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海洋渔业资源可持续利用的一种模式——海洋牧场   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了海洋牧场的发展史和国外海洋牧场建设状况,并结合我国的海洋渔业形势,分析了海洋牧场与“海洋农牧化”之间的关系,以及在我国建设海洋牧场的重要性和迫切性。就海洋牧场的建设内容以及可行性进行了分析与论述,希望能对我国海洋渔业资源的扩充提供一个新的思路!  相似文献   
日本古代民族来源复杂,但是中国大陆擅长舟楫的各个民族漂洋渡海到达日本列岛的事实早为人共识.作为东亚海洋文化的一个重要内容,中日舟船文化、民俗的交流的历史点滴被《古事记》《日本书纪》记录下来.日本记纪神话所涉及到的对芦苇、楠木、竹等植物的崇拜与中国原始宗教信仰密不可分.通过对上述日本“船”神话的研究,探讨了中日古代人民在涉及江河海洋以及船的信仰上的渊源与异同  相似文献   
A total of 317 yeast isolates from seawater,sediments,mud of salterns,guts of marine fishes and marine algae wereobtained.The results of routine identification and molecular characterization showed that six isolates among these marine yeastsbelonged to Candida genus as Candida interrnedia for YA01a,Candida parapsilosis for 3eA2,Candida quercitrusa for JHSb,Can-die rugosa for wl8,Candida zeylanoides for TJY13a,and Candida membranifaciens for W14-3.Isolates YA01a (Candida interme-die),wl8 (Candida rugosa),3eA2 (Candida parapsilosis),and JHSb (Candida quercitrusa) were found producing cell-bound lipase,while isolate W14-3 (Candida membranifaciens) producing riboflavin.These marine yeast Candida spp.Seem to have wide potentialapplications in biotechnology.  相似文献   
Abstract-With the onset of winter, polar marine microalgae would have faced total darkness for aperiod of up to 6 months. A natural autumn community of Arctic sea ice microalgae was collected fordark survival experiments from the Greenland Sea during the ARKTIS-XI/2 Expedition of RV Po-larstern in October 1995. After a dark period of 161 days, species dominance in the algal assemblagehave changed from initially pennate diatoms to small phytoflagellates (<20μm). Over the entire darkperiod, the mean algal growth rate was-0.01 d~(-1). Nearly all diatom species had negative growthrates, while phytoflagellate abundance increased. Resting spore formation during the dark period was ob-served in less than 4.5% of all cells and only for dinoflagellates and the diatom Chaetoceros spp. We as-sume that facultative heterotrophy and energy storage are the main processes enabling survival during thedark Arctic winter. After an increase in light intensity, microalgal cells reacted with fast growth withindays. Phytoffa  相似文献   
本项研究得到国家“十三五”重点研发计划支持,系“深地资源勘探开采专项”2017年启动的重点项目之一,由中国地质调查局中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所牵头,来自自然资源部、中国科学院、教育部、大型石油国企等10家骨干单位以及多家协作单位参加,联合开展协同创新研究,充分体现“产研学用”密切融合。本项研究聚焦“特提斯东段中生代(三叠纪、侏罗纪)海相成钾作用与后期改造、青藏高原北部柴达木盆地深层富钾卤水迁移-分异-汇聚成矿机制”的关键科学问题和“深部含钾盐系‘双复杂’高精度地震成像技术、深部钾盐矿层(富钾卤水层)测井识别与地震预测技术”的关键技术问题,以柴达木西部和川东北两个重点成钾区为资源基地落脚点,兼顾其他含钾盆地研究,建立三维地质模型和成矿模型,完善海、陆相成钾理论,形成3 000 m以浅钾盐勘探成套技术能力,综合评价深部钾盐资源潜力,实施异常验证钻探,新发现1个大型钾盐资源基地,值得综合评价的有利成钾远景区3~4处,实现深部钾盐找矿突破和增储示范。值得强调的是,只有立足国内,突破海相,在中西部大中型叠合盆地古代海相蒸发岩地层中找到大规模海相可溶性固体钾盐矿床,方能从根本上扭转中国钾盐资源严重短缺的被动局面。令人欣慰的是,通过近10年的艰苦努力,我国海相钾盐取得了一系列成矿理论新认识和钾盐找矿新发现:创新提出了滇西南“二层楼”成钾模式,指出侏罗纪海相找钾新方向;在川东北宣汉普光地区发现三叠系海相可溶性“新型杂卤石钾盐矿”,开拓了四川盆地海相找钾新领域和新方向;在新疆库车地区发现埋深超5 000 m的钾石盐矿层,取得了库车坳陷海相找钾的实质性进展;创新提出“W型复底锅”成钾模式,在陕北奥陶纪海相盐盆发现厚层钾石盐矿化段,取得古陆表海型钾盐找矿重要新进展。至此,中国海相钾盐找矿崭露了突破的曙光。如何在这些新发现的基础上,进一步加大投入、深入研究,取得海相可溶性钾盐找矿的实质性突破,落实建成若干大型以上海相钾盐资源基地,将是“十四五”及以后时期中国钾盐的主攻方向。  相似文献   
两种荧光分析法在海洋浮游植物叶绿素测定中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以湛江叉鞭金藻为材料.用普通荧光分析法测定了chla、chic的荧光发射光谱,以四乳突扁藻为材料,用普通荧光分析法和同步荧光分析法测定了chla、chlb的荧光发射光谱,结果表明:chla、chlb、chic的荧光发射峰分别为670nm、655nm、640nm,普通荧光分析法适于进行浮游植物所含的chla、chlc的定性、定量测定,而不适于进行chla、chlb的同时测定;同步荧光法则适于进行浮游植物中chla、chlb的定性、定量的同时测定。  相似文献   
贵州天鹅山下寒武统黑色岩系化学地层初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨剑  易发成 《地层学杂志》2005,29(4):397-404
华南下寒武统黑色岩系“多元素富集事件”受世人瞩目。贵州遵义天鹅山下寒武统牛蹄塘组剖面的元素地球化学测试表明,黑色岩系存在贵金属元素、稀土元素及其他微量元素的异常富集,绝大多数较上覆、下伏地层含量为高。元素地球化学特征显示,元素的来源并非地外,而是海底含矿热卤水沿深大断裂而来,“热”的来源为地内火山喷溢。黑色岩系形成时期的沉积环境为一种干燥气候的较深浅海的还原环境。据古地温判定,黑色岩系属低温成岩成矿作用。  相似文献   
泥岩/页岩:中国元古宙—古生代海相沉积盆地主要烃源岩   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国元古宙—古生代海相沉积体系中,碳酸盐岩是最主要的沉积岩类型,长期以来研究的重点也一直是碳酸盐岩,对海相泥岩/页岩的关注比较少,并且认为碳酸盐岩是海相沉积盆地中主要的烃源岩。对中国南方上、中、下扬子地区、滇黔桂地区、塔里木盆地、鄂尔多斯盆地、华北地区等147条剖面、289口探井及浅井约11200余个样品有机碳含量的分析与统计表明,泥岩/页岩有机质丰度高,是中国元古宙—古生代海相沉积盆地中主要的烃源岩类型,而碳酸盐岩有机质丰度普遍较低,仅仅是次要的烃源岩类型。海相碳酸盐岩中有机质的含量与碳酸盐含量呈现弱的负相关性,泥质输入有利于形成高有机质丰度的碳酸盐岩烃源岩,但并不是高有机质丰度碳酸盐岩烃源岩发育的必要条件,决定碳酸盐岩烃源岩有机质丰度的主要因素是有机质的生产率、有机质的沉积与保存环境。中国元古宙—古生代海相沉积盆地中并不缺乏高有机质丰度泥岩/页岩类好烃源岩,上、中、下扬子地区主要发育于上震旦统陡山沱组、下寒武统、上奥陶统—下志留统、上二叠统;华南地区主要发育于中、下泥盆统;塔里木盆地主要发育于下寒武统、下奥陶统及中上奥陶统;华北地区为中新元古界洪水庄组、下马岭组。泥灰岩类碳酸盐岩烃源岩在塔里木盆地相对比较发育,在中国南方地区只有下二叠统相对发育。  相似文献   
During the Cenozoic numerous shallow epicontinental evaporite basins formed due to tectonic movements in the Northern Province of the Central Iran Tectonic Zone (the Great Kavir Basin). During the Miocene, due to sea‐level fluctuations, thick sequences of evaporites and carbonates accumulated in these basins that subsequently were overlain by continental red beds. Development of halite evaporites with substantial thickness in this area implies inflow of seawater along the narrow continental rift axis. The early ocean basin development was initiated in Early Eocene time and continued up to the Middle Miocene in the isolated failed rift arms. Competition between marine and non‐marine environments, at the edge of the encroaching sea, produced several sequences of both abrupt and gradual transition from continental wadi sediments to marginal marine evaporites in the studied area. These evaporites show well‐preserved textures indicative of relatively shallow‐brine pools. The high Br content of these evaporites indicates marine‐derived parent brines that were under the sporadic influence of freshening by meteoric water or replenishing seawater. However, the association of hopper and cornet textures denotes stratified brine that filled a relatively large pool and prevented rapid variations in the Br profile. Unstable basin conditions that triggered modification of parent brine chemistry prevailed in this basin and caused variable distribution patterns for different elements in the chloride units. The presence of sylvite and the absence of Mg‐sulphate/chlorides in the paragenetic sequence indicate SO4−depleted parent brine in the studied sequence. Petrographic examinations along with geochemical analyses on these potash‐bearing halites reveal parental brines which were a mixture of seawater and CaCl2‐rich brines. The source of CaCl2‐rich brines is ascribed to the presence of local rift systems in the Great Kavir Basin up to the end of the Early Miocene. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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