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通过对郯庐断裂带南段桐城地区高压-超高压变质带详细的岩石学和构造学研究,将研究区从空间结构上划分为三个构造单元:上部低温-高压单元、中部中温-高压单元和下部超高压单元。根据研究区多期构造变形分析,共识别出了五期有区域构造地质学含义的事件(D_1-D_5):D_1代表高压-超高压变质岩中-晚三叠世同碰撞早期折返过程;D_2表征了高压-超高压变质岩晚三叠世同碰撞晚期折返过程;D_3记录了早白垩世中大别变质核杂岩的形成,也即整个中国东部晚中生代大规模伸展构造在研究区的表现;D_4可能标志着郯庐断裂走滑构造对高压-超高压造山带的叠加;D_5表现为脆性正断作用,控制了晚白垩世-古近纪潜山半地堑盆地的形成。这些结果表明了研究区所经历构造演化的复杂性,其构造几何形态很难用郯庐断裂左行平移南大别超高压变质岩来解释,也不支持桐城地区存在巨大走滑作用的证据。  相似文献   
In the nappe zone of the Sardinian Variscan chain, the deformation and metamorphic grade increase throughout the tectonic nappe stack from lower greenschist to upper amphibolite facies conditions in the deepest nappe, the Monte Grighini Unit. A synthesis of petrological, structural and radiometric data is presented that allows us to constrain the thermal and mechanical evolution of this unit. Carboniferous subduction under a low geothermal gradient (~490–570 °C GPa?1) was followed by exhumation accompanied by heating and Late Carboniferous magma emplacement at a high apparent geothermal gradient (~1200–1450 °C GPa?1). Exhumation coeval with nappe stacking was closely followed by activity on a ductile strike‐slip shear zone that accommodated magma intrusion and enabled the final exhumation of the Monte Grighini Unit to upper crustal levels. The reconstructed thermo‐mechanical evolution allows a more complete understanding of the Variscan orogenic wedge in central Sardinia. As a result we are able to confirm a diachronous evolution of metamorphic and tectonic events from the inner axial zone to the outer nappe zone, with the Late Variscan low‐P/high‐T metamorphism and crustal anatexis as a common feature across the Sardinian portion of the Variscan orogen.  相似文献   
New structural and tectono‐metamorphic data are presented from a geological transect along the Mugu Karnali valley, in Western Nepal (Central Himalaya), where an almost continuous cross‐section from the Lesser Himalaya Sequence to the Everest Series through the medium‐high‐grade Greater Himalayan Sequence (GHS) is exposed. Detailed meso‐ and micro‐structural analyses were carried out along the transect. Pressure (P)–temperature (T) conditions and P–T–deformation paths for samples from different structural units were derived by calculating pseudosections in the MnNKCFMASHT system. Systematic increase of P–T conditions, from ~0.75 GPa to 560 °C up to ≥1.0 GPa–750 °C, has been detected starting from the garnet zone up to the K‐feldspar + aluminosilicate zone. Our investigation reveals how these units are characterized by different P–T evolutions and well‐developed tectonic boundaries. Integrating our meso‐ and micro‐structural data with those of metamorphism and geochronology, a diachronism in deformation and metamorphism can be highlighted along the transect, where different crustal slices were underthrust, metamorphosed and exhumed at different times. The GHS is not a single tectonic unit, but it is composed of (at least) three different crustal slices, in agreement with a model of in‐sequence shearing by accretion of material from the Indian plate, where coeval activity of basal thrusting at the bottom with normal shearing at the top of the GHS is not strictly required for its exhumation.  相似文献   
The Sanbagawa metamorphic belt of southwest Japan is one of the type localities of subduction‐related high‐P metamorphism. However, variable pressure–temperature (PT) paths and metabasic assemblages have been reported for eclogite units in the region, leading to uncertainty about the subduction zone paleo‐thermal structure and associated tectonometamorphic conditions. To analyse this variation, phase equilibria modelling was applied to the three main high‐P metabasic rock types documented in the region – glaucophane eclogite, barroisite eclogite and garnet blueschist – with modelling performed over a range of P, T, bulk rock H2O and bulk rock ferric iron conditions using thermocalc . All samples are calculated to share a common steep prograde PT path to similar peak conditions of ~16–20 kbar and 560–610 °C. The results establish that regional assemblage variation is systematic, with the alternation in peak amphibole phase due to peak conditions overlapping the glaucophane–barroisite solvus, and bulk composition effects stabilizing blueschist v. eclogite facies assemblages at similar PT conditions. Furthermore, the results reveal that a steep prograde PT path is common to all eclogite units in the Sanbagawa belt, indicating that metamorphic conditions were consistent along strike. All localities are compatible with predictions made by a ridge approach model, which attributes eclogite facies metamorphism and exhumation of the Sanbagawa belt to the approach of a spreading ridge.  相似文献   
Eclogites from the Onodani area in the Sambagawa metamorphic belt of central Shikoku occur as layers or lenticular bodies within basic schists. These eclogites experienced three different metamorphic episodes during multiple burial and exhumation cycles. The early prograde stage of the first metamorphic event is recorded by relict eclogite facies inclusions within garnet cores (XSps 0.80–0.24, XAlm 0–0.47). These inclusions consist of relatively almandine‐rich garnet (XSps 0.13–0.24, XAlm 0.36–0.45), aegirine‐augite/omphacite (XJd 0.08–0.28), epidote, amphiboles (e.g. actinolite, winchite, barroisite and taramite), albite, phengite, chlorite, calcite, titanite, hematite and quartz. The garnet cores also contain polyphase inclusions consisting of almandine‐rich garnet, omphacite (XJd 0.27–0.28), amphiboles (e.g. actinolite, winchite, barroisite, taramite and katophorite) and phengite. The peak P–T conditions of the first eclogite facies metamorphism are estimated to be 530–590 °C and 19–21 kbar succeeded by retrogression into greenschist facies. The second prograde metamorphism began at greenschist facies conditions. The peak metamorphic conditions are defined by schistosity‐forming omphacites (XJd ≤ 49) and garnet rims containing inclusions of barroisitic amphibole, phengite, rutile and quartz. The estimated peak metamorphic conditions are 630–680 °C and 20–22 kbar followed by a clockwise retrograde P–T path with nearly isothermal decompression to 8–12 kbar. In veins cross‐cutting the eclogite schistosity, resorbed barroisite/Mg‐katophorite occurs as inclusions in glaucophane which is zoned to barroisite, suggesting a prograde metamorphism of the third metamorphic event. The peak P–T conditions of this metamorphic event are estimated to be 540–600 °C and 6.5–8 kbar. These metamorphic conditions are correlated with those of the surrounding non‐eclogitic Sambagawa schists. The Onodani eclogites were formed by subduction of an oceanic plate, and metamorphism occurred beneath an accretionary prism. These high‐P/T type metamorphic events took place in a very short time span between 100 and 90 Ma. Plate reconstructions indicate highly oblique subduction of the Izanagi plate beneath the Eurasian continent at a high spreading rate. This probably resulted in multiple burial and exhumation movements of eclogite bodies, causing plural metamorphic events. The eclogite body was juxtaposed with non‐eclogitic Sambagawa schists at glaucophane stability field conditions. The amalgamated metamorphic sequence including the Onodani eclogites were exhumed to shallow crustal/surface levels in early Eocene times (c. 50 Ma).  相似文献   
北京西山房山岩体岩浆底辟构造及其地质意义   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
运用底辟构造的理论和模型, 通过对北京西山房山岩体边缘围岩构造、变形和应变的研究, 厘定出岩体边缘的高温剪切带、周缘向斜、呈穹状分布陡倾的线理和面理, 并结合对西山区域构造事件分析后提出房山岩体为典型的岩浆底辟构造(HotStokesDiapir).这项研究成果不仅在世界上首次证实了岩浆底辟的存在, 而且对理清北京西山地区的地质构造格架和演化序列具有十分重要的意义.研究认为房山地区可能不存在变质核杂岩; 房山岩体边缘的关坻太古宙杂岩是基底岩石随岩体底辟流动上升带到地壳上部的; 原先确定的一些印支期“剥离断层”是房山岩体岩浆底辟的刺穿构造或围岩高温剪切作用造成的地层缺失; 太平山和凤凰山等向斜是岩体底辟过程中在围岩拖曳下形成的周缘向斜.   相似文献   
戚学祥  齐金忠 《现代地质》2006,20(4):555-563
二云花岗片麻岩是组成苏鲁地体南缘超高压变质带朐山杂岩体的重要岩石类型,虽然经历了超高压变质作用,但仍保留了花岗岩的岩石学特征。常量元素和微量元素分析结果表明该片麻岩具有高w(K2O)、低w(CaO)、高w(TFeO)/w(MgO)比值、铝饱和指数偏高的A型花岗岩的特征,岩石类型为高钾碱性过铝质A型花岗岩。稀土元素中轻稀土富集、分馏程度高、Eu强烈亏损,微量元素中Ba、P、Ti、Sc具有明显的负异常,w(Sr)/ w(Y)、w(La)/ w(Yb)和w(Rb)/ w(Sr)、w(Rb)/ w(Ba)较高,尤其是w(TiO2)<0.2%和w(Y)/ w(Nb)>1.2的特征,以及在w(Rb)-w(Yb+Ta)和w(Rb)-w(Y+Nb)判别图解上样品投点位于板内环境区等,表明该片麻岩的原岩形成于板内与裂谷有关的非造山环境。锆石SHRIMP U-Pb测年结果揭示其侵位时代为新元古代中晚期((722±32)Ma),与杂岩体中早期侵位的二长花岗片麻岩及杂岩体上覆地层中的变质火山岩同为Rodinia大陆裂解、扬子地块陆内裂谷形成过程中伴随的岩浆活动的产物。  相似文献   
正20141408 Cai Jia(Institute of Geology,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Beijing100037,China);Liu Fulai Petrogenesis and Metamorphic P-T Conditions of Garnet-Spinel-Biotitebearing Paragneiss in Danangou Area,Daqingshan-Wulashan Metamorphic Complex Belt(Acta Petrologica Sinica,ISSN1000-0569,CN11-1922/P,29(7),  相似文献   
A Late Palaeozoic accretionary prism, formed at the southwestern margin of Gondwana from Early Carboniferous to Late Triassic, comprises the Coastal Accretionary Complex of central Chile (34–41°S). This fossil accretionary system is made up of two parallel contemporaneous metamorphic belts: a high‐pressure/low temperature belt (HP/LT – Western Series) and a low pressure/high temperature belt (LP/HT – Eastern Series). However, the timing of deformation events associated with the growth of the accretionary prism (successive frontal accretion and basal underplating) and the development of the LP/HT metamorphism in the shallower levels of the wedge are not continuously observed along this paired metamorphic belt, suggesting the former existence of local perturbations in the subduction regime. In the Pichilemu region, a well‐preserved segment of the paired metamorphic belt allows a first order correlation between the metamorphic and deformational evolution of the deep accreted slices of oceanic crust (blueschists and HP greenschists from the Western Series) and deformation at the shallower levels of the wedge (the Eastern Series). LP/HT mineral assemblages grew in response to arc‐related granitic intrusions, and porphyroblasts constitute time markers recording the evolution of deformation within shallow wedge material. Integrated P–T–t–d analysis reveals that the LP/HT belt is formed between the stages of frontal accretion (D1) and basal underplating of basic rocks (D2) forming blueschists at c. 300 Ma. A timeline evolution relating the formation of blueschists and the formation and deformation of LP/HT mineral assemblages at shallower levels, combined with published geochronological/thermobarometric/geochemistry data suggests a cause–effect relation between the basal accretion of basic rocks and the deformation of the shallower LP/HT belt. The S2 foliation that formed during basal accretion initiated near the base of the accretionary wedge at ~30 km depth at c. 308 Ma. Later, the S2 foliation developed at c. 300 Ma and ~15 km depth shortly after the emplacement of the granitoids and formation of the (LP/HT) peak metamorphic mineral assemblages. This shallow deformation may reflect a perturbation in the long‐term subduction dynamics (e.g. entrance of a seamount), which would in turn have contributed to the coeval exhumation of the nearby blueschists at c. 300 Ma. Finally, 40Ar–39Ar cooling ages reveal that foliated LP/HT rocks were already at ~350 °C at c. 292 Ma, indicating a rapid cooling for this metamorphic system.  相似文献   
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