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针对极区冰基拖曳式海洋剖面浮标长期稳定获取极区水文和气象数据的工作需求,进行了浮标系统的低功耗方案设计。该方案基于超低功耗51系列微处理器,根据最低功耗工作模式与最短工作时间原则,采用高效的电源管理机制对浮标系统各个部分的能量消耗进行合理的分配与管理,并应用了Argos卫星通讯模块ARGOS-3 PMT-RFM的BPSK调制低速数据传输模式,可有效降低浮标系统的整体能耗。该浮标在北极冰站上长达1年的运行情况表明该系统工作稳定,所采用的低功耗能量管理方案实现了浮标系统长期连续观测的需求。该浮标的成功试验和推广应用有助于极地研究人员更准确地分析海冰变化过程。  相似文献   
基于密度分离原理,利用饱和NaCl溶液对秦皇岛近岸海域潮间带砂质沉积物中的微塑料进行了浮选和分离提取,采用显微红外光谱方法分析附着在滤膜上的微塑料颗粒形貌和材质。结合扫描电子显微镜−能谱仪(Scanning Electron Microscopy Energy Dispersive Spectrometer,SEM-EDS)对微塑料样品进行微观形貌观察及微区成分的分析。并采用地累积指数(Geo Accumulation Indexes,Igeo)和富集系数(Enrichment Factors,EF)分析砂质沉积物中重金属Hg、Cd和Pb污染水平和富集特点。分析砂质沉积物中烧失量(Loss on Ignition,LOI)、总有机碳(Total Organic Carbon,TOC)、总氮(Total Nitrogen,TN)以及碳氮的稳定同位素组成(δ13C和δ15N),探讨有机质的可能来源。结果表明:秦皇岛近岸海域潮间带砂质沉积物中有纤维类、发泡类、薄膜类3种微塑料,以纤维类的微塑料为主。微塑料表层富集有Si、Al、Mg、Fe和Ca等元素。沉积物中Hg和Cd富集水平较高,Pb富集水平较低。沉积物TOC和TN含量较低,LOI为TOC的1.6倍,δ13C、δ15N和TOC/TN的数值范围均显示有机质以海洋浮游植物藻类等海源为主。  相似文献   
结构性粘土研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对结构性粘土的研究,可以掌握天然土受荷过程中的变形破坏过程,从而为考虑土结构性的结构物的设计、地基加固等提供依据。近年来随着高、深和大型建筑的兴建,结构性粘土的研究变得尤为重要。从结构性粘土的微观变形机理、结构性土样的制备、土工特性和数学模型等几个方面,介绍了国内外学者的研究进展,认为进行原位测试、结构性土样的制备及细观结构参数的量测方法、考虑细观结构的数值方法和建立考虑微观变形机理的宏观本构模型是进行结构性土研究的发展方向。  相似文献   
多主体系统在城市发展模拟中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多主体系统(Multi-Agent System, MAS)是由多个主体(Agent)组成的松散的网络,每个主体根据其属性和行为规则互相交流、协作甚至竞争。MAS通过模拟和观察大量主体的微观行为来研究系统整体的宏观规律,对复杂系统的演化机理具有更合理、更准确的解释力,因此,MAS在城市发展模拟中有很大的应用前景。本文介绍了多主体系统的基本框架及模拟思路,综述了国内外城市模拟研究中MAS理论的应用现状。重点分析了MAS理论在城市模拟应用中的五个关键课题:即微观个体数据的获取、微观主体的合理选择、主体行为规则的提取和设定、主体之间相互作用的描述与表达、环境变量的提取与导入等,并对相关研究进展进行了综述。研究表明,城市发展预测与政策评价是MAS应用的重点突破方向之一。  相似文献   
1.IntroductionResearchonbiokarststretchfromnineteenthcentury,yetonlyrecently,moreefficientandsystematicresearchhasbeenputforwardwiththeappearanceofrelatedspecialterminologyanddetailedreviews[3,11,30,3638],anditseemsthatthereisstilllackofbiokarstinalpineenviro…  相似文献   
Based on the phenomena that the deformation gap was observed before the great Tangshang earthquake, this paper discusses the strain gap according to test and theory. The (strain) patterns were recorded photographically by realtime holographic interferometry and shadow optical method of caustics, as soon as the loading process started. In the meantime, the AE (acoustic emission) signals were recorded by a micro crack information storage-analysis system. According to damage theory and location of micro fracture, we have studied the stain gap and gained: a) It is necessary that strain gap appears under the condition of linear elasticity theory, and its situation is relatively stable, corresponding to stress concentration. b) Micro fractures, which appear initially at area of high stress, occur rarely at the strain gap, and their locations are finally in the zone between the stress concentration area and the strain gap, which indicate the clusters or groups. However, the major macro fracture (final rupture) started from the shadow areas, and then grew quickly towards the strain gaps, which resulted in failure of sample. Foundation item: The Dual Project of China Seismological Bureau (9691309020301), the Specialized Funds for National Key Basic Study (G1998040704), the project for the MOST under contract (2001BA601B02) and Youth Funds for applied basic study of the Science and Technology Bureau of Yunnan Province (98D019Q).  相似文献   
In order to evaluate the influence of the measuring technique on the determination of (micro‐)aggregation in soil and sediment samples, results of grain size distributions of undispersed silty soil samples obtained by the sieve‐pipette method are compared with those obtained using a laser diffraction grain size analyser, the Coulter LS‐100. Reduced major axis relationships are calculated which may be used to convert Coulter LS‐100 results to those obtained by the sieve‐pipette method. The relationships obtained are very similar to the reduced major axis relationships established for dispersed silty soil samples. The results also show that the Coulter LS measurements have a systematic bias compared to the sieve‐pipette data. This implies that, if the percentage of (micro‐)aggregation is determined, the (interpretation of the) results will be strongly dependent on the measurement technique used. Using the calibration relationships that were established, nomographs can be developed to predict the level of sieve‐pipette (micro‐) aggregation from Coulter LS‐100 data. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
嫦娥3号巡视探测器桅杆的展开机构、偏航机构和俯仰机构在转动过程中存在系统性的偏差,这些误差影响了巡视探测器导航定位、地形恢复和路径规划的精度.针对这一问题,文章提出了一种间接平差模型,通过真实数据试验证明该方法能够用于对嫦娥3号巡视探测器桅杆的转动角度误差进行检校,并且具有很高的精度和稳定性.  相似文献   
研究了甲基膦酸二甲庚酯(P350)减压微色谱柱对Au的萃取性能。减压条件下,2mol/LHCI或浓度<25%的王水介质中的Au被萃取在P350(Φ3mm)微色谱柱上,再用小体积的1%Na_2SO_3定量洗脱。与常规柱相比,减压微色谱柱分离具有柱效高、洗脱体积小、速度快、节省大量试剂等优点。经标准样品验证,方法可用于含Au 0.025~200g/t地质样品的分析。  相似文献   
本文分析评论了嵇少丞等(2010)发表的“石英—柯石英相变研究中若干问题讨论”一文.指出他们对柯石英非俯冲折返新机制的一些误解,对某些热力学、物理学概念,及其在地学问题中的解释理解的不同.分析了机械球磨的作用机制;论证了机械球磨作用本质与构造挤压剪切作用本质的同一性.分析了岩石糜棱岩化过程的两个阶段;讨论了地震波形成柯石英机制的可能性.围绕比较标准问题,论证了高能机械球磨(预处理)能大大降低α-石英转变成柯石英的压力、温度和合成时间,促进柯石英的形成.用小尺度不均匀局域高压微区模型解释了人工合成柯石英的规律性、南极洲天然矿物的行为,柯石英的寄生矿物、岩石——锆石、榴辉岩包裹体、非包裹体的形成.列举事例澄清了“球磨引进的Fe杂质提高柯石英形成压力迟缓合成”的说法;讨论了第二相存在对石英—柯石英转变的影响和“应变禁区”边界区的应力梯度相变驱动力可以形成柯石英问题.指出了机械球磨石英原料预处理和静高压合成柯石英后处理两步法,是一种实验室研究柯石英形成规律的有效物理方法;小尺度不均匀局域高压微区模型和无需板块深俯冲快折返的柯石英形成机制,是一种有希望的柯石英形成新机制.  相似文献   
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