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以鄂尔多斯盆地西部中区晚三叠世样品中微量元素测试结果为基础,选用对沉积介质环境反映比较敏感的锶(Sr)、铜(Cu)、钡(Ba)、铀(U)、钛(Ti)、钒(V)、镍(Ni)等微量元素指标,分析研究区地层中微量元素含量及其比值与沉积介质环境之间的对应关系,进而探讨鄂尔多斯盆地西部中区晚三叠世的沉积介质环境。结果表明,鄂尔多斯盆地西部中区晚三叠世延长组长9-长7期基本为温湿气候且变得越来越温暖潮湿;长9-长7期为微咸水相的淡水环境,长7期盐度含量略有增加;长9、长8期水体的氧化还原条件比较正常,长7期变为厌氧环境;长9-长7期垂向上水体分层不强。  相似文献   
通过岩心、薄片观察,从岩石学特征入手,结合测井资料,对塔里木盆地巴楚—麦盖提地区石炭系的陆源碎屑—碳酸盐混积岩和混积层系进行了研究。根据混积强度将混积岩划分为混积型碎屑岩、混积型碳酸盐岩和高度混积岩。巴楚组下泥岩段和中泥岩段发育混积型碎屑岩,巴楚组生屑灰岩段、中泥岩段和小海子组发育混积型碳酸盐岩,卡拉沙依组上泥岩段、巴楚组下泥岩段及巴什托局部地区的中泥岩段发育高度混积岩。高度混积岩出现在海退期沉积的碎屑岩段,代表了陆源碎屑—碳酸盐强烈混合的过渡性沉积环境。研究区石炭系可识别出4个三级层序,混积层系主要发育在海侵体系域早期和高位体系域晚期,以间断混合和相缘混合为主。研究认为混积强度是评价混合沉积环境性质的主要参数,并将其划分为4级。下泥岩段存在混积强度达3级以上的混积界面,能用于地层对比。最后,结合混合沉积特征讨论了构造运动和海平面变化对研究区石炭系层序组以上的混合沉积的控制作用。  相似文献   
煤层瓦斯渗透率是影响瓦斯抽采和动力灾害防治的重要参数。为了研究煤体损伤和剪胀变形对渗透率的影响,首先引入损伤变量反映煤体损伤破坏状态,建立了基于体应变增量的煤体损伤本构模型。并采用Hurst指数表征裂隙表面粗糙度,基于裂隙表面的分形特征,建立了裂隙渗透率在压缩和剪切作用下的演化模型。通过对TOUGH2和FLAC3D软件进行二次开发,建立了基于双重孔隙模型的TOUGH2(CH4)-FLAC气-固耦合数值分析工具。采用本软件对煤样单轴压缩过程进行模拟分析,结果表明:煤体的破坏是损伤单元累积和贯通的结果,最终形成贯通煤体的损伤带是造成煤体失稳破坏的主因;围岩内的渗透率增加区域与损伤区位置基本一致,其中裂隙系统的渗透率增加幅度最大可达2个数量级;剪切破坏区的裂隙发生剪胀变形,引起裂隙渗透率大幅增加。建立的理论模型与数值计算工具为制定瓦斯治理措施提供了理论指导。  相似文献   
Static deformation of two monoclinic elastic half-spaces in welded contact due to a long inclined strike-slip fault situated in one of the half-spaces is studied analytically and numerically. Closed-form algebraic expressions for the displacement at any point of the medium are obtained. The variation of the displacement at the interface with the horizontal distance from the fault is studied. The effect of anisotropy on the displacement field is examined. It is found that while the anisotropy of the source half-space has a significant effect on the displacement at the interface, the anisotropy of the other half-space has only a marginal effect.  相似文献   
The Middle Devonian Narva succession in the Baltic Basin represents a significant turnaround in the history of the basin. The detailed study of core and outcrop sections and the three‐dimensional correlations across the Baltic Basin reveal a carbonate‐dominated, mixed retrogressive succession, overlain by a siliciclastic‐dominated, progradational succession. The palaeogeographic reconstructions show how the shallow, tide‐influenced basin expanded from south‐west to north‐east and, later during the transgression, also to the north, south and east. The transgressive portion of the basin fill is dominated by carbonate‐rich sabkha and supratidal to intertidal deposits on the basin margins, and subtidal carbonates in the basin centre. Siliciclastic material was derived by tidal currents and storm waves from the south‐west through a tidal inlet and flood‐tidal delta complex. This initial transgressive phase is characterized by the lack of subsidence or even episodic uplifts in the northern/north‐western part of the basin margin, shown by convergence of timelines and the thin (30 m) transgressive succession. In contrast, on the southern margin, the facies associations stack vertically into a 70 to 80 m thick succession, indicating significantly higher subsidence rates. The upper part of the transgressive phase indicates subsidence across the whole basin. The upper, progradational portion of the basin fill is dominated by coarse, siliciclastic, tide‐influenced deltaic deposits that rapidly prograded from north‐west to south‐east. This detailed study on the Narva succession shows that siliciclastic and carbonate deposition was coeval and that mixing occurred at different temporal and spatial scales. The mixing was controlled by grain‐size, volume and location of siliciclastic input rather than relative sea‐level changes as suggested in widely used reciprocal mixing models. It is suggested that the forebulge of the Scandinavian Caledonian fold‐and‐thrust belt migrated to the north‐western margin of the Baltic Basin during the earliest Eifelian, as indicated by the lack of subsidence and probable uplift in the northern/north‐western margin during the early transgressive phase. The forebulge migration ceased although the forebulge had already started to subside during the later stages of the transgressive phase. The deltaic progradation is interpreted to be associated with the orogenic collapse and uplift in the Scandinavian Caledonides that caused the erosion of the foreland basin fill and the coarse sediment transport into the Baltic Basin.  相似文献   
探地雷达检测中如何计算速度   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
袁明德 《物探与化探》2003,27(3):220-222,236
雷达波的传播速度随介质而变,这给准确定位探测目标带来了一些困难,因为目标深度取决于速度与讯号反射时间的乘积.但另一方面,利用速度变化与介质的关系,反过来可以推断介质的物质架构.作者结合实用例举了7种求速度的方法,以供使用探地雷达的同行们选用.  相似文献   
爆炸应力波作用下缺陷介质裂纹扩展的动态分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用透射式焦散线测试系统,进行爆炸应力波作用下缺陷介质裂纹扩展试验,研究了含与炮孔共线的预制裂隙介质裂纹扩展速度、加速度、裂纹尖端动态应力强度因子和动态能量释放率的变化规律以及它们之间的变化关系。试验结果表明,在爆炸应力波作用下裂隙两端产生了两条翼裂纹A、B,翼裂纹A的长度较翼裂纹B长,两条翼裂纹向相反的方向扩展;在翼裂纹扩展过程中,存在着加速与减速的过程,扩展速度瞬间达到峰值,其后逐渐振荡下降;动态应力强度因子也呈现瞬间达最大值到逐渐减小连续振荡变化的趋势,动态应力强度因子 > ;翼裂纹尖端的动态能量释放率对裂纹扩展具有驱动作用。  相似文献   
京珠高速许漯段路基干拌水泥碎石桩加固研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
干拌水泥碎石桩是一项施工快速、不开挖路基的新型加固技术。针对京珠高速公路许漯段出现大量路基病害,采用此桩型进行加固处理。试验桩长为5.0 m,成孔直径为150 mm,间距为1.0 m×1.0 m,每层虚填料为25 cm,夯距为1.0 m,用120 kg重锤,分别对每层夯实10、8、7击的3根桩进行载荷试验,然后对每层夯实8、7击的2根桩进行重Ⅱ型动力触探试验。根据试验结果对比分析每层夯7击,单桩极限承载力达400 kPa,效果最优。通过地质雷达测试和室内土工试验对比分析加固前后路基土体变化,加固后路基不均匀变形减小,土体有效重度增加,含水率有所减少,桩体的吸水排水效果明显,桩的夯实挤密作用良好,路基的承载力和变形性能得到改善。经过桩加固后1年运行观测,加固后路段没有再次出现翻浆、叽泥等病害,表明此桩型加固高速公路路基效果显著。  相似文献   
横向各向同性介质中的弹性波方程逆时偏移及其成像条件   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
作者在本文中导出了在横向各向同性介质情况下,二维弹性波逆时传播的高阶差分格式,实现了弹性波在数值空间中的逆时延拓,从snell定量出发,采用插值法求取网格空间中各点的直达波旅行时,以此作为弹性波逆时偏移的成像条件,实现多波多分量资料的逆时偏移,数值试验表明,逆时偏移能够使地表接收到的波场准确归位,提高资料处理的精度。  相似文献   
裂隙岩体地下水溶质运移的尺度问题   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
核废料的安全贮存、地下污染的预测控制等目前面临的许多重大问题要求对大尺度裂隙岩体地下水溶质运移问题进行研究,然而裂隙岩体地下水溶质运移问题的尺度效应给这项研究带来了极大的挑战.本文介绍了裂隙岩体地下水溶质运移的多尺度概念模型及其物理和数学模拟方法,并探讨了模拟尺度与观测尺度、预测尺度、裂隙介质尺度之间的关系及尺度效应的分形特征.  相似文献   
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