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Annual wet deposition of excess sulfate at Macquarie Island has been estimated from 5 months of rainwater composition data covering the Austral summer of 1985/86. The resulting figure of 2.1±0.6 mmol/m2/yr is at the low end of previous estimates of maritime excess sulfate deposition by precipitation. Within estimated uncertainty limits this figure is consistent with the DMS emission flux which would be predicted for latitude 50°–60° S, based solely on available Northern Hemispheric DMS measurements.Temporarily at the International Meteorological Institute, Stockholm University, S-106 91, Stockholm, Sweden.  相似文献   
Organochlorine pesticides were widely used in the Australian sugarcane industry from the early 1950s until the late 1980s. Erosion of sugarcane soils and subsequent transport of sediment bound contaminants in river run-off to the Great Barrier Reef lagoon is a growing concern as the cane industry continues to expand. Organochlorine pesticide residues can be used as tracers to examine the worst-case scenario of the spatial extent to which currently used, though less persistent, organic agricultural pesticides might extend. The coastal alluvial flood-plains of the Herbert and Burdekin Rivers in North Queensland have sugarcane growing as the major coastal land-use. Sediment cores and surface sediment samples were collected from near-shore coastal regions of the Herbert and Burdekin Rivers. In addition, soil samples from cane-fields in the two catchments were collected. Analyses of the marine surface sediment samples and three sediment cores revealed the absence of detectable concentrations of organochlorine pesticides (<5 pg/g). However, easily detectable concentrations were found in the sugarcane soil samples (0.01–45 ng/g).  相似文献   
利用定性与定量分析手段,研究了川东北地区各类海相烃源岩中的单质硫及其地球化学特征。定性分析表明,该区海相烃源岩中的单质硫具有八硫环状结构和六硫状环结构两种晶体构型,由S8和S6两种同素异形体组成,其中S8具有相对较高的丰度。定量分析表明,该区海相烃源岩中的单质硫含量为0.91×10-6~375.88×10-6,具有很宽的分布范围,并且随着烃源岩分布区域、地层时代以及岩性的不同而发生明显变化,表现出强烈的非均质性分布特征。该区海相烃源岩中单质硫含量与有机碳含量之间存在正相关关系,说明单质硫主要发育在富有机质沉积的层段中。通过单质硫含量与总硫含量对比分析,间接证明了川东北地区各类海相烃源岩中赋存有丰富的有机含硫化合物。  相似文献   
Diet composition and trophic levels of marine mammals   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
In southern Patagonia, outcrops of the Upper Cretaceous Cerro Toro Formation preserve a >150 km long deep‐water axial channel belt in the Magallanes–Austral Basin, providing a unique opportunity to investigate longitudinal variations in the depositional characteristics of a deep‐water channel system. This study documents sedimentological, stratigraphical and geochronological data from the Cerro Toro Formation in the Argentine sector of the basin. New results are integrated with previous work from the Chilean basin sector to conduct a basin‐scale comparison of the timing of deposition, provenance and lithofacies proportions. The Cerro Toro channel belt includes a nearly 1000 m thick section characterized by high‐density turbidites and mass‐wasting deposits. Two ash beds from the base of the section yield U–Pb zircon ages of 90·4 ± 2 Ma and 88·0 ± 3 Ma, indicating similar initiation ages as documented in the Chilean sector. The U–Pb detrital zircon age spectra from samples in the study area reveal similar provenance trends to samples from the Chilean basin sector, with peak age populations at 310 to 260 Ma, 160 to 135 Ma and 110 to 82 Ma. The maximum depositional age of the channel belt in the Argentine sector is 87·8 ± 1·5 Ma and all new geochronology data corroborate an 86 to 80 Ma depositional age for the main Cerro Toro channel belt. Statistical analyses of 7370 beds from nearly 8000 m of new and previously published stratigraphic sections along the entire outcrop belt suggest progressive variations in the down‐system proportion of lithofacies. In the up‐slope region, lithofacies representing mass wasting processes (for example, debris‐flow and mass‐transport deposits) account for ca 29% of the stratigraphic thickness, as opposed to 5% in the down‐slope region of the channel belt, where turbidity current deposits are more prevalent. The proportion of beds >1 m thick also decreases systematically down slope, particularly for conglomeratic turbidite deposits. This work highlights that: (i) the proportion of thick beds and distribution of lithofacies are key down‐system changes in the stratigraphic fill of this deep‐water channel belt; (ii) detrital zircon trends suggest a relatively well‐mixed longitudinal depositional system; and (iii) geochronology of the main Cerro Toro outcrop belt supports but does not necessitate the model of a single, roughly age‐equivalent, channel system. This study has implications for understanding the downslope variability in depositional processes, stratigraphic architecture and reservoir quality of submarine channel systems.  相似文献   
苯并芘对褐菖鲉肝细胞DNA交联的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张景智  陈荣  李东晓 《台湾海峡》2010,29(4):446-451
以褐菖鲉(Sebastiscus marmoratus)为实验材料,设定苯并芘[B(a)P]的注射剂量梯度分别为0.00、0.05、0.50、5.00 mg/kg,分别于实验的第0、3、6天对每一条鱼进行腹腔注射,于第1、4、7天取样,测定胆汁中的B(a)P及其代谢物含量.采用荧光检测法检测B(a)P染毒后褐菖鲉肝细胞DNA-DNA交联(DDC)交联系数的变化,并用KC l-SDS沉淀法检测DNA蛋-白质交联(DPC)交联系数的变化.结果表明:(1)经注射染毒后鱼体胆汁中的B(a)P及其代谢物含量蓄积程度存在着明显的剂量效应和时间效应;(2)B(a)P的注射剂量分别为0.05、0.50 mg/kg时各时间点褐菖鲉肝细胞DDC交联系数均无显著增大(p〉0.05),在5.00 mg/kg剂量组,随着时间延长DDC交联系数逐渐增大,第4天即有显著差异(p〈0.05),第7天差异极显著(p〈0.01);(3)B(a)P诱导DPC的趋势与DDC类似,但0.5 mg/kg剂量组在第7天DPC交联系数即出现显著增大(p〈0.05).这表明B(a)P对DPC的诱导高于DDC.这为进一步研究B(a)P的遗传毒性提供了依据,并为探讨B(a)P致癌的作用机理提供了新的信息.  相似文献   
Offshore geotechnical surveys form part of an integrated investigation to rejuvenate a decrepit minor port at Badagara, Kerala on the southwestern coast of India. The sediments typify a fluvio-marine milieu ranging from silty clay, sand, silty sand, sandy silt and clayey silt. Geotechnical and sedimentological studies of shallow cores reveal the geotechnical aspects besides the depositional history of the sediments. Downcore geotechnical variations and regressive coefficients based on their inter-relationships highlight diverse factorial inferences. X-Ray Diffraction data indicate the prominent clay type.

A comparative evaluation of the geotechnical characteristics of clayey sediments off Badagara, with similar studies along various sectors of the Kerala coast, both on land as well as in the near shore, is broadly attempted. Geotechnical studies carried out earlier on the uplifted Cochin marine clays provide comparative data for evaluating the possible variations between present day marine clayey sediments occurring along the Kerala coast and uplifted marine clays which, besides their gross variations in levels with respect to the present sea-level, also obviously relate to a much older depositional environment and provenance during probable Holocene times.  相似文献   
辽宁省海洋服务新业态培育与法律保障研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
海洋服务业已成为海洋经济发展的重要引擎,"十三五"时期是辽宁省海洋经济加快转型升级的关键期,要求培育新动能、发展新模式。因此,培育海洋服务新业态对辽宁省海洋经济发展具有重要意义。文章针对辽宁海洋服务业发展滞后,规模偏小、区域发展不平衡,同质化严重、科技含量低,层次相对低下、与其他产业融合不足,资源整合较差等问题,提出培育海洋服务新业态重要路径为:积极发展四大产业,提高经济规模总量;优化产业区域布局,形成错位发展;提高科技含量,提升海洋服务业层次;促进海洋服务业与其他行业融合协调,提升资源整合度。法律保障措施为:完善法规体系、严格项目审批、提高执法水平、健全应急管理。  相似文献   
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