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PTB全球最大生物灭绝事件后,早三叠世被认为是微生物发育繁殖的黄金时期,浅水环境是微生物活动及微生物岩形成的最有利环境。借助高分辨率扫描电镜和能谱分析,在川东北地区开江—梁平海槽西侧下三叠统飞仙关组浅水碳酸盐岩台地边缘的鲕粒灰岩中发现了三种微生物矿化组构:空腔状微生物矿化组构、显微瘤状微生物矿化组构和纤状微生物矿化组构;通过沉积学、岩石学及地球化学的综合分析,认为显微瘤状微生物矿化组构是微生物新陈代谢时形成的纳米球状云质颗粒,纤状微生物矿化组构是微生物的胞外聚合物,而空腔状微生物矿化组构则属于微生物个体。这些微生物矿化组构的发现,为早三叠世微生物大爆发提供了一定的直观证据;推测大量的微生物活动是早三叠世碳酸盐快速沉积现象的直接诱因,并导致于二叠纪末发育的克拉通内裂陷——开江—梁平海槽在早三叠世被快速填平。  相似文献   
许成成 《地质与勘探》2019,55(6):1491-1499
为了正确评价淮南煤矿张集煤矿灰岩含水层对煤层开采的影响,探明详细的水文地质条件,本文利用–536 m水平放水成果资料,利用GMS建立了张集煤矿C3I 组灰岩含水层水文地质模型及其数值模型,经识别和验证后,获得了灰岩含水层水文地质参数,并结合“突水系数”,进行数值模拟分析,计算水文地质参数,预计灰岩疏水量,并利用数值模拟参数分别模拟计算了–536 m、–565 m 水平、–566 m水平的安全开采下的疏放量,依据此次计算结果,给张集煤矿采煤过程中灰岩水的防治提供了一定借鉴。  相似文献   
通过热源法对陡河水库渗漏通道的探测发现,陡河水库左坝肩存在着绕坝渗漏通道.在左坝肩基岩10m高程附近存在低温场异常,通过对水库底部附近温度场分布测量,判定出低温水来自上游右支河水的补给,通过低温区分布确定出绕坝渗漏强渗漏通道的位置,在库水位保持在32m时,根据热源法计算出渗漏通道的渗漏量在3.59×105~4.74×105m3/d之间,钻孔发现水库边基岩中的水位比库水位低22m,水位差是造成了水库跌窝事故的主要原因,在11#钻孔中发现了来自河床的细砂,在11#和9#孔中的连通试验证实基岩中的强渗漏通道.  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地柳林地区早奥陶世冶里期沉积以浅灰色中薄层泥质白云岩为主,发育大量竹叶状碳酸盐岩。不同类型的竹叶状碎屑反映了不同的沉积环境。笔者对研究区剖面内的竹叶状碎屑进行分析和研究后认为,竹叶状石灰岩的形成可以分为早期沉积物的形成和早期沉积物的破碎、搬运和再沉积两个阶段。  相似文献   
二叠系阳新组灰岩厚度240~350 m,走向延伸大于50 km,出露面积15 km2以上,资源储量极为丰富.研究区0.6 km2范围内资源量为5193×104 t.阳新组灰岩CaO含量49.87%~55.74%,MgO含量0.24%~2.80%,SiO2含量0.38%~5.80%之间,SO3含量0.01%~0.40%,K2O+Na2O含量0.02%~0.12%,均达到Ⅰ级水泥用料要求.饱和抗压强度41.6~82.4 MPa,坚固性1%~3%,压碎指标8.2%~9.6%;所有指标均符合建筑石料用要求.对阳新组灰岩地质特征、物理化学指标的分析评价显示,其可广泛运用于水泥、建筑石料等领域,具有重要的经济价值和意义.  相似文献   
江西省莲花县江下垅粉石英矿地质特征及找矿方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江西省莲花县江下垅粉石英矿,赋存于二叠系上统狮子形组,系硅质灰岩、硅质岩风化而成。矿体严格受地层控制,岩石硅质成分是成矿的先决条件,温暖湿润的气候是成矿的后天条件。  相似文献   
Al-hambra is an immense and valuable archaeological site in Spain built on Sabika hill with red brick and natural sandy limestone. It exhibits weathering features indicating salt weathering process. The main aim of this study is to examine weathering processes and intensity acting on Al-hambra. Rock petrography and mineralogical composition have been examined using thin sections, scanning electron microscope, X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence; limits of rock’s physical parameters using ultrasonic waves and mercury porosimeter; rock salt content through hydrochemical analysis. Salts attacking this structure are mainly from wet deposition of air pollutants on the long term chemical alteration of rock’s carbonate content to its equivalent salts. The salts’ concentration limit within the examined rock samples is considerably low but it is effective on the long run through hydration of sulphate salts and/or crystallization of chloride salts. Rock texture type and its silica as well as clay content reduces its resistance to internal stresses by salts as well as wetting and drying cycles at such humid area. The recession in limits of physical parameters examined for deep seated and weathered limestone samples quantitatively reflects weathering intensity on Al-hambra.  相似文献   
A simulation was undertaken within a climatic chamber to investigate limestone dissolution under varied carbonic acid (H2CO3) strengths as a possible analogue for future increases in atmospheric CO2 arising from global warming. Twenty‐eight samples cut from a block of Bath (Box Hill) limestone from Somerville College, Oxford, which had been removed during restoration after 150 years in an urban environment, were weighed and placed in closed bottles of thin plastic containing varying concentrations of H2CO3. Half of the stone samples were derived from exposed surfaces of the stone block (weathered) while the others were obtained from the centre of the block on unexposed surfaces (unweathered). The purpose of this was to compare dissolution of previously weathered versus unweathered surfaces in strong (pH 4·73) versus weak (pH 6·43) solutions of H2CO3. A temperature of c. 19 °C was maintained within the chamber representing a plausible future temperature in Oxford for the year 2200 given current warming scenarios. The simulation lasted 25 days with a few stone samples being removed midway. Stone samples show reduced weight in all cases but one. There was greater dissolution of stone samples in a strong H2CO3 solution as conveyed by higher concentrations of total hardness and Ca2+ in the water samples as well as enhanced microscopic dissolution features identified using SEM. The simulation confirms that enhanced atmospheric CO2 under global warming, given adequate moisture, will accelerate dissolution rates particularly of newly replaced limestone building stones. However, previously weathered surfaces, such as those on historical stone exposed for a century or more, appear to be less susceptible to the effects of such increased rainfall acidity. Conservation techniques which remove weathered surfaces, such as stone cleaning, may accelerate future decay of historical limestone structures by increasing their susceptibility to dissolution. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Denudation mechanisms differ fundamentally between limestone and silicate rock types, which are subject to very different rate thresholds and enhancers/inhibitors. Silicates are removed largely by erosion, the mechanical entrainment and transport of particles. This is a relatively high energy, and highly episodic, process which occurs only when a minimum threshold ?ow velocity is exceeded; it is inhibited by vegetation cover and favoured by strongly seasonal runoff. Limestone is removed largely by chemical dissolution at a rate directly proportional to runoff. Dissolution is a relatively low energy process that can occur at any ?ow velocity or in static water; in general it is enhanced by vegetation cover and non‐seasonality of runoff. These contrasting factors in the denudation of silicates versus limestone can produce strikingly uneven rates of surface lowering across a landscape, sometimes akin to the well known ‘tortoise and hare race’, where the slow and steady denudation of limestones may in the long term exceed the sometimes rapid, but often localized and episodic, erosion of silicates. Prolonged exposure of limestone to a humid temperate climate in a tectonically stable environment produces low‐relief corrosion plains in which limestone uplands are anomalous and, in most instances, due to recent unroo?ng from beneath a siliciclastic cover. In a highly seasonal or semi‐arid climate almost the exact inverse may develop, with ‘?ashy’ runoff and sparse vegetation favouring erosion rather than dissolution. Even under a constant humid climate progressive unroo?ng of a thick limestone unit within folded siliciclastics may lead to a topographic inversion over time, with the limestone outcrop always forming a topographic low ?anked by siliciclastic uplands. Valleys will be initiated on anticlinal crests, where the limestone is ?rst unroofed, but progressive lowering of the limestone causes these valleys to migrate to their ?nal position in the synclinal troughs. In humid climates isostatic compensation in response to slow, but continuous, denudation of extensive limestone outcrops may be a signi?cant factor in the development of relief on adjacent, more slowly eroding, silicate outcrops. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Aggtelek National Park, Hungary, is a limestone karst upland characterized by karren, dolines and river caves. For a period of two years, climatic and carbonate dissolution variables were monitored at four depths in a 7·5 m shaft through the soil fill in the floor of a typical large (150 m diameter) doline. Results are compared to other monitoring stations in the shallow soils on side slopes. Runoff and groundwater flow are focused into the base of the doline soil fill, where moisture is maintained at 70–90 per cent field capacity and temperatures permit year-round production of soil CO2. The capacity to dissolve calcite (limestone) ranges from c. 3 g m−2 per year beneath thin soils on the driest slopes to 17–30 g m−2 per year in the top 1–2 m of doline fill and at its base 5–7 m below. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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