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岩溶地区地下发育着大量的溶洞和地下河管道,地下水流状态既有层流也有紊流,而紊流是溶洞管道形成的重要条件。紊流的形成受到岩石初始裂隙的影响,初始裂隙的张开度、分布、走向、迹长、密度等因素都影响着裂隙发育过程中水流状态的变化。通过对不同统计特征的初始裂隙网络进行水流和溶蚀的数值模拟发现,以张开度标准差反映的裂隙网络非均匀性越强,模拟紊流出现的时间就越早;主要裂隙的存在使裂隙网络的非均性增强,主要裂隙与水力梯度总方向的角度越小,紊流出现的时间就越早;当裂隙平均迹长过小时会导致裂隙连通性较差,影响裂隙水流和溶蚀作用;裂隙密度,尤其是主要裂隙密度,对岩溶发育的影响较大。相对于次要裂隙,如果主要裂隙密度偏小,紊流形成时间会大大增加,甚至很难形成紊流。当初始裂隙张开度小于0.001 cm,增大水力梯度仍没有紊流发生,岩溶几乎不发育。  相似文献   
In a rheologically layered crust, compositional layers have an upper, elasto-plastic part and a lower, viscous one. When broken, the upper elastic part undergoes flexure, which is upward for the foot-wall and downward for the hanging wall. As a consequence of bending, stresses will develop locally that can overcome the strength of the plate and, therefore, impose the migration of active fault. In the lower, viscous part of each compositional layer, rocks can potentially flow. Numerical modelling of the behaviour of a crust made up of two compositional layers, during and following extension, shows that flow can take place not only in the lower crust but also, and more importantly, in the lower part of the upper crust. The ability of crustal rocks to flow influences the style and kinematics of rifted regions. When no flow occurs, subsidence will affect the extending areas, both hanging wall and foot-wall will subside with respect to an absolute reference frame such as sea level, and there will be a strict proportionality between extension and thinning. In addition, the downward movement of the fault blocks will decrease the local stresses created in the foot-wall and increase those of the hanging wall, thereby imposing a migration of fault towards the hanging wall. This is the behaviour of extensional settings developed on stabilised crust and which evolved in a passive margin. When flow does take place, middle crustal rocks will move towards the rifting zone causing isostatically driven upward movements that will be superimposed on movements associated with crustal and lithospheric thinning. Consequently, fault blocks will move upwards and the crust will show more extension than thinning. The upward movements will decrease the stresses developed in the hanging walls and increase those of the foot-wall. Faults will then migrate towards the foot-wall. Such a mode of deformation is expected in regions with thickened crust and has its most apparent expression in core complexes.  相似文献   
利用NCEP再分析资料、常规高空及地面常规资料、自动站资料,对2010年8月13日和2011年7月3日阿坝州东南部特大暴雨形成机制以及产生泥石流情况进行了探讨.结果表明:两次强降水天气过程发生在不同的环流背景下,但与副高位置、高原槽、地面冷空气等因素密切相关.两次过程强降水落区都为高空辐散、低空辐合区,且该地区存在强的上升运动,水汽辐合明显.从湿位涡分析得出,强降水区域一般会出现在对流层中下部MPV1负值中心和低层MPV2正值中心的范围内.  相似文献   
墨西哥湾“深水地平线”溢油事故处理研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2010年4月20日美国墨西哥湾"深水地平线"石油钻井平台发生爆炸,并引发大火,致使大量的原油(~500万桶)在深海(~1 500m)泄露,这场灾难造成了巨大的环境和经济损失,也对石油开采业的发展产生了负面影响。文中综述了此次事故溢出石油的总量,泄露速率以及测量相关数据中所涉及的技术及方法,对进一步研究溢油转移的趋势和转化过程具有指导意义。喷洒了6.6×106 L的消油剂,消油剂可以促使溢油的快速分散,同时也会给海洋生态系统造成一定的影响。该事故对墨西哥湾的植被和海洋生物有不同程度的影响,如沼泽植被、海水中的浮游动/植物、鱼类、贝类、珊瑚虫、迁徙鸟类,甚至是墨西哥湾大型底栖生物。此次溢油事故涉及各种不同的环境情况,为研究石油烃降解菌在溢油转移和降解过程中种群和群落的变化提供了一个独特的机会,消油剂处理过的溢油转化机理以及微生物降解过程中生物表面活性剂的产生与生物标志物以及微生物菌落的变化之间的关系,仍需要进一步的深入研究和探讨。  相似文献   
A deterministic method for sensitivity analysis is developed and applied to a mathematical model for the simulation of flow in porous media. The method is based on the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the Jacobian matrix of the model. It is a local approach to sensitivity analysis providing a hierarchical classification of the directions in both the input space and of those in the output space reflecting the degree of sensitiveness of the latter to the former. Its low computational cost, in comparison with that of statistical approaches, allows the study of the variability of the results of the sensitivity analysis due to the variations of the input parameters of the model, and thus it can provide a quality criterion for the validity of more classical probabilistic global approaches. For the example treated here, however, this variability is weak, and deterministic and statistical methods yield similar sensitivity results.  相似文献   
Schistose high-grade hematite orebodies (>64 wt % Fe) in the Iron Quadrangle, Minas Gerais, were formed in shear zones by hydrothermal alteration of the Paleoproterozoic Cauê BIF during the Transamazonian orogenesis. The ore is comprised of platy hematite (specularite) grains that define the foliation and overprint a relict banded martite-hematite fabric resembling, at first sight, a mylonite. The EBSD analyses of a m-scale schistose orebody from the Pau Branco mine show that specularite grew as elongated plates with the (00.1) plane parallel to the foliation. The population of the measured grain aspect ratio (GAR) is homogenous in different scales, and the longest axes of the crystals align with the stretching lineation (L//X) building continuous domains, or anastomose around stretched iron oxide aggregates and rootless fold hinges. The pole figure of the (00.1) plane shows usually a maximum centered on the pole of the foliation Z often elongated on a girdle perpendicular to the lineation L. The {10.4} pole figure has the configuration of a symmetric cleft girdle and the corresponding {11.0} and {10.0} pole figures present well developed girdles parallel to the foliation with an elongated maximum centered on X. Microstructures associated with crystal-plastic behavior and dynamic recrystallization are missing and the fabric of the orebody probably results from precipitation of strain-controlled oriented hematite plates and anisotropic syntaxial growth of favorably oriented grains with the intervention of hydrothermal fluids during Fe enrichment. The shear zone provided pathways for the percolation of mineralizing fluids under temperatures that varied from 140 to 350 °C or higher, under ductile or ductile–brittle conditions. The orthorhombic fabric and CPO (crystallographic preferred orientation) of the ore nevertheless contrast with the asymmetry of simple shear as observed in the torsion experiments by Siemes et al., 2010, Siemes et al., 2011, probably due to volume loss and possibly a flattening component of deformation in the ore zone.  相似文献   
2013年7月10日发生的四川省都江堰市中兴镇三溪村五里坡滑坡-碎屑流,属于典型的降雨型高位斜向层状岩质滑坡-碎屑流灾害。在前人研究成果梳理和进一步野外调查的基础上,分析总结了五里坡滑坡-碎屑流的成因及演化模式,并对五里坡高位滑坡在降雨作用下的后缘裂隙扩展判据和滑坡启动判据进行了定量计算。研究表明,五里坡滑坡的演化模式为后缘拉张裂隙形成→降雨作用下裂缝开始扩展→动、静水压力联合作用下斜坡沿泥质软弱层滑动→后缘拉裂槽形成→“7?10”强降雨诱发滑坡复活→滑体前缘临空崩落、加速→崩滑体沿沟谷铲刮、运移→堆积停止。从力学角度推导了前期降雨作用下滑体后缘裂缝自动扩展的最小深度、滑坡失稳的临界水头高度和临界降雨强度的计算公式,得出充满水的后缘裂缝在静水压力作用下开始自行扩展的临界深度为11.3 m;后缘裂隙贯通至滑带后,当五里坡斜坡体在后缘裂缝水头高度达到9.8 m时滑坡处于启动的临界状态。  相似文献   
通过重金属含量分析,分级提取化学形态分析,结合矿物成分和化学成分分析,对黄龙铺矿区1号尾矿库重金属元素在风化过程中的地球化学行为进行了研究。研究结果表明在横向上,尾矿库中心排水口处地势低洼,铜、铁因相对活泼易于迁移而流失,铅、锌、铬、镉在尾矿库四周的地表浅部淋失,在尾矿库中心则相对富集。化学形态分析表明尾砂中各重金属元素赋存状态各有不同,一般以T6原生硫化物态和T7残渣态为主,铜、锌、铁迁移性较强;其他则较弱,表明对环境威胁不是很大。重金属的迁移明显的分为氧化带和次氧化带,研究结果显示尾矿覆盖方法也不一定能够有效地阻滞污染元素的迁移。  相似文献   
高云峰  徐友宁  张江华 《地质通报》2018,37(12):2241-2250
为了探索矿业活动对河流水质产生的影响,以秦岭某大型钼矿区下游的东川河流域为研究对象,通过现场采样与室内测试的方法,分析了地表水、沉积物、岩矿样品中重金属Cd的含量特征。采用污染超标倍数法、地累积指数法及Hakanson潜在生态风险评价法分别对东川河流域的河水和底泥样品进行了污染现状评价和生态风险程度评价,最后讨论了Cd的来源。结果表明:东川河主沟16个河水采样点位中,有11个点位的Cd含量明显高于未受矿业活动影响的对照区各点位Cd含量值,Cd含量变异系数达到95.65%,并且从上游到下游各点位Cd含量呈偏态分布,说明东川河流域Cd受矿业活动影响显著。东川河主沟16个河水采样点中有15个Cd含量满足地表水Ⅱ类水标准,比重为93.75%,可以判断东川河整体水质较好。仅5号点位超Ⅱ类水质标准,污染超标倍数为1,为轻度污染。地累积指数分析结果表明,东川河主沟11个底泥样品均存在不同程度的污染:污染最严重的10号点位达到中度-强污染级别;污染最轻的8、9、13号点位为无污染-中度污染;大多数点位为中度污染。东川河主沟11件底泥样品重金属Cd的潜在生态危害指数平均值为120.27,表明东川河主沟底泥总体达到强生态风险程度。酸性矿山废水、原生地质背景、底泥释放、大气干湿降尘等是造成东川河流域Cd重金属污染的主要污染源。  相似文献   
北京连续降雪过程分析   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
该文对2002年12月份北京出现的1841年以来历史上最长的连续6天的降雪天气进行了合成分析和诊断分析。北半球合成环流形势显示,连续降雪发生在东亚稳定的纬向环流形势下,其上游地区强大经向环流和阻塞高压使中纬度东亚和西太平洋纬向环流得以维持。东亚合成环流的垂直结构表明,连续降雪期间华北地区始终处于锋区中,并存在低空辐合、高空辐散的散度场垂直分布结构。卫星水汽云图显示出有水汽通道向河套倒槽云系输送水汽。华北地区的诊断分析表明,地面和边界层中山东地区分裂高压南侧向北回流的偏南气流是造成降雪的主要水汽通道。变形场的流场结构使水汽在北京附近辐合。垂直剖面展现了华北回流降雪天气近地面层的浅薄的冷空气垫,和暖湿空气回流在冷空气垫上的爬升,并在其上形成一个浅薄的饱和层。  相似文献   
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