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High‐resolution marine palynological data have been obtained from two very long sediment cores (MD952009 and MD952010) retrieved from the southern Norwegian Sea. The dinoflagellate cyst assemblages show pronounced fluctuations in composition, which correlate strongly with magnetic susceptibility records and also mimic the δ18O signal of the GISP2 Greenland ice‐core. If focusing on the period from 48 to 30 cal. kyr BP, this correlation suggests a paradoxical response of the sea‐surface environments to the atmospheric conditions over Greenland: when the Greenland δ18O signal reflects warm interstadial conditions, the Norwegian Sea depicts cold sea‐surface temperatures with quasi‐perennial sea‐ice cover (based on dinoflagellate cysts). In contrast, when the Greenland δ18O records cold stadial periods, the Norwegian Sea‐surface temperatures are warm (based on dinoflagellate cysts), probably linked to inflow of the North Atlantic Drift. These results, similar in both cores, are contrary to those of previous studies and shed light on a possible decoupling of Norwegian sea surface‐water conditions and atmospheric conditions over Greenland. This decoupling could be linked to an atmosphere–ocean system behaving similar to that which the Northern Hemisphere is experiencing at present, i.e. strongly variable owing to the North Atlantic Oscillation. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Siderophores from Marine Microorganisms and Their Applications   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
1 Introduction Ironisanessentialelementwhichisdifficulttoob tainduetoitslowsolubilityunderthephysiologicalconditions ,anditisalsothemostimportanttransitionmetalionfornearlyalllivingsystems.Manypatho genicbacteriausuallyobtainironfromtheiron bind ingprot…  相似文献   
地震动记录的合理选取对预测结构响应有着重要的作用。本文通过对风雨操场建筑混合结构的抗震性能分析,提出了一种对水平及竖向地震动频谱特性均进行控制的改进选波方法。为了评价不同选波方法的可靠性和有效性,根据初选条件选取55组三向地震动记录,并以55组地震动的统计反应谱作为目标反应谱,以55组记录计算的结构响应均值作为"预测值",通过与单周期点和双频段选波方法的计算结果对比,分析表明:改进选波方法计算的结构基底剪力、柱顶位移、支座位移和网架竖向位移的相对误差和变异系数均小于前两种选波方法,其计算结果更加可靠有效。  相似文献   
张晓  张旭 《地学前缘》2022,29(5):322-333
千年尺度气候突变事件是第四纪冰期普遍存在的气候现象。这些事件可以被分为两类,一类为Dansgaard-Oeschger Event (DO事件),另一类为海因里希(Heinrich Stadial,HS)事件,后者有时也被认为是一种特殊的DO事件,因此也被称为 HS-DO事件。HS事件期间北大西洋冰架的融化一般对应DO振荡的冷相位,这与通常认为的冰架在较冷气候下体积增加并不相符。这两类事件在北大西洋重建数据中表现得最为明显,但其气候影响具有全球性。由于没有显著的外强迫驱动这两类气候突变事件,自20世纪90年代首次被确认以来,HS-DO事件一直是古气候界关注的重点,且人们对其触发机理仍没有定论。本文基于目前对这两类千年事件的研究现状,集中总结了目前已有的可反映千年事件的重建数据,利用已有的模拟工作,重点回顾了现有的机制理论,评述了目前研究DO事件以及HS-DO事件的局限性,并对其后续工作,尤其是模拟部分,进行了展望。  相似文献   
采用古生态学及沉积学方法, 对南海北部深水区BY7-1-1井及L29井特定层段进行细致研究.通过有孔虫、孢粉藻类分析及沉积学分析, 证实南海北部白云深水区在晚始新世即出现滨浅海相沉积环境, 确定了南海北部最早接受海相沉积的时间.始新世海相地层在南海北部主要分布在台西及台西南盆地中, 并在晚始新世扩展到珠江口盆地白云凹陷.在南部分布较广, 曾母盆地、北康盆地、礼乐盆地及巴拉望盆地中均有始新世海相地层分布.南海始新世海相地层的分布受制于新南海扩张及古南海的消退, 以晚始新世为时间节点发生显著变化, 总体上分布范围增大, 反映该时期南海拉张和断裂活动的加剧.南海始新世海相地层具有良好的油气潜力, 在部分盆地中形成了优质的烃源岩与储层, 珠江口盆地白云深水区晚始新世海相地层的发现, 对南海深水海相油气勘探具有积极的参考作用.   相似文献   
A previously unknown amber‐bearing bed in the Lower Cretaceous Miyako Group, northeastern Japan, was deposited within a sequence that contains abundant marine macrofossils and wave‐generated sedimentary structures that suggest deposition in an open shallow marine environment. How the amber was transported from its terrestrial origin to the marine environment is unclear, but sedimentary gravity flow is a strong candidate. Our observations suggest that the occurrence of amber clasts in sediments deposited in open and closed shallow marine environments is not uncommon. Thus, in addition to terrestrial sediments, sediments of marine origin have potential as targets for amber exploration.  相似文献   
The authors analyzed the lead-lag connection of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) with East Asian surface air temperatures (EATs) using instrumental records, and compared the results with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). The maximum correlation was found when EATs led the AMO by five to seven years (with a correlation coefficient of 0.72, whereas the correlation coefficient was 0.91 when the AMO led EATs by 24-28 years). This is different from the PDO, which mostly correlated with EATs when the PDO led EATs by 13-15 years (with a correlation coefficient of 0.67, whereas the correlation coefficient was 0.76 when EATs led the PDO by 24-26 years). The PDO led the AMO by 19-21 years (with a correlation coefficient of 0.71, whereas the correlation coefficient was 0.84 when the AMO led the PDO by 16-18 years). These results support a previous understanding that EATs positively correlate with the AMO, and imply that the observed East Asian warming trend may have been slowing down since the early 2010s.  相似文献   
A second generation adjusted precipitation daily dataset has been prepared for trend analysis in Canada. Daily rainfall and snowfall amounts have been adjusted for 464 stations for known measurement issues such as wind undercatch, evaporation and wetting losses for each type of rain-gauge, snow water equivalent from ruler measurements, trace observations and accumulated amounts from several days. Observations from nearby stations were sometimes combined to create time series that are longer; hence, making them more useful for trend studies. In this new version, daily adjustments are an improvement over the previous version because they are derived from an extended dataset and enhanced metadata knowledge. Datasets were updated to cover recent years, including 2009. The impact of the adjustments on rainfall and snowfall total amounts and trends was examined in detail. As a result of adjustments, total rainfall amounts have increased by 5 to 10% in southern Canada and by more than 20% in the Canadian Arctic, compared to the original observations, while the effect of the adjustments on snowfall were larger and more variable throughout the country. The slope of the rain trend lines decreased as a result of the larger correction applied to the older rain-gauges while the slope of the snow trend lines increased, mainly along the west coast and in the Arctic. Finally, annual and seasonal rainfall and snowfall trends based on the adjusted series were computed for 1950–2009 and 1900–2009. Overall, rainfall has increased across the country while a mix of non-significant increasing and decreasing trends was found during the summer in the Canadian Prairies. Snowfall has increased mainly in the north while a significant decrease was observed in the southwestern part of the country for 1950–2009.

中扬子区寒武纪层序地层研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
笔者建立了中扬子区寒武系层序地层格架,研究了中扬子区层序界面和体系域特点,分析了中扬子区层序样式的基本类型及其特征。共划分出2个二级层序、14个三级层序。寒武系下统划分了1个二级层序(SS3)、6个三级层序(SQ1-SQ6),平均延时约5.0Ma;体系域颜色普遍较深,泥质含量较高,是一套良好的烃源岩。寒武系中上统划分出1个二级层序(SS4)、8个三级层序(SQ7-SQ14),平均延时约2.9Ma;体系域颜色普遍较浅,云质含量较高,是一套良好的储集层。总体上H型样式为主,T型样式和TH型样式数量相当,反映寒武纪水体中等。二级层序体系域和三级层序体系域都表现出明显的南北向差异性。  相似文献   
海洋生境来源的甲烷好氧氧化菌及其产生的甲烷氧化作用是否具有独特性,对氧浓度这一环境因子如何响应,目前尚不清楚。本文采用海底新鲜沉积物作为菌种来源,借助微生物培养技术,实验研究了不同氧浓度条件(0%、1%、10%和50%)下的甲烷好氧氧化过程。结果表明,完全无氧条件(0%)不能发生甲烷好氧氧化作用,实验体系的甲烷氧化速率及甲烷氧化菌总丰度随氧浓度升高而降低,当氧浓度由1%升高至50%时,甲烷氧化速率减弱了约15倍,甲烷氧化菌总丰度降低了两个数量级。甲烷氧化菌优势菌属为I型氧化菌Methylobacter属,由Methylobacter leteus和Methylobacter whittenburyi组成,氧浓度增加时Methylobacter leteus的占比随之降低,Methylobacter whittenburyi则相反。本实验中甲烷好氧氧化菌及其氧化作用的最适氧浓度条件为1%,这与采样位置的原始生存环境最为接近。在海底低氧条件叠加低温、高压等特殊生境的长期驯化下,甲烷氧化菌的最适氧浓度条件将逐渐趋于其原始生存环境。  相似文献   
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