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Low-temperature rock magnetic measurements have distinct diagnostic value. However, in most bulk marine sediments the concentration of ferrimagnetic and antiferromagnetic minerals is extremely low, so even sensitive instrumentation often responds to the paramagnetic contribution of the silicate matrix in the residual field of the magnetometer. Analysis of magnetic extracts is usually performed to solve the problems raised by low magnetic concentrations. Additionally magnetic extracts can be used for several other analyses, for example electron microscopy or X-ray diffraction. The magnetic extraction technique is generally sufficient for sediments dominated by magnetite. In this study however, we show that high-coercivity components are rather underrepresented in magnetic extracts of sediments with a more complex magnetic mineralogy. We test heavy liquid separation, using hydrophilic sodium polytungstenate solution Na6[H2W12O40], to demonstrate the efficiencies of both concentration techniques. Low-temperature cycling of zero-field-cooled, field-cooled and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization acquired at room temperature was performed on dry bulk sediments, magnetic extracts, and heavy liquid separates of clay-rich pelagic sediments originating from the Equatorial Atlantic. The results of the thermomagnetic measurements clarify that magnetic extraction favours components with high spontaneous magnetization, such as magnetite and titanomagnetite. The heavy liquid separation is unbiased with respect to high- and low-coercive minerals, thus it represents the entire magnetic assemblage.  相似文献   
针对航海技术的现状和发展趋势 ,提出了高等航海教育应向国际化、高素质化、现代化、技能化、规范化发展 ,以培养高素质的国际航运人才。  相似文献   
Acute toxicities of potassium permanganate, formalin, and Lugol’s iodine solution to a commonly occurred marine ciliate Pleuronema coronatum (Ciliophora, Scuticociliatida) were measured. Linear regression analysis of the results highlighted the close relationships between doses of the medicines and mortalities of the organisms, thus providing a capability to predict toxicity effects from the dose. Toxic effects of the medicines on the ciliates were described in the present paper, and the median lethal concentrations (LC50 values) were given. Results of measurements indicated that 2 h-LC50 and 12 h-LC50 values of formalin on P. coronatum were 59.00×10−6 and 43.57×10−6, while those of Lugol’s solutions were 90.13 and 67.84×10−6 respectively. The tolerance of P. coronatum to formalin is apparently lower than that to Lugol’s iodine solution and potassium permanganate is a suitable medicine to kill ciliates in short time.  相似文献   
在对渤海滨州贝壳堤岛的自由生活海洋线虫进行分类和多样性研究中,发现2个我国新纪录种并进行了描述。其中,澳洲深咽线虫Bathylaimus australis Cobb,1894主要特征为:头刚毛长约20μm,分为4节,顶端膨大;前口腔大,无齿,后口腔小,具小齿;化感器双环形,位于口腔中部位置;交接刺细长,稍向腹面弯曲,近端膨大呈头状,长32-37μm;引带宽大,肾形,长36-40μm,末端角质化,渐尖。古氏努朵拉线虫Nudora gourbaultae Vincx,1989主要特征为:体表具12列纵向排列的V型装饰;第二体环较宽,头刚毛11-15μm(为头颈的67%-81%);化感器圆形,直径4-6μm(为相应体径的29%-38%),位于第二体环上;具双咽球;交接刺细长,弯曲呈S型,长为肛径的1.3-1.5倍;引带等于或长于交接刺,镰刀型,无肛前辅器。  相似文献   
东太平洋海隆深海热液区沉积物古菌多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用PCR-RFLP方法对东太平洋海隆深海热液区3个站位沉积物中的古菌多样性进行了初步研究.结果显示,从古菌16S rRNA基因文库中随机挑取的296个阳性克隆分属奇古菌门(Thaumarchaeota,47.64%)、广古菌门(Euryarchaeota,44.93%)、泉古菌门(Crenarchaeota,6.77%)和未分类古菌(0.68%),其中优势菌群为奇古菌门的亚硝化侏儒菌属(Nitrosopumilus,35.47%)和广古菌门的热原体纲(Thermoplasmata,27.03%),DHVE3、DHVE5、DHVE6、MBGB和MBGE类群在沉积物样品中也均有发现.另外,3个站位沉积物中古菌类群组成存在差异,S5-TVG1站位样品文库的97个古菌克隆分属奇古菌门(49.48%)、广古菌门(49.48%)和泉古菌门(1.03%),S14-TVG10站位样品文库的103个古菌克隆由奇古菌门(84.47%)和广古菌门(15.53%)组成,S16-TVG12站位样品文库的96个古菌克隆包括广古菌门(71.88%)、泉古菌门(19.79%)、奇古菌门(6.25%)和未分类古菌(2.08%).研究结果表明,东太平洋海隆深海热液区沉积物中古菌多样性丰富,存在着许多新的古菌菌群;不同站位古菌菌群结构以及多样性存在差异,这与其所处环境的热液活动密切相关.  相似文献   
海洋生态修复是遏制海洋生态系统退化的重要途径,受到全球越来越多学者的关注。本研究以科学引文索引(Science Citation Index Expanded,SCIE)数据库为数据源,采用文献计量统计分析方法,结合VOSviewer知识图谱可视化分析软件,定量分析了1980—2019年国际上在海洋生态修复领域发表的相关文献,梳理了近40年来该领域研究的发展脉络、前沿热点和未来方向。结果表明,近40年间,海洋生态修复领域的发文数量随时间呈上升趋势,尤其2000年后增长速度加快,以北美洲、大洋洲、欧洲国家居多,其中美国占绝对领先地位。海洋生态修复领域涉及的学科主要有环境科学、生态学、海洋及淡水生物学等,Journal of Coastal Research、Restoration Ecology、Ecological Engineering和Estuarine,Coastal and Shelf Science是该领域的主要发文期刊。当前海洋生态修复研究热点主要包括植被恢复、海洋生物种群恢复、滨海湿地修复与生物地球化学、气候变化与生态系统管理等主题,其中关于缓解和适应气候变化、生态系统的自然恢复途径、生态系统服务功能提升等方面的研究愈来愈受到关注,是未来一段时间内海洋生态修复领域的研究热点。随着我国《国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划》拉开序幕以及海洋生态文明建设不断深化,我国海洋生态修复研究将驶入快车道,建议在应对气候变化的海洋生态修复、区域性海洋生态系统修复规划、海洋生态退化机理与修复关键技术、适应性管理等方面加强研究和探索。  相似文献   
The Cretaceous system of the Kuqa depression is a regional scale (second order) depositional sequence defined by parallel unconformities or minor angular unconformities. It can be divided into four third-order sequence sets, eleven third-order sequences and tens of fourth- and fifth-order sequences. It consists generally of a regional depositional cycle from transgression to regression and is composed of three sets of facies associations: alluvial-fluvial, braided river-deltaic and lacustrine-deltaic facies associations. They represent the lowstand, transgressive and highstand facies tracts within the second-order sequence. The tectonic subsidence curve reconstructed by backstripping technique revealed that the Cretaceous Kuqa depression underwent a subsidence history from early accelerated subsidence, middle rapid subsidence and final slower subsidence phases during the Cretaceous time, with the correspondent tectonic subsidence rates being 30-35 m/Ma, 40-45 m/Ma and 5-10 m/Ma obtained from northern foredeep. This is likely attributed to the foreland dynamic process from early thrust flexural subsidence to late stress relaxation and erosion rebound uplift. The entire sedimentary history and the development of the three facies tracts are a response to the basin subsidence process. The slower subsidence foreland gentle slope was a favorable setting for the formation of braided fluvial deltaic systems during the late period of the Cretaceous, which comprise the important sandstone reservoirs in the depression. Sediment records of impermanent marine transgression were discovered in the Cretaceous and the major marine horizons are correctable to the highstands of the global sea level during the period.  相似文献   
面向信息化时代的测绘科学技术新进展   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
随着信息化社会发展进程的不断加速,测绘学科现已逐步实现从数字化测绘向信息化测绘新阶段的转化与跨越。本文综述了信息化测绘发展进程中相关测绘科学技术的新进展,其中包括卫星定位测量、航空航天测绘、数字化地图制图与地理信息工程、精密工程与工业测量和海洋与航道测绘等,并阐述了在其学科发展中呈现出的知识创新和技术带动能力。  相似文献   
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