以4车道公路隧道为代表的超大断面低扁平率公路隧洞的需求初露端倪,这类隧道的低扁平率特征使传统的隧道支护体系面临许多困难,急待开发新型的隧洞支护体系。采用FLAC数值模拟平台研究了基于隧洞“先成结构法”支护理念的“先成预应力结构”新型支护体系在提高超大断面低扁平率公路隧洞洞室稳定性方面的效果,为“先成结构法”支护理念在超大断面低扁平率公路隧洞中的应用实施提供了有力的支持。  相似文献   
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