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1998-2012年青藏高原TRMM 3B43降水数据的校准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石玉立  宋蕾 《干旱区地理》2015,38(5):900-911
运用1998-2012年青藏高原的TRMM 3B43降水数据以及气象台站实测降水数据,对比分析了青藏高原地区TRMM 3B43降水数据偏差分布规律。结果表明:(1) TRMM 3B43降水数据在青藏高原地区存在明显误差,特别是降水量大的地区和月份,偏差量较大。(2)青藏高原地区TRMM 3B43降水数据偏差分布与海拔、经纬度、降水量存在密切的关系。用偏差分布规律,加法修正法结合随机森林算法对青藏高原地区TRMM 3B43降水数据进行了校准。经过校准之后,数据精度得到显著提高,有效增加了数据的可用性,多年月平均数据决定系数R2最大可达到0.9(3、10月),最小也接近于0.5(12月),效率系数E均为正值,最大可达到90(3、10月);多年季平均和多年平均降水数据中除了第一季度结果稍差外(决定系数R2为0.58),其余数据校准效果均较好。  相似文献   
中国土地覆盖时空变化未来情景分析   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:16  
在对HLZ (Holdridge life zone) 分类系统与土地覆盖类型分类系统之间的差异性进行对比分析的基础上,根据土地覆盖类型与HLZ生态系统类型的最大对应概率,构建了基于栅格的土地覆盖边际转换模型。采用基于HadCM3 A1FI、A2a、B2a等三种未来气候变化情景数据模拟获得的中国HLZ生态系统时空变化的系列栅格数据,运行模型后获得相应时段中国未来土地覆盖时空变化情景系列数据。引入土地覆盖类型景观指数及平均中心系列模型和构造平均中心偏移距离及偏移方向的计算模型,对中国未来土地覆盖的景观指数变化及其平均中心的偏移距离、偏移方向及偏移趋势进行综合分析。基于HadCM3 A1FI、A2a、B2a三种情景模拟结果分析表明:在2000~2099年间耕地、草地、湿地、水域、冰川雪被等土地覆盖类型面积逐渐减少,林地、建设用地、荒漠等土地覆盖类型面积逐渐增加,沙漠面积有所减少。其中,林地增加速度最快 (平均每10年增加2.34%),裸露岩石减少速度最快 (平均每10年减少2.38%)。  相似文献   
长期以来岩溶隧道涌水问题是国内外隧道施工中的重大难题,往往对工程造成极大危害。基于岩溶水文地质学的最新理论和国内外工程实践,结合多年的经验,提出"岩溶隧道涌水量综合预测四步建模法"。运用地球系统科学的理论与方法,辅之系统论原理和类比方法,从多种地质调查与监测手段入手,在分析确定岩溶地下水系统结构特征(特别是地下岩溶含水介质类型)与其内水流运动关系的基础上,采用流量衰减分析法、物理模拟和BP神经网络模型三者相结合的方法,对岩溶隧道涌水量进行综合预测研究。  相似文献   
基于GM(1,1)模型的塔里木盆地南缘孤立绿洲降水灾变预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们选取了具有一定代表性的塔里木盆地南缘的孤立绿洲民丰县作为研究区,在对数据有效性的验证之后,利用研究区1980~1999年的降水资料,运用灰色系统理论的季节灾变预测方法,对该地区未来年份的降水量进行预测,并建立灰色季节灾变GM(1,1)预测模型,预测未来旱季到来的年份,为预测未来降水趋势提供了信息。结果表明:该研究区下一个旱灾灾变年大致指向2006年至2007年左右。这对合理利用本地气候资源具有实际意义,并且能够为研究干旱区气候变化提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   
盆地地史模拟述评   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
论述了盆地地史模拟的一般研究方法,认为回剥法是现今重建盆地沉积史与构造史最精确的方法详细讨论了地坟实校正、不整合处理和构造沉隆分析等主要数学模型及其适用范围;并在介绍地史模拟研究历史和研究现状的基础上,指出了地史模拟的发展方向。  相似文献   
不同型号仪器水位记震能力对比分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对地震时不同型号仪器及不同采样率获取的水位观测曲线进行对比分析,结果显示:目前我国数字化水位观测的两种主要观测仪器ADP系统与LN-3(A)在记震能力上的差别主要是由采样率不同引起的,与仪器性能及水井的深度关系不大.由于水震波的持续时间一般只有几分钟,因此只有加大采样率,才能记录到波型更为完整的水震波和更为丰富的水震波震例.分析认为,数字化水位观测必须最终向实时记录的方向发展,才能更真实准确地反映地球内部应力的瞬时变化的真实信息,不至因采样率不足而使短周期信息遗漏,同时也更有机会捕捉到前驱波及区域应力场的变化.  相似文献   
A variant type of tuned mass damper (TMD) termed as ‘non‐traditional TMD (NTTMD)’ is recently proposed. Mainly focusing on the employment of TMD for seismic response control, especially for base‐isolated or high‐rise structures, this paper aims to derive design formulae of NTTMDs based on two methodologies with different targets. One is the fixed points theory with the performance index set as the maximum magnitude of the frequency response function of the relative displacement of the primary structure with respect to the ground acceleration, and the other is the stability maximization criterion (SMC) to make the free vibration of the primary structure decay in the minimum duration. Such optimally designed NTTMDs are compared with traditional TMDs by conducting both numerical simulations and experiments. The optimum‐designed NTTMDs are demonstrated to be more effective than the optimum‐designed traditional TMDs, with smaller stroke length required. In particular, the effectiveness of the TMDs combined with a base‐isolated structure is investigated by small‐scale model experimental tests subjected to a time scaled long period impulsive excitation, and it is demonstrated that the SMC‐based NTTMD can suppress structural free vibration responses in the minimum duration and requires much smaller accommodation space. Additionally, a small‐scale shaking table experiment on a high‐rise bending model attached with a SMC‐based NTTMD is conducted. This study indicates that NTTMD has a high potential to apply to seismic response control or retrofit of structures such as base‐isolated or central column‐integrated high‐rise structures even if only a limited space is available for accommodating TMDs. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
隧道水平冻结施工引起地表冻胀的历时预测模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡海兵  彭立敏  郑腾龙 《岩土力学》2012,33(6):1761-1768
隧道水平冻结施工过程中,土体冻结引起体积膨胀,进而会在地表产生冻胀现象。实际工程一般采用多根冻结管形成冻结壁。冻结壁交圈前,地表冻胀由多个冻土柱的叠加膨胀变形引起;冻结壁交圈后,地表冻胀则由整个冻结壁的膨胀变形引起。鉴于此,考虑冻结壁的形成过程,基于随机介质理论,建立了隧道水平冻结施工引起地表冻胀位移的历时预测模型。同时对冻结外锋面半径和冻胀区域外半径这2个关键参数的取值方法进行了相关探讨。最后针对两个工程案例,采用该计算模型对地表冻胀位移进行分析,得到地表冻胀位移随时间的变化规律,并与现场实测结果相比较,验证了模型的可靠性。该模型应用于隧道水平冻结施工前、冻结期内任意时刻的地表冻胀位移预测,可为工程冻结实施方案的合理确定提供有效依据。  相似文献   
Jing Zhang  Mark Ross 《水文研究》2012,26(24):3770-3778
Clay‐settling areas (CSAs) are one of the most conspicuous and development‐limiting landforms remaining after phosphate mining. Many questions are asked by the mining and regulatory communities with regard to the correct modelling (predictive) methods and assumptions that should be used to yield viable hydrologic post‐reclamation landforms within CSAs. Questions as to the correct methodology to use in modelling/predicting long‐term CSA hydrologic performance have historically been difficult to answer because the data and analysis to support popular hypotheses did not exist. The goal of this paper was to substantially improve the data, analysis and predictive methodology necessary to return CSAs to viable hydrologic units, and moreover, to develop better understanding of the hydrology of CSAs and their ability to support wetlands. The study site is located at the Fort Meade Mine in Polk County, Florida. In this paper, continuous model simulation and calibration of study site were conducted for the hydrologic model, Hydrological Simulation Program – FORTRAN, which was generally selected on the basis of its popularity in predicting the hydrologic behaviour of CSAs. The objective of this study was to simulate streamflow discharges and stage to estimate runoff response from these areas on the basis of the observed rainfall within the CSA. A set of global hydrologic parameters was selected and tested during the calibration by the parameter estimation software PEST. A comparison of the simulated and observed flow data indicates that the model calibration adequately reproduces the hydrologic response of the CSAs. The estimated parameters can be used as references for future application of the model. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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