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内蒙古1∶5万乌音呼日勒庙等四幅区域地质矿产调查项目取得的新进展及主要成果为: 根据岩石组合、动植物化石及同位素年龄等,重新厘定、划分了16个岩石地层填图单位,在多个组段沉积岩层位中首次发现丰富的动、植物化石,建立了各地层年代学格架; 将侵入岩重新解体划分为4个填图单元,并建立了侵入岩年代学格架; 新发现1处规模较大的韧性变形带,主要为逆—左行走滑韧性断层,时代归属于中三叠世末期,为额尔古纳河—阿龙山NE向韧性变形域的南部延伸; 新发现矿(化)点20处,其中金属矿点3处,金属矿化点6处,非金属矿点9处,非金属矿化点2处; 总结了该区成矿规律,圈定了成矿远景区及找矿靶区。  相似文献   
华蓥山中段地区地下水资源量评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
康小兵  罗声  许模  刘宏 《中国岩溶》2018,37(4):527-534
四川华蓥山中段地区水流失比较严重,供需矛盾突出,水环境持续恶化,不但影响到居民正常的生产和生活,而且严重影响了该地区国民经济的建设和发展。通过野外调查和综合分析现场收集的资料,总结出华蓥山中段地区地下水资源量流失情况:该区每年流失的水资源量约为0.914 4亿m3,且华蓥山褶皱西翼水流失总量大于东翼,而西翼北端是区内水流失量最严重的区域,其水资源量流失的影响因素主要为气候、社会发展及人类活动等。   相似文献   
非洲锰矿床成矿规律、开发利用与勘查建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
栾卓然 《地质与勘探》2021,57(6):1216-1228
锰矿是我国重要的战略矿产资源,需求量不断增长,长期依赖国外资源保障供需关系。本文总结分析了非洲锰矿资源的特点、矿床类型与成矿规律等地质特征与勘查开发利用及贸易现状。分析表明:非洲是全球探明锰矿储量和资源量最多的地区,具有分布集中,规模大、品位高、杂质少的特点;锰矿床类型主要有条带状含铁建造(BIF)型、海相沉积型、海相火山-沉积型、陆相(湖相三角洲)沉积型、岩浆热液型等五大类,普遍遭受表生风化淋滤(溶蚀)作用改造;主要分布在卡普瓦尔克拉通、刚果克拉通西北部的加蓬地块和西非克拉通南缘的马恩-莱奥地盾中;成矿时代主要集中于前寒武纪,尤其是2.2~2.0Ga;非洲锰矿资源的勘查开发程度较高,其中南非是非洲锰矿勘查程度最高的国家,中非、北非国家的勘查开发程度较低;南非是全球最大的锰矿石生产国和锰矿产品出口国,目前占全球出口量的68.19%以上,我国是非洲锰矿产的最大出口地,占其出口总量的70.19%。建议:我国在非洲的勘查应重点关注非洲中部的条带状含铁建造(BIF)型锰矿和海相火山-沉积型锰矿;在非洲已有的中企基础上,组建大型的集团公司,建立多元的锰矿资源供应体系。  相似文献   
张鑫刚 《地质与勘探》2021,57(6):1297-1303
博茨瓦纳矿产资源丰富,金刚石和镍矿储量大,是南部非洲重要的资源国家。本文通过对博茨瓦纳金刚石、金、铜、镍矿等四大优势矿种的分布特征、产量和品位、主要矿业开发公司及投资环境等分析,认为金刚石、金矿、铜镍矿等矿产资源品位高且开发潜力巨大,与我国新发展阶段矿产资源需求形成很强的互补性。博茨瓦纳基础设施发展总体较为落后但正在逐步完善,经济发展形势向好,矿业相关法律制度较为完善,对外资企业也有较多的优惠政策,国内安全状况较为稳定,因而吸引了许多外资企业进行矿业投资。针对重要的金刚石、金矿和镍矿本文提出了相关开发建议,同时以“一带一路”为契机,加强人文领域交流,投资完善基础设施建设,带动中资企业在博茨瓦纳开展矿业合作。  相似文献   
陕西省山阳县香沟钨矿是近年来南秦岭地质勘查新发现的钨矿化地段之一。本文开展了白钨矿电子探针、LA-ICP-Ms和共生方解石的Sm-Nd同位素测年,研究结果显示:香沟白钨矿成矿过程至少可划分为两个阶段,由早阶段韵律环带白钨矿至晚阶段集合体状白钨矿,白钨矿经历了多次迁移;白钨矿具有高F、含微量Au元素的特征,稀土总量较高(ΣREE+Y含量介于5.44×10-6~382.67×10-6,平均为95.48×10-6),其稀土配分型式为无MREE富集的平坦型,与Ghaderi等人划分的白钨矿Ⅱ型稀土配分型式总体类似,负铕异常,利用白钨矿La-Ce-Y三角图解,结合地质事实,判断香沟钨矿属于石英脉型钨矿;结合共生方解石Sm-Nd同位素年龄195 Ma,认为南秦岭香沟钨矿是印支末期深部隐伏岩浆-热液活动的结果。  相似文献   
“马衔山玉”是近几年甘肃玉石市场上时常出现的一种玉石品种,由于数量少且价格昂贵。采用常规宝石学仪器测试、偏光显微镜薄片观察、红外光谱仪等测试方法进行测试,结果表明,“马衔山玉”的主要组成矿物为透闪石,次要矿物主要为透辉石。马衔山软玉颜色多为青绿、黄绿色且籽料常见灰白色伴有“水草花”杂质的石皮。马衔山软玉透闪石颗粒细小,主要呈纤维交织结构,质地较新疆软玉稍差,油润度较青海、俄罗斯软玉强。  相似文献   
本项研究得到国家“十三五”重点研发计划支持,系“深地资源勘探开采专项”2017年启动的重点项目之一,由中国地质调查局中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所牵头,来自自然资源部、中国科学院、教育部、大型石油国企等10家骨干单位以及多家协作单位参加,联合开展协同创新研究,充分体现“产研学用”密切融合。本项研究聚焦“特提斯东段中生代(三叠纪、侏罗纪)海相成钾作用与后期改造、青藏高原北部柴达木盆地深层富钾卤水迁移-分异-汇聚成矿机制”的关键科学问题和“深部含钾盐系‘双复杂’高精度地震成像技术、深部钾盐矿层(富钾卤水层)测井识别与地震预测技术”的关键技术问题,以柴达木西部和川东北两个重点成钾区为资源基地落脚点,兼顾其他含钾盆地研究,建立三维地质模型和成矿模型,完善海、陆相成钾理论,形成3 000 m以浅钾盐勘探成套技术能力,综合评价深部钾盐资源潜力,实施异常验证钻探,新发现1个大型钾盐资源基地,值得综合评价的有利成钾远景区3~4处,实现深部钾盐找矿突破和增储示范。值得强调的是,只有立足国内,突破海相,在中西部大中型叠合盆地古代海相蒸发岩地层中找到大规模海相可溶性固体钾盐矿床,方能从根本上扭转中国钾盐资源严重短缺的被动局面。令人欣慰的是,通过近10年的艰苦努力,我国海相钾盐取得了一系列成矿理论新认识和钾盐找矿新发现:创新提出了滇西南“二层楼”成钾模式,指出侏罗纪海相找钾新方向;在川东北宣汉普光地区发现三叠系海相可溶性“新型杂卤石钾盐矿”,开拓了四川盆地海相找钾新领域和新方向;在新疆库车地区发现埋深超5 000 m的钾石盐矿层,取得了库车坳陷海相找钾的实质性进展;创新提出“W型复底锅”成钾模式,在陕北奥陶纪海相盐盆发现厚层钾石盐矿化段,取得古陆表海型钾盐找矿重要新进展。至此,中国海相钾盐找矿崭露了突破的曙光。如何在这些新发现的基础上,进一步加大投入、深入研究,取得海相可溶性钾盐找矿的实质性突破,落实建成若干大型以上海相钾盐资源基地,将是“十四五”及以后时期中国钾盐的主攻方向。  相似文献   
煤炭地质勘查工作关系国家能源安全,在国民经济发展中具有重要的战略地位。伴随煤炭行业绿色转型和新能源革命新形势,及时调整产业结构,向大地质、大资源、大生态方向拓展服务领域,为国家生态文明建设和煤炭产业绿色安全高效发展提供坚实的地质技术保障,成为煤炭地质勘查产业转型发展必然趋势和未来发展方向。结合煤田地质勘查工作发展历程及现状、发展趋势,对煤炭地质勘查产业转型发展方向进行深入剖析和探讨。  相似文献   
《China Geology》2021,4(3):421-432
The Badain Jaran Desert is the third largest desert in China, covering an area of 50000 km2. It lies in Northwest China, where the arid and rainless natural environment has a great impact on the climate, environment, and human living conditions. Based on the results of 1∶250000 regional hydrogeological surveys and previous researches, this study systematically investigates the circulation characteristics and resource properties of the groundwater as well as the evolution of the climate and ecological environment since the Quaternary in the Badain Jaran Desert by means of geophysical exploration, hydrogeological drilling, hydrogeochemistry, and isotopic tracing. The results are as follows. (1) The groundwater in the Badain Jaran Desert is mainly recharged through the infiltration of local precipitation and has poor renewability. The groundwater recharge in the desert was calculated to be 1.8684×108 m3/a using the water balance method. (2) The Badain Jaran Desert has experienced four humid stages since the Quaternary, namely MIS 13-15, MIS 5, MIS 3, and the Early–Middle Holocene, but the climate in the desert has shown a trend towards aridity overall. The average annual temperature in the Badain Jaran Desert has significantly increased in the past 50 years. In detail, it has increased by about 2.5°C, with a higher rate in the south than in the north. Meanwhile, the precipitation amount has shown high spatial variability and the climate has shown a warming-drying trend in the past 50 years. (3) The lakes in the hinterland of the Badain Jaran Desert continuously shrank during 1973–2015. However, the vegetation communities maintained a highly natural distribution during 2000–2016, with the vegetation cover has increased overall. Accordingly, the Badain Jaran Desert did not show any notable expansion in that period. This study deepens the understanding of groundwater circulation and the climate and ecological evolution in the Badain Jaran Desert. It will provide a scientific basis for the rational exploitation of the groundwater resources and the ecological protection and restoration in the Badain Jaran Desert.© 2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   
Over the past two decades, “illegal” natural resource extraction has become a significant driver of environmental change and social conflict across the Global South. In response, numerous Sub-Saharan African states have engaged in governance reforms that heed calls to securitize – or, establish and consolidate state control over – natural resources. In Ghana, securitization has served to entrench the informal economy as domestic producers, marginalized in the process of reform, continue to utilize non-state institutions to maintain access. While the Ghanaian state has branded “illegal” resource extraction a major environmental, social, and national security concern, it has responded to this threat unevenly; it has violently enforced its authority in some contexts but remained relatively indifferent in others. This article explores the phenomenon of selective enforcement to explain patterns of violence that have emerged between state and society in response to both securitization and informality. Drawing on a multimethod approach, I find that natural resource governance authority remains fragmented across resource contexts, and that the configuration of authority and interests on the ground shapes the extent of state intervention. I propose a natural resource typology that identifies when the state is most likely to enforce its authority, and the degree of violent conflict likely to result. Ultimately, I contend that domestic patterns of enforcement are shaped primarily by: 1) competition with local power holders over resource entitlements and 2) global conservation and extraction priorities. While specific to Ghana, this argument can provide important insights into the relationship between informal extraction, state enforcement, and social conflict in other Global South contexts.  相似文献   
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