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海拉尔盆地海参1井伊敏组孢粉组合的地层意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海参1井伊敏组孢粉化石异常丰富,自下而上可以划分出3个孢粉组合:Impardecispora-Cyathidites-Clavatipollenites组合,Stereisporites-Deltoidospora-Asteropollis组合,Appendicisporites-Asteropollis-Tricolpites组合,分别分布于伊敏组一段、二段和三段,组合特征明显,是海拉尔盆地乌尔逊凹陷划分伊敏组与大磨拐河组的重要生物依据之一,更是伊敏组内三段划分和井间对比的生物依据之一。3个孢粉组合中见有属种繁多的海金沙科孢子及其他繁盛于早白垩世中晚期的孢子花粉,结合在绝大多数样品中发现的早期被子植物花粉的情况分析,推测含这3个孢粉组合的伊敏组地质时代为早白垩世巴列姆期—早阿尔必期(Barremian—Early Albian)。  相似文献   
研究区属北羌塘盆地,上三叠统巴贡组呈NW向带状分布于长江源各拉丹冬地区南北两侧(以往南部称土门格拉组),夹于金沙江缝合带南侧和中央隆起带之间,南部土门格拉一带产Cardium(Tulongocardium)martini-Trigonia(Kumatrigonia)huhxilensis组合,北部雀莫错一带产Halobia superbescens-Halobia disperseinsecta组合和Amonotis togtonheensis-Cardium(Tulongocardium)xizangensis组合,反映的地质时代为诺利期,但南北部双壳类组合优势种明显不同。本文从物源区、沉积岩石类型及其组合、高频旋回沉积和古盐度、古水深、古气候及岩石地球化学和古生物特征角度,探讨南北巴贡组沉积古地理格局和双壳类组合的古生态,提出南部双壳类组合生活在盐度较低、氧化、干热、弱碱性浅水环境并繁盛于海泛晚期-海退期层位中,陆源物质供应充分而物种分异度不高;北部双壳类生活在盐度稍高、弱还原、温暖潮湿的较深水环境并繁盛于海侵-高水位期层位中,生物群面貌上的差异是同一地质时期南北不同的沉积环境造成的。  相似文献   
近几年的区调和普查工作证实,吐哈盆地西南部具有良好的砂岩型轴矿成矿前景,为查明砂岩型铀矿含矿岩系所属地层的时代归属,对其所含孢粉化石进行了鉴定与研究,结果表明为双束松粉属Pinuspollwnytes-云杉粉属Piceaepollenytes-冠翼粉属Callyalasporytes组合,对应层位为下侏罗统八道湾组,反映温湿气候下的沉积产物。应用层序地层学的原理和方法,根据大量的钻孔岩芯和测井资料  相似文献   
花岗岩构造岩浆组合   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
花岗岩的构造岩浆组合主要反映花岗岩的岩浆类型与大地构造环境之间的成因联系。从全球范围来看,结合中国的地质实际,花岗岩的构造岩浆组合可以区分为5种主要类型:(1) 洋壳俯冲消减型,如太平洋两岸的大陆边缘;(2)陆—陆碰撞型,如喜马拉雅—冈底斯碰撞造山带;(3)陆缘伸展型,如中国东南部伸展型大陆边缘、北美西部盆岭省;(4)陆内断裂拗陷型,如长江中下游断裂拗陷、钱塘江—信江断裂拗陷;(5)裂谷型,如东非裂谷、攀西裂谷。通过钙碱指数(CA)和铝饱和指数(ASI)的计算,可以大体获知花岗岩的岩浆类型。造山带花岗岩的时空演变规律是:俯冲型→碰撞型→伸展型。亦可表述为:前碰撞花岗岩→同碰撞花岗岩→后碰撞花岗岩。但不能一概而论,只有在对不同造山带花岗岩的具体情况进行认真分析对比之后,才能对花岗岩的构造岩浆组合作出判断。  相似文献   
The palynological assemblages from three Cenomanian-Turonian sections from the Castilian Platform are described. The 49 levels analysed yielded a well-diversified palynological content including dinoflagellate cysts, acritarchs, prasinophytes and miospores. The comparison of the terrestrial and marine assemblages from these three sections reveals significant differences that are mainly related to their relative palaeogeographical locations. The quantitative study performed on dinocyst assemblages suggests an association interpreted as inner neritic including Xenascus ceratioides, Cribroperidinium exilicristatum, Canningia reticulata and Kallosphaeridium? ringnesiorum. On the contrary, the group inferred to show outer neritic preferences is integrated by Palaeohystrichophora infusorioides, Spiniferites spp., Odontochitina spp., Trichodinium castanea and Impletosphaeridium polytrichum. In the Castilian Platform, the Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary Event (CTBE) may be manifested by a higher proportion of Cyclonephelium spp. in the distal dinocyst assemblages.  相似文献   
At regional scales, the distribution of species and the structure of assemblages vary with latitude within many marine and terrestrial systems. The oligotrophic coastal waters of Western Australia (WA) support highly speciose and endemic assemblages, yet spatial patterns in benthic structure are currently poorly known. We examined benthic assemblage composition along a latitudinal gradient of 28.5–33.5°S and a depth gradient of 14–62 m, on subtidal reefs in warm-temperate WA. We surveyed benthos using a remotely triggered digital stills camera. In total, we sampled macroalgae and sessile invertebrates at 201 sites spread across four locations. Percent cover of coarse taxonomic groups and dominant species was estimated from over 2000 photoquadrat samples. We recorded significant differences in benthic assemblage composition between locations, and along depth gradients within each location. However, the magnitude of change with depth was not consistent between locations, and shifts in assemblage composition along the depth gradients were not as pronounced as expected. The percent cover of all dominant benthic groupings differed between locations, and several key taxa, such as the kelp Scytothalia dorycarpa, brown foliose macroalgae, hard corals and sponges, changed predictably along the latitudinal gradient. Our study adopted a coarse taxonomic, but assemblage-wide, approach to describing macrobenthic assemblages, and clear differences between locations and depths were detected. The surveys have provided baseline data on broad scale ecosystem structure against which to detect future ecological change.  相似文献   
辽西地区是华北克拉通东部陆块的一部分,大面积出露了太古宙—古元古代的古老岩石,是研究华北地壳早前寒武纪演化的重点地区之一。辽西地区太古宙岩石组合以TTG质和花岗质变质深成岩为主,少量变质表壳岩以包体或构造残片形式赋存在变深成岩中;古元古代(2.5~1.6 Ga)岩石组合包括长城系裂谷沉积岩和碱性侵入杂岩。最新的区调成果以及地质—地化数据表明,辽西地区记录的太古宙岩浆—变质事件主要集中在约2.55~2.50 Ga之间,其形成与洋壳俯冲有关;该区缺乏约2.50~1.85 Ga构造—热事件的记录,约1.72~1.70 Ga是该区另外一期强烈的岩浆活动,其形成与华北东、西部陆块最终碰撞(约1.85 Ga)之后的构造伸展有关。  相似文献   
Abstract: The evolution of the global Tethys Sea can be classified into three stages, Proto-Tethys, Paleo-Tethys and Neo-Tethys. The Tethyan realm has distinctive features of zonations and segmentations along north-south and east-west, respectively, and has variable richness in oil and gas. The petroleum geological conditions of Tethys are complicated, partly represented by multi-layer of source and seal rocks, and reservoirs. The hydrocarbon accumulation elements and periods of the Tethyan realm show gradually younger from west to east and north to south. South China is located in the north belt and Yangtze segment of the Tethyan realm, and its polycyclic tectonic movements were governed by the Tethyan and Pacific realms. The blocks in South China rotated clockwise and counter-clockwise during their drift northward from Gondwana. The belts and segmentations of Tethys in South China are also clear, with six tectonic belts including: Chuxiong-Sichuan; middle Guizhou-Hunan-Hubei; lower Yangtze; Xuefeng-Jiangnan; Guangxi-Hunan-Jiangxi; and Cathaysia. Numerous faults, including compressional, compressional-shear, extensional, extensional-shear and shear are well developed in South China. The fault strikes are mainly NE, NW and NS, in which the NE is the dominant direction. Lower, middle and upper hydrocarbon assemblages, respectively corresponding to Proto-, Paleo- and Neo-Tethys, formed in the Tethyan realm of South China with the lower and middle having excellent hydrocarbon accumulation conditions. An integrated analysis of tectonic evolution, superimposed deformation and later hydrocarbon preservation shows that during the Neo-Tethyan stage in South China, continental sediments were deposited and experienced intense tectonic deformation, which had resulted in different hydrocarbon pool-forming features from those of the Neo-Tethyan realm.  相似文献   
瓯江口海域是传统的浙江省渔业资源栖息地,现今受高强度人为扰动的影响。为了解瓯江口海域游泳动物群落组成和多样性特征,采用单拖网方法对瓯江口春季(3月)和秋季(11月)游泳动物进行调查,并对其群落组成、生物多样性、资源密度和时空分布格局及主要影响因子等进行了研究。调查结果显示,研究海域共采集到游泳动物78种,其中鱼类有36种、甲壳动物28种、头足类3种。游泳动物优势种春季有9种,秋季有6种;两个季节共同优势种有4种。春季的渔获物的丰度远低于秋季,而春季的生物量则与秋季相差不大。基于丰度和生物量的多样性指数(H’)、均匀度指数(J’)和丰富度指数(d)均为秋季高于春季。在瓯江口海域,水体悬浮物是影响游泳动物群落多样性和丰富度的最重要的环境因子。通过对浙江瓯江口海域游泳动物群落特征及其与环境因子的内在关联的研究,有望为瓯江口海域渔业资源变迁特征和资源养护管理决策提供基础数据和科学依据。  相似文献   
于俊杰  胡飞  杨祝良  张宗言  蒋仁  柯学  劳金秀 《地质通报》2014,33(10):1609-1620
对江苏省南通市四甲镇CSJA6钻孔上部近43m的沉积物岩心进行了沉积学、年代学研究和有孔虫鉴定及组合划分,发现41属77种(含8个未定种)有孔虫。根据有孔虫动物群的垂直分布特征与AMS14C年龄,初步建立了时间被部分标定的全新世有孔虫化石组合,自上而下为Ammonia beccarii vars.-Cribrononion subincertum Asano组合、Ammonia beccarii vars.-Globigerinira glutinata组合和Ammonia beccarii vars.-Elphidium magellanicum组合。组合2、3带的时间界线约为8.1ka cal BP,组合3带的下界至少是10ka cal BP。这3个组合带的特征与以珠海、上海地区为代表的中国东部沿海平原全新世有孔虫组合相似。若将前人全新世海侵的14C年龄做进一步的校正,并结合本文钻孔研究成果可初步推测,在8.5~8ka cal BP时长江三角洲地区达到最大海侵,形成以镇江、扬州为顶点的长江巨大河口湾。  相似文献   
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