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西准噶尔谢米斯台地区是研究准噶尔洋盆构造演化的关键地区,新发现的双峰式火山岩为开展研究提供了直接的载体,对其物质组成特征、岩石地球化学特征和锆石U Pb年代学等进行研究,判别成因机制和大地构造环境,对恢复造山带大地构造格局有着重要的意义。本次研究获得如下认识:该套双峰式火山岩为碱性玄武岩-钙碱性流纹岩组合,流纹岩LA ICP MS锆石U Pb年龄(4318±23) Ma;玄武岩来源于俯冲流体交代的地幔部分熔融,流纹岩来源于地壳物质的部分熔融;双峰式火山岩形成于早志留世弧后盆地初始演化阶段;结合前人的研究成果,认为西准噶尔谢米斯台地区在早古生代存在完整的沟-弧-盆体系。  相似文献   
通过区域地质调查,认为丰宁满族自治县双井子南西一带的晚侏罗世张家口期火山-侵入活动、同熔型岩浆作用、火山通道及火山断裂与银、铅(锌)矿化关系密切.在整体的火山-侵入活动过程中,先期的火山活动可使成矿物质初步富集,后期的岩浆侵入作用封闭性好,热量充足,可使成矿物质进一步叠加富集成矿.同熔型岩浆作用形成的石英正长斑岩是成矿物质的主要提供者,岩石中Ag、Pb、Zn等成矿元素的丰度值普遍较高,约为世界同类岩石平均值的4~10倍,呈强富集状态.火山通道深达上地幔,有利于岩浆向上运移及深部含矿热液的上升环流,是良好的导岩导矿构造.火山周边断裂规模相对较大,其内多形成构造角砾岩带,是成矿物质沉淀、富集的理想场所和最有利的容矿构造.放射状断裂是沟通火山通道和火山周边断裂并使含矿热液从火山通道向火山周边断裂运移的重要渠道,起到配矿构造的作用.  相似文献   
The Cape Hoskins volcanoes form part of the Quaternary volcanic island arc that extends from Rabaul in the east to the Schouten Islands in the west, and they overlie the northerly dipping New Britain Benioff Zone. The products of the volcanoes range in composition from basalt to rhyolite, and are normative in quartz and hypersthene. They contain phenocrysts of plagioclase and subordinate augite, hypersthene, and in most samples iron‐titanium oxides; some samples also contain olivine or quartz or both, and some pumice contains hornblende and, rarely, biotite.

Chemical analyses of 29 volcanic rocks are presented; 22 were also analysed for 17 minor elements — Rb, Ba, Sr, Pb, Zn, Cu, Zr, Y, Ni, Co, Sc, Cr, V, Ga, B, U, and Th.

Chemically the rocks have many of the characteristics of the ‘island arc tholeiitic series’, but do not show a pronounced relative enrichment in iron and appear to be relatively enriched in Sr. Compared with volcanic rocks from the northern part of the Willaumez Peninsula, they are lower in K (but not Na), Ti, Rb, Ba, Zr, Pb, Th, Ni, and probably also V, Cu, and Zn: these differences are attributed to the greater depth of the Benioff Zone beneath the Willaumez Peninsula. The more basic of the Cape Hoskins rocks are similar in most respects to lavas of comparable composition from Ulawun volcano to the east.  相似文献   
太行山南段甘陶河群铜矿化特征及控矿因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对太行山南段铜矿化带成矿地质背景、甘陶河群火山岩铜矿化特征及控矿因素进行了翔实的研究。结果认为,宏观上,太行山南段铜矿化带受裂陷槽和变质核杂岩构造体系的控制。铜矿化的产出受层位、岩性、韧脆性断裂、围岩蚀变等因素的联合控制,矿体呈脉状、似层状产出,矿石类型以细脉浸染状为主。进一步找矿方向重点应是深部找矿,工作方法采用综合找矿,主要手段为物探电法和钻探工程。  相似文献   
新命名地层单位──三塘湖组   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
经首次全国地层多重划分对比研究,在东准噶尔地层小区建议使用新命名地层单位──三塘湖组,用以代表一套以陆相中酸性火山熔岩及火山碎屑岩为主的火山岩系(局部有基性火山岩).时限大致为早二叠世.文中介绍了三塘湖组的定义、划分沿革。层型剖面及分布变化。  相似文献   
Former geophysical surveys performed in the region of the volcanic centre of the České Stř edohoří Mts. in North Bohemia (the Ohře Rift zone) showed that anomalous volcanic bodies and features can be effectively identified within sedimentary environment. For this reason we carried out new geophysical measurements in the area of the main mafic intrusion of essexitic character. The target was the exact location and geometry of the intrusion and its relation to other components of the volcanic centre. We used gravity, magnetic, shallow seismic and electromagnetic techniques. The new gravity and magnetic data were tied to the old databases so that we could investigate the area as a whole complex. Electromagnetic measurements were applied in the area of the expected extent of the intrusion, and the seismic measurements in the central part of the intrusion. Based on all the data, mainly on gravity modelling, we delineated not only the surface and subsurface extent of the intrusion, but we also defined the hidden relief of the intrusion. It was found that the intrusion is formed by a single body that has a few protrusions, and not by a set of separate individual intrusions, as indicated by surface outcrops. However, the body of the intrusion is affected by a major fault that caused lithological differences on both sides (essexite/monzodiorite). In detail we show the depth of the debris cover and the thickness of the weathered zone in the central part of the essexite body. We also derived indications of tectonic elements in the area of the intrusion in the main structural/tectonic direction in the region. The results will be utilized to establish a 3D geological model of the whole volcanic centre. This investigation may serve as an example of non-seismic geophysical exploration applied to the study of volcanic centres surrounded by sedimentary rocks.  相似文献   
Abstract: The Alpine Orogen contains in South East Europe, from the Carpathians to the Balkans–Srednogorie, an Upper Cretaceous, ore bearing igneous belt: a narrow elongated body which runs discontinously from the Apuseni Mountains in the North, to the western part of the South Carpathians (Banat) in Romania, and further South to the Carpathians of East Serbia and still further East to Srednogorie (Bulgaria). This results in a belt of 750 km/30–70 km, bending from N-S in Romania and Serbia, to E-W in Bulgaria. Using the well established century-old terminology of this region, we describe it in this paper as the Banatitic Magmatic and Metallogenetic Belt (BMMB). Plate tectonics models of the Alpine evolution of South East Europe involve Mesozoic rifting, spreading and thinning of the continental crust or formation of oceanic crust in the Tethian trench system, followed by Cretaceous-Tertiary convergence of Africa with Europe and opening of Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea troughs. The result of successive stages in the collision process is not only the continental growth of Europe from N to S by the docking of several microplates formerly separated from it by Mesozoic palaeo–oceans, but also the rise of mountain belts by overthickening of the crust, followed by orogenic collapse, lateral extrusion, exhumation of metamorphic core complexes and post-collisional magmatism connected to strike-slip or normal faulting. The BMMB of the Carpathian-Balkan fold belt is rich in ore deposits related to plutons and/or volcano-plutonic complexes. Serbian authors have proposed an Upper Cretaceous Paleorift in Eastern Serbia for the Timok zone and some Bulgarian geologists have furnished geologic, petrological and metallogenetic support for this extensional model along the entire BMMB. The existence and importance of previous westwards directed subductions of Transilvanides (=South Apuseni = Mure? Zone) and Severin-Krajina palaeo–oceans, popular in Roman ian literature, seems to have little relevance to BMMB generation, but the well documented northwards directed subduction of the Vardar-Axios palaeo–ocean during Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous is a good pre-condition for the generation, during the Upper Cretaceous, of banatitic magmas in extensional regime, by mantle delamination due to slab break–off. Four magmatic trends are found: a tholeiitic trend, a calc-alkaline trend, a calc-alkaline high–K to shoshonitic trend and, restricted to East Srednogorie, a peralkaline trend. For acid intrusives, the typology is clearly I-type and magnetite–series, pointing to sources in the deep crust or the mantle; however, some high 87Sr/86Sr ratios recorded in banatites prove important contamination from the upper crust. The calc-alkaline hydrated magmas, most common for banatitic plutons, can be considered as recording three stages of evolution: more primitive – the monzodioritic, dioritic to granodioritic trend (S Apuseni, S Ba–nat, Timok, C and W Srednogorie); more evolved – the granodioritic-granitic trend (N Apuseni, N Banat, Ridanj–Krepoljin); the alkaline trend (E and W Srednogorie, western part of N Banat). Correlating the composition of the host plutons with the types of mineralisation, several environments can be found in the BMMB, function of timing of fluid separation (porphyry versus non-porphyry environments), depth of emplacement, size of intrusion and geology of intruded rock pile, biotite versus hornblende crystallisation, involving the evolution of K/Na ratio in fluids, i. e. development of potassic and phyllic alteration zones: a) non-porphyry environment with granodioritic to granitic magmas, plutonic level, skarn mineralisation prevails; b) porphyry environment with monzodioritic or dioritic to granodioritic magmas, subvolcanic–hypabyssal–plutonic level; porphyry Cu with skarn halo at hypabyssal-subvolcanic level; c) porphyry environment with monzodioritic or dioritic to granodioritic magmas, volcano-plutonic complexes with porphyry copper plus massive sulfide mineralisation at subvolcanic-volcanic level; d) non-porphyry environment with magmas of alkaline tendency, volcanic level, vein (“mesothermal” and “epithermal”) mineralisation.  相似文献   
The area of Gebeit Mine in the northern Red Sea Hills, Sudan, is built up of voluminous volcanic rocks and minor volcaniclastic and clastic sequences. According to their chemical and modal compositions the Gebeit volcanics can be devided into four groups: (a) cpx-physic basalts with clinopyroxene and plagioclase as the dominant phenocrysts and minor opaques; (b) hbl-physic basalts with hornblende, clinopyroxene, plagioclase and subordinate magnetite including one rare dacite; (c) pl-phyric andesites with plagioclase phenocrysts in a matrix that is rich in magnetite; and (d) aphyric basalts. The compositional variation within the distinct volcanic groups can only partly be explained by fractional crystallization, and more than one magma source reservoir is required.Mineral and whole rock Sm/Nd data for the cpx-physic and hbl-physic basalts yield an isochron age of 832 ± 26 Ma (NdT = 6.74 ± 0.19, MSWD = 0.12) which is interpreted as the age of eruption. The Ndt values for the aphyric basalts and pl-physic andesites range from 6.7 to 8.3, indicating the involvement of different depleted magma sources. The Nd and Sr isotopic data rule out any significant influence of older continental crust in the formation of the Gebeit volcanics and indicate an intraoceanic origin. This implies that the Gebeit terrane is a segment of juvenile crust that originated in a subduction-related environment and supports the arc accretion model for the Arabian-Nubian Shield.  相似文献   
The 1200 km-long North Anatolian Transform Fault connects the East Anatolian post-collisional compressional regime in the east with the Aegean back-arc extensional regime to the west. This active dextral fault system lies within a shear zone reaching up to 100 km in width, and consists of southward splining branches. These branches, which have less frequent and smaller magnitude earthquake activity compare to the major transform, cut and divide the shear zone into fault delimited blocks. Comparison of palaeomagnetic data from 46 sites in the Eocene volcanics from different blocks indicate that each fault-bounded block has been affected by vertical block rotations. Although clockwise rotations are dominant as expected from dextral fault-bounded blocks, anticlockwise rotations have also been documented. These anticlockwise rotations are interpreted as due to anticlockwise rotation of the Anatolian Block, as indicated by GPS measurements, and the effects of unmapped faults or pre-North Anatolian Fault tectonic events.  相似文献   
窦小平 《铀矿地质》2005,21(6):338-344
本文通过对相山火山盆地基底震旦系浅变质岩、盖层火山岩稀土元素分布特征的研究,探讨相山火山岩的物质来源及岩石成因,认为相山火山岩主要是上部地壳重熔的产物,其岩石成因应属于重熔型花岗岩的范畴。  相似文献   
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