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以满意决策理论为基础,针对地下水分布多数系统资源管理中关于建模和决策方面的某些突出问题,分析了用目标规划方法解决这些问题的基本思路,并结合某市水资源管理实例,讨论了目标规划方法的建模过程、求解方法、决策过程及其意义。  相似文献   
孙培德 《岩土力学》2005,26(Z2):222-226
根据地温场温度分布的数学模型,应用有限元法模拟了深井巷道围岩地温场中4种常见隧道断面的岩石温度分布特征规律,揭示出地温场内温度分布和地热学参数及时间、空间之间的本质关系,实现地温场内温度分布的二维动态等值线表征,直观地再现了地温场内温度分布非稳态变化的动态过程。  相似文献   
苏中 《岩土力学》2005,26(Z2):279-282
武-九铁路提速改造工程经过大冶湖盆地,线路周边矿区分布广泛,下伏大理岩岩溶发育,地表塌陷时有发生,场地环境工程地质条件极其复杂。对铁路工程的稳定性、安全性影响极大。通过对湖区宏观地质背景、矿区开采情况、岩溶发育的性质与分布规律及地表塌陷机理与时空分布特征等问题的系统研究分析,为正确评价场地稳定性及采取有效可靠的工程措施提供了依据,确保了工程安全。  相似文献   
东准噶尔原塔黑尔巴斯套组下部中基性火山岩建造归属   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
巴里坤煤矿北原划下泥盆统塔黑尔巴斯套组下部 ,发现一套中基性火山岩及火山碎屑岩建造。其岩石组合为 :下部中基性火山岩 ,向上是火山碎屑岩夹中基性熔岩 ,再向上碎屑岩增多 ,仅见海百合茎生物化石。它被中志留世色克森巴依超单元侵入 ,上部被上志留—下泥盆统含化石的红柳沟组不整合覆盖。根据东准噶尔构造演化历史 ,在奥陶纪末全面隆升 ,缺失下志留统。该火山岩建造应是奥陶纪的产物。东邻区哈密头道沟 ,周济元等在相当于火山岩建造的上部层位的火山碎屑岩夹中基性火山岩中发现早奥陶世腕足化石 :Orthambonites sp.,O.rotundiformis,Pragonambonites sp.,新建了恰干布拉克组。经研究对比 ,东准所发现的这套中基性火山岩建造与新建的恰干布拉克组为同时、同一岛弧拉斑玄武岩构造环境的产物。依据岩石地层单位命名优先原则 ,研究区采用“恰干布拉克组”这一组名 ,时代定为早奥陶世  相似文献   
Abstract: The Santo Tomas II (Philex) deposit is a porphyry Cu‐Au deposit, located in the southern part of the Baguio mineral district, Benguet Province, northern Luzon, Philippines. The Santo Tomas II deposit is associated with an intrusive complex consisting of four rock types that are distinguished based on petrography. They are 1) post‐ore clinopyroxene‐bearing hornblende andesite porphyry, 2) ore‐generating hornblende andesite porphyry, 3) hornblende quartz diorite porphyry and 4) porphyritic hornblende quartz diorite. K‐Ar age of hydrothermal biotitization was estimated to be 1.5±0.4 Ma. A number of intrusive bodies having broadly similar petrography and K‐Ar age occur in the vicinity of the Santo Tomas II deposit, such as at Clifton, Ligay (Binang), Bumolo (Waterhole) and Philex Main Camp areas. The intrusions at the Santo Tomas II deposit and in the vicinity are characterized by high XMg (Mg/[Mg+Fe] atomic ratio, about 0.7 or higher) of mafic silicate phenocrysts such as hornblende, and high sulfur contents (> 0.2 wt% as SO3) in accessory microphenocrystic apatite, suggesting a highly oxidizing condition. Sulfur is accommodated dominantly as oxidized species since the crystallization of phe‐nocrysts. Sub‐dendritic rim of tremolitic amphibole on hornblende phenocryst in the ore‐generating andesite porphyry at the Santo Tomas II deposit suggests interaction of magma and aqueous fluid(s) exsolved due to decompression during intrusion. Dissemination of magnetite is associated with hydrothermal biotitization and is followed by sheeted and stockwork quartz veinlets having silician magnetite and rare titanohematite instead of Cu‐Fe sulfides. The silician magnetite‐rich quartz veinlet was formed at fO2 near the hematite‐magnetite buffer at nearly magmatic temperature, where sulfur dominantly existed as oxidized species such as SO2. Chalcopyrite and bornite, which commonly exhibit micrographic texture often accompanying Pd telluride and native gold/Au‐rich electrum, are associated with subsequent anhydrite (‐quartz) veinlets and stringers. Both intermediate solid solution (iss) and bornite solid solution (bnss) are thought to have coprecipitated primarily at above 500°C based on fluid inclusion microthermometry and sulfur isotope thermometry applied for anhydrite and associated chal‐copyrite and bornite. The initial iss is considered to have converted to chalcopyrite partly replacing bnss during cooling. The hypersaline polyphase fluid inclusions abundantly found in the sheeted and stockwork quartz as well as anhydrite veinlets with scarce gaseous inclusions suggest that they have been trapped in the two aqueous fluid immiscible region. The western Luzon arc associated with porphyry Cu mineralization is characterized by oxidized hydrous magmatism and shallow emplacement, and by the source of sulfur enriched in 34S.  相似文献   
胶东栖霞东北部地区处于挤压与拉伸并存的地球动力学环境,发育韧-脆性剪切带,NE-NNE向新型,层间滑动断层3种构造类型,控制着韧性剪切带型,微细浸浸型,层间滑动角砾岩型金矿化的产出,根据成矿地质条件,划分出藏家庄盆地周边和金山-庙后地区两个成矿预测区,有望取得找矿突破。  相似文献   
河南箕山南部的牛山矿区赋存着丰富的石炭—二叠系煤炭资源。重力滑脱构造将该区煤系地层分成上下2种不同构造组合型式,并成为该区控制煤层空间展布的主要构造因素。采用空间几何分析、力学分析和历史分析等构造解析的基本思路和方法,系统描述了区内滑脱构造发育的几何特征,提出了"后退叠置型"重力滑脱构造模型和控煤模式,并分析了其形成机制,对箕山南部滑脱构造研究及该区的煤田勘查具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
针对夏桥矿(已报废)各水平涌水量较大,拟建立井下蓄排水系统,并利用峰谷时电价差价对矿井排水时段进行优化,以节约排水费用,提出了井下水闸墙上预留放水管数的计算方法,即:探放水管数计算法和水力学计算法2种方法,并对2种方法进行了比较分析。水力学计算法比较符合放水实际,但没有考虑安全余量;探放水管计算法只是粗略概算,但安全系数比较高。实际应用中,宜采用两种方法互相验证,并考虑经济因素综合选定。  相似文献   
随着矿业经济的发展,矿产资源开发规模和开发强度的增大,江西省矿山地质灾害问题越发突出。本文论述了江西省主要矿山地质灾害现状和危害,包括地面塌陷及其地裂隙、泥石流、崩塌滑坡、矿坑突水、地下水均衡破坏、土地植被破坏及水土流失等。采用综合分值评价模型对江西省的地质环境现状做了综合评价,将矿山地质环境综合质量划分为不良、一般、较好3个等级,并且提出了合理的防治措施和建议。  相似文献   
鲍店煤矿矿井构造复杂程度评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在鲍店煤矿地质勘探和矿井开采资料系统分析和统计的基础上,应用分形理论和方法对矿井构造进行了构造复杂程度评价。评价结果表明,影响鲍店矿构造复杂程度的主要因素是断裂构造,褶皱构造的影响相对较弱;矿井的西部和北部铺子断层以西区域是矿井的2个构造复杂区,分维值均在1.2以上;矿井目前开采的七、九采区构造相对简单,尤其北部区域是构造简单区,是机械化采煤的有利区。  相似文献   
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