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畅毅  畅鑫  陈信华 《测绘工程》2013,22(3):74-79
介绍目前几个主要的GNSS在线数据处理系统,着重利用其中5个GNSS在线数据处理系统对某工程控制网的观测数据进行多个方案的处理;对处理结果进行对比分析,检验其内符合精度;再利用框架和历元转换理论和方法,将多个系统处理获得的不同ITRF框架下2011即时历元的观测点坐标转换归算到CGCS2000坐标下进行对比,结果表明:GNSS在线数据处理系统完全能够满足工程控制网的数据处理、精度要求以及成果提交等需求。  相似文献   
魏宇 《地质与勘探》2024,60(3):482-493
四川甘洛铅锌矿集区位于扬子地块西南缘的川滇黔铅锌成矿带北段,是四川主要的铅锌产地,具有重要经济价值。为研究该矿集区铅锌成矿时代、成矿大地构造背景和成矿机制,以支撑区域找矿勘查,在区内选择赤普和尔呷地吉两个典型铅锌矿床开展闪锌矿Rb-Sr同位素体系研究,获得Rb-Sr等时线年龄246 ± 17 Ma(MSWD= 2.3),表明区内铅锌矿化作用发生于早三叠世,与古特提斯洋闭合时限吻合;闪锌矿(87Sr/86Sr)i值变化于0.71061~0.71393,高于幔源87Sr/86Sr值0.70355及峨眉山玄武岩87Sr /86Sr值0.704979~0.706938,低于基底岩石87Sr /86Sr值0.7243~0.7288,暗示成矿物质主要来源于地壳。综合前人研究,认为在古特提斯洋闭合背景下,强烈造山运动诱发盆地卤水深循环并萃取基底地层中的成矿物质,在峨眉山玄武岩岩浆活动的热动力条件下,含矿流体沿马拉哈断裂进一步迁移沉淀形成了赤普和尔呷地吉铅锌矿床。马拉哈深大断裂及造山作用派生的层间或断层破碎带、碳酸盐岩地层是甘洛地区主要的控矿要素。  相似文献   
IntroductionGPS technique is widely used for deformationmonitoring thanks for the high precision. Usual-ly , there are three working modes associatedwith GPS deformation observation: periodicalGPS deformation monitoring net , GPS monito-ring array and rea…  相似文献   
GPS sidereal filtering: coordinate- and carrier-phase-level strategies   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
Multipath error is considered one of the major errors affecting GPS observations. One can benefit from the repetition of satellite geometry approximately every sidereal day, and apply filtering to help minimize this error. For GPS data at 1 s interval processed using a double-difference strategy, using the day-to-day coordinate or carrier-phase residual autocorrelation determined with a 10-h window leads to the steadiest estimates of the error-repeat lag, although a window as short as 2 h can produce an acceptable value with > 97% of the optimal lag’s correlation. We conclude that although the lag may vary with time, such variation is marginal and there is little advantage in using a satellite-specific or other time-varying lag in double-difference processing. We filter the GPS data either by stacking a number of days of processed coordinate residuals using the optimum “sidereal” lag (23 h 55 m 54 s), and removing these stacked residuals from the day in question (coordinate space), or by a similar method using double-difference carrier-phase residuals (observational space). Either method results in more consistent and homogeneous set of coordinates throughout the dataset compared with unfiltered processing. Coordinate stacking reduces geometry-related repeating errors (mainly multipath) better than carrier-phase residual stacking, although the latter takes less processing time to achieve final filtered coordinates. Thus, the optimal stacking method will depend on whether coordinate precision or computational time is the over-riding criterion.  相似文献   
朱诚  张强  张芸  张之恒  沈明洁 《地理科学》2003,23(6):705-712
通过长江三角洲长江以北地区高邮龙虬庄和海安青墩两个新石器时代考古遗址剖面粒度、磁化率、孢粉以及年代学测定,较为全面地分析了该区全新世以来生态环境变化与人类文明兴衰的相互关系,研究结果表明:在有人类活动以前,该区距离海洋较远,但受海面变化影响强烈。此后,气候向暖湿方向发展,7000—6000间的大西洋温暖湿润气候以及3700aB.P.左右期间,该区气候适宜,人类文明在这样的适宜气侯条件下得到长足发展。值得注意的是,海安青墩遗址剖面中出现厚达1m多的自然沉积地层,粒度分析以及孢粉分析表明,这一自然沉积地层是4000aB.P.以来的海侵事件所致,正是这次海侵事件,使研究区人类文明得以衰落。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to provide baseline data on floodplain forest structure, composition, and function that would be needed to predict and monitor the consequences of a proposed stream restoration project. This project would involve the “dechannelization” of Stokes Creek, a stream in western Tennessee that was channelized and leveed in the first half of the 1900s. To this end, we collected data on surface hydrology, soil redox potential (Eh), and the structure and composition of the floodplain vegetation of Stokes Creek. To place our findings into a regional context, we also collected comparable vegetation data from plots located along a nonchannelized stream reach of the Wolf River near Moscow, Tennessee. While hydrologic fluctuations of floodplain sites were synchronous with river dynamics for the Wolf River, the hydrology of floodplain sites at Stokes Creek was constrained by the influence of beaver dams, backflooding, and ponding of overland flow behind levees. Consequently, composition of the forest overstory, understory, and herbaceous strata was significantly different between the two sites. For example, Stokes Creek had a noticeable lack of cypress and tupelo sites, and a greater abundance of red maple. Analyses of size-class structure and woody debris quantity reinforced the existing differences between the more natural and human-impacted systems. While the current hydrology apparently has a negative affect on bottomland hardwoods, scattered regeneration stems and soil redox measurements indicate that a dechannelization effort that yielded lower water tables in the Stokes Creek floodplain potentially could increase bottomland hardwood establishment. [Key words: channelization, western Tennessee, bottomland hardwoods, hydrology.]  相似文献   
东昆仑五龙沟金矿田地质特征与成矿地质体厘定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈柏林 《地质学报》2019,93(1):179-196
五龙沟金矿田位于东昆仑造山带中段,矿田内金矿床主要沿岩金沟、萤石沟-红旗沟、三道梁-苦水泉三条NWW向构造破碎带发育。本文通过金矿床地质特征的综合分析,认为金矿床类型属于中—低温热液型,矿化类型为构造破碎带蚀变岩型,金成矿作用的温度为195~319℃,成矿物质具有壳源为主,部分幔源混合特征,成矿流体为岩浆水和大气降水的混合,矿物组合以微细黄铁矿、微细针状毒砂和不可见金为特征。同时通过地质体与矿床的空间关系、地质体与矿床物质成分的相关性、地质体形成时代与矿床形成时代及其时间差的对比研究,确认红旗沟脑片麻状花岗闪长岩体是五龙沟金矿田成矿地质体,也是金元素重要提供者。岩体含有大量被拉长的闪长岩包体,矿物发生明显的韧性变形,具有壳源为主的壳幔同熔作用形成、在定向应力作用下同构造侵位的特点,成岩年龄239~244Ma。壳幔同熔作用过程中幔源物质的加入带来了更多的金元素,定向应力作用下同构造侵位使金元素更容易活化迁移,进入成矿作用过程。金矿床主成矿期为印支早期,成矿年龄237Ma左右;后期被210Ma含浸染状黄铁矿的中酸性杂岩体侵位吞噬破坏。金矿床受成矿地质体和NWW向构造破碎带联合控制,矿化主要发育于距成矿地质体1.0~3.0km范围内的NWW向构造破碎带中;如果在成矿地质体影响范围内,没有NWW向构造破碎带,金矿体就没有赋存空间;而虽有NWW向构造破碎带,但离开成矿地质体的影响范围,金矿化则迅速减弱。进一步找矿方向是红旗沟脑片麻状花岗闪长岩成矿地质体影响范围之内有NWW向偏脆性构造破碎带发育的部位,或者是有隐伏成矿地质体的附近。  相似文献   
Central Fujian Rift is another new and important volcanogenic massive sulfide Pb-Zn polymetallic metallogenetic belt. In order to find out the material genesis and mineralization period of Meixian-type Pb-Zn-Ag deposits, S and Pb isotope analysis and isotope geochronology of ores and wall rocks for five major deposits are discussed. It is concluded that the composition of sulfur isotope from sulfide ore vary slightly in different deposits and the mean value is close to zero with the 834S ranging from -3.5‰ to +5.6‰ averaging at +2.0‰, which indicates that the sulfur might originate from magma or possibly erupted directly from volcano or was leached from ore-hosted volcanic rock. The lead from ores in most deposits displays radioactive genesis character (206pb/204pb〉18.140, 207Pb/204pb〉15.584, 208pb/204pb〉38.569) and lead isotope values of ores are higher than those of wall rocks, which indicates that the lead was likely leached from the ore-hosted volcanic rocks. Based on isotope data, two significant Pb-Zn metallogenesis are delineated, which are Mid- and Late-Proterozoic sedimentary exhalative metailogenesis (The single zircon U-Pb, Sm-Nd isochronal and Ar-Ar dating ages of ore- hosted wall rocks are calculated to be among 933-1788 Ma.) and Yanshanian magmatic hydrothermal superimposed and alternated metallogenesis (intrusive SHRIMP zircon U-Pb and Rb-Sr isochronal ages between 127-154 Ma).  相似文献   
中国锡矿成矿规律概要   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
我国锡矿资源丰富,矿床类型比较齐全。在锡矿资源储量中占有较大比重的主要是锡石—硫化物型、矽卡岩型和石英脉型;从开采和利用角度来说,最为重要的是锡石—硫化物型和石英脉型。锡石—硫化物型主要集中在桂北、滇东等地,矽卡岩型集中分布在南岭中段湘南等矿集区、石英脉型则主要集中在华南地区的闽西、赣中、粤北、湘南等地;成矿时代以中生代最为重要;成矿大地构造背景以造山运动之后的大陆环境为主,构造变动剧烈,深大断裂纵横交错,岩浆活动频繁,特别是与锡成矿作用关系密切的中生代花岗岩类非常发育,最具特色。本次在对全国873处锡矿矿产地资料进行系统梳理的基础上,深入总结了全国锡矿的成矿规律,厘定出20个以锡为主或锡较为重要的矿床成矿系列,认为锡石—硫化物型、矽卡岩(—云英岩型)、石英脉型和岩体型4类锡矿类型,应该作为重点预测类型,并划分出44个成锡带,提出了19个重要工作部署区,并编制了中国成锡带图、中国锡矿成矿规律图等系列图件,为潜力评价预测工作提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
查册桥金矿是近年来在江南过渡带发现的一个金多金属矿床,本文对该矿床与矿化有关的蚀变花岗闪长斑岩中绢云母进行了~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar年龄测试,获得蚀变岩金矿石绢云母坪年龄156.9±1.6 Ma,等时线年龄152±28 Ma和矿化强蚀变花岗闪长斑岩绢云母坪年龄142.1±1.3 Ma,等时线年龄137±13 Ma。程檀矿段与牛头高家矿段流体包裹体均一温度为160℃左右,氢氧同位素特征显示成矿热液以岩浆热液为主。结合本区及邻近矿区相关研究成果,本区金矿主要为浅成、低温型,成矿物质和热液具有多来源特征,原生金矿以微细粒浸染型为主,具类卡林型金矿矿化特征,其年龄值分别对应于燕山期不同阶段构造活动和成岩成矿作用时代,其成矿过程经历了中侏罗世韧-脆性挤压构造变形和蚀变、矿化,晚侏罗世-早白垩世早期与岩体侵入相关的金多金属矿化,以及早白垩世中、晚期浅成低温热液成矿作用。  相似文献   
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