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Abstract. Primary fluid inclusions in quartz and carbonates from the Kanggur gold deposit are dominated by aqueous inclusions, with subsidiary CO2-H2O inclusions that have a constant range in CO2 content (10–20 vol %). Microthermometric results indicate that total homogenization temperatures have a wide but similar range for both aqueous inclusions (120 to 310C) and CO2-H2O inclusions (140 to 340C). Estimates of fluid salinity for CO2-H2O inclusions are quite restricted (5.9∼10.3 equiv. wt% NaCl), whereas aqueous inclusions show much wider salinity ranging from 2.2 to 15.6 equivalent wt %NaCl.
The 6D values of fluid inclusions in carbonates vary from -45 to -61 %, in well accord with the published δD values of fluid inclusions in quartz (-46 to -66 %). Most of the δ18O and δD values of the ore-forming fluids can be achieved by exchanged meteoric water after isotopic equilibration with wall rock by fluid/rock interaction at a low water/rock ratio. However, the exchanged meteoric water alone cannot explain the full range of δ18O and δD values, magmatic and/or meta-morphic water should also be involved. The wide salinity in aqueous inclusions may also result from mixing of meteoric water and magmatic and/or metamorphic water.  相似文献   
Abstract. Halogen-rich phlogopite occurs in the groundmass of andesite and dacite lavas from Late Tertiary to Quaternary volcanoes associated with native sulfur and limonite deposits (Shiretoko-Iwozan, Hachimantai, Adatara, Omeshidake, Masaki) and hydrothermal ore deposits (Harukayama, Muineyama, Hishikari) in Japan. The F contents of the halogen-rich phlogopite range from 3.6 to 5.7 wt%, corresponding to atomic F/(F+C1+OH) ratios ranging from 0.45 to 0.69. On the other hand, the Cl contents of the halogen-rich phlogopite are around 0.2 wt%. The atomic Mg/(Mg+Fe) ratios range from 0.69 to 0.83.
The fluorine intercept value [IV(F)] defined by Munoz (1984) of the phlogopites ranges from 0.79 to 3.17, and the chlorine intercept value [IV(Cl)] ranges from -7.11 to -7.77. The observed IV(F) of the phlogopites broadly overlap the range of the IV(F) for biotites from porphyry copper deposits. On the other hand, the observed IV(Cl) are significantly lower than the IV(Cl) for biotites from porphyry copper deposits. Whereas the F contents of the phlogopite appear more prominent compared to the Cl contents, the calculation of halogen intercept values revealed that the phlogopites are enriched in Cl with respect to the element distribution effect of Mg-Fe substitution. Since the degree of Cl enrichment of the phlogopite is more significant compared to that of biotite in porphyry copper deposits, the phlogopites are considered to have formed under the condition of significantly high activity of halogens. Hydrothermal ore deposits may be formed in magmatic hydrothermal system associated with volcanoes where halogen-rich phlogopite is formed by hypersaline fluid.  相似文献   
This study deals with the experimental determination of the rate of weathering and As release from Au-bearing sulfide ores of the Mokrsko-West deposit (Czech Republic). The elevated As contents in the ore and the possible As mobilisation must be taken into account due to the close proximity of the deposit to the Vltava River, a source of drinking water for Prague. Crushed and homogenized ore material was divided into four grain-size fractions showing uniform chemical and mineralogical composition and subjected to batch and column leaching experiments. The most important reactions controlling metal leaching include (i) oxidation of sulfides, (ii) carbonate equilibrium and (iii) precipitation of hydrated ferric oxides (HFO). Hydrated ferric oxides were found to be important sorbents of mobilized As. The highest concentration of As in the leachates was obtained from the 64–1000 μm fraction. The oxidation rate in the agitated batch experiment calculated on the basis of sulfate concentrations is an order of magnitude higher (3.8×10−9 to 4.4×10−8 mol SO42− h−1 g−1) than in the static column experiment (9.6×10−10 to 7.4×10−9 mol SO42− h−1 g−1). The higher oxidation rate of batch experiments is explained by abrasion of oxidation products (mainly HFO) and by further exposition of reaction surfaces of the sulfide grains.  相似文献   
广西东攀P-T界线深水相剖面与煤山剖面地层学对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从放射虫生物地层学、黏土矿物事件地层学和有机碳同位素地层学方面对广西柳桥地区东攀二叠系-三叠系深水相剖面进行了研究,并与浙江煤山剖面(GSSP)同期地层进行了对比.结果表明,东攀剖面上二叠系-三叠系界线处与煤山剖面具有较好的可比性:①东攀剖面放射虫A.yaoi带可以与煤山剖面的Clarkina changxingensis-C.postwangi-C.postsubcarinata-C.deflecta组合带对比;②两剖面都具有性质相似、延伸稳定的界线黏土岩;③在两剖面界线黏土岩中,有机碳同位素组成都发生了巨减.  相似文献   
峨眉山玄武岩浆喷发对贵州西部区域成矿贡献研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
早、晚二叠世之间大规模峨眉山玄武岩喷发是峨眉地幔热柱基性岩浆活动的高峰期.峨眉山玄武岩在贵州西部地区广泛分布,它不仅以矿源层形式参与钼、铜、铅、锌、金、锑、汞、铊等以地下水热液成矿作用为主的层控矿床的形成,而且它自身形成火山气液型矿床--玄武岩铜矿及伴生热液型铂、钯等矿化点;再者它是外生矿床--高砷煤、高氟煤、高硫煤、高汞煤形成的主要原因.  相似文献   
胶南七宝山位于胶东半岛东部地区,区域上属于胶南-威海造山带.山东省地质调查院在此开展普查工作,并通过激电测深、土壤测量、钻孔取芯,以及化学和光谱等分析方法,得出铅矿矿体赋存于断裂构造中,属岩浆热液充填型.矿体主要呈脉状、凸镜状,宽1~3 m,长70~200 m,主要矿体走向近南北,多倾向东.矿石有用化学成分主要为Pb、Ag、CaF2、Cu,Pb含量一般为1.36%~3.96%(平均3.11%),矿体平均厚度3.13m.  相似文献   
黄腊石滑坡是发育在三叠系中统巴东组砂泥岩夹灰岩构成的逆倾坡上的滑坡群,总方量约1 800×104 m3.滑坡滑带下面存在着大致连续分布的基岩弯曲松弛带.对于该松弛带工程地质特性的认识,将影响防治工程方案的设计及实施.本文通过野外工作、以往工作资料和研究成果的收集整理及再认识,对该滑坡下伏松弛带工程地质特性、形成机制及失稳预测作了一定深度的探讨,认为基岩弯曲松弛带是发生在特定的岩层中,由构造、重力、侵蚀、岩溶、风化、降雨及上部滑坡等因素共同作用的产物,工程地质环境质量较差,受重力及其上滑体滑动等因素影响,后期改造明显.在斜坡长期受重力累积变形、三峡水库运行期江水位变化及库岸再造作用下,将形成牵引式滑动.防治工程应在削方、排水等基础上,重点考虑防止库岸再造和斜坡坡脚部位变形.  相似文献   
南秦岭晚古生代凤县一太白盆地是在扬子地台北缘早古生代被动大陆边缘发展起来的具裂陷性质的盆地,处在秦岭微板块当中,在盆地内既产有八卦庙超大型金矿也产有八方山一二里河大型铅锌矿床,是铅锌与金矿床共生/共存的一个典型地区。两种矿床在地质背景、产出层位和成矿特征等方面具有某些关联,铅锌矿层产在中泥盆统古道岭组灰岩与上泥盆统星红铺组变泥质岩过渡层位的铁白云石一钠长石一硅质热水沉积岩系中,金矿体位于上泥盆统星红铺组底部,由含石英细脉多期变形的蚀变钠长石、铁白云石粉砂岩等热水沉积岩系构成。硅同位素组成反映金矿床中存在两类不同来源的硅,一类是钠长石岩和顺层石英细脉的硅同位素组成(δ^30Si=-0.40%。-0.32%。),与铅锌含矿层中硅质岩的硅同位素组成相似,硅质与热水沉积作用相关,另一类是金矿体中的穿层石英脉,其硅同位素反映硅来自晚期岩浆流体;铅锌矿床硫化物中硫同位素(δ^34S:6.03‰-16.88‰)反映硫主要来自海底热水沉积,形成于盆地早期开放体系;金矿石中硫化物硫同位素组成(δ^34S=4.10‰-15.40‰)反映硫主要为地层硫,形成于盆地晚期半封闭一封闭体系;铅同位素组成反映盆地内由西坝岩体→泥盆系地层→铅锌矿石→金矿石铅同位素演化有幔源成分减少,壳源成分增加的趋势;氢、氧同位素数据揭示出铅锌矿成矿流体中的水来自于大气降水,金矿则具多源性,包括岩浆水、大气降水和变质水。研究认为泥盆纪海底热水沉积作用形成了铅锌矿层的主体,也使金(银、铜)在热水沉积岩系中明显富集,而中生代造山过程中的构造一流体作用使金矿体定位。金与铅锌的共生/共存关系,受控于这种成矿地质过程及流体化学、物理化学演化。金与铅锌的这种时空关系可作为已知矿床深部勘查和外围找矿的依据。  相似文献   
鄂东铁矿地处长江中下游铁铜多金属成矿带西部,三叠系下统大冶群及中上统蒲圻群是鄂东铁铜矿主要成矿地层,岩浆夕卡岩型铁铜矿成矿与其关系密切.侵入接触带构造,捕虏体接触带构造,断裂叠加接触带构造,断裂构造是矿床的容矿构造.以中酸性岩为主的燕山期岩浆岩提供了主要的成矿物质来源.文章在系统研究以往地质物探资料的基础上,阐述了鄂东地区铁矿成矿地质特征,总结了该区铁矿的成矿规律,并进行了成矿预测,提出了下一步鄂东地区铁矿找矿方向.  相似文献   
母山含矿斑岩体内及附近发育NNE向、老EW向、新EW向构造及属于局部构造的NNW向构造和弧形构造.其中,NNE向构造为成矿构造.随着时间演进,成矿构造应力场活动强度逐渐减弱,频率逐渐增强.并且,主应力轴σ1的产状也随时间由向SE陡倾变为水平,最后倾向NW.在成矿构造活动强度较大时,控制了与成矿有关的岩体侵入;在成矿构造活动频率较大时,控制了热液活动及有关的成矿作用.  相似文献   
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