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This paper studies dynamic crack propagation by employing the distinct lattice spring model (DLSM) and 3‐dimensional (3D) printing technique. A damage‐plasticity model was developed and implemented in a 2D DLSM. Applicability of the damage‐plasticity DLSM was verified against analytical elastic solutions and experimental results for crack propagation. As a physical analogy, dynamic fracturing tests were conducted on 3D printed specimens using the split Hopkinson pressure bar. The dynamic stress intensity factors were recorded, and crack paths were captured by a high‐speed camera. A parametric study was conducted to find the influences of the parameters on cracking behaviors, including initial and peak fracture toughness, crack speed, and crack patterns. Finally, selection of parameters for the damage‐plasticity model was determined through the comparison of numerical predictions and the experimentally observed cracking features.  相似文献   
1 IntroductionAnicecoreobtainedfrom polarglaciersoricesheetsisoneofthemostimportantarchivestoreconstructpaleoclimaticandpaleoatmosphericcondition .Informationonpale o environmentcanbeextractedfromicecoresaschemicaland/orphysicalsignals.Amongthechemicalsignals,heavymetalsarenotedassignalsofterrestrialenvironmentalchangeandanthropogenicpollution (e.g .Murozumietal.1 969;NgandPatterson 1 981 ;Hongetal.1 994) .SinceconcentrationsofmostofthemetalsinpolarsnowincentralGreen landareatorbelowthepptl…  相似文献   
The crab Carcinus maenas (L.) and the barnacle Elminius modestus Darwin were exposed to a range of dissolved concentrations of Zn, Cu and Cd for 21 days in artificial seawater. Accumulation of Zn and Cu by crabs has been interpreted in terms of the presence of a regulation mechanism to maintain constant body concentrations (83·2 ± 19·4 μg Zn g?1 dry wt.; 39·8 ± 9·8 μg Cu g?1 dry wt.) under varying external dissolved metal levels, until a threshold dissolved metal concentration (c. 400 μg Zn l?1; c. 170 μg Cu l?1) beyond which net accumulation of metal begins. Cadium appears to be accumulated by C. maenas at all exposures with no evidence for regulation of body cadmium concentrations. Exposure of E. modestus to Zn, Cu or Cd caused net accumulation of the respective metal in the bodies of the barnacles, with no evidence for regulation of body metal concentrations.  相似文献   
Occurrence and evolution of the Xiaotangshan hot spring in Beijing, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thermal groundwater occurs in bedrock aquifers consisting of the dolomite of the Wumishan Group of the Jixianin System and the Cambrian carbonate in the Xiaotangshan geothermal field near the northern margin of the North China Plain, China. The hot water in the geothermal field of basin-type discharges partly in the form of the Xiaotangshan hot spring under natural conditions. The hot water has TDS of less than 600 mg/L and is of Na·Ca-HCO3 type. The geothermal water receives recharge from precipitation in the mountain area with elevation of about 500 m above sea level to the north of the spring. Thermal groundwater flows slowly south and southeast through a deep circulation with a residence time of 224 years estimated with the Ra–Rn method. The Xiaotangshan hot spring dried up in the middle of the 1980s owing to the increasing withdrawal of the hot water in the geothermal field in the past decades. The water level of the geothermal system still falls continually at an annual average rate of about 2 m, although water temperature changes very little, indicating that the recharge of such a geothermal system of basin-type is limited. Over-exploitation has a dramatic impact on the geothermal system, and reduction in exploitation and reinjection are required for the sustainable usage of the hot water.  相似文献   
土壤聚合物对几种重金属离子固化效果的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤聚合物是一种新型的无机聚合物,其分子链由Si、O、Al等以共价键或离子键连接而成,形成网络结构,对重金属有较强的固定作用.本文试图利用土壤聚合物固化铜、锌、铅三种重金属离子,实现资源化利用.实验以固化体抗压强度和浸出毒性作为性能表征量,结果表明:土壤聚合物对不同重金属的固化有各自的极限浓度,Cu2 、Zn2 、Pb2 的理想固化量分别为0.9%、1%、2%;若固化过程中添加一定量的高炉矿渣,则可以提高固化体的抗压强度.本文通过土壤聚合物固化体SEM分析,从固化体微观结构的形态来阐述土壤聚合物宏观上的优越表现.  相似文献   
The incidence of a large scale Trichodesmium erythraeum bloom along the southwest coast of India (Arabian Sea) observed in May 2005 is reported. Around 4802 filaments of T. erythraeum ml−1 seawater was observed and a colony consisted of 3.6 × 105 cells. The bloom was predominant off Suratkal (12° 59′N and 74° 31′E) with a depth of about 47 m, covering an area of 7 km in length and 2 km width. The concentrations of Zinc, Cadmium, Lead, Copper, Nickel and Cobalt were determined in samples collected from the bloom and non-bloom sites using stripping voltammetry. The observed hydrographical and meteorological parameters were found to be favorable for the bloom. The concentrations of Zinc, Cadmium and Nickel were found to be higher at bloom stations, while the concentrations of Lead, Copper and Cobalt were found to be very low at bloom stations. Elevated concentrations of Cadmium and Cobalt were observed at Valappad mainly due to the decomposition of detrital material produced in the bloom. Statistically significant differences (P > 0.01) in metal concentrations between the bloom and non-bloom stations were not observed except for Copper. Metals such as Lead, Copper and Cobalt were removed from the seawater at all places where bloom was observed. Cadmium was found to be slowly released during the decaying process of the bloom.  相似文献   
冬至初春黄海暖流的路径和起源   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
主要根据近几年来中韩黄海水循环动力学合作调查结果,结合有关观测资料,进一步分析了冬至初春黄海暖流的路径和起源.与以往类似研究不同的主要有两点:(1)初步探讨了黄海暖流路径的季节和年际变异,并指出这种变异与北向风的强弱密切相关;(2)通过分析济州岛西侧海域混合水的去向,进一步确认了部分混合水绕济州岛运行,并进入济州海峡这一事实.同时,初步揭示进入黄海的混合水,即黄海暖流水,含有更多的东海陆架水成分.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to elucidate the impact of early diagenetic processes on the accumulation of trace metals in Sapelo Island saltmarsh sediments as a function of time, space and sediment properties. Samples were collected from three sites in summer (May 1997) and winter (January 1998) along a transect from an unvegetated Creek Bank through a vegetated Tidal Levee to the vegetated midmarsh with evident lateral heterogeneity caused by hydrologic regime, macrophytes and microbial and macrofaunal activities. A suite of trace metals (As, Ba, Cr, Co, Cu, Cd, Mo, Ni, Pb, Th, Ti, U, V, Zn and Zr) was analyzed to obtain their depth-distribution at the three sites. Spatially marked differences were observed, that were primarily related to hydraulic flushing of trace metals away from the sites in high-energy regimes, rapid downward mixing and reworking of sediment via bioturbation, and below-ground degradation and production of Spartina biomass. Although sulfate reduction and the formation of acid volatile sulfide and pyrite were dominant processes throughout the marsh, the trace metal scavenging role of sulfides was not apparent. However, possible sulfurization of organic matter, leading to enhanced trapping of trace metals with organic carbon, may have played an important role in sequestration of trace metals.No similarity was observed visually between the depth trends of trace metals and sediment properties (grain size, iron-oxyhydroxide content, acid volatile sulfides and pyrite content) that are known to play a major role in trace metal partitioning. Only organic carbon content closely followed the trace metal profiles at all the three sites. Minor variation in depth-integrated sediment trace metal content was observed seasonally at each of the three sites. Furthermore, the depth trend of profiles of individual trace metals also did not vary significantly over the seasons either.  相似文献   
原子吸收光谱法和等离子光谱法分别研究了潮滩盐沼植物翅碱蓬(Suaedaheterop-tera)根际与非根际(根上部和根下部)沉积物中Cu、Zn、Pb和Cd的总量和化学形态。结果表明,从总量来看,不同潮滩沉积物中4种重金属次序均为Zn>Pb>Cu>Cd,但同一元素随潮滩位置变化明显,尤以中潮滩差异最显著,重金属总量明显大于其他两个潮滩(低潮滩和高潮滩),特别是根际沉积物中的重金属总量远高于非根际沉积物总量,其比值分别为Cu3·4—4·2倍,Zn2·2—2·7倍,Pb3·2—3·3倍。同一潮滩均表现为根际沉积物>根上部>根下部。Cd含量相对较低,其变化不明显。从化学形态看,沉积物重金属表现为环境直接影响态(交换态和有机结合态)、环境间接影响态(碳酸盐态和铁锰氧化物态)和稳定态(残渣态)。与非根际沉积物相比,根际沉积物中重金属的化学形态发生了显著的变化,Cu和Pb以稳定态为主,其次为环境间接影响态,环境直接影响态最低;Zn与上述2种金属不同,以环境直接影响态含量最高(可交换态是有机结合态的7倍),其次分别为环境间接影响态(主要是碳酸盐结合态)和稳定态。实验结果表明,由于特异根圈效应,一方面该植物使可迁移形态的Cu和Pb在根际逐步得到矿化,使其生物可利用性降低;另一方面使Zn的生物可利用性提高,促进了植物对Zn的吸收利用。  相似文献   
本文简要介绍了前苏联近七十年来海冰研究的主要成果及其采用的一些预报方法。  相似文献   
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