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Two harbor porpoises in a floating pen were subjected to five pure tone underwater signals of 70 or 120kHz with different signal durations, amplitudes and duty cycles (% of time sound is produced). Some signals were continuous, others were intermittent (duty cycles varied between 8% and 100%). The effect of each signal was judged by comparing the animals' surfacing locations and number of surfacings (i.e. number of respirations) during test periods with those during baseline periods. In all cases, both porpoises moved away from the sound source, but the effect of the signals on respiration rates was negligible. Pulsed 70kHz signals with a source level (SL) of 137dB had a similar effect as a continuous 70kHz signal with an SL of 148dB (re 1muPa, rms). Also, a pulsed 70kHz signal with an SL of 147dB had a much stronger deterring effect than a continuous 70kHz signal with a similar SL. For pulsed 70kHz signals (2s pulse duration, 4s pulse interval, SL 147dB re 1muPa, rms), the avoidance threshold sound pressure level (SPL), in the context of the present study, was estimated to be around 130dB (re 1muPa, rms) for porpoise 064 and around 124dB (re 1muPa, rms) for porpoise 047. This study shows that ultrasonic pingers (70kHz) can deter harbor porpoises. Such ultrasonic pingers have the advantage that they do not have a "dinner bell" effect on pinnipeds, and probably have no, or less, effect on other marine fauna, which are often sensitive to low frequency sounds.  相似文献   
互花米草Spartina alterniflora自1979年引入至今,已在我国海岸带大范围扩张并对盐沼湿地生态系统产生了很大影响.本研究以附着生物藤壶为例,研究了互花米草扩张对附着生物的影响.通过对5个断面共28个样方的米草植株、附着藤壶以及藤壶在互花米草上的最大附着高度调查,获得结果如下:藤壶在互花米草滩上的附着范围位于潮沟两侧,且呈宽度约为5 m的带状分布;潮沟规模越大,其向陆方向的延伸范围越宽;每个站位藤壶附着的相对最大高度都位于同一水平.附着藤壶均为白脊管藤壶Fistulobalanus albicostatus,平均干重237±69g·m-2,大部分藤壶直径在2~10mm之间.互花米草的平均干重为981±81g·m-2,潮沟附近互花米草高壮但密度较小,远离潮沟互花米草矮小但密度较大.分析表明,互花米草为藤壶提供了附着基质,并影响藤壶在潮间带的平面分布格局(尽管藤壶的生态位保持不变).影响白脊管藤壶分布特征的原因主要是海水浸没时间的差异;负地形的浸没时间更有利于藤壶的附着和生存;另外潮沟较高的潮水流速除了利于白脊管藤壶幼体的附着外,还可以通过水流的涨、落为其带来充足的食物.  相似文献   
基于随机集合的非传统型有效波极值模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The analysis and design of offshore structures necessitates the consideration of wave loads. Realistic modeling of wave loads is particularly important to ensure reliable performance of these structures. Among the available methods for the modeling of the extreme significant wave height on a statistical basis, the peak over threshold method has attracted most attention. This method employs Poisson process to character- ize time-varying properties in the parameters of an extreme value distribution. In this paper, the peak over threshold method is reviewed and extended to account for subjectivity in the modeling. The freedom in selecting the threshold and the time span to separate extremes from the original time series data is incorpo- rated as imprecision in the model. This leads to an extension from random variables to random sets in the probabilistic model for the extreme significant wave height. The extended model is also applied to different periods of the sampled data to evaluate the significance of the climatic conditions on the uncertainties of the parameters.  相似文献   
农业集聚的环境效应相比其他产业更为复杂,然而学术界对此探讨较少。在理论分析的基础上,利用2007—2015年中国337个地级市面板数据,核算农业集聚水平与农业面源污染排放量,并采用空间分析技术、计量模型,实证探究农业集聚与农业面源污染的时空特征及农业集聚对农业面源污染的门槛效应。结果显示:① 农业集聚与COD、TN、TP三种农业面源污染在时序变化、空间布局、空间关联以及空间趋势变化上特征相异。② 农业集聚对COD、TN、TP农业面源污染皆呈现正相关的单门槛效应。低于门槛值阶段,农业集聚水平的提高显著加剧了农业污染,集聚水平跨过门槛值后,污染加剧形势有所缓和。③ 农业集聚与农业面源污染之间经历的两个阶段,取决于规模效应、结构效应、技术效应、社会效应、累积效应分别对农业面源污染排放的加剧与制约作用。随着农业集聚水平提高,各效应增污作用明显,导致污染水平显著提高,进入高于门槛值的阶段,各效应对污染排放的抑制能力提升,削弱了部分负环境外部效应。④ 农业经济水平、农业生产条件在一定程度上加剧了COD、TN、TP污染;畜牧业结构、环境规制对COD、TP污染存在显著的正相关关系;生产者素质的提高可以影响农户生产行为并改善农业环境。⑤ 农业集聚对COD污染的降污效应较弱,农业COD污染较为严重且主要来源于畜牧业养殖,畜牧业污染防治亟待加强。  相似文献   
为提高角点检测算法的定位精度和对噪声的鲁棒性,提出了基于多尺度弦角尖锐度累积的自适应角点检测算子。首先,利用Canny算法快速提取图像边缘轮廓;然后,划分轮廓支撑域并将其作为尺度,分别计算3个尺度下的弦角尖锐度均值,并将其累积作为角点响应函数;最后,根据每条轮廓各自的自适应阈值标记角点。实验结果表明,与现有的角点检测算法相比,该算法提高了噪声图像和模糊图像上角点的定位精度和抗噪声能力,并具有自适应性。  相似文献   
为提高新疆戈壁地区云的自动化观测水平,基于全天空红外成像仪(WSIRCMS)获取的红外辐射图像,利用辐射传输模式SBDART分析了仪器测量波段对有云无云状况的敏感性并构建了拟合方程,同时利用典型季节的晴空辐射样本拟合了晴空曲线并统计形成了晴空阈值,最后利用统计晴空阈值对全天空红外辐射图像进行云像素识别和总云量计算。将不同季节总云量计算结果同人工观测结果对比验证表明:观测时段算法计算总云量和人工观测总云量差值在±2成以下的概率均在80%以上,说明该方法具有较高的准确度和较强的实用性,在观测业务中具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   
以澳门单站年和四季降水和温度两个气象要素的气象资料(1952~2001年)为主要研究对象,利用3种统计预报模型(谐波分析外推模型、开环门限自回归模型和主分量因子的逐步回归模型)进行拟合及试报,对澳门的降水及温度的变化做较深入的分析及预测,比较3种统计预报模型在研究澳门单站气象资料的变化趋势中的优劣。结果发现,3种预报模型在预报年和四季平均气温的方面都比较理想,但对降水量变化序列做拟合及试报则差异较大。总体而言,气候场的主分量逐步回归法对相同的气候资料建模做拟合及试报,结果拟合率是三者中最高的,复相关为0.821~0.911,预报效果除秋季较差外,其余都非常好。  相似文献   
在分析海岸线提取算法基础上,以环渤海的Landsat7 ETM+影像为数据源,以基岩海岸线和淤泥质海岸线两种典型的海岸线为研究对象,采用Sobel边缘检测算法、阈值分割法和K最邻近分类算法进行海岸线提取实验。通过实验对比分析,归纳和总结了针对不同类型海岸线提取算法的适用性。  相似文献   
基于阈值区间的海洋锋面提取模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A model (Bayesian oceanic front detection, BOFD) of sea surface temperature (SST) front detection in satel- lite-derived SST images based on a threshold interval is presented, to be used in different applications such as climatic and environmental studies or fisheries. The model first computes the SST gradient by using a Sobel algorithm template. On the basis of the gradient value, the threshold interval is determined by a gradi- ent cumulative histogram. According to this threshold interval, front candidates can be acquired and prior probability and likelihood can be calculated. Whether or not the candidates are front points can be deter- mined by using the Bayesian decision theory. The model is evaluated on the Advanced Very High-Resolution Radiometer images of part of the Kuroshio front region. Results are compared with those obtained by using several SST front detection methods proposed in the literature. This comparison shows that the BOFD not only suppresses noise and small-scale fronts, but also retains continuous fronts.  相似文献   
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