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The Danba Structural Culmination is a tectonic window into the late Triassic to early Jurassic Songpan‐Garzê Fold Belt of eastern Tibet, which exposes an oblique section through a complete Barrovian‐type metamorphic sequence. Systematic analysis of a suite of metapelites from this locality has enabled a general study of Barrovian metamorphism, and provided new insights into the early thermotectonic history of the Tibetan plateau. The suite was used to create a detailed petrographic framework, from which four samples ranging from staurolite to sillimanite grade were selected for thermobarometry and geochronology. Pseudosection analysis was applied to calculate PT path segments and determine peak conditions between staurolite grade at ~5.2 kbar and 580 °C and sillimanite grade at ~6.0 kbar and 670 °C. In situ U–Pb monazite geochronology reveals that staurolite‐grade conditions were reached at 191.5 ± 2.4 Ma, kyanite‐grade conditions were attained at 184.2 ± 1.5 Ma, and sillimanite‐grade conditions continued until 179.4 ± 1.6 Ma. Integration of the results has provided constraints on the evolution of metamorphism in the region, including a partial reconstruction of the regional metamorphic field gradient. Several key features of Barrovian metamorphism are documented, including nested PT paths and a polychronic field gradient. In addition, several atypical features are noted, such as PT path segments having similar slopes to the metamorphic field gradient, and Tmax and Pmax being reached simultaneously in some samples. These features are attributed to the effects of slow tectonic burial, which allows for thermal relaxation during compression. While nested, clockwise PTt loops provide a useful framework for Barrovian metamorphism, this study shows that the effects of slow burial can telescope this model in PT space. Finally, the study demonstrates that eastern Tibet experienced a significant phase of crustal thickening during the Mesozoic, reinforcing the notion that the plateau may have a long history of uplift and growth.  相似文献   
辽东草河群由北向南,可以分出比较完整的中压型巴罗式变质带、变质带的分界线或等变质度线和面基本上与地槽褶皱的构造方向一致,显示出带型区域变质作用和复合变质作用的特点。区域变质相带的矿物共生组合、斜长石号码、岩石类型、矿物的物理化学性质都具独自的特征。变质相带的变泥质岩石中的石榴石均属铁铝榴石,随变质度的增高,石榴石成分中的Al2O3、MgO、FeO Fe2O3含量增加,CaO、MnO含量降低。  相似文献   
阿尔金群为阿尔金构造带的古老变质基底,由于缺乏精确的同位素测年数据,对其形成时代尚存争议。运用LA-ICP-MS 锆石U-Pb 定年分析方法,对阿尔金山南缘清水泉地区阿尔金群中的斜长角闪岩进行了年代学测定,并初步探讨其地质意义。锆石CL图像具有多晶面面状结构,无岩浆锆石具有的震荡环带和核边结构,Th/U比值大多都较低(<0.1),显示变质锆石的特点。18个锆石颗粒的19个测点给出的207Pb/206Pb年龄介于(1786±16)~(1877±12)Ma之间,加权平均值为(1827±13)Ma(MSWD=4.4,1σ)。区域地质与同位素年代学新资料表明,阿尔金山南缘清水泉地区在古元古代晚期存在一期构造-热事件,本期事件与吕梁运动的时限相吻合,在全球尺度上可能是古元古代哥伦比亚超大陆汇聚-裂解事件在该地区的响应,也证明阿尔金山存在新太古代—古元古代的变质基底,并且为探讨阿尔金构造带前寒武纪构造-热事件和演化历史提供了新证据。  相似文献   
In the Proterozoic Mary Kathleen Fold Belt, northern Australia, infiltration of large volumes of externally derived fluid occurred synchronously with regional amphibolite-facies metamorphism and deformation. This paper develops a model of structurally controlled fluid migration by comparing the distribution of fossil fluid pathways with the inferred stress and strain patterns during the deformation. Intense fluid flow was localized within strong, relatively brittle meta-intrusive bodies, and in discrete, veined, brecciated and altered zones around their margins. In metasediments folded in a ductile manner outside these areas, fluid infiltration was negligible. The direct correlation between structural styles and the magnitude of veining and metasomatism suggests control of permeability enhancement, and hence fluid flow, by deformation. Finite difference modelling of a strong body in a weaker matrix has been used to evaluate the variation of stresses during the deformation, from which it is clear that stress and strain heterogeneities have systematically influenced the development and maintenance of metamorphic fluid pathways. Particular regions in which mean stress may be significantly lower than the average lithostatic pressures include the ‘strain shadow’zones adjacent to the strong bodies, other dilatant zones around the bodies, and the bodies themselves. This geometry is favourable not only for localized brittle deformation under amphilobite facies conditions, but also for focused fluid flow in the low mean stress regions, as evidenced by the abundance of veins. Fluid access through these metamorphic aquifers occurred during tensile failure episodes, with particularly large dilations and decimetre-scale veining in areas of strain incompatibility. It appears likely that fluid circulated many times through the Fold Belt, with flow concentrated in the metamorphic aquifers. A model is developed that explains both the structurally focused fluid flow and the postulated multi-pass recirculation by dilatancy pumping, the ‘pump engines’comprising the low mean stress zones.  相似文献   
Southwest Japan is divided into Outer and Inner Zones by the Median Tectonic Line (MTL), a major transcurrent fault. The Outer Zone is composed of the Sambagawa (high-pressure intermediate or high P/T type metamorphism), Chichibu and Shimanto Belts. In the Inner Zone, the Ryoke Belt (andalusite– sillimanite or low P/T type metamorphism) was developed mainly within a Jurassic accretionary complex. This spatial relationship between high P/T type and low P/T type metamorphic belts led Miyashiro to the idea that metamorphic belts were developed as ‘paired’ systems. Textural relationships and petrogenetically significant mineral assemblages in pelites from the Ryoke Belt imply peak PT conditions of ≈5 kbar and up to 850 °C in migmatitic garnet–cordierite rocks from the highest-grade metamorphic zone. It is likely that the thermal anomaly responsible for metamorphism of the Ryoke Belt was related to a segment of the Farallon–Izanagi Ridge as it subducted under the eastern margin of the Asian continent during the Cretaceous. The sequence of mineral assemblages developed in pelites implies a metamorphic field gradient with shallow dP/dT slope, inferred to have been generated by a nested set of hairpin-like ‘clockwise’PT paths. These PT paths are characterized by limited prograde thickening, minor decompression at peak-T , and near-isobaric cooling, features that may be typical of PT paths in low P/T type metamorphic belts caused by ridge subduction. A ridge subduction model for the Ryoke Belt implies that juxtaposition of the high-P/T metamorphic rocks of the Sambagawa Belt against it was a result of terrane amalgamation. Belt-parallel ductile stretching, recorded as syn-metamorphic, predominantly constrictional strain in both Ryoke and Sambagawa Belt rocks, and substantial sinistral displacement on the MTL are consistent with left-lateral oblique convergence. Diachroneity in fast cooling of the Ryoke Belt is implied by extant thermochronological data, and is inferred to relate to progressive SW to NE docking of the Sambagawa Belt. Thus, an alternative interpretation of ‘paired’ metamorphic belts in Japan is that they represent laterally contemporaneous terranes, rather than outboard and inboard components of a trench/arc ‘paired’ system. Amalgamation of laterally contemporaneous terranes during large translations of forearcs along continental margins may explain other examples of ‘paired’ metamorphic belts in the geological record.  相似文献   
本文系统总结了大陆深部地壳物质成分识别研究方法和元素丰度合理性检验的方法,以期为大陆深部地壳物质成分探测提供技术方法体系。深部地壳物质成分识别的主要方法有:①因构造运动抬升出露到地表的中下地壳剖面;②地表出露的高级变质地体;③产于火山岩中的深部地壳捕掳体,如麻粒岩捕掳体;④地球物理测深资料与深部岩石物理性质的高温高压实验测定结果之间的拟合和⑤壳源岩浆岩源区地球化学示踪。元素丰度合理性检验的方法主要有地表热流和元素比值法。  相似文献   
在详细研究济宁市颜店铁矿区报告和以往资料的基础上,对济宁颜店铁矿部分钻孔济宁岩群的岩矿心进行了编录和系统取样工作,发现济宁岩群存在大量变碎屑岩和首次在钻孔中辨别出碳质岩,这对济宁岩群地层的研究和铁矿成矿作用的研究都提供了重要最新资料。对于铁矿的成因研究和原岩及沉积环境的恢复都有重大的意义。依据岩石组合特征和含矿性,济宁岩群自下而上可划分为翟村组、颜店组和洪福寺组。  相似文献   
安林地区的构造活动,对剖析太行山东麓构造岩浆带成生、演化具有一定的代表性。本区自燕山运动开始就受到了变质核杂岩和伸展拆离构造控制,区内主要构造有NNE向和NW向两组,其中NNE向构造在区内等间距形成了五条规模大的深断裂,均具高角度正断层性质。NW向构造形成了天喜镇-磊口北西向构造岩浆岩带,包括了塔山穹窿式背斜和白玉村-宝山墙状岩体,两组构造均对燕山晚期中-碱性岩浆上侵和安林式矽卡岩型铁矿的形成具重要控制作用。  相似文献   
大别山前寒武纪变质地体基本组成   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
桑隆康  游振东 《地质论评》1994,40(3):265-273
本文以新城-圻春断裂为界将大别山前寒武纪变质地体划分为华北陆块南缘和场子陆块北缘两个次级变质地体,两个次级地体不仅在地球物理,构造变形方面明显不同,而且在物质成分上有显著差异,它们有各自独立的变质地层系统,遭受了不同类型的变质作用,有完全不同的岩浆活动图象,上述差异均可指示华北,扬子两古陆碰掸对接时扬子陆块北缘向北俯冲至华北陆块南缘之下,这可能包括两次合作用,从元古代开始至中生代最终结束的长期复杂  相似文献   
四川盆地三叠系含钾岩系变质演化特点及找矿意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
四川盆地三叠系具有较为优越的成盐条件,通过对含盐岩系及盐类沉积物在地史进程中变质演化规律的研究,建立了沉积成岩的演化模式,阐明了水溶、热熔交替叠加的变质作用对富钾卤水及含钾盐类沉积在成因上的重要意义,并对盆地东北部及西部寻找富钾卤水的远景提出了评价。  相似文献   
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