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哈萨克斯坦北部Kumdy-Kol金刚石矿床地质与变质金刚石成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哈萨克斯坦北部Kokchetav地区的Kumdy Kol金刚石矿床是世界上惟一的变质金刚石矿床。对该金刚石矿床成因以及相关岩石的诸多研究成果不仅深化了对超高压变质岩的研究 ,而且推动了大陆动力学研究的进展。在该金刚石矿床中找到的岩相学证据证明 ,该金刚石矿床的主要含矿岩石大理岩曾经在俯冲带中循环到 >2 4 0km的深部。文章在介绍Kokchetav变质金刚石矿床的地质特征和大地构造背景的基础上 ,讨论了该变质金刚石矿床的形成过程以及变质金刚石的成因。Kokchetav变质金刚石主要表现出蜂窝状或草莓状的特征外形。这种蜂窝状或草莓状金刚石是快速生长条件下结晶的结果。结合最近的研究成果 ,笔者认为Kokchetav金刚石矿床中金刚石的形成与深俯冲大理岩中的白云石分解作用密切相关。白云石分解反应形成文石和菱镁矿组合 ,菱镁矿继续分解形成金刚石 (MgCO3 =金刚石 +MgO +O2 )。基于这个认识 ,Kokchetav金刚石矿床中碳 (金刚石和石墨 )的来源应该是碳酸盐岩  相似文献   
Abstract. Carboniferous-Permian limestones of the Akiyoshi Plateau, in the Inner Zone of southwestern Japan, are composed of essentially pure calcium carbonate containing only small amounts of other elements, and they are accompanied by marble and copper skarn deposits near the contact with late Cretaceous granitoids. The δ18O values of the Akiyoshi limestones range widely from 7.6 to 28.3% and are mostly lower than those of other areas of the same age (23–29%), whereas the differences among the δ13C values are small. The δ18O values are negatively correlated with Mn and Fe contents. Samples with high δ18O (>25%) and δ13C (>2%) values do not contain Fe, Zn, or Pb, but those with low δ18O values tend to be rich in these elements, indicating that these elements were introduced by interaction with H2O dominant fluids, possibly of magmatic origin. Potential scores for evaluating the degree of interaction with hydro thermal fluids were calculated for δ18O, δ13C, Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb, and Sr. Higher scores implying much hydrothermal interaction were evident in the Mt. Hananoyama area, where there are many skarn deposits, and along faults oriented mainly NNW-SSE. Therefore, these are promising areas for exploring for blind deposits. It is likely that the hydrothermal fluid traveled through the limestones along fractures at the time of the granitic intrusions. However, the potential scores here are much smaller than those in the Pb-Zn mineralized area of the Kamioka mine, so more detailed petrological and mineralogical investigations are necessary.  相似文献   
We performed deformation experiments using Carrara marble in dry and wet conditions under temperature of 400~700℃ and confining pressure 300MPa with two different strain rates. Water contents of deformed samples were measured using FTIR spectroscopy. The microstructure and deformation mechanisms of samples were observed under optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and energy spectroscopy analysis. The mechanical data show that samples display strain hardening at 400℃, and transition to steady creep at temperature from 500~700℃. The strength of marble reduced gradually with elevated temperatures or decreased strain rate. However, water effect to the strength of the marble is significantly weak. Microstructures observed show that the deformation is cataclastic flow in dry samples, fracture and pressure solution in wet samples at 400℃. Samples underwent brittle-plastic transition at 500℃. Dislocation glide is major deformation mechanism for dry samples at 600℃. Dislocation climb and dynamic recrystallization are major deformation mechanism for wet samples at 600℃ and for all wet samples and dry samples at 700℃. Lower strain rate and higher water content could promote the process of pressure solution and diffusion as well as dynamic recrystallization.  相似文献   
北京房山大理岩的岩石学微观特征及风化机理讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京地区许多石质古建筑都使用了房山大石窝的大理岩来建造的。本文以汉白玉(白色大理岩)和青白石(青色大理岩)为例,通过薄片镜下观察、X射线衍射(XRD)、X射线荧光(XRF)、扫描电镜(SEM)和电子探针等测试手段,对房山大理岩的岩石学微观特征进行了研究。研究对象为取自房山大石窝的新鲜岩样和取自北京古代石质建筑的风化剥落物。结果证实北京大理岩主要矿物成分是白云石,部分大理岩还含有一定量的石英。基于图像处理软件,对汉白玉和青白石矿物晶体的粒径进行了统计分析。在此基础上,从温度变化、酸雨的溶解、水的溶蚀、微裂隙的盐类充填的角度分析了大理岩的风化机理。相关研究可为北京大理岩石质文物的修复保护提供科学参考。  相似文献   
The abundance and morphology of microdiamond in dolomite marble from Kumdy‐kol in the Kokchetav Massif, are unusual; a previous study estimated the maximum content of diamonds in dolomite marble to be about 2700 carat ton?1. Microdiamond is included primarily in garnet, and occasionally in diopside and phlogopite pseudomorphs after garnet. They are classified into three types on the basis of their morphology: (1) S‐type: star‐shaped diamond consisting of translucent cores and transparent subhedral to euhedral very fine‐grained outer parts; (2) R‐type: translucent crystals with rugged surfaces; and (3) T‐type: transparent, very fine‐grained crystals. The S‐type is the most abundant. Micro‐Laue diffraction using a 1.6‐µm X‐ray beam‐size demonstrated that the cores of the star‐shaped microdiamond represent single crystals. In contrast, the most fine‐grained outer parts usually have different orientations compared to the core. Laser–Raman studies indicate that the FWHM (Full Width at Half Maximum) of the Raman band of the core of the S‐type diamond is slightly larger than that for the outer parts. Differences in morphology, crystal orientations, and in the FWHM of the Raman band between the core and the fine‐grained outer‐parts of S‐type microdiamond suggest that the star‐shaped microdiamond was formed discontinuously in two distinct stages.  相似文献   
海泡石是一种层链状硅酸盐,是含水富镁的粘土矿物。该区海泡石矿层厚度一股为2~3厘米,海泡石的单个纤维长一般为几厘米,有的长达十几厘米。笔者对海泡石作了差热、X射线衍射、红外光谱、扫描电镜和化学全分析。它的化学成分为:SiO_2 56.16%,MgO 22.61%,H_2O±17.88%。海泡石是由白云质大理岩经构造破碎、分解使镁离子集中沉淀形成的。海泡石的用途较广,可以作为离子交换剂、吸附剂、催化剂、地热和深部石油钻井中的泥浆原料等。  相似文献   
For technical reasons, virtually all plastic deformation experiments on geological materials have been performed in either pure shear or simple shear. These special case loading geometries are rather restrictive for those seeking insight into how microstructure evolves under the more general loading geometries that occur during natural deformation. Moreover, they are insufficient to establish how plastic flow properties might vary with the 3rd invariant of the deviatoric stress tensor (J3) which describes the stress configuration, and so applications that use those flow properties (e.g. glaciological and geodynamical modelling) may be correspondingly compromised. We describe an inexpensive and relatively straightforward modification to the widely used Paterson rock deformation apparatus that allows torsion experiments to be performed under simultaneously applied axial loads. We illustrate the performance of this modification with the results of combined stress experiments performed on Carrara marble and Solnhofen limestone at 500°–600 °C and confining pressures of 300 MPa. The flow stresses are best described by the Drucker yield function which includes J3-dependence. However, that J3-dependence is small. Hence for these initially approximately isotropic calcite rocks, flow stresses are adequately described by the J3-independent von Mises yield criterion that is widely used in deformation modelling. Loading geometry does, however, have a profound influence on the type and rate of development of crystallographic preferred orientation, and hence of mechanical anisotropy. The apparatus modification extends the range of loading geometries that can be used to investigate microstructural evolution, as well as providing greater scope for determining the shape of the yield surface in plastically anisotropic materials.  相似文献   
白云鄂博群尖山组H4岩性段石英砂岩中的碎屑锆石年龄纪录了华北克拉通北缘两期重要的构造岩浆事件,一组年龄集中在新太古代—古元古代初期(2379~2596Ma),另一组年龄集中在古元古代晚期(1761~1946Ma),该结果与白云鄂博地区基底岩石的锆石年龄相吻合。白云鄂博群沉积碳酸盐岩的全岩207Pb-206Pb等时线年龄1649±45Ma,代表了白云鄂博群的沉积时代。白云鄂博地区沉积灰岩、白云岩与含矿白云岩的Pb同位素组成存在非常大的差异,在Pb同位素组成和构造图解中,含矿白云岩都集中在地幔演化线附近,靠近亏损地幔端元[(206Pb/204Pb)i=15.04~16.49,(207Pb/204Pb)i=15.17~15.28,(208Pb/204Pb)i=31.20~36.40],而白云鄂博群中的灰岩、白云岩则位于造山带演化线附近,靠近深海沉积物端元[(206Pb/204Pb)i=17.28~19.35,(207Pb/204Pb)i=15.47~15.69,(208Pb/204Pb)i=36.62~37.12]。  相似文献   
岩石在细观尺度上是由矿物颗粒胶结而成,除细观结构的力学特性外,其几何特征(颗粒界面网络结构和颗粒粒度分布)也对宏观断裂能具有一定的影响。为了探索这种几何特征与大理岩断裂能之间的相关性,从而进一步揭示岩石细观断裂机制,首先通过三点弯曲试验测定大理岩的断裂能,然后在试验后的三点弯试件断口处取岩石切片,进行电镜(SEM)扫描以获取岩石细观结构图像。利用图像处理技术获取岩石细观颗粒的界面网络图。通过对颗粒界面网络图分析,发现颗粒界面网络拓扑结构与颗粒粒度分布具有较强的分形特征。将二者分形维数与试件宏观断裂能相对比,发现它们之间具有很强的相关性。界面网络分形维数与宏观断裂能具有很强的二次相关性,而粒度分布维数与宏观断裂能之间具有较强的线性相关性。宏观断裂能随着两种分形维数的增大而增大。该研究结果揭示了宏观断裂能与岩石细观结构几何特征的相关性,加深了对宏观断裂能细观机制的理解。  相似文献   
既有土坝可溶岩坝基帷幕灌浆施工中几个问题探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在土坝坝顶操作钻灌设备,对坝基大理岩进行帷幕灌浆,摸索出“孔口及坝体封闭基岩内自上而下分段的孔内循环”的灌浆方法,先后遇到了造孔及孔壁封闭、接触面灌浆、形成“灌浆盖帽”、风化带灌浆、岩溶灌浆、冒浆处理、坝基灌浆引起坝体劈裂、灌浆质量检查标准等问题,对这些问题分别进行了详细分析,并提出了防治对策或处理措施。  相似文献   
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