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大庆油田嫩江组二段底部与嫩江组一段顶部成片套损严重,从前一直认为泥岩吸水膨胀、蠕变是导致成片套损的主要因素。成片套损位置研究发现,嫩江组二段底部与嫩江组一段顶部成片套损实际集中于嫩江组二段底部标志层内,而嫩江组二段底部标志层岩石矿物学特征综合研究结果表明,其不含遇水膨胀的蒙脱石,且粘土矿物含量也低于其上下相邻岩石,表明其遇水膨胀与蠕变较弱,岩石遇水膨胀与蠕变不会构成成片套损的主要原因。嫩江组二段底部标志层岩石岩心观察描述、镜下鉴定、矿物成分综合测试和岩石强度性质研究发现,嫩江组二段底部标志层泥岩为富含长英质的质地坚硬岩石,含粘土矿物较少,不含蒙脱石,岩石吸水能力差、膨胀与蠕变能力弱;标志层中存在多个化石富集带,化石沿岩石层理分布形成沿层理方向的区域性力学薄弱面;沿化石层层理的抗张强度与抗剪强度远低于其他层位和垂直于层理方向的强度性质。因此,一旦注入水进入嫩江组二段底部标志层,富含化石的岩石沿岩石层理优先发生破坏,并迅速扩展,形成成片套损现象。  相似文献   
A combined sedimentological and mineralogical study of several mid-Cretaceous sequences of the western Betic Cordillera and northern Rif has lead to the distinction of three main palaeogeographic areas. The basins of these areas received influxes of terrigenous sediments from different source areas. The southern Iberian margin was fed from the Iberian palaeocontinent and its clay-mineral association is characterized by a high content of well crystallized illite and kaolinite; the distal part of this margin was locally starved of continental sedimentation, but contains a considerable clayey contribution, probably oceanic in origin, made up mainly of smectites, illite and palygorskite. The sediments in the North African margin and the southern part of the North African Flysch Trough came from the African continent, the typical Aptian-Albian clay-mineral association being well crystallized illite, illite-smectite mixed layers, kaolinite, chlorite and lesser quantities of vermiculite. The terrigenous supply to the Mauritanian Realm of the North African Flysch Trough came from the Meso-Mediterranean terrane, and its usual Aptian-Albian clay association is illite, vermiculite, illite-smectite mixed layers and kaolinite. A significant change in the clay mineralogy occurred during the late Albian-early Cenomanian in the two former areas, consisting of a decrease in the detrital supply and a concomitant increase in smectites and palygorskite.The sedimentological and mineralogical evolution of this area was controlled by a combination of tectonic, eustatic and climatic changes in the westernmost Tethys during the mid-Cretaceous.  相似文献   
A trachytic tephra, discovered in the ancient lake of Sarliève, ‘Grande Limagne’, has been dated using the thermoluminescence technique. The obtained age, 16±4 ka (2σ), is older than that of the trachytic volcanoes of the Cha??ne des Puys, the ashes of which have already been locally recognised in the region. Its analysis confirms its originality. In the course of the comparisons made to search for its spring, it appears that the wide-dispersion tephra CF7, beforehand correlated by hypothesis to the Puy de Clierzou, probably originates from the Kilian crater or the Puy de Vasset. To cite this article: D. Miallier et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
A shale split in the well-studied Foord Seam (Upper Carboniferous), Stellarton Basin, Nova Scotia, provides a rare opportunity to study little known siderite concretions with anatomically preserved plants from a limnic basin. Siderite concretions occur throughout the split, commonly as sheet-like, inter-connected lepidodendrid logs, or less frequently as spherical masses; they are typically vuggy. A sample of 14 stratigraphically oriented concretions in the split shows that primary siderite varies from 45% to 80% (wt.%) due to selective replacement by 5% to 40% ferroan dolomite or ankerite in plant tissues. These two minerals show large Mg/Fe and Mg/Ca variability and are Fezoned. Clay content ranges from trace to 20%, and quartz from 5% to 10%. Partial cell-wall destruction by erosion and changeable oxic/anoxic conditions, prior to siderite permineralization, resulted in preservation mainly of the more resistant plant tissues. On average, carbon from siderite is isotopically heavier (+4.8±1.9 0/00) than that from ‘dolomite' (−7.2±1.1 0/00). The distribution of and the positive correlation between δ13C and δ18O probably reflects the two fractionation processes associated with methanogenesis and ‘dolomitization', respectively, in the genetic history of the siderite concretions in the split. Siderite concretions formed diagenetically early from bicarbonate under reducing conditions in a slightly alkaline freshwater environment that precluded calcite deposition.  相似文献   
Sanjiang and Jiaodong areas are the important gold regions in China. The gold mineralization is cor- related with the Mesozoic faults and its derivative faults in the granite or the contact zone between granite and base rock. The mineral mapping is one of the important approaches of prospecting mineralogy. The temporal and spatial band distribution of mineral, mineral combination and mineral typomorphism features are natural regularity rules, but this kind of band feature is sometimes hidden and thus in need of mineral typomorphism re- search and mapping to disclose this band feature and to serve for the prospecting of mineral. The changes of the mineral typomorphism feature are often embodied in the " through" mineral, the typomorphism features of the through mineral change like the gradient toward the ore body, and the changes of the features are most obvious and strongest toward the orebodies. The new American mineralogy mapping indicates the weak change of the mineral composition or structure will lead to the change of the shape and wave length position of the specific ab- sorbent feature. Australian experiment lab investigation has held the reason of a series of mineral. The progress achievement of the remote sensing and computer analysis technology now permits a direct comparison directly between the lab and remote sensing data, so the good feature database of the experiment light spectroscopy can serve for drawing of the spacial distribution and remote sensing material. Mineralogy mapping raised the exten- sive emphasis in the international earth arena.  相似文献   
新近发现的印支期富林矽卡岩铜矿床位于大兴安岭北段新林区新林镇东约90km。矿区发育与成矿直接相关的花岗岩和侵入花岗岩中的花岗斑岩,矿体主要赋存于花岗岩与古元古代兴安桥组大理岩和早奥陶世黄斑脊山组钙质粉砂岩接触带内。富林矿床矿化与矽卡岩密切相关,整个矿化过程可分为两期:矽卡岩期和石英-硫化物期,5个阶段:早期矽卡岩阶段、退化蚀变阶段、氧化物阶段、早期硫化物阶段和晚期硫化物阶段,其中铜矿化主要发生在早期硫化物阶段。硫化物主要包括黄铜矿和黄铁矿,并含少量闪锌矿、方铅矿、斑铜矿等。蚀变类型包括石榴子石-透辉石矽卡岩化、阳起石-透闪石矽卡岩化、绿帘石矽卡岩化、绿泥石化、绢云母-粘土化、钾长石化和局部角岩化。电子探针分析(EMPA)结果表明:矿区内的石榴子石属钙铝-钙铁榴石系列,主要为钙铁榴石,辉石为透辉石-钙铁辉石系列,以透辉石为主,闪石主要为透闪石、阳起石以及少量镁绿钙闪石和铁浅闪石,帘石为黝帘石-绿帘石系列。黑云母以镁铁黑云母和铁叶云母为主,绿泥石主要为密绿泥石和铁叶绿泥石,长石以正长石和钠长石为主。石榴子石成分剖面显示从核部到边部,石榴子石呈现出钙铝榴石和钙铁榴石交替变化的环带特征,且Fe~(3+)含量的逐渐升高暗示后期成矿流体氧逸度升高,结合黑云母Mg-Fe~(3+)-Fe~(2+)图解,说明富林矽卡岩型铜矿床形成于较强的氧化环境。锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb测年结果显示花岗岩形成于~253Ma,花岗斑岩形成于~244Ma,为大兴安岭地区一期新的成矿事件。锆石原位Hf同位素测试结果表明,花岗岩εHf(t)介于-1.60~2.23,花岗斑岩εHf(t)介于-3.53~1.90,二者均具有古老的两阶段模式年龄,结合前人对区域构造背景的研究,认为富林花岗质岩石可能来自于松辽地块和兴安地块后碰撞背景下俯冲板片断离软溜圈上涌导致古老下地壳的部分熔融并卷入少量地幔物质而形成的岩浆。花岗斑岩及与斑岩有关的脉状矿化和蚀变的出现暗示富林地区可能存在印支期的斑岩型矿床,此外结合石榴子石、辉石成分特征以及辉石Mn/Fe比值与世界矽卡岩矿床对比,指出富林矿区外围找矿应综合考虑铜、钼、铁、金、铅、锌等矿化组合。  相似文献   
A systematic spectroscopic study including Raman,Mid-IR,NIR,and VIS-NIR,is used to investigate four endmember lunar soils.Apollo soils(<45 μm) 14163,15271,67511,and 71501 were selected as endmembers to study,based on their soil chemistry,maturity against space weathering,and the sampling locations.These endmembers include an anorthositic highlands soil(67511),a low-Ti basaltic soil(15271) ,a high-Ti basaltic soil(71501),and a mafic,KREEPy,impact-melt-rich soil(14163) .We used a laser Raman point-counting pr...  相似文献   
湖南宝山铅锌矿西部矿带银的工艺矿物学研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
湖南宝山铅锌矿西部矿区为中低温热液裂隙充填交代型铅锌银矿床。本文对该矿带银的工艺矿物学进行系统研究,利用多种现代分析技术手段,查明矿石中银的主要矿物种类、赋存状态和工艺特征。化学分析结果确定矿石中银的平均品位为156.6×10-6;地质小样化学分析统计显示银含量在空间上呈现上部高、下部低,平面上北西和南西部较北东和南东高的特征;白云岩型、砂岩型、灰岩型、角砾岩型矿石的银平均含量分别为595.78×10-6、247.97×10-6、195.83×10-6、169.73×10-6,白云岩型矿石的银含量最高,角砾岩矿石的银含量最低;银与方铅矿关系密切,银和铅二者的含量总体表现出良好的趋同性,据此可预测高品位的铅矿石的银含量高。对光片进行显微镜下鉴定、扫描电镜以及电子探针分析,确定矿区的金属矿物主要是方铅矿、闪锌矿、黄铜矿和黄铁矿,初步查明矿石中的银矿物主要是银黝铜矿,其次是含银砷黝铜矿和含银方铅矿;该矿床银的存在形式主要有两种:一种是以独立矿物——银黝铜矿形式存在,这部分银含量为10.179%~13.579%,银的平均含量为12.061%;另一种是赋存于方铅矿中,这部分银含量为0.011%~0.127%,银的平均含量为0.069%。经银的物相分析、单矿物银含量分析和平衡配分计算,揭示银黝铜矿虽然含有较高品位的银,但因矿物含量较少,银的平衡配分低;方铅矿的银含量不高,但由于矿物含量高,平衡配分率达到84.78%,因此成为银的主要载体矿物。筛析实验也发现银与铅有较好的趋同性,进一步印证了银的主要载体矿物是方铅矿,并且银在细粒级中含量偏高。本研究提出,在选矿过程中要提高银的回收率,应重视细粒级中主金属元素铅、锌的回收。  相似文献   
The dominant magnetic minerals and carriers of magnetic signals within the Chinese Loess Plateau are magnetite, maghemite, hematite, and goethite. In this study, we investigated the provenance and evolution of magnetic minerals during loess pedogenesis, using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and optical and electron microscopy, including field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). Our results reveal that single- and multiphase mineral assemblages among magnetic minerals in the loess-paleosol sequence have been formed. Partial oxidation of coarse eolian magnetite has occurred in the desert source area and the oxidation degree is enhanced after deposition of the dust upon the Chinese Loess Plateau. This mode of origin resulted in a microtexture consisting of an inner magnetite core surrounded by a hematite rim, and strongly affected the magnetic characteristics of the loess. Goethite coexists with hematite in the loess and paleosol, and nanometer-scale hematite is formed upon goethite rims via dehydration. Our study provides direct mineralogical evidence of the magnetic record and paleoclimatic implications of the loess-paleosol sequence of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40772032 and 40573054) and National Basic Research Program (Grant No. 2007CB815603)  相似文献   
早子沟金矿矿石质量特征、选矿试验研究及选别效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文依据早子沟金矿矿区勘查及选矿工艺矿物学研究资料,从金矿石的结构构造、矿石类型、矿物成分、金的赋存状态及其主要载体矿物的嵌布特征、共伴生组分等方面综述了矿石质量特征,重点分析了以上矿石质量特征要素对选矿的影响;简述了选矿试验研究的成果及选别效果。矿区矿石工艺类型属少硫化物微细粒浸染型含金矿石,金的赋存状态复杂,利用重选—浮选中矿再磨的重浮联合流程可获得较理想的选冶回收指标。  相似文献   
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