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Similarity for spatial directions plays an important role in GIS. In this paper, the conventional approaches are analyzed. Based on raster data areal objects, the authors propose two new methods for measuring similarity among spatial directions. One is to measure the similarity among spatial directions based on the features of raster data and the changes of distances between spatial objects, the other is to measure the similarity among spatial directions according to the variation of each raster cell centroid angle. The two methods overcome the complexity of measuring similarity among spatial directions with direction matrix model and solve the limitation of small changes in direction. The two methods are simple and have broader applicability.  相似文献   
特征点是点云配准的基础,针对异常特征点对点云配准精度的影响,本文给出了一种异常特征点探测方法,即根据罗德里格矩阵的性质,对特征点进行向量组合,对比分析不同向量组合的点云配准精度,确定配准误差超限的向量组合,此向量组合中含有而其他向量组合中不合有的特征点,便是异常特征点.通过实例验证了该方法的可行性.  相似文献   
甲藻孢囊可以为赤潮提供种源, 还可用于指示海区富营养化状态。以往对甲藻孢囊分布的研究多集中于开放性水域和自然形成的海湾中, 在半封闭性人工海湾中的研究较少。梅山湾原属南北开放水域, 但于2012~2017年在向陆侧建设了北坝和南坝, 使其成为半封闭式人工海湾。通过对梅山湾内外海域采集到的6份表层沉积物样品分析, 共鉴定出37种甲藻孢囊, 其丰度介于237~1 054 cysts/g。甲藻孢囊平均丰度湾内高于湾外, 推测是筑堤后湾内水动力减弱, 悬浮物质浓度降低, 水体透明度升高, 水中颗粒物质沉积速率降低和水体富营养化所导致。调查海域甲藻孢囊物种多样性指数介于1.63~2.47, 均匀度指数介于0.58~0.82, 两者湾外均显著高于湾内, 反映出湾内生态系统稳定性更弱, 发生赤潮的可能性更高。研究共检出16种赤潮种和9种有毒甲藻孢囊, 产毒种及赤潮种丰度和种类占比湾内都高于湾外, 优势种有原多甲藻(Protoperidinium sp.)、美利坚原多甲藻(Protoperidinium americanum)、透镜翼甲藻(Diplopsalis lenticula)、微小亚历山大藻(Alexandrium minutum)、链状裸甲藻(Gymnodinium catenatum)和锥状斯氏藻(Scrippsiella trochoidea)。“筑堤效应”加剧了湾内外表层沉积物中甲藻孢囊分布的差异性, 也加重了湾内有毒有害赤潮发生的风险, 故应重视对湾内有毒有害甲藻的监测。  相似文献   
为掌握江苏全海域刀鲚资源状况,为后期长江禁捕效果评估提供支撑资料, 2017年5月、8月、11月与2018年2月在江苏海域(31°45′~35°00′N, 119°30′~125°00′E)分别进行了4次渔业资源调查, 并绘制了尾数资源密度与重量资源密度分布图, 利用SPSS 26软件对当年的刀鲚资源状况进行评估, 积累长江禁渔前刀鲚鱼种系统数据。结果表明: (1) 刀鲚除秋季(11月)与冬季(2月)存在部分群体分布于“机轮拖网渔业禁渔区线”(以下简称“禁渔区线”)外侧之外, 其余时间均在江苏近岸海域(江苏境内“禁渔区线”到海岸线之间的水域)栖息洄游, 江苏近岸海域是刀鲚主要栖息索饵水域; (2) 春季(5月)影响江苏海域刀鲚分布的环境因子较多, 主要有水温、盐度、溶氧、深度、透明度等, 这可能与刀鲚正处于产卵旺期, 对环境因子变化敏感有关; 夏季(8月)影响江苏海域刀鲚分布的环境因子是透明度, 此时刀鲚刚结束产卵不久, 返回近海后急需补充能量, 丰富的营养物质成为影响其分布的主要因素, 此时为北半球夏季, 江苏省境内60余条入海河流正值汛期, 入海河水携带大量的营养物质, 成为返海刀鲚优良的索饵场; 秋季水温降低, 刀鲚开始越冬洄游, 水温成为影响刀鲚分布的重要因素; 冬季, 随着刀鲚性腺再次发育成熟, 新一轮的生殖洄游开始, 刀鲚栖息水层上升, 水深成为影响冬季刀鲚分布的关键因素; (3) 与长江禁捕后其他研究者在长江口收集到的刀鲚规格、全长-体重拟合方程综合对比, 发现自“长江十年禁捕”逐步实施后, 刀鲚种群渔获规格逐渐增大, 全长、体重开始逐渐增长, 长江刀鲚种群呈现资源恢复趋势。  相似文献   
逐点激发井深设计网格化方法的选取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着地震勘探的不断深入,地震资料采集要求主频足够高,频带足够宽,能量足够强,而逐点激发井深设计有助于获得满意的地震信号,要设计合理的井深,网格化方法的选取非常重要。这里首先介绍了Surfer软件中十二种网格化方法原理特征,以及在逐点井深设计上的应用;然后运用Surfer软件中不同的插值方法,对BIN12工区岩性数据进行网格的效果对比与网格的密度探讨,选取了最佳的网格化方法;最后针对几种网格化方法进行井深对比试验,通过资料分析,说明了设计的井深合理,选取网格化方法的效果较好。  相似文献   
海洋测深大多是在移动的测量船上进行的,测量船的移动则不可避免地产生船移效应,因而船移效应是影响海洋测深精度的因素之一。在系统推证海洋测深中的船移效应模型基础上,对几种典型船速、水深、海底坡度和波束角情形下的船移效应进行了数值计算,研究了船移效应的影响规律和量级,揭示了船移效应的非对称性影响。根据海洋测深的IHO最低标准要求,提出了采用窄波束和限制船速的降低测深船移效应影响的有效方法。  相似文献   
Nepal lies on the southern slope of Himalaya in Asia. In a width ranging between 150 and 250 km, the altitude varies greatly from about 100 m at its southern border to a maximum of 8848 min the northern part. Like the variation in altitude, climatic condition varies quite a lot. Long-term monthly mean erythemal UV daily dose values for Nepal are evaluated using Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) estimation from the time of its overpass between 1996 and 2003. The results are presented as summer and winter maps of mean UV levels in each satellite grid. The mean winter erythemal UV daily dose ranges between 2.1 and 3.6 kJ m-2 whereas summer values are found to lie between 4.6 and 9.7 kJ m-2. The altitude variation increases the UV levels by about 0.2 kJ km-1 in winter months, and 0.9 kJ km-1 in summer. A multiyear monthly average erythemal daily dose in most of the areas shows that the summer value is about three times higher than that in winter. Although year-to-year variation is not pronounced in high- and mid-elevation regions, UV levels seemed to decrease from 1997 to 2002 in the southern part of the country in the low elevation region by about 5.35%. Due to the combined effects of the altitude, low ozone concentration in the troposphere, and thin air, surface UV radiation at higher altitudes is found to be higher than in the surrounding regions.  相似文献   
Based on Fourier-Bessel series expansion of wave functions,an analytical solution to 2-D scattering ofincident plane SV waves by circular cylindrical canyons with variable depthto-width ratios is deduced in this paper. Unlike other analytical solutions,this paper uses the asymptotic behavior of the cylindrical function to directly define the undetermined coefficients of scattered waves,thus,avoiding solving linear equation systems and the related numerical computation problems under high-frequency incident waves,thereby broadening the applicable frequency range of analytical solutions. Through comparison with existing analytical solutions,the correctness of this solution is demonstrated. Finally, the incident plane SV wave scattering effect under circular cylindrical canyons in wider frequency bands is explored.  相似文献   
综合考虑强度退化、刚度退化、捏拢效应等典型滞回特性的影响,建立了双向地震作用下平面不对称结构非弹性地震动力响应分析的平扭耦联Bouc-Wen模型.该模型采用圆形屈服面来描述双向抗侧恢复力之间的耦合效应,而采用锥体或球体屈服面来描述双向抗侧和抗扭恢复力之间的耦合效应,并结合69条强震记录,定量地分析了平扭耦联效应对平面不...  相似文献   
弹性各向异性介质岩石体波相速度计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述弹性波相速度计算的若干严格数值方法和近似解析方法,对数值算例及对不同方法作了比较.结果显示,不同数值方法得到结果一致,其适用于计算任意复杂各向异性介质岩石的相速度,但不便从物理意义的角度去分析物理参数对速度的影响;而近似解析解虽然精确程度各有不同,但是便于从物理意义的角度去进行速度分析,并在此基础上解析求取群速度这...  相似文献   
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