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Huguangyan Maar Lake is a typical maar lake in the southeast of China. It is well preserved and not disturbed by anthropogenic activities. In this study, microbial community structures in sediment and water samples from Huguangyan Maar Lake were investigated using a high-throughput sequencing method. We found significant differences between the microbial community compositions of the water and the sediment. The sediment samples contained more diverse Bacteria and Archaea than did the water samples. Actinobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Cyanobacteria, and Deltaproteobacteria predominated in the water samples while Deltaproteobacteria, Anaerolineae, Nitrospira, and Dehalococcoidia were the major bacterial groups in the sediment. As for Archaea, Woesearchaeota (DHVEG-6), unclassified Archaea, and Deep Sea Euryarchaeotic Group were detected at higher abundances in the water, whereas the Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotic Group, Thermoplasmata, and Methanomicrobia were significantly more abundant in the sediment. Interactions between Bacteria and Archaea were common in both the water column and the sediment. The concentrations of major nutrients (NO^3-, PO4^3-, SiO3^2- and NH4^+) shaped the microbial population structures in the water. At the higher phylogenetic levels including phylum and class, many of the dominant groups were those that were also abundant in other lakes;however, novel microbial populations (unclassified) were often seen at the lower phylogenetic levels. Our study lays a foundation for examining microbial biogeochemical cycling in sequestered lakes or reservoirs.  相似文献   
为研究缢蛏(Sinonovacula constricta)生物扰动在养殖废水生态处理系统中对沉积物不同垂直分层的各种磷形态迁移转化的影响,于2016年5—7月在养殖废水处理池的贝藻处理区采集不同缢蛏养殖密度下的实验围隔箱内的底泥,测定不同垂直方向上的磷形态、微生物活性(FDA)以及碱性磷酸酶活性(APA)。结果表明,在底栖动物缢蛏生物扰动作用下,改变了沉积物内部的微环境,促进了微生物的生长,增大了沉积物中总微生物活性以及碱性磷酸酶活性。而沉积物中有机磷(OP)含量显著减少(P0.05);非磷灰石态无机磷(NAIP)、磷灰石态无机磷(AP)和无机磷(IP)含量显著增加(P0.05),这表明在缢蛏的生物扰动下OP可能转变成为AP、NAIP等无机磷成分;总磷含量呈降低趋势。本试验结果表明,缢蛏生物扰动下对于养殖废水生态处理系统沉积物垂直方向上的磷赋存形态具有显著的影响,且高密度组的生物扰动作用对沉积物中磷形态迁移转化的影响强于低密度组。  相似文献   
Microbioerosion rates and microbioeroder community structure were studied in four Kenyan protected coral-reef lagoons using shell fragments of Tridacna giant clams to determine their response to the influence of terrestrial run-off. Fourteen different microbioeroder traces from seven cyanobacteria, three green algae and four fungi species were identified. The river discharge-impacted reef and ‘pristine’ reef showed similar composition but higher microbioeroder abundance and total cyanobacteria- and chlorophyte-bioeroded areas when compared with the other study reefs. Cyanobacteria dominated during the north-east monsoon (NEM) relative to the south-east monsoon (SEM) season, with algae and cyanobacteria being major microbioeroders in the river-impacted and pristine reefs. The rate of microbioerosion varied between 4.3 g CaCO3 m?2 y?1 (SEM) and 134.7 g CaCO3 m?2 y?1 (NEM), and was highest in the river-impacted reef (127.6 g CaCO3 m?2 y?1), which was almost double that in the pristine reef (69.5 g CaCO3 m?2 y?1) and the mangrove-fringed reef (56.2 g CaCO3 m?2 y?1). The microbioerosion rates measured in this study may not be high enough to cause concern with regard to the health and net carbonate production of Kenya’s coral reefs. Nevertheless, predicted increases in the frequency and severity of stresses related to global climate change (e.g. increased sea surface temperature, acidification), as well as interactions with local disturbances and their influence on bioerosion, may be increasingly important in the future.  相似文献   
寄生性甲藻阿米巴藻Amoebophrya是一类广泛寄生于纤毛虫类、放射虫类、甲藻类等海水浮游生物的原生生物,在北大西洋、北太平洋和地中海等营养盐丰富、宿主密度较高的河口和近海水环境中普遍存在,是海洋浮游食物网的重要组成部分。这类寄生性甲藻能够特异性感染海洋浮游甲藻,在有害藻华(harmful algal bloom,HAB)的发生过程中起下行控制作用,将逃脱了浮游动物摄食的浮游植物补充到微食物环(microbial loop)中去。Amoebophrya在近海海洋生态系统中的独特作用日益受到国际上越来越多研究者的关注和重视,并逐渐成为国际上海洋微型生物研究的新热点之一。近年来,已有初步调查研究表明这类寄生性甲藻在我国近海海域广泛存在;然而,目前我国尚缺乏该类寄生性甲藻的相关研究。本文系统综述了国际上该类寄生性甲藻的研究进展,针对目前研究中存在的问题并结合我国有害藻华发生机制相关研究的现状做出了分析和展望,以期推动我国该类寄生性甲藻的相关研究,为进一步阐释寄生性甲藻等海洋微型生物在有害藻华消长过程和海洋微食物环中的作用奠定基础。  相似文献   
This study investigates the benthic microbial responses to organic matter (OM) variations in quantity and sources in two shallow water bays (Fortaleza and Ubatuba Bays) on the SE coast of Brazil on six occasions during the year. The pelagic and benthic compartments of the bays were evaluated by: (i) nutrients and chlorophyll a (Chl a) in the water column; (ii) quantity and sources of OM in the sediment (Chl a, total organic carbon and total nitrogen and lipid biomarker composition); and (iii) microbial biomass in sediments as an indicator of active benthic response. Although there were changes in water‐column nutrients during the year, Chl a was fairly constant, suggesting a regular supply of microalgae‐derived OM to the sea bottom. Based on the composition of lipid biomarkers in sediments, OM sources were classified as mostly marine and with high contributions of labile (microalgae‐derived) OM. Labile OM composition varied from diatoms in the summer to phytoflagellates in the winter and tended to accumulate in areas protected by physical disturbances in one of the bays. Microbial biomass followed this trend and was 160% higher in protected than in exposed areas. This study suggests that the coupling between labile OM and benthic microbial biomass occurs primarily in protected areas, irrespective of the time of the year. Since meio‐ and macrofaunal assemblages depend upon secondary microbial production within the sediments, this coupling may have an important role for the benthic food‐web.  相似文献   
微塑料在海洋中的污染情况已经受到了人们广泛关注,但其与重金属相互作用产生的潜在生态风险依然需要进一步研究。本文主要综述了海洋中微塑料的来源及海水、沉积物和生物体内微塑料的污染现状,总结了部分海域微塑料上的重金属富集特征,并介绍了部分微塑料对重金属的吸附模型,最后总结分析了微塑料单独及与重金属协同作用对海洋生物的毒性效应。微塑料与重金属相互作用的结果依然存在许多不确定性,对生物体产生的毒性效应是协同、拮抗还是其他交互作用仍需更多的实验研究。本文旨在为评估微塑料与重金属相互作用造成的生态风险提供支撑,并为今后相关研究的开展提供参考。  相似文献   
深海铁锰结核作为世界上潜在的巨大金属宝库已成为当今开发海底矿藏的热点,因而深入了解铁锰结核成矿过程成为其开发利用的先决条件。研究发现多金属铁锰结核中的铁锰矿物不仅仅是由单纯的物理作用形成的,同时也包含了海洋生物驱动的生物矿化的过程。本文介绍了运用分子生物学、矿物学和地球化学等多学科的研究方法对大洋中铁锰的生物成矿过程和成矿特征的研究。深海铁锰结核的生长速率缓慢且其生长演化伴随着微生物群落的活动,因此结核的生长过程同时也记录着不同时期微生物群落结构的变化并生成了大量的微生物化石。在铁和锰的生物矿化过程中,细菌可以通过酶促反应氧化Fe(Ⅱ)和Mn(Ⅱ),同时可能伴随生物能量的生成,此外微生物还可以通过非酶促反应的方式促进Fe和Mn的富集沉淀。这些研究表明生物矿化作用在大洋铁锰结核成矿过程中有巨大贡献,对大洋铁锰结核的生物成因过程提供更加全面准确的理解,从而为今后进一步充实大洋铁锰结核的生物矿化理论及其开发利用提供依据。  相似文献   
为了寻求性能良好、环保吸附剂,用于去除养殖水体中重金属Cu~(2+),作者利用蒙脱石负载羧乙基壳聚糖制备成复合吸附剂,并利用IR、SEM、XRD等手段分析其表面性能,将其用于处理Cu~(2+)溶液,考察了环境因子对其吸附性能的影响,并从吸附动力学和吸附热力学角度分析吸附剂对Cu~(2+)的吸附机理,最后考察其再生利用效果。结果表明:羧乙基壳聚糖成功进入到蒙脱石层间;在羧乙基壳聚糖与蒙脱石质量比为1︰25、40℃恒温水浴搅拌60min、pH=6.0、最佳投加量为4.0g/L、处理浓度不超过30 mg/L Cu~(2+)溶液时,复合吸附剂对Cu~(2+)去除率可以达到96.23%,将其用于淡水养殖鱼塘水体中, Cu~(2+)去除后可达到《渔业水质标准》规定;吸附剂对Cu~(2+)吸附热力学实验结果表明,符合Langmuir模型,反应过程为自发、吸热反应;吸附动力学结果表明该吸附符合准二级动力学方程,反应属于化学吸附;再生实验中NaOH的再生效果优于HCl。  相似文献   
研究pH和Ca(Ⅱ)对砷酸根在海水与NaCl介质中对水合氧化物和粘土矿物上交换吸附的影响:(1)在酸性条件下和海水及NaCl介质中,砷酸根在针铁矿上的交换率E(%)—pH曲线呈平顶峰型、在δ-MnO呈峰型、在粘土上分别呈双峰型和肩峰型。这是砷酸根存在多种形式与固体表面发生离子/配位子交换以及介质中阴离子竞争交换吸附共同作用的结果。(2)在碱性条件下的海水介质中,砷酸根与水合氧化物和粘土矿物的E(%)—pH曲线都呈V型,这是因为生成了具有一定结构的液—固界面三元络合物之故。(3)在NaCl介质中,Ca加入起促进作用,再次证明液—固界面三元络合物生成机理与V型曲线的内在关系  相似文献   
沉积物对磷酸盐的吸附与释放   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本实验研究黄河口水文站沉积物对黄河水磷的吸附释放过程和东海111号站位沉积物对海水磷的吸附释放过程。并摸拟黄河沉积物在海水中磷的吸附释放过程。结果表明:底沉积物对磷的吸附相当迅速,无论是河泥还是海泥在24h内均能达到吸附平衡。吸附量与沉积物的量和水中原有磷的浓度有关,在不同的pH条件下,沉积物对磷的吸附是有显著差别的  相似文献   
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