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Heat is the number one weather-related cause of mortality in the United States; typically punctuated by extreme heat waves. This study examines the relationship between the spatial distribution of vulnerable populations, satellite-detected urban heat island (UHI) and heat-related mortality distributions during a 1993 extreme heat event in Philadelphia, PA. Geostatistical methods are used to compare spatial distributions of vulnerability and to determine concentration of mortality within surface UHI intensity levels. The results suggest the spatial distribution of urban poor is congruent with heat-related death. Additionally, deaths are concentrated in higher order surface UHI intensity levels. The findings suggest that surface UHI measures and population in poverty are important variables in spatially measuring risk from extreme heat events. Coupling surface UHI measures with socioeconomic indicators of vulnerability may enable creation of risk models with improved spatial specificity to assist public health professionals. This approach is demonstrated by developing a linear regression model of potential risk in Philadelphia for the 1993 extreme heat event.  相似文献   
In this paper, I develop the concept of “bio-gentrification” as a way to broaden critical theoretical debates on the relationship between gentrification and “social mixing” policies. Bio-gentrification weds urban Marxist political economic insights to the neo-Foucauldian notion of biopower. The former stresses spatial tactics of removal and displacement and value generated through land and property. The latter assesses a wider terrain of spatial tactics, their relationship to knowledge produced about humans as living beings, and their alignment with capitalist urbanization. The Vancouver example illuminates how social mixing “truths” and practices to which they are tied generate value by naturalizing human insecurity in situ and transforming the biological existence of disadvantaged peoples into raw material for profit through a process that can be conceptualized as a “vulnerability bio-value chain.” Bio-gentrification refers to the tension between removal and embedding of disadvantaged peoples and points to the need for a bio-gentrification politics to confront this dynamic.  相似文献   
丁旭  齐鑫  尹绍武 《海洋科学》2012,36(5):117-123
通过测定花鳗鲡(Anguillia marmorata)海南群体(HN)和菲律宾群体(PH)共19尾个体的线粒体D-loop基因的核苷酸序列(约1017 bp),分析了花鳗鲡的种群遗传结构。结果表明:A、T、G、C 4种核苷酸的平均含量分别为39.8%、28.3%、12.4%、19.4%,A+T含量(68.1%)明显高于G+C含量(31.8%)。所测序列中存在73个变异位点,共有18个单倍型。其中海南群体的单倍型多样度(Hd)、核苷酸多态性(Pi)、平均核苷酸差异数(k)分别为0.982、0.21577和219.655,而菲律宾群体的单倍型多样度、核苷酸多态性、平均核苷酸差异数分别为1.000、0.26728和271.821,两个群体之间平均遗传距离(P)为0.3203。结果表明2个群体遗传变异较大,菲律宾群体的遗传多样性较海南群体更加丰富。通过构建NJ分子系统树表明2个群体的亲缘关系较近。利用中性检验Tajima’s D(海南群体D=1.35345,P>0.01;菲律宾群体D=0.79220,P>0.01)和Fs(海南群体Fs=3.759;菲律宾群体Fs=2.231)探讨其种群历史,表明花鳗鲡群体进化过程种群数量较为稳定。  相似文献   
我国南海4个青蛤野生群体的形态差异分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用8个形态性状比较我国南海4个野生青蛤群体间的形态变异。聚类分析表明,湛江群体和汕头群体的形态较接近,海口群体的趋异最大。主成分分析表明,主成分1、2、3的贡献率分别为26.441%、21.104%、15.884%,累计贡献率为63.428%。逐步判别分析结果显示,4个群体形态差异显著(P<0.01)。建立了4群体判别函数,其判别准确率P1为51.4%~71.4%,判别分析准确率P2为60%~75.8%,4群体的综合判别率为64.3%。Mantel-test检验结果表明,我国南海青蛤不同地理群体的欧式距离与地理距离没有明显的相关性(r=0.4227,P=0.3910)。  相似文献   

Sediment transport at the Tauranga Entrance was studied in relation to tidal currents and waves. Bedforms resulting from tidal flow were investigated with scuba divers and echo‐soundings. The alignment and scale of bedforms indicated the direction and approximate rate of sediment transport. Sediment transport was measured directly using sediment traps, and results were compared with rates calculated by another method. Maximum sediment transport rates of 20 000–30 000 g.m?1 per half tidal cycle occur near the inlet gorge, but rates vary considerably in time and space, depending mainly upon power of tidal currents. A model of sediment transport for this inlet has been evolved based on tidal flow streamlines, bedform features, and the measured and calculated rates of sediment transport.  相似文献   
提要运用微卫星DNA技术,以中国对虾渤海湾群体(BH)、辽东湾群体(LD)和海州湾群体(HZ)的3个野生群共计60个个体为实验材料,进行了7个基因位点的遗传参数分析。同时对7对微卫星引物的多态性信息含量(PIC)进行了评估,EN0021位点提供的信息含量低于0.5,其他6对微卫星引物的PIC值均在0.5以上,适于应用于中国对虾的群体分析。结果表明,这7个微卫星位点在中国对虾3个地理群60个样品的分析中共获得了56个等位基因,对3个野生群体的7个基因位点共计21个群体位点进行了杂合度观测值(H0)和杂合度期望值(H0)计算;在Hardy-Weinberg平衡条件下,进行了P检验,发现BH和HZ各有1个群体位点发生平衡偏离,而LD有1个群体位点发生平衡偏离,还有2个群体位点已发生显著平衡偏离。但除此之外,对3个地理群间的遗传分化指数Fst值进行的计算结果表明,BH和LD之间遗传分化较弱,HZ与另2个地理群间则产生了中等程度的分化。从变异贡献率来看,有92.83%的遗传变异来自个体之间,只有7.17%的遗传变异来自群体之间。经过UPGMA聚类,发现BH群体和LD群体的亲缘关系较近,而HZ群体与前两者亲缘关系较远。  相似文献   
塔里木河下游胡杨群落特征及种群结构分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用样方调查法对塔里木河下游31团、库孜来克、英苏、喀尔达依、阿拉干及依干不及麻断面河岸胡杨群落特征及胡杨种群结构进行了研究。结果表明:①塔里木河下游河岸胡杨群落物种组成简单,共发现12种植物,分属10科12属,其中乔木1种,灌木和草本植分别为4种和7种。六断面胡杨群落物种数分别为9、8、4、5、4和2种,其中共有种为胡杨和多枝柽柳。②下游胡杨群落物种多样性指数较低,31团至依干不及麻断面Simpson指数和Shanon-wiener指数呈下降趋势。③下游胡杨种群平均密度为606 ind.hm-1,平均胸高断面积为20.01m2.hm-1。胡杨种群胸径以7.5~32.5 cm个体为主,小于7.5 cm及大于32.5 cm个体较少,种群呈现为两端小中间大的结构。④输水能促进胡杨种群的更新,并主要以根蘖形式出现。  相似文献   
We report the discovery of young embedded structures in three diffuse elliptical galaxies (dE) in the Virgo cluster: IC 783, IC 3468, and IC 3509. We performed 3D spectroscopic observations of these galaxies with the MPFS spectrograph at the 6-m Special Astrophysical Observatory telescope and obtained spatially resolved distributions of kinematic and stellar population parameters by fitting high-resolution PEGASE. HR synthetic single stellar populations (SSP) in pixel space. In all three galaxies, the luminosity-weighted age of the nuclei (∼4 Gyr) is considerably younger than that of the population in the outer regions of the galaxies. We discuss two possibilities for the formation of such structures—a dissipative merger event and a different ram pressure stripping efficiency during two consecutive crossings of the Virgo cluster centre. The article was translated by the authors.  相似文献   
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