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A. Strobel 《Astronomische Nachrichten》1989,310(5):367-373
The paper proposes a division of the local open clusters into two different disklike subpopulations on the base of the metallicity enhancement history, spatial distribution in the Galaxy and morphology of their C-M diagrams. The thin disk population objects exhibit higher metallicities and are more closely concentrated to the center and the disk of the Galaxy than the thick disk clusters. The former contain also frequently blue stragglers while the later exhibit the presence of Clump giant members, typical for the thick disk globular clusters. Kinematical properties of the two considered open cluster subpopulations remain unknown due to the lack of observational data. 相似文献
利用AFLP技术对山东沿海菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum)4个野生群体(乳山、无棣、牟平、即墨)进行了遗传多样性分析。采用6对引物组合对4个群体进行扩增,共得到356个位点,乳山群体、无棣群体、牟平群体和即墨群体的多态位点比例依次为74.40%、70.50%、72.80%、74.70%,具有较高的遗传多样性水平。其中,即墨群体多态性比例最高,无棣群体多态性比例最低。聚类分析表明,各群体间的遗传距离在0.0263~0.0448之间,乳山群体和无棣群体间的遗传距离最近(0.0263),两群体首先聚在一起,随后与牟平群体和即墨群体聚在一起。 相似文献
总结了当前国内外关于生物成因煤层气生成机理及其影响因素、煤层中厌氧菌及其与煤层生物甲烷生成的关系和生物成因煤层气生成模拟实验研究方面的最新进展。细菌计数和分子生态学研究是考察煤层厌氧菌数量和生理特征的主要方法。煤抽提物的有机地球化学分析验证了煤层可作为生气基质产气,而生物模拟实验研究了煤层生物甲烷生成过程中各种影响因素的影响特征。国内对煤层厌氧菌的研究主要集中在细菌计数和富集培养上,而国外研究则更多关注煤中本源产甲烷菌的分子生态学特征和菌种的改良研究。 相似文献
Proper allocation of limited healthcare resources is a challenging task for policymakers in developing countries. Allocation of and access to these resources typically varies based on how need is defined, thus determining how individuals access and acquire healthcare. Using the introduction of antiretroviral therapy in southern Mozambique as an example, we examine alternative definitions of need for rural populations and how they might impact the allocation of this vital health service. Our results show that how need is defined matters when allocating limited healthcare resources and the use of need-based metrics can help ensure more optimal distribution of services. 相似文献
John D. Cubit Donald M. Windsor Ricardo C. Thompson Jeff M. Burgett 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》1986,22(6):719-737
This paper examines fluctuations in water level over a Caribbean reef flat at Punta Galeta, Panamá. In an analysis of approximately ten years of records, the mean diurnal range of the tides was 24·5 cm and varied <2 cm from year to year. Daily mean water levels varied erratically over a range of approximately 30 cm. Monthly mean water levels fluctuated seasonally over a range of about 10 cm and were consistently higher than those at the regional tidal reference station at Cristóbal. On days with more wave action, water levels at Galeta increased relative to those at Cristóbal, suggesting that waves were ‘pumping’ water onto the reef flat. The monthly mean water levels at the two sites were not correlated, indicating that tidal data from conventional stations in deeper water cannot be extrapolated to reef flats, except as estimates of minimum potential water levels.Most of the reef flat was within 6 cm vertical span just below mean lower low water. The highest elevations within this range were exposed above water level for an average of 918 hours per year, as compared with 144 hours per year at the lowest elevation. Most exposures lasted less than 10 hours, with a modal duration of 3–5 hours; however, exposures longer than 12 hours occurred at nearly all elevations in all years. Exposures of the reef flat were most frequent between February and June and between August and November, a pattern apparently caused by a combination of seasonal oscillations of regional sea levels, the annual pattern of the solstitial tides, and waves generated by seasonal trade winds.The fluctuations in water levels apparently affected the abundances of some species of sea urchins on the reef flat. Populations of Lytechinus variegatus and Diadema antillarum declined or disappeared from the reef flat during seasons of repeated subaerial exposures, but recolonized the habitat in periods of higher water levels. Although they are reported to suffer heavy mortality during emersion, Echinometra lucunter and E. viridis did not exhibit reductions in abundance that were synchronous with the seasonal exposures of the reef flat. 相似文献
M. M. Walker 《新西兰海洋与淡水研究杂志》2013,47(4):393-397
Development, settlement, and subsequent metamorphosis on several substrata were observed in cultures of Evechinus chloroticus larvae. The period from fertilisation to metamorphosis ranged between 30 and 63 days for larvae collected from spawnings induced at 3 different times. Newly settled sea urchins collected from the field grew about 1 mm per month in aquaria. Correlation of the larval life span with the growth rate of newly settled sea urchins suggested that the earliest spawning could occur was mid‐November. This finding corroborates the results of previous histo‐logical studies of the gonads of adult sea urchins in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. 相似文献
F. Amat C. Barata F. Hontoria J. C. Navarro I. Varó 《International Journal of Salt Lake Research》1994,3(2):175-190
This is an updated study on the biogeographic distribution of the populations of the genusArtemia (Branchiopoda, Anostraca) in Spain, with special focus on populations inhabiting salt lagoons and inland salterns. The populations recorded (40) belong to the bisexual speciesA. tunisiana and to the asexual groupA. parthenogenetica (diploid and tetraploid strains). They usually appear in three different hypersaline ecosystems: solar salterns and lagoons filled with sea water, solar salterns and lagoons containing brines of diluted mineral salts, and lagoons filled with athalassic (endorheic) brines. The brines in salinas are chemically characterized by high Cl– concentrations, especially in inland salinas, whose brine sources are geologically associated with evaporitic formations developed in the Triassic and Lower Liassic of eastern Spain. Brines in athalassic lagoons, geologically associated with Mesozoic and Cenozoic periods, show higher levels of sulfate (up to 40–50%) as well as Mg2+. From a geographical point of view, bisexual and diploid asexual populations are mainly found in coastal and inland salinas or lagoons below 40° N, while asexual tetraploid populations are found in inland salinas and athalassic lagoons above that latitude. These populations have been biologically characterized by the morphology of their adults through multivariate analysis. 相似文献