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曲流河、辫状河储层在我国的陆相盆地中广泛分布。由于曲流河相沉积砂体的单层薄、横向变化;辫状河相沉积的砂体迁移快、垂向加积等特点,增加了在勘探过程中对其分辨的难度。因此,对地震资料曲流河、辫状河油气储层的识别与预测,必须综合多种与其相关的地质资料,结合地震数据体中给出的信息来判断分析,以达到提高分辨率的目的。  相似文献   
三峡蓄水后典型河段分形维数的变化分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对三峡工程蓄水后下游河道河床表面形态的变化,采用分形维数对河床表面形态进行量化,并分析河道冲淤调整特点,对河床表面分形维数(BSD)的变化特点及物理意义进行探讨。结果表明,BSD与河床各个剖面形态之间的关系是整体与部分的关系,BSD能全面地反映床面形态的复杂程度。三峡蓄水后,宜昌-虎牙滩和宜都河段BSD明显增大,关洲河段增大幅度较小,而芦家河河段BSD值略有减小,同时,各河段BSD的变化可在一定程度上表征三峡蓄水后下游河道河床综合阻力的调整结果。可通过对各河段演变趋势的分析,来预测其BSD的变化,进而为分析其阻力和水位的变化趋势提供依据。  相似文献   
风沙对黄河内蒙古河段河道泥沙淤积的影响   总被引:27,自引:5,他引:27  
通过对黄河内蒙古河段河道淤积泥沙打钻采样,以及黄河沿岸及支流产沙地层采样分析对比,暴雨、洪水等分析追踪河道淤积泥沙源地表明,黄河内蒙古河段河道泥沙淤积主要来源于乌兰布和沙漠及十大孔兑(沟谷)的库布齐沙漠和丘陵沟壑梁地。通过输沙平衡法计算该河段河道泥沙淤积量得知,1954-2000年该河段淤积泥沙总量约20.11亿t,其中大于0.1mm的粗沙为15.57亿t,占总量的77.424%;小于0.1mm的泥沙约4.54亿t,占总量的22.57%。风成沙入黄淤积量是:乌兰布和沙漠6.0552亿t;库布齐沙漠5.8499亿t;二者约占大于0.1mm粗泥沙总量的76.46%。  相似文献   
1976年黄河改道从水清沟入海后,黄河三角洲前沿桩106至黄河海港岸段的海底地形遭受强烈侵蚀,岸滩不断蚀退。黄河三角洲强侵蚀岸段岸线监测资料与历史资料分析研究结果表明,1985-2004年该区最大侵蚀深度达7.5 m,其强侵蚀区中心位置经历了由西北向东南移动的过程,范围不断缩小,目前局部地区已发生淤积现象。种种迹象表明,从冲淤并存和以侵蚀为主向冲淤平衡过渡的现象还将长期进行下去。  相似文献   
依据实测资料,分析了伶汀洋冬、夏季的水温分布特征及其变化。冬季湾内水温的分布和变化较单一,夏季由于河流入海流量增大,河流与海洋水体的相互作用加强,明显可见两个冷、暖水锋在河口湾中段相交,上段为高温的河流淡水控制区,下段为低温的陆架水控制区,两者显著的特点是其控制区内温度变化很小,而在锋面转折地带的河口湾中段,盐淡水混合强烈,其温度变化大,温度等值线呈倾斜分布。  相似文献   
鼎湖山自然保护区大气气溶胶中的PAHs   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
多环芳烃(PAHs)是环境中分布广泛、危害人类健康的有机化合物,通过对鼎湖山自然保护区自然地理和大气气溶胶中苯并(a)芘分析认为,春季样品中大气气溶胶中PAHs主要来源于高等植物排放,夏季来源于珠江三角洲经济区化石燃烧排放。  相似文献   
文章论述了珠江三角洲河网的发育、演变过程和整治方案。由于人类活动影响,珠江三角洲河网区西、北两江下游放射状河系支汊淤断及消亡,使西、北两江正干均成为单一水道;在两江汇流区内又受绥江三角洲南展而分离开来,只留一条狭窄的小河涌(思贤)连接;由于北江正干的淤积、西江正干刷深,使古代(唐代以前)西江合北江同流向东流入番禺(广州)的形势大变,形成江水反向西流入西江,西江水不能过入广州。由此,西、北两江合成的珠江三角洲主体网河区成为浅水狭窄的小河区,以往主要干流多不复存在,生态环境日益变劣。因此,需要修复河网。关键是把西江大量优质水源(沙少、污染少)引回,过入珠江三角洲网河区,北江水源也需截流使其不再西流入西江;开通北江大堤沿途防西水的闸门(如芦苞、西南、沙口等闸),以便通水通航;在思贤建立新型分水闸,可将西、北两江正干水源恢复到良好生态环境  相似文献   
Based on field observations made in winter 2006 and summer 2007 and on multiscene MODerate resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) imagery, the seasonal variation of suspended-sediment transport in the southern Bohai Strait and its possible mechanisms are examined. The field observations in two different seasons allow an exponential empirical model to be used to retrieve suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) from MODIS imagery. Both the field-survey data and the MODIS-derived SSC show that the sediment transport in the southern Bohai Strait has a significant seasonal variation due to the seasonally varying thermohaline structure of the water column and the hydrodynamics resulting from the seasonally alternating monsoons. The SSC in winter is approximately 3–10 times higher than in summer. Considering the seasonal variation of water flux (WF) and SSC, the annual sediment flux (SSF) through the southern Bohai Strait is estimated to be approximately 40.0 Mt yr−1, about 4–8 times previous estimates, which did not take into account seasonal variation. Although the Huanghe (Yellow River) discharges a large amount of sediment in the summer, the SSF through the southern Bohai Strait in the winter (∼32.0 Mt) is about 4 times greater than it is in the summer. The strong seasonal variability of SSF through the southern Bohai Strait indicates that strong resuspension along the coast of the Huanghe delta in winter and enhanced longshore transport by coastal currents due to winter monsoon activity might be the major mechanisms of cross-strait transport of sediment in winter.  相似文献   
This paper provides a new discussion of how people learn through deliberative processes, drawing upon empirical analysis of a novel public engagement process for urban river restoration. Such critical evaluation is rare and yet will be crucial to both theoretical development and learning about engagement practice, not least in a policy area subject to strong regulatory drivers for public participation. The analysis supports two important learning mechanisms – the use of 'gatekeepers' of knowledge, interests and values, and the privileging of narrative. It provides new evidence of instrumental and communicative learning about shared priorities and criteria for effective river restoration that evolved through the deliberative process and directly informed the restoration scheme. It is important to question whether and how such site or context-specific learning might inform other restoration schemes. Finally, the paper questions the often ignored issue of expert learning, not least the issue of the link between individual and organizational learning.  相似文献   
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