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用组织学、组织化学和酶技术,对雌性莫桑比克罗非鱼在孵卵前后口腔粘膜的组织结构、抗菌酶的比活力变化进行初步研究。结果表明:在口腔粘膜的上皮中,杯状细胞是一个重要的结构,它随着雌鱼的生理状态的改变而变化。雄鱼、雌鱼和孵卵期的雌鱼口腔粘膜上皮中的杯状细胞数量上的差别显著。孵卵期的雌鱼口腔粘膜类似于哺乳动物的子宫粘膜也是受性激素影响的靶器官。该种鱼的口腔粘膜中存在着两种抗菌酶;蛋白质水解酶和壳多糖酶。孵卵前后,这两种酶的比活力分别提高1.4—2.03倍。说明孵卵时,口腔粘膜为使卵及仔鱼健康的发育,增强了抗菌能力。研究结果证明:抗菌力的增加与口腔粘膜中的杯状细胞的大量增生有着密切的关系。  相似文献   
The Western Slope of the Songliao Basin is rich in heavy oil resources (>70 × 108 bbl), around which there are shallow gas reservoirs (∼1.0 × 1012 m3). The gas is dominated by methane with a dryness over 0.99, and the non-hydrocarbon component being overwelmingly nitrogen. Carbon isotope composition of methane and its homologs is depleted in 13C, with δ13C1 values being in the range of −55‰ to −75‰, δ13C2 being in the range of −40‰ to −53‰ and δ13C3 being in the range of −30‰ to −42‰, respectively. These values differ significantly from those solution gases source in the Daqing oilfield. This study concludes that heavy oils along the Western Slope were derived from mature source rocks in the Qijia-Gulong Depression, that were biodegraded. The low reservoir temperature (30–50 °C) and low salinity of formation water with neutral to alkaline pH (NaHCO3) appeared ideal for microbial activity and thus biodegradation. Natural gas along the Western Slope appears mainly to have originated from biodegradation and the formation of heavy oil. This origin is suggested by the heavy δ13C of CO2 (−18.78‰ to 0.95‰) which suggests that the methane was produced via fermentation as the terminal decomposition stage of the oil.  相似文献   
刘佳 《测绘通报》2019,(3):113-115,119
中尺度对流系统(MCS)是形成强对流天气的主要原因,云团在MCS生命周期中的分裂合并问题是临近预报的难点。为解决这一问题,本文提出了FCC方法,该方法使用质心位移和FY-2卫星数据预测多个对流单体的运动轨迹。多个案例分析证明,FCC算法在MCS的各个生命周期均能进行有效的预测,包括初生、成熟和消散阶段。此外,通过列联表方法验证了所提算法的有效性。  相似文献   
2014年12月和2016年3月分别对热带西太平洋Y3海山(中层海山)和M2海山(浅海山)微食物网主要类群(包括聚球藻、原绿球藻、微微型真核浮游生物、异养细菌和浮游纤毛虫)丰度和生物量垂直分布进行了研究。结果表明,Y3和M2海山水文环境比较相似但略有区别,叶绿素最大值层(DCM)分别在75—100m和110m水层,微食物网各主要类群在垂直尺度上的分布与叶绿素a浓度紧密相关。其中浮游纤毛虫呈现"双峰型"模式,即丰度高值出现在表层和DCM层;原绿球藻和微微型真核浮游生物呈现"单峰型"模式,丰度高值出现在DCM层;聚球藻和异养细菌峰型相对不显著,DCM层以浅丰度较高,DCM层以深丰度明显降低。分析其原因,可能是受到温度、光照和营养盐的共同影响。Y3和M2海山微食物网结构的垂直变化不完全一致。其中,Y3海山30m以浅和150m以深异养细菌生物量占绝对优势,75—100m水层自养型生物(原绿球藻和微微型真核浮游生物)占绝对优势;M2海山75m以浅和200m以深异养细菌占绝对优势,110—150m自养型生物占绝对优势。M2海山自养型生物占优势的水层要明显深于Y3海山,可能与它们的海山类型和采样季节不同有关。  相似文献   
海洋木栖真菌抗菌活性的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从福建厦门海沧、集美及漳州浮宫等地采集到的红树林等海洋潮间带的各种腐木样品中分离得到176株海洋木栖真菌,对其进行抗菌活性检测.其结果表明共有96株海洋木栖真菌对大肠杆菌、枯草杆菌及白色假丝酵母中的一种或多种拮抗指示菌具有抑制作用,占供测菌株总数的54.5%.在这些活性菌株中,红树源菌株拮抗比例为30.2%,非红树源菌株拮抗比例为69.8%.具有抗菌活性的菌株主要分布于15个属中,包括木霉Trichoderma、青霉Penicillium、拟青霉Paecilomyces和一些不产孢的分类群.某些稀有真菌如盘多毛孢Pestalotia、茎点霉Phoma也具有一定的抗菌活性.  相似文献   
Microbial Diversity in Nankai Trough Sediments at a Depth of 3,843 m   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Dense populations of bivalves, primarily Calyptogena sp., were observed at cold seeps of the Nankai Trough. Bacterial input to the sediment was estimated through determination of phospholipid ester-linked fatty acid (PLFA) and DNA profiles. Results indicated a bacterial biomass of 109 cells (g dry wt)-1 while individual fatty acid profiles revealed a predominance of monounsaturated fatty acids, mainly 18:1 isomers. The presence of these fatty acids can be interpreted to reflect a response to low temperature and a predominance of psychrophilic bacteria. DNA fragments encoding bacterial ribosomal RNA small-subunit sequences (16S rDNA) were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction method using DNA extracted directly from the sediment samples. From the sequencing results, at least 19 kinds of bacterial 16S rDNAs related to mostly the Proteobacteria and a few gram-positive bacteria were identified. These results suggest that the bacterial community in the Nankai Trough sediments consists of mainly bacteria belonging to the Proteobacteria , , and subdivisions. Bacteria belonging to the and subdivisions, which are known to include epibiont and sulfate reducing bacteria, respectively, were mostly detected in the sediment obtained from inside the area of the Calyptogena community, and the -Proteobacteria may function to supply reduced sulfur to bacterial endosymbionts of Calyptogena.  相似文献   
我国砂岩型铀矿分带特征研究现状及存在问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
付勇  魏帅超  金若时  李建国  奥琮 《地质学报》2016,90(12):3519-3544
作为一种重要的国家战略资源,砂岩型铀矿床是当今世界上最重要的铀矿床类型之一。本文详细地介绍了砂岩型铀矿在国内外的分布特征及占比情况,并对外生地质作用矿床类型中表生流体作用形成的层间渗透砂岩型和潜水渗透砂岩型铀矿床进行了讨论,发现层间渗透砂岩型铀矿床在外表颜色、矿物组合以及地球化学等方面均具有明显的氧化-还原分带现象,此外,矿床内部还具有细菌分带现象。颜色分带在氧化带、氧化-还原过渡带以及还原带之间具有明显不同的特征;矿物组合在不同分带之间各不相同;地球化学分带表现为U、TOC含量以及Fe~(2+)/Fe~(3+)、Th/U比值在各分带之间差异较大。此外,硫酸盐还原菌、硫杆菌、铁细菌及硝化菌等细菌在不同分带之间的数量相差悬殊,而且硫酸盐还原菌数量与TOC呈明显正相关性。通过矿化带内的碳、硫同位素分析,发现硫酸盐还原菌参与了成矿过程,推测其可能是导致碳、硫同位素分馏的主要因素。总体来看,颜色分带、矿物分带、地球化学分带以及细菌分带均与氧化-还原分带呈耦合关系。本文通过总结层间渗透砂岩型和潜水渗透砂岩型铀矿床的成矿模式和当前分带研究中存在的问题,提出了由细菌、地球化学反应参与的砂岩型铀矿床成矿机理,以及未来亟需解决的若干关键科学问题。典型砂岩型铀矿床的分带现象在物、化、探、遥等领域的异常响应对寻找砂岩型铀矿床具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
A sediment sample was collected from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent field located at a depth of 2 951 m on the Southwest Indian Ridge. Phylogenetic analyses were performed on the prokaryotic community using polymerase chain reaction(PCR) amplification of the 16 S rRNA and nifH genes. Within the Archaea, the dominant clones were from marine benthic group E(MBGE) and marine group I(MGI) belonging to the phyla Euryarchaeota and Thaumarchaeota, respectively. More than half of the bacterial clones belonged to the Proteobacteria, and most fell within the Gammaproteobacteria. No epsilonproteobacterial sequence was observed. Additional phyla were detected including the Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Planctomycetes, Acidobacteria, Nitrospirae, Chloroflexi, Chlorobi, Chlamydiae, Verrucomicrobia, and candidate divisions OD1, OP11, WS3 and TM6, confirming their existence in hydrothermal vent environments. The detection of nifH gene suggests that biological nitrogen fixation may occur in the hydrothermal vent field of the Southwest Indian Ridge. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that only Clusters I and III NifH were present. This is consistent with the phylogenetic analysis of the microbial 16 S rRNA genes, indicating that Bacteria play the main role in nitrogen fixation in this hydrothermal vent environment.  相似文献   
Vector-to-raster conversion is a process accompanied with errors.The errors are classified into predicted errors before rasterization and actual errors after that.Accurate prediction of the errors is beneficial to developing reasonable rasterization technical schemes and to making products of high quality.Analyzing and establishing a quantitative relationship between the error and its affecting factors is the key to error prediction.In this study,land cover data of China at a scale of 1:250 000 were taken as an example for analyzing the relationship between rasterization errors and the density of arc length(DA),the density of polygon(DP) and the size of grid cells(SG).Significant correlations were found between the errors and DA,DP and SG.The correlation coefficient(R2) of a model established based on samples collected in a small region(Beijing) reaches 0.95,and the value of R2 is equal to 0.91 while the model was validated with samples from the whole nation.On the other hand,the R2 of a model established based on nationwide samples reaches 0.96,and R2 is equal to 0.91 while it was validated with the samples in Beijing.These models depict well the relationships between rasterization errors and their affecting factors(DA,DP and SG).The analyzing method established in this study can be applied to effectively predicting rasterization errors in other cases as well.  相似文献   
寄生性甲藻阿米巴藻Amoebophrya是一类广泛寄生于纤毛虫类、放射虫类、甲藻类等海水浮游生物的原生生物,在北大西洋、北太平洋和地中海等营养盐丰富、宿主密度较高的河口和近海水环境中普遍存在,是海洋浮游食物网的重要组成部分。这类寄生性甲藻能够特异性感染海洋浮游甲藻,在有害藻华(harmful algal bloom,HAB)的发生过程中起下行控制作用,将逃脱了浮游动物摄食的浮游植物补充到微食物环(microbial loop)中去。Amoebophrya在近海海洋生态系统中的独特作用日益受到国际上越来越多研究者的关注和重视,并逐渐成为国际上海洋微型生物研究的新热点之一。近年来,已有初步调查研究表明这类寄生性甲藻在我国近海海域广泛存在;然而,目前我国尚缺乏该类寄生性甲藻的相关研究。本文系统综述了国际上该类寄生性甲藻的研究进展,针对目前研究中存在的问题并结合我国有害藻华发生机制相关研究的现状做出了分析和展望,以期推动我国该类寄生性甲藻的相关研究,为进一步阐释寄生性甲藻等海洋微型生物在有害藻华消长过程和海洋微食物环中的作用奠定基础。  相似文献   
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