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山东金刚石资源分布规律与结晶学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山东是我国金刚石资源的重要产地,分析了成矿分布规律及结晶学特征。原生矿体产出于金伯利岩体中,具成带成群特点;次生矿赋存于粗碎屑沉积岩中及河流阶地的松散砂矿层中。金刚石由单晶平面晶体、溶解形态的曲面晶体、再生形态的带壳晶体等组成,以浅色为主,尤以盛产彩色金刚石为特色。  相似文献   
Schistose high-grade hematite orebodies (>64 wt % Fe) in the Iron Quadrangle, Minas Gerais, were formed in shear zones by hydrothermal alteration of the Paleoproterozoic Cauê BIF during the Transamazonian orogenesis. The ore is comprised of platy hematite (specularite) grains that define the foliation and overprint a relict banded martite-hematite fabric resembling, at first sight, a mylonite. The EBSD analyses of a m-scale schistose orebody from the Pau Branco mine show that specularite grew as elongated plates with the (00.1) plane parallel to the foliation. The population of the measured grain aspect ratio (GAR) is homogenous in different scales, and the longest axes of the crystals align with the stretching lineation (L//X) building continuous domains, or anastomose around stretched iron oxide aggregates and rootless fold hinges. The pole figure of the (00.1) plane shows usually a maximum centered on the pole of the foliation Z often elongated on a girdle perpendicular to the lineation L. The {10.4} pole figure has the configuration of a symmetric cleft girdle and the corresponding {11.0} and {10.0} pole figures present well developed girdles parallel to the foliation with an elongated maximum centered on X. Microstructures associated with crystal-plastic behavior and dynamic recrystallization are missing and the fabric of the orebody probably results from precipitation of strain-controlled oriented hematite plates and anisotropic syntaxial growth of favorably oriented grains with the intervention of hydrothermal fluids during Fe enrichment. The shear zone provided pathways for the percolation of mineralizing fluids under temperatures that varied from 140 to 350 °C or higher, under ductile or ductile–brittle conditions. The orthorhombic fabric and CPO (crystallographic preferred orientation) of the ore nevertheless contrast with the asymmetry of simple shear as observed in the torsion experiments by Siemes et al., 2010, Siemes et al., 2011, probably due to volume loss and possibly a flattening component of deformation in the ore zone.  相似文献   
焦家金矿主矿区金矿石的赋存特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
焦家金矿带是莱州-招远金矿区最重要的金矿带之一,产状复杂且性状变化较大。以往研究主要针对矿物种类、载金矿物及其形状及嵌布关系等进行分析,缺乏对金粒矿物学、金矿物种类及金颗粒的成色研究。本文采用偏光/反光显微镜、体视显微镜、扫描电镜、能谱仪、X射线衍射仪等技术手段对焦家金矿主矿区深部开采的矿石样品进行分析,研究内容主要包括金赋存状态、金粒度、金形状、金矿物类型及不同大小金粒的成色特征。结果表明:载金矿物主要以黄铁矿、黄铜矿等硫化矿和石英、长石等脉石矿物为主。金赋存状态有裂隙金(64.82%)、包裹金(19.29%)、晶隙金(15.89%);黄铁矿、黄铜矿中金粒较大,连群分布占多数,脉石中金粒细小,孤立分布占多数。金矿物形状复杂,主要有球状金、三角形金、矩形金。金矿物种类丰富,以自然金、银金矿、自然银、含铁自然银为主,其次为金铜矿、螺硫银矿、碲化金银。金矿物粒度范围较大,大金颗粒可达到90~110 μm,小金颗粒只有2~3 μm。金银矿物的成色普遍较高,大粒金成色低,以银金矿为主,小粒金成色高,大都为自然金。本文丰富了焦家金矿矿物学研究的内容,为后续选冶工艺提供了调控依据和重要信息。  相似文献   
青鹏煤矿位于重庆市沙坪坝区青木关镇及壁山县壁城镇,已开采50余年.随着开采水平的延深,矿井地下水流场发生了相应的变化,改变了地下水原有的补、径、排条件.2012年2月,青鹏煤矿-200m水平-22103运输巷施工过程中,碛头煤层(M2)顶板裂隙突水造成局部淹井事故.通过地面及井下水文地质调查以及采取地表水、泉水、矿井水样进行水质分析,指出矿井突水水源由须家河组裂隙水、采空区积水和嘉陵江组灰岩岩溶裂隙水的越流补给3部分组成.为矿井防治水提供了水文地质依据.  相似文献   
Numerical models are useful in the evaluation of the interaction between groundwater systems and mining activities. They can be successfully used to predict the quantity of inflow into open pits and to design an appropriate dewatering system. In this paper, a two-dimensional axi-symmetric finite element model called SEEP/W has been used to predict the groundwater inflow into Sangan open pit mine (anomaly north C). The Sangan iron mine is located at 280 km south-east of Mashhad, Iran, in arid and warm climate conditions wherein precipitation is generally limited. The water inflow to the pit is mainly from a confined aquifer, mainly by horizontal flow in the upper layers and vertical flow at the pit bottom. The results of the numerical model of the ground water inflow are presented and compared with those obtained from Theis, Cooper-Jacob and Jacob-Lohman analytical solutions. Ground water inflow monitoring was also carried out in a trial excavation at the Sangan mine in order to calibrate the model. The model was then used to predict groundwater inflow into Sangan open pit mine during its advancement. This model provides valuable information for designing an appropriate dewatering system.  相似文献   
The increasing use of backfill in underground mines requires a proper evaluation of the stress state in and around the filled openings. This is, however, a relatively complex issue due, in part, to the large contrast in strength and stiffness between the backfill material and surrounding rock mass. In recent years, it has been shown that arching theory, based on limit equilibrium analysis, can be used to estimate the stress distribution in backfilled stopes. Nonetheless, many simplifications are involved in such analytical solutions and this affects the precision and significance of the calculated results. In this paper, a previously developed solution is enhanced by introducing the combined effects of non-uniform vertical stress distribution and positive pore water pressure. This leads to a more representative analytical solution, as demonstrated by successful comparisons with numerical simulations. The results indicate that the proposed solution can be used to estimate the effective and total stress state in submerged or partially submerged backfilled stopes with a simple geometry.  相似文献   
洼东煤矿软岩巷道支护方式选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
结合山东龙口洼东煤矿软岩巷道支护实践,通过主要含煤地层的物理力学性质分析和软岩岩层的工程地质特征研究,指出随着开采深度的增加,巷道围岩应力和变形量明显增大、返修率高,成为影响巷道层位及其支护方式选择的主要因素,应采取符合围岩工程地质特征和力学机制特点的联合支护方法取代单一支护。研究结果对软岩巷道支护具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
青海尕林格铁矿区地表有近200 m厚的第四系覆盖层,地质工作几乎无法开展,加之钻井控制有限,增加了该区勘探的难度。笔者在前人工作的基础上,运用小波多尺度方法分析了该区的平面磁异常,发现小波一阶、二阶细节突出了3线附近的断裂特征,同时对3线设计剖面作正演计算,也表明该剖面处在断裂位置。该推断已经被钻探验证。另外小波四阶细节(场源似深度456 m)表现为区域场特征,推断该区深度456 m以下存在磁铁矿体的可能不大,对位于异常中心的5号地质剖面的正演计算没有发现剩余异常,也映证了该区深部没有隐伏铁矿体。小波多尺度分析与2.5维人机交互反演技术等综合方法技术的应用,加深了对该区磁异常特征的认识,可以为钻孔布置提供有力的佐证。  相似文献   
采用混合流反应器装置,进行了表生环境条件下闪锌矿氧化动力学模拟实验研究,选择Fe3+和O2为氧化剂,实验条件为:温度20~55℃,pH=1.0~7.8、氧化剂Fe3+浓度1.0×10-5~1.0×10-2 mol/L,氧气流量0.5 L/min。实验结果表明,在Fe3+为氧化剂时,闪锌矿氧化速率随着Fe3+浓度的增加、温度升高、pH值降低而增加,且氧化过程中Zn和Cd的释放速率大致相同,其反应的活化能分别为Ea(Zn) 41.75 kJ/mol或Ea(Cd) 42.51 kJ/mol,表明闪锌矿氧化速率主要受矿物表面反应控制;而以氧气作为氧化剂时,随着pH值的变化闪锌矿的氧化机理发生变化,在pH值小于5.95范围内,闪锌矿氧化速率随着pH值的增加而降低,进入碱性范围后,随着pH值增加,闪锌矿氧化速率反而增加。对实验数据进行双对数处理并建立了闪锌矿的氧化速率公式。  相似文献   
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