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花岗岩的源区、温压条件及与其他岩石的共生组合的研究可以限定其形成构造背景,了解其形成的深部动力学过程.本文对浙江中部中生代芙蓉山花岗斑岩及其暗色包体开展了全岩主微量元素、锆石U-Pb年代学和Hf同位素、Ti温度计和全岩Sr—Nd同位素研究,探讨芙蓉山花岗斑岩的成因类型、源区特征及其与镁铁质包体之间的关系,并进一步限定其...  相似文献   
Quartz-rich xenoliths in lavas and pyroclastic rocks from VulcanoIsland, part of the Aeolian arc, Italy, contain silicic meltinclusions with high SiO2 (73–80 wt %) and K2O (3–6wt %) contents. Two types of inclusions can be distinguishedbased on their time of entrapment and incompatible trace element(ITE) concentrations. One type (late, ITE-enriched inclusions)has trace element characteristics that resemble those of themetamorphic rocks of the Calabro-Peloritano basement of theadjacent mainland. Other inclusions (early, ITE-depleted) havevariable Ba, Rb, Sr and Cs, and low Nb, Zr and rare earth element(REE) contents. Their REE patterns are unfractionated, witha marked positive Eu anomaly. Geochemical modelling suggeststhat the ITE-depleted inclusions cannot be derived from equilibriummelting of Calabro-Peloritano metamorphic rocks. ITE-enrichedinclusions can be modelled by large degrees (>80%) of meltingof basement gneisses and schists, leaving a quartz-rich residuerepresented by the quartz-rich xenoliths. Glass inclusions inquartz-rich xenoliths represent potential contaminants of Aeolianarc magmas. Interaction between calc-alkaline magmas and crustalanatectic melts with a composition similar to the analysed inclusionsmay generate significant enrichment in potassium in the magmas.However, ITE contents of the melt inclusions are comparablewith or lower than those of Vulcano calc-alkaline and potassicrocks. This precludes the possibility that potassic magmas inthe Aeolian arc may originate from calc-alkaline parents throughdifferent degrees of incorporation of crustal melts. KEY WORDS: melt inclusions; crustal anatexis; magma assimilation; xenoliths; Vulcano Island  相似文献   
The simultaneous eruption in 1996 of andesite from Karymskyvolcano and of basalt from the Academy Nauk vent 6 km away appearsto provide a case of mafic recharge of an andesite reservoirfor which the time of recharge is exactly known and direct samplesof the recharging magma are available. The explosive phreato-magmaticeruption of basalt was terminated in less than 24 h, whereasandesite erupted continuously during the following 4 years.Detailed petrological study of volcanic ash, bombs and lavasof Karymsky andesite erupted during the period 1996–1999provides evidence for basaltic replenishment at the beginningof the eruptive cycle, as well as a record of compositionalvariations within the Karymsky magma reservoir induced by basalticrecharge. Shortly after the beginning of the eruption the compositionof the matrix glass of the Karymsky tephra became more maficand then, within 2 months, gradually returned to its originalstate and remained almost constant for the following 3 years.Further evidence for basaltic replenishment is provided by thepresence of xenocrysts of basaltic origin in the andesite ofKarymsky. A conspicuous portion of the plagioclase phenocrystsin the Karymsky andesite has calcic cores, with compositionsand textures resembling those of plagioclases in the AcademyNauk basalt. Similarly, the earlier portion of the andesiteof the eruption sequence contains rare olivines, which occuras resorbed cores in pyroxenes. The composition of the olivinematches that of olivines in the Academy Nauk basalt. The sequenceof events appears to be: (1) injection of basaltic magma intothe Karymsky chamber with immediate, compensating expulsionof pre-existing chamber magma from the Karymsky central vent;(2) direct mixing of basaltic and andesitic magmas with dispersalof phenocrysts associated with the basalt throughout the andesiteso that newly mixed magma appeared at the vent within 2 months;(3) re-establishment of thermal and chemical equilibrium withinthe reservoir involving crystallization in the new hybrid liquid,which returned the melt composition to ‘normal’,formed rims on inherited calcic plagioclase, and caused theresorption of dispersed olivine xenocrysts. Taken together,these findings indicate that the Karymsky magma reservoir wasrecharged by basalt at the onset of the 1996 eruptive cycle.The rapidity and thoroughness of mixing of the basalt with thepre-existing andesite probably reflects the modest contrastin temperature, viscosity, and density between the two magmas. KEY WORDS: Karymsky; Kamchatka; magma mixing; andesite; volcanic glass; plagioclase  相似文献   
ANDREAS WETZEL 《Sedimentology》2009,56(7):1992-2009
Following the eruption of Mount Pinatubo on 15 June 1991, volcanic ash was transported westward to the South China Sea in an atmospheric plume, falling out and settling to the sea floor within days and forming an up to 10 cm thick layer on an area >400 000 km2. Immediately after deposition, surviving deep‐burrowing animals re‐opened their connection to the sea floor to obtain water for respiration and/or food take‐up. Later, small‐sized meiofauna and then macrofauna re‐colonized the sea floor, mixing newly deposited organic fluff with the underlying ash. Consequently, ash deposits thinner than 1 mm have not often been observed as a continuous layer when cored six years after the eruption, while ash about 2 mm thick is now patchily bioturbated. In areas covered by ash thicker than 5 mm, mixing by benthic animals is controlled mainly by the adaptation of the burrowing fauna to variations in grain‐size, the rate of background sedimentation, the availability of benthic food on and within the sediment and pore water oxygen levels. With respect to these factors, four provinces can be distinguished: (i) Along the Philippines margin run‐off from land fuels primary production that, in turn, leads to a high benthic food content. The benthic fauna is adapted to a variable grain‐size and rapid sedimentation. Therefore, mixing is intense and the preservation potential of the ash layer is low. (ii) In areas affected by deposition of hyperpycnites and turbidites, i.e. in canyons in front of river mouths and in the Manila Trench, the ash layer is preserved due to rapid burial. (iii) The area to the west to about 116° E receives low amounts of benthic food, benthic mixing is less intense and the preservation potential of the ash is high. (iv) The central South China Sea, where the ash is thinner than 3 cm, is affected by intense wind mixing and upwelling and the benthic food content is high; thus, the chance that the ash will be preserved as a sharp‐based layer is low. Consequently, the style of ash preservation has palaeo‐environmental significance. Older buried and burrowed event layers provide further information to elucidate the fate of the 1991 Pinatubo ash layer; in general their appearance fits with observations in the Recent.  相似文献   
基于IEC-4G冰期后地壳反弹模型,和地球上Laurentia,Fennoscandia,Antarctica,andGreenland四大冰盖最近21000年以来的冰融参数,计算了对地球最大主转动惯量的影响△I33,并进而由现代空间测地技术观测资料分析得到的地球自转非潮汐加速项为约束,估计了地球平均下地幔(670km以下)粘性vLM为(0.9~2.5)·1022Pas,这个结果表明了vLM应具有1022Pas量级.  相似文献   
A Lagrangian particle method embedded within a 2-D finite element code, is used to study the transport and ocean–estuary exchange processes in the well-mixed Great Bay Estuarine System in New Hampshire, USA. The 2-D finite element model, driven by residual, semi-diurnal and diurnal tidal constituents, includes the effects of wetting and drying of estuarine mud flats through the use of a porous medium transport module. The particle method includes tidal advection, plus a random walk model in the horizontal that simulates sub-grid scale turbulent transport processes. Our approach involves instantaneous, massive [O(500,000)] particle releases that enable the quantification of ocean–estuary and inter-bay exchanges in a Markovian framework. The effects of the release time, spring–neap cycle, riverine discharge and diffusion strength on the intra-estuary and estuary–ocean exchange are also investigated.The results show a rather dynamic interaction between the ocean and the estuary with a fraction of the exiting particles being caught up in the Gulf of Maine Coastal Current and swept away. Three somewhat different estimates of estuarine residence time are calculated to provide complementary views of estuary flushing. Maps of residence time versus release location uncover a strong spatial dependency of residence time within the estuary that has very important ramifications for local water quality. Simulations with and without the turbulent random walk show that the combined effect of advective shear and turbulent diffusion is very effective at spreading particles throughout the estuary relatively quickly, even at low (1 m2/s) diffusivity. The results presented here show that a first-order Markov Chain approach has applicability and a high potential for improving our understanding of the mixing processes in estuaries.  相似文献   
Shear and Richardson number in a mode-water eddy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Measurements of stratification and shear were carried out as part of the EDDIES tracer release experiment in mode-water eddy A4 during the summer of 2005. These measurements were accomplished using both shipboard instrumentation and a drifting mooring. A strong relationship between shear intensity and distance from the center of the eddy A4 was observed with the shipboard ADCP. Diapycnal diffusivity at the SF6 tracer isopycnal prior to and during the release was estimated from the drifting mooring to be 2.9×10−6 m2 s−1. Diffusivity increased by an order of magnitude to 3.2×10−5 m2 s−1 during the period of the final tracer survey in early September, which was similar to the value estimated from the tracer analysis for the whole experiment (3.5×10−5 m2 s−1, [Ledwell, J.R., McGillicuddy Jr., D.J., Anderson, L.A., 2008. Nutrient flux into an intense deep chlorophyll layer in a mode-water eddy. Deep-Sea Research II, this issue [doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.02.005]].  相似文献   
对两种原油进行混合配比实验,将混合后油样置于人工气候箱进行风化模拟实验,采用气相色谱质谱联用仪(GC-MS)检测风化样品中的生物标志化合物,短期风化作用对混合溢油的油指纹、生物标志化合物诊断指标等的影响。结果表明,混合溢油的正构烷烃总质量变化与单一原油油品的变化规律相近,即前期风化较快,质量减损较多,而后期风化趋缓,不同混合比例的溢油表现差异不明显。常用于短期风化的诊断比值对各混合油样的风化具有指示意义,但难以定性鉴别油品是否发生混合。重复性限法检验只能判定短期风化过程前后的油样为同一油源,而难以反映油样是否为混合油源的特征,各诊断比值的RSD%值较大可能是混合溢油的一个表现。  相似文献   
陈超  张庆河 《海洋工程》2016,(5):718-732
A depth-integrated model for simulating wave-induced longshore current was developed with unstructured grids. Effects of surface roller and horizontal mixing under combined waves and currents were incorporated in the numerical model. Recommended values of model coefficients were also proposed based on sensitivity analysis. Field observations and three series of laboratory measurements including two cases conducted on the plane beach and one implemented on the ideal inlet were employed to examine the predictive capability of this model. For the field case and laboratory cases conducted on the plane beach, numerical results were compared favorably with the measured data. For the case with an ideal inlet, simulated circulation pattern is supposed to be reasonable although some deviations between numerical results and measured data still can be detected.  相似文献   
The monthly water mass variations in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea are investigated using over 40 years of historical temperature and salinity observations via a cluster analysis that incorporates geographical distance and depth separation in addition to the temperature and salinity. Results delineate monthly variations in the major water masses and provide some insight into formation mechanisms and intermixing. The major water masses include the Kuroshio-East China Sea water (KE), the Yellow Sea surface water (YSS) and bottom cold water (YSB), mixed water (MW), and coastal water (CW). The distribution of the KE water mass reveals the intrusion pattern into the area west of Cheju. A separate mixed water type appears between the KE water mass and the Yellow Sea water masses during winter. The formation mechanism of the YSB appears to be the surface cooling and active mixing in winter. In the East China Sea, during summer, surface water is differentiated from the subsurface water while there is no differentiation during winter. In the Yellow Sea, a three layer system exists in the summer and fall (May–November) while a two layer system exists during the rest of the year. A fresh water mass generated by Yangtze River discharge (YD) is present over the northern East China Sea and the southern Yellow Sea during summer. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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