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通过详细的野外地质工作和显微镜下观察,对云南兰坪盆地东北部维西—乔后断裂带上三叠统石钟山组(T3s)中产出的铅锌矿床成因进行厘定。研究结果表明,测区内存在大量典型的同生沉积矿床标志,如:纹层构造、条纹条带构造、网脉构造、黄铁矿条带软沉积构造、黄铁矿草莓状结构、黄铁矿胶状构造、闪锌矿同心环状构造等。青甸湾矿床金属硫化物硫同位素测试结果显示,黄铁矿的δ34 S介于3.7‰ ~ 8.1‰,均值5.34‰; 闪锌矿的δ34 S介于5.2‰ ~ 10.0‰之间,均值为7.18‰; 方铅矿的δ34 S介于5.2‰ ~ 9.9‰之间,均值为7.275‰,铅锌矿床硫来源于海水硫酸根无机还原。结合矿床形成时代及大地构造背景,认为该区铅锌矿为喷流沉积作用形成。   相似文献   
西藏嘎拉勒铜金矿床地质特征及矽卡岩矿物学特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
嘎拉勒铜金矿床位于班公湖-怒江缝合带西段,是该带上新近发现的十分重要的矽卡岩(斑岩)型铜金矿床,其金资源量已达大型以上规模。矿区内出露地层有白垩系朗久组及捷嘎组,并发育大量燕山期中酸性侵入岩。矿体主要产于灰白色花岗闪长岩与白云岩或白云质大理岩的接触带矽卡岩内。矽卡岩主要呈层状、似层状、港湾状及不规则状等产出;矽卡岩矿物主要为橄榄石、蛇纹石、辉石、金云母、透闪石、绿帘石、水镁石等;靠近内接触带可见石榴子石;金属矿物主要有磁铁矿、自然金、黄铜矿、斑铜矿、辉铜矿、辉钼矿等。电子探针分析表明,矿区内矽卡岩矿物中的橄榄石主要为镁橄榄石,辉石主要为透辉石,云母主要为金云母,由此构成的矽卡岩矿物组合为典型的镁质矽卡岩;与之伴生的钙质矽卡岩矿物石榴子石主要为钙铁榴石。矿区中的矽卡岩在空间上具有较好的分带性,其表现为从内接触带至外接触带经历了镁橄榄石-透辉石相至金云母-透闪石相的渐变过渡演化,表明矿区矽卡岩具有从高温至低温的矿物组合演化序列;与矽卡岩分带相伴随的矿化分带,表现为深部的铜(钼)矿化过渡到浅部的铜金矿化。矿区最新勘查成果显示,在深部已发现少量斑岩型矿化,显示存在统一的矽卡岩-斑岩成矿系统的可能性,深部找矿潜力较大。  相似文献   
西南印度洋63.5°E热液区是在超慢速扩张洋脊发现的首个超镁铁质岩热液系统。对取自该区的热液硫化物样品进行了系统的矿物学和地球化学分析,矿物学分析结果表明:该热液区硫化物为富Fe型高温硫化物,且经历了较深程度的氧化蚀变,大量中间态的Fe氧化物充填在硫化物矿物间的孔隙及内部解理中;这些硫化物相以白铁矿为主,其次是等轴古巴矿和少量铜蓝,缺乏黄铁矿、闪锌矿。据推断,该区的热液成矿作用分为4个阶段:低温白铁矿阶段→高温等轴古巴矿阶段→自形白铁矿阶段→后期海底风化阶段(少量铜蓝以及大量的Fe的羟氧化物)。与之相对应,地球化学分析结果表明这些硫化物的Fe含量较高(31.57%~44.59%),Cu含量次之(0.16%~7.24%),而Zn含量普遍较低(0.01%~0.11%);微量元素较为富集Co(328×10-6~2 400×10-6)和Mn(48.5×10-6~1 730×10-6)。该区硫化物中较高含量的Fe、Co与超镁铁质岩热液系统相似,明显高于镁铁质岩热液系统。独特的热液硫化物矿物学特征和元素组成可能与该区普遍出露的地幔岩、橄榄岩蛇纹石化作用以及拆离断层的广泛发育的环境有关。  相似文献   
福建漳州复式岩体磁铁矿的成因矿物学特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
严炳铨 《福建地质》1993,12(1):1-16
漳州花岗岩岩基共分两期七次(Ⅰ-Ⅶ)侵入,是中国东南沿海燕山晚期有代表性的大型复式岩体。笔者对区内各类花岗岩磁铁矿作了较深入的矿物学工作,包括晶出产状、晶体形态、X射线衍射、红外谱学、化学成分及稀土元素地球化学等方面的研究。本文重点论述磁铁矿的标型特征及成因意义,并提出区分不同成因花岗岩类岩石磁铁矿矿物学的判别标志,结合副矿物组合及岩石化学特点,对区内早、晚两期花岗岩类的成因分别判别为I型和A型花岗岩。  相似文献   
雷州半岛英峰岭剖面多期红土矿物学特征初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
雷州半岛英峰岭剖面多期红土矿物学特征初步研究*文国高文启忠朱照宇徐义芳(中国科学院广州地球化学研究所,广州510640)关键词多期红土矿物学红土化雷州半岛我国南方热带-亚热带广泛发育的红土(包括红色风化壳和红色古土壤),记录了形成过程环境变迁的重要信...  相似文献   
The mobility, bioaccessibility and transfer pathways of metals and metalloids in estuarine sediments have been the focus of much detailed research. However, to date, few studies have examined the mineralogical siting of metals and metalloids in such sediments. This is despite the fact the mineralogy of sediments is an important factor that controls which and how much of a particular metal is released to pore waters and overlying water columns. This study reports on the mineralogical siting of metals in contaminated estuarine sediments, Hobart, Australia, and aims to evaluate the mobility of metals in the contaminated substrates. Mineralogical, mineral chemical and bulk chemical analyses demonstrate that the sediments contain very high levels of several metals and metalloids. The contaminated sediments have concentrations of zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), copper (Cu) and cadmium (Cd) ranging from 0.55 to 4.23 wt%, 0.16 to 0.70 wt%, 415 to 951 mg/kg and 23 to 300 mg/kg, respectively. Franklinite and lesser sphalerite are the main repositories of Zn, whereas much of the Pb and Cu is hosted by sulfides, organic matter and undetermined iron (Fe) oxides. While the release of contaminant loads from franklinite through dissolution is likely to be insignificant, even small releases of metals from the highly contaminated sediments can still cause the deterioration of local water quality. The contaminated sediments represent long-term sources of metal pollutants, particularly Zn, to local waters. This study demonstrates that mineralogical analyses are a vital tool to recognise the potential mobility of trace metals in estuarine environments.  相似文献   
Abstract Illite crystallinity (IC) measurements, determination of the proportion of 2M mica-polytypes and organic-matter reflectance measurements establish regional diagenetic/low-grade metamorphic trends for the Taconian and Acadian belts of Gaspé Peninsula. IC varies as a function of many factors besides maximum burial temperature and heating time. Correlation between IC and %2M illite polytypes for the Fortin Group and Temiscouata Formation suggests (i) that the amount of high-grade detrital mica in the samples is low, and (ii) that IC can be used with some confidence as an estimator of regional thermal maturation levels. Correlation of these parameters with available organic reflectance values further supports this assumption. The illites of the Temiscouata and western Fortin groups are mostly phengitic in composition, whereas in the eastern outcrop belt they are more Mg- and Fe-rich (celadonitic), but generally also of lower grade and lower 2M content. The d(060) values for illites measured on the unorientated <2-μm fraction of samples fall between 1.502 and 1.503 Å (range: 1.500–1.504 Å), indicating relatively low octahedral occupancy by Mg and Fe (between one-fifth and one-third of the available spaces). Pyrophyllite and paragonite were not detected. Chlorites are Fe-rich and ripidolitic. The IC map for the Acadian belt of the peninsula displays general congruence between IC contours (2200 sample points) and structural trends for the 27,000-km2 area. The highest grades (anchimetamorphic) are associated with the oldest rocks (Honorat and Matapedia groups) exposed in the cores of major anticlines. Anchimetamorphic grades associated with the western outcrop belt of the Lower Devonian Fortin Group require 7–8 km of subsidence to accommodate sufficient thickness of overlying younger rocks (on top of 4–5 km of Fortin Group deep-water clastics) to explain the grades in terms of burial metamorphism assuming a geothermal gradient of 30° C km?1. The lowest-grade diagenetic rocks occupy a large area in the northeastern part of the peninsula, smaller areas in the northwestern part of the Acadian belt, in the centre of Chaleurs Bay synclinorium, and in the Ordovician Mictaw Group. The contact between the Taconian and Acadian belt is marked by a distinct maturation discontinuity. The Grand Pabos fault juxtaposes rocks of contrasting maturation levels (Matapedia Group against Fortin Group) in the west, but shows no maturation offset further east in the Honorat Group. The fault zone limiting the Fortin Group in the north is also associated with a major IC jump.  相似文献   
Listwanite from the Luobusa ophiolite,Tibet,forms a narrow,discontinuous band along the eastern part of the southern boundary fault. We undertook a detailed petrographic and geochemical study to understand the mineral transformation processes and the behaviour of major and trace elements during listwanite formation. Three alteration zones characterized by distinct mineral components and texture are recognized and,in order of increasing degree of alteration,these are: zoneIII is rich in serpentine minerals; zoneII is rich in talc and carbonates; and zoneI is mainly composed of carbonates and quartz. Geochemical data for the three alteration zones show significant modification of some major and trace elements in the protolith,although some oxides show linear correlations with Mg O. Gold mineralization is recognized in the Luobusa listwanite and may signify an important target for future mineral exploration. Gold enrichment occurs in both zoneI and zoneIIand is up to 0.91 g/t in one sample from zoneI. We show that CO2-rich hydrothermal fluids can modify both the occurrence and composition of chromite grains,indicating some degree of chromite mobility. Low-Cr anhedral grains are more easily altered than high-Cr varieties. The compositions of chromite and olivine grains in the listwanite suggest a dunite protolith.  相似文献   
基于采自西南印度洋超慢速扩张中脊的8块富钴结壳样品,利用XRD、XRF等方法对其进行了矿物学及地球化学组成分析,阐明了该区富钴结壳的矿物物相和元素组成特点,结合主成分分析探讨了该区结壳的成因类型和成矿物质来源。结果表明:该区结壳矿物组成以锰、铁氧化物相为主,其中锰相矿物以水羟锰矿占优势,含少量钡镁锰矿,铁相矿物出现了针铁矿及非晶质-隐晶质相;该区结壳Mn、Fe、Co、Cu、Ni的平均值分别为18.96%、19.71%、0.53%、0.099%、0.47%,它们介于中、西太平洋结壳和大西洋、印度洋结壳的相应的元素含量之间;矿物组成、元素组合、元素比值等皆表明该区结壳属于水成成因,受成岩作用影响微弱,但是未见热液活动的明显影响。  相似文献   
何鹏  郭硕  苏航  马一行 《地质通报》2022,41(9):1672-1686
昌图锡力银铅锌锰矿是近年在大兴安岭成矿带中南段锡林浩特-霍林郭勒多金属成矿亚带上新发现的1处银铅锌多金属矿床。矿床中的主要矿物分析结果表明:矿床中的银矿物有银黝铜矿、硫锑铜银矿、深红银矿等, 主要以独立的银矿物分布于金属硫化物中;银黝铜矿的Ag含量为8.25%~13.11%, 平均为10.54%, Cu含量为27.65%~31.43%, 平均为29.64%, 面扫描图像显示Ag以类质同像的形式赋存于银黝铜矿中。硫锑铜银矿的Ag含量较高, 平均为68.99%, 主要分布于方铅矿的边缘及其裂隙中。闪锌矿的Fe含量为0.30%~0.38%, 平均为0.33%, 属于贫铁闪锌矿, Cd与Zn具有很好的相关性, 可作为寻找闪锌矿的地球化学标志。菱锰矿(MnCO3)为晚期低温石英-碳酸盐阶段的产物, 是主要的碳酸盐矿物;锰的氧化物主要为软锰矿及硬锰矿, 软锰矿呈环带结构、胶状构造。除Mn外, 同时也富集高品位Pb。综合分析昌图锡力矿床的矿物学特征及矿床地质特征, 认为该矿为浅成低温热液型银铅锌锰多金属矿床。  相似文献   
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